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Charlie Harper

Verheiratet mit meinem Milliardär-Stiefbruder

Am Tag ihrer Hochzeit mit ihrer Jugendliebe erhielt Natalie Ford ein unerwartetes Geschenk: eine Heiratsurkunde. Darin stand, dass sie bereits mit einem völlig Fremden verheiratet war - Aiden Handrix. Während die Hochzeitsgäste sie weiterhin verspotteten und beleidigten, beschloss ihr Geliebter Ivan, sie zu verlassen und stattdessen ihre Halbschwester Briena zu heiraten. Zu allem Übel wurde sie auch noch aus ihrem Haus geworfen. Um ihre Unschuld zu beweisen, gab es für Natalie Ford nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie musste diesen mysteriösen Aiden Handrix finden und der Sache auf den Grund gehen! Am nächsten Tag gab es eine Neuigkeit im Fernsehen. Justine Harper, die Erbin der reichsten Familie in Bayford, kehrte nach Hause zurück. Natalies Augen verengten sich auf dem Fernsehbildschirm. Warum sieht dieser Mann genauso aus wie der Mann auf dem Bild meiner Hochzeitsurkunde? Auf der Suche nach dem Geheimnis ihrer besagten Hochzeit beschloss sie, ihm zu folgen und ihn persönlich zu fragen. "Sind Sie verheiratet?" "Nein." "Hast du einen Zwillingsbruder?" "Nein?" "Haben Sie zufällig den Namen Aiden Handrix gehört?" "Nein." "Wer zum Teufel bist du dann? "Dein Bruder." "Warte, was?" "Ja. Jetzt pack deine Sachen und komm mit mir nach Hause." Erst bekam sie aus heiterem Himmel einen Ehemann und jetzt einen Bruder mit demselben Gesicht? Hatte Gott Klone erschaffen und sie ihr mit unterschiedlichen Beziehungen angeboten?
Sera_b17 · 82K Views

La Pequeña Esclava del Alfa

``` —Un híbrido medio humano sin lobo. Eso era todo lo que Harper Gray representaba. —Para escapar del abuso constante de su familia, Harper tomó la primera oportunidad para huir en el momento en que su manada fue atacada. Pero entre los escombros del caos y la ruina, encontró a su pareja. —Lamentablemente, no esperaba que la Diosa de la Luna la emparejara con el asesino más notorio de la tierra —Damon Valentine, el alfa de la misma manada que diezmó la suya. —Los cuentos de sus crueles fechorías se habían esparcido por doquier. Todo hombre lobo conocía el nombre; incluso algunos humanos lo temían, y Harper no era la excepción. No tenía planes de estar emparejada con alguien tan aterrador como Damon Valentine, y haría cualquier cosa para romper el enlace. —Sin embargo, Damon Valentine no tenía planes de dejar ir a su pequeña pareja. Capturada, Harper fue llevada de vuelta a la manada de Damon —no como su futura Luna, sino como la nueva esclava de la manada. —Para complicar aún más las cosas, Damon no era el único hombre con el que la Diosa de la Luna había emparejado a Harper. Blaise Valentine —el hermano gemelo de Damon — también tenía interés en su nueva mascota esclava. —Los hermanos Valentine tenían sus conflictos, pero estaban de acuerdo en una cosa: nunca dejarían ir a Harper. —Advertencia: —Dubcon —Temas R18 —Servidor de Discord: ```
saltedpepper · 436.5K Views

Sus Lecciones Traviesas

