Eternal Crimson Lotus
After the descent of the Eternal Night upon the world of Aeteria announcing the invasion of an otherworldly army, the world was propelled into a desperate power struggle. The main populace of humans were steadily pushed to the brink of extinction as monsters, seemingly crawling from the depths of hell, slaughtered without mercy.
However, as despair and the reality of their grim situation sunk into the last vestiges of humanity, the Universe enacted the Great Balancing, giving what remained of humanity the chance to raise their power and fight back. Powers previously untapped within the human body, came to the forefront as more and more began to fight back. Skills and Powers became the new status quo as many more powerful Users began to distinguish themselves amongst their peers.
Aeteria, no longer on the brink of imminent collapse, began to nurture the next generation of Users. And thirty six years after the Great Balancing, Cassius Cain began his journey of misfortune after his Skill awakening. Distraught at awakening at the lowest Rung of Ability, F- Rank, he sought to end his life. However, a joke of cosmic proportions bestowed Cassius a chance to grow stronger. A blazing lotus. May it bloom.