Child of the Elements
In the ancient western continent Iris, a forgotten village, there lives an ordinary teenager named Aiden. His life was ordinary and monotonous until one day, a mysterious old man gave him an ancient coin, claiming that it would be the turning point of his fate. Soon after, Aiden accidentally triggered the power in the coin and gained the ability to control the element. With the awakening of power, Aiden found himself involved in an ancient war. He had to face the evil dark forces and protect his loved ones and the whole world.
In this world full of magic, dragons and mysterious creatures, Aiden will meet a group of like-minded partners, each with unique abilities and backgrounds. Together, they embarked on a journey full of challenges and adventures. Aiden not only had to face external enemies, but also had to overcome his inner fears and doubts. As the story progresses, Aiden will reveal the secret of his background, discover the true power of coins, and eventually become a legendary hero.