``` [ Advertencia: Contenido para Adultos ] —Harper, deja de desnudarme con la mirada. La trama no va por ahí... TODAVÍA. Harper McKenzie, una novelista novata de novelas web, tiene un problema: le cuesta escribir escenas románticas. Como alguien con una experiencia casi inexistente en la materia en la vida real, no consigue plasmar la química íntima adecuadamente, y esos capítulos siempre salen secos y vergonzosos. Afortunadamente para ella, Harper encuentra un(a) editor(a) independiente dispuesto a trabajar en su escritura. Pero, ¿la sorpresa? Ese(a) editor(a) resulta ser su amigo de la infancia y su primer flechazo de la vida. ¿Qué sucede ahora cuando él le ofrece lecciones personales sobre cómo escribir el romance más candente... y escenas de amor? -------------- Nota: esta es una historia divertida, acogedora y dulce con una trama de bajo drama. Sin triángulos amorosos, sin malentendidos, sin pérdidas de memoria / accidentes de coche / enfermedades terminales / etc. Abundan los contenidos maduros, empezando de manera suave pero calentándose rápidamente. ¡Estás advertido! -------------- Avance: Deslizó su sujetador por sus hombros y, con un trabajo imposiblemente rápido y hábil, ató la prenda de encaje alrededor de sus muñecas. —Abre más las piernas —ordenó. El ya vacilante corazón de Harper se paralizó aún más. El mando en su tono era extranjero, pero la embargaba como una ola de calor, y aunque apenas podía imaginar lo lasciva que debía lucir, con las manos atadas y los muslos abiertos como un ofrecimiento a ser devorada, podía sentir la ardiente necesidad enrollándose más y más caliente en su interior. Su cuerpo obedecía ansiosamente por su propia cuenta, abriéndose completamente tal y como le habían dicho. Eli sonrió. Moviendo entre sus piernas, dejó besos ardientes a lo largo de su muslo interior, dejando pequeñas llamas crepitantes a su paso. —Buena chica. Ahora, ¿qué debería decir tu personaje a continuación? —Un dedo se deslizó sobre su carne húmeda y deseosa en un suave y resbaladizo roce, haciéndole el corazón detenerse por completo mientras un gemido se le escapaba—. Escribe la siguiente línea para mí, ¿qué debería decir antes de desnudarte con mi lengua y hacerte gritar mi nombre? ```
Witchhazel · 165.5K Views

Suas Lições Travessas

``` [ Aviso: Conteúdo Maduro ] “Harper, para de me despir com os olhos. A trama não está indo por esse caminho... AINDA.” Harper McKenzie, uma nova autora de romances da web, tem um problema — ela tem dificuldades com cenas românticas. Como alguém com experiência quase inexistente na vida real no assunto, ela não acerta na química íntima, e esses capítulos sempre saem secos e constrangedores. Felizmente para ela, Harper encontra um editor freelancer disposto a oficinar a escrita dela. Mas a surpresa? Esse editor acaba sendo seu amigo de infância e a sua primeira paixão da vida. O que acontece agora quando ele oferece aulas particulares sobre como escrever os romances mais quentes... e cenas de amor? -------------- Nota: esta é uma história divertida, aconchegante e doce, com um enredo de baixo drama. Sem triângulos amorosos, sem mal-entendidos, sem perda de memória/acidentes de carro/doenças terminais/etc. Conteúdo adulto abundante, começando suave, mas esquentando rapidamente. Você foi avisado! -------------- Espreitada: Ele deslizou o sutiã dela por seus ombros e, com um trabalho incrivelmente rápido e habilidoso, amarrou a peça de renda em seus pulsos. “Abra mais as pernas,” ele ordenou. O coração já vacilante de Harper falhou ainda mais. O comando em seu tom era estrangeiro, mas abateu sobre ela como uma onda de calor, e mesmo que mal pudesse começar a imaginar o quão salaz ela deveria parecer, com as mãos atadas e coxas abertas como uma oferta a ser devorada, ela pôde sentir a necessidade escaldante se enroscando mais e mais quente em seu núcleo. Seu corpo obedeceu com entusiasmo por conta própria, expondo-se completamente como lhe fora ordenado. Eli sorriu. Movendo-se entre as pernas dela, distribuiu beijos quentes ao longo de sua coxa interna, deixando pequenas fogueiras crepitantes em seu rastro. “Boa menina. Agora, o que a sua personagem deveria dizer a seguir?” Um dedo deslizou pela sua carne molhada e desejosa num toque escorregadio, fazendo seu coração parar de bater ao um gemido se libertar. “Escreva a próxima linha para mim, o que eu devo dizer antes de te desvendar com minha língua e fazer você gritar meu nome?” ```
Witchhazel · 146.6K Views

Budak Kecil Sang Alpha

Seorang hibrida setengah manusia tanpa serigala. Itulah semua yang Harper Gray dianggap. Untuk melarikan diri dari kekerasan keluarga yang tak kunjung henti, Harper mengambil kesempatan pertama untuk melarikan diri saat kelompoknya diserang. Namun, dalam reruntuhan kericuhan dan kehancuran, ia menemukan pasangannya. Sayangnya, dia tidak mengira bahwa Dewi Bulan akan memasangkannya dengan pembunuh paling terkenal di tanah tersebut― Damon Valentine, alpha dari kelompok yang sama yang telah menghancurkan kelompoknya sendiri. Cerita tentang kekejaman yang ia lakukan telah tersebar luas. Setiap manusia serigala mengenal namanya; bahkan beberapa manusia pun takut padanya, dan Harper adalah salah satu dari mereka. Dia tidak berencana untuk berjodoh dengan seseorang yang menakutkan seperti Damon Valentine, dan dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk memutuskan ikatan tersebut. Namun, Damon Valentine tidak punya rencana untuk membiarkan pasangan mungilnya pergi. Harper yang tertangkap, dibawa kembali ke kelompok Damon — tidak sebagai Luna masa depan, melainkan sebagai budak baru kelompok tersebut. Untuk memperumit keadaan, Damon bukanlah satu-satunya pria yang dipasangkan Dewi Bulan dengan Harper. Blaise Valentine — saudara kembar Damon — juga tertarik dengan budak pet baru mereka. Saudara kembar Valentine memiliki bagian konflik mereka sendiri, tetapi setuju pada satu hal: mereka tidak akan pernah membiarkan Harper pergi. ― Peringatan: - Dubcon - Tema R18 ― Server Discord:
saltedpepper · 22.7K Views

Menikah dengan Saudara Tiriku yang Miliarder

