The Mark of Destiny
This novel tells the story of Greg, a boy born in a remote village, far from the great kingdoms and their intrigues. Since birth, Greg has carried a strange mark on his skin, a mysterious symbol that seems to be linked to an ancient and tragic story.
In the prologue, it is revealed that this same mark was the cause of a great war that devastated the world in the past. Unbeknownst to him, Greg carries the power of a god, a gift as extraordinary as it is dangerous. However, his ignorance of this power will lead him to commit disasters, unable to control the uncontrollable force that lies within him.
Thus, Greg begins a journey full of challenges and discoveries. His goal will not only be to learn to master this gift, but also to unravel the mystery behind the mark: is it a blessing that was bestowed upon him or a curse that condemns him?