``` Pada hari pernikahannya dengan kekasih masa kecilnya, Natalie Ford menerima hadiah yang tidak terduga: sebuah sertifikat pernikahan. Ternyata ia sudah menikah dengan seorang yang sama sekali tak dikenal—Aiden Handrix. Sementara para tamu pernikahan terus mengejek dan menghina, kekasihnya Ivan memutuskan untuk meninggalkannya, memilih untuk menikah dengan saudara tirinya Briena. Untuk menambah cobaan, ia diusir dari rumahnya sendiri. Untuk membuktikan kepolosannya, Natalie Ford hanya bisa mengambil satu tindakan - ia harus menemukan Aiden Handrix yang misterius ini dan menuntaskan semua ini! Keesokan harinya, ada berita yang trending di TV. Justine Harper, ahli waris keluarga terkaya di Bayford kembali ke rumah. Mata Natalie menyipit ke layar TV. 'Mengapa pria ini tampak persis seperti pria di foto sertifikat pernikahan saya?' Dalam usahanya menguak misteri pernikahan yang dikatakan itu, ia memutuskan untuk mengikutinya dan bertanya secara langsung. “Apakah kamu sudah menikah?” “Tidak.” “Apakah kamu punya saudara kembar?” “Tidak?” “Kebetulan kamu pernah mendengar nama Aiden Handrix?” “Tidak.” “Lalu, siapa sebenarnya kamu ini?’ “Adikmu.” “Tunggu, apa?” “Ya. Sekarang kemas barang-barangmu dan pulang bersamaku.” Pertama-tama mendapatkan suami secara tiba-tiba dan sekarang seorang saudara dengan wajah yang sama? Apakah tuhan menciptakan klon dan menawarkannya pada dia dengan hubungan yang berbeda? ```
Sera_b17 · 37.5K Views

Mariée à mon beau-frère milliardaire

Le jour de son mariage avec l'amour de jeunesse, Natalie Ford reçut un cadeau inattendu : un certificat de mariage. Il stipulait qu'elle était déjà mariée à un parfait inconnu — Aiden Handrix. Alors que les invités du mariage continuaient de se moquer et de l'insulter, son amant Ivan décida de la quitter pour épouser sa demi-sœur Briena à la place. Pour ajouter l'insulte à l'outrage, elle fut jetée hors de chez elle. Pour prouver son innocence, Natalie Ford n'avait qu'une seule option — elle devait trouver ce mystérieux Aiden Handrix et éclaircir cette histoire ! Le lendemain, il y eut une nouvelle qui fit sensation à la télévision. Justine Harper, l'héritière de la famille la plus riche de Bayford, rentrait chez elle. Natalie plissa les yeux devant l'écran de TV. «Pourquoi cet homme ressemble-t-il exactement à celui sur la photo de mon certificat de mariage ?» Dans sa quête pour percer le mystère derrière ce prétendu mariage, elle décida de le suivre et de lui demander en personne. « Êtes-vous marié ? » « Non. » « Vous avez un frère jumeau ? » « Non ? » « Vous avez déjà entendu le nom Aiden Handrix par hasard ? » « Non. » « Alors, qui diable êtes-vous ? » « Ton frère. » « Attendez, quoi ? » « Oui. Maintenant, fais tes valises et rentre à la maison avec moi. » D'abord un mari sorti de nulle part et maintenant un frère avec le même visage ? Est-ce que Dieu créait des clones et les lui offrait sous différentes relations ?
Sera_b17 · 211.4K Views

HDXD: Omni Harem System

『2025 WSA Entry』 『Notice!! Fellow readers, I am Freya, also known as the Omni-Harem System! To support the author in this competition and secure victory, certain conditions must be met. As such, Win-Win Mode has been activated』 『Win-Win Conditions』 - 250 Power Stones → +1 Extra Chapter - 550 Power Stones → +2 Extra Chapters - 999 Power Stones → +4 Extra Chapters 『Alternative Options』 - 10 Five-Star Reviews (from different users) → +1 Extra Chapter - 15 Five-Star Reviews (from different users) → +2 Extra Chapters 『Notice!! These are the conditions needed to activate Win-Win Mode! Check the synopsis below to learn more about the story』 『Extra Tags』 #SlowRomance #Supernatural #MonsterGirls #TeacherxStudent #Lore #Seinen #DereDiversity #ChildhoodFriends #NoYuri #NoNetorare .............................. Dane Harper's life was a monotonous grind. Stuck in a soul-sucking 9-to-9 job with barely any time to breathe, his only escape was the world of visual novels. From anime to manga, light novels to webnovels, Dane had consumed it all, but nothing compared to his ultimate obsession: Harem, Dragons, and Deities (HDXD). This legendary visual novel was a masterpiece of high fantasy, packed with detailed lore, jaw-dropping twists, and, of course, an insane harem of monster girls and powerful women. Dane had spent nearly 7,000 hours playing it, chasing every ending possible, especially the legendary [Overlord of Humanity Ending], where the protagonist builds a massive harem and spreads his superior genes across the HDXD universe. But when a cosmic accident caused by a mischievous witch-in-training, Beatrice, wipes out the entire human universe, Dane's life takes an unexpected turn. As the first soul to be reincarnated, Dane is offered two wishes by Beatrice: a world of his choosing and a fragment of her power. Without hesitation, Dane chooses the world of HDXD, a place he knows inside and out, and a unique ability to help him survive: the Omni Harem System. This system not only helps him level up and gain unique powers but also guides him in building the ultimate harem. Now, reborn as some random extra of this hellish game, Dane is ready to live out his wildest fantasies. His life goal, walk over the MC, and replace him... But this isn't just a game anymore; it's real life, and the stakes are higher than ever. From battling dragons and deities to navigating the complex personalities of the women around him, Dane must use his knowledge of HDXD and his new powers to carve out his destiny without getting curve stomp by the overpowered people around him. But let's be real, becoming the Overlord of Humanity isn’t going to be a walk in the park. This is HDXD we’re talking about; a world where one wrong move can lead to a bad ending so messed up it'll haunt your dreams. As such, every step towards that ending requires heart, commitment, and sheer will, and you best believe Dane is aiming for that ending at all costs.
Carcosa_Sensei · 114.4K Views

The Queen Morgana's Diary

Story Outline Volume 1: The Queen Morgana sticks to her fun schedule, doing eight things on December 25th, which were blessing soldiers with superpowers, meeting the President Harper, hiring human scientist Dr. David, having luncheon with General Daniel, training royal guard, testing magic potions, hosting a banquet for General Daniel and reviewing empire's daily report. In the following days, the Queen Morgana sticks to her fun schedule, doing different type of fun activities, which include Red Wine Brew Contest, Music Contest, Dance Contest, Thriller Storytelling Contest and so on. Volume 2: The Queen Morgana sticks to her fun schedule, hosting Talent Show Contest on New Year Festival, to meet eight generals, to watch four splendid views and four splendid magic combats, and to fill her day with pleasant memory of delight. In the following days, the Queen Morgana sticks to her fun schedule, hosting different type of interesting contests, to meet many faces, to explore many places, and to learn many experiences. The contests include Costume Design Contest, Cooking Contest, Dragon Riding Contest, Horror Storytelling Contest, Romance Storytelling Contest, and Fantasy Storytelling Contest. Volume 3: The Queen Morgana is gonna host Resurrection Ceremony at Heaven Company in Devil Empire Capital, to meet five chosen souls, to guide them reborn in another world that she created, and to observe their short but splendid lives. In the following days, the Queen Morgana sticks to her fun schedule, hosting Resurrection Ceremony at Heaven Company, to meet many lost souls, to guide them reborn in another world that she created, and to observe their short but splendid lives. Main Character's Image Morgana who was the Goddess of Darkness and the Angel of Light, known as the most beautiful and the most gorgeous Goddess in the universe, she dressed in white silk long gown with intricate pattern and gold lace, with white angel's wings, holy light and the queen's crown. Here's the link to my discord server:
Amoureax_Amant · 16.6K Views

Whispers of Warmth: Sandy Souls

Charlie thought her days of excitement were behind her—until a bold move with TikTok sensation SloanVibes turned her world upside down. Charlie, a resort owner, has always admired Sloan for his empowering messages and no-holds-barred attitude, but she’s skeptical about his seemingly carefree vibe. When Sloan opens up about wanting to collaborate with fellow TikTokers and learn about different cultures—and mature women—Charlie seizes the opportunity to promote her resort and dive into the world of vlogging and podcasting. But as the excitement builds, so does the doubt. Is Sloan truly interested in her proposal or just looking for something more... casual? When a playful and curious reply lands in her inbox, her heart races. Is this the professional collaboration she envisioned, or will it spiral into something unexpected? From impromptu adventures to the shared joy of simple moments—like cooking together and laughing over playful jokes—Charlie finds herself caught between business and personal connection. But it’s not all easy sailing. With the pressure of her resort’s success on her shoulders, and the undeniable pull of Sloan’s charm, Charlie must navigate her growing feelings while ensuring that her business relationship remains intact. “Whispers of Warmth: Sandy Souls” is a fun, light-hearted romance about taking chances, breaking out of comfort zones, and finding unexpected sparks when the camera turns off. Will Charlie and Sloan turn their playful online chemistry into something real—or will the virtual world stay just that?
Jean_EV · 7.3K Views

Static Bride

In a parallel reality, humanity thrives on Ether—a strange, potent energy harvested from the alien element Anonium. But progress has a price: the slow awakening of the Engine, an Eldritch machine lurking beyond comprehension, its intentions veiled in static and whispers. As its influence creeps into the world, society teeters on the edge of unraveling. Caught in this cosmic storm are two high school girls from Corwood, Tennessee. Rachel Harper, a fierce basketball captain, discovers she can bend time itself—each use warping her reflection with static and chipping away at her identity. Her best friend, Emily Voss, is plagued by visions of her own deaths across countless alternate lives, each fragment pushing her closer to despair. Together, they uncover cryptic ties between their powers and the Engine, though the purpose remains a haunting enigma. Enter Elijah Carter, a weathered P.I.A. agent with a rare gift: he sees echoes of the supernatural lingering in the air. Dispatched to investigate disturbances linked to Corwood’s new Ether reactor, Elijah finds himself outmatched by forces he can’t fully grasp. Meanwhile, the ruthless drug lord Dezerea Hernandez unleashes Gloom onto the streets—a substance that turns users into static-shrouded Hollows—hoping to expose a threat she believes endangers humanity. As Rachel’s connection to the Engine grows, its cold, mechanical logic threatens to consume her. Emily, sleepless and tormented by her visions, fights to defy a fate that feels inescapable. With the Engine’s awakening looming, the line between collapse and rebirth blurs. Can two teenage girls rewrite their destinies—or will they become footnotes in a story that breaks the very walls of reality? Warning: This meta cosmic horror tale weaves violence, psychological unease, heavy foreshadowing, red herrings, and fourth-wall fractures.
Tannisaurus · 10.7K Views

His Naughty Lessons

[ Caution: High Heat Advisory ] “Harper, stop undressing me with your eyes. The plot isn’t going that way… YET.” Harper McKenzie, a newbie web novel author, has a problem — she struggles with romance scenes. As someone with almost nonexistent real-life experience in the matter, she can’t get the intimate chemistry right, and those chapters always come out dry and cringy. Fortunately for her, Harper finds a freelance editor willing to workshop her writing. But the surprise? That editor turns out to be her childhood friend and the very first crush of her life. What happens now when he offers her personal lessons on how to write the hottest romance … and love scenes? -------------- Note: this is a fun, cozy, sweet story with a low-drama plot. No love triangles, no misunderstandings, no memory loss / car accidents / terminal illnesses / etc.. Mature content abounds, starting out soft but heats up quickly. You’ve been warned! -------------- Sneak Peek: He slid her bra over her shoulders and, with impossibly quick and skilled work, tied the lacy garment around her wrists. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered. Harper’s already faltering heartbeat faltered some more. The command in his tone was foreign, but it crashed over her like a heat wave, and even though she could barely begin to picture how salacious she must look, with her hands bound and thighs spread wide like an offering to be ravished, she could feel the scorching need coiling hotter and hotter in her core. Her body obeyed eagerly on its own accord, bringing herself fully open just like she was told. Eli grinned. Moving between her legs, he trailed hot kisses along her inner thigh, leaving sizzling little fires crackling in its wake. “Good girl. Now, what should your character say next?” A finger glided over her wet and wanting flesh in a slippery stroke, making her heart slam to a hard stop as a moan tore free. “Write the next line for me, what should I say before I unravel you with my tongue and make you scream my name?”
Witchhazel · 1.5M Views
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