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The Mind-Read Heiress: Dari Penipu Menjadi Favorit Keluarga

Wenyan membaca sebuah buku di mana karakter pelengkap yang membagi namanya adalah seorang pewaris palsu. Setelah pewaris sebenarnya menempati posisinya, sang penipu mencoba mengamankan posisinya di keluarga kaya dengan mendoping putra tertua dan membuat urusan selesai dengan nasi sudah menjadi bubur, hanya untuk diungkap oleh Keluarga Shen dan akhirnya melakukan bunuh diri dalam keputusasaan. Wenyan marah melihat akhir cerita seperti itu. Bagaimana mungkin seseorang tidak bisa bertahan hidup tanpa dukungan keluarga kaya? Bukankah keluarga telah menyediakan rumah mewah dan banyak barang mewah? Menjual semua itu saja bisa mendapatkan puluhan juta. Dia hanya kasus yang tidak berharap! Jika dia adalah Wenyan dalam buku itu, dia akan menyerahkan posisinya dan menjalani hidup santai seperti ikan asin! Namun, ketika dia bangun dari tidurnya, dia benar-benar terpindah ke dalam buku itu. Sesuai dengan ucapannya, dia berhenti merencanakan. Semalaman dia mengemas barangnya, menjual rumah, mobil, dan tas, dan mencari pekerjaan. - Seluruh Keluarga Shen menyadari perubahan pada Wenyan, putri angkat mereka. Tidak hanya dia pindah dengan patuh, tetapi dia juga tidak pernah membuat masalah lagi. Lebih anehnya lagi adalah bahwa sekarang mereka bisa melihat pikiran terdalamnya! 【Ayah, Ibu, saya tidak pernah ingin merebut sarang kalian, tetapi hasil tes DNA putri sebenarnya memiliki masalah. Bahkan, dia lebih palsu daripada saya, si pewaris palsu.】 Orang tua Keluarga Shen: ...... Kemudian 'putri' yang telah lama hilang dan baru ditemukan terungkap sebagai penipu dan dibawa oleh polisi untuk diinterogasi. 【Kakak, teman sekolahmu itu tidak baik, dia adalah mata-mata perusahaan, anak haram dari musuh besar Keluarga Shen.】 Putra tertua Keluarga Shen: ...... Setelah itu, teman sekolahnya tertangkap mencuri dokumen rahasia dan juga dibawa oleh polisi untuk diinterogasi. 【Adik kedua, kamu adalah orang yang murni dan mulia, kamu seharusnya tidak bersama dengan putri Keluarga Qin, dia hanya menggunakanmu, hatinya sebenarnya tertuju pada orang lain.】 Putra kedua Keluarga Shen: ...... Terima kasih, aku akan menyelidikinya. 【Dan adik ketiga, adik keempat......】 Pada akhirnya, tidak ada yang bisa memprediksi bahwa putri angkat paling tidak menonjol dari Keluarga Shen akan menjadi menantu perempuan yang dimanja.
Draw the sword with a smile · 32.2K Views

The Mind-Read Heiress: From Impostor to Family Favorite

Wenyan read a book in which a cannon-fodder character sharing her name was a false heiress. After the true heiress assumed her position, the impostor tried to secure her place in the wealthy family by drugging the eldest son and making a done deal out of a cooked rice, only to be unmasked by the Shen Family and end up committing suicide in despair. Wenyan was furious to see such an ending. How could one not survive without the backing of a wealthy family? Hadn't the family provided her with a luxury house and countless luxury goods? Just selling those off would fetch tens of millions. She was just a hopeless case! If she were the Wenyan in the book, she would have relinquished her position and just lived laid-back like a salted fish! But when she woke up from her sleep, she actually transmigrated into the book. True to her word, she stopped scheming. Overnight she packed her bags, sold her house, car, and bags, and looked for a job. - The entire Shen Family noticed the change in Wenyan, their adopted daughter. Not only had she moved out obediently, but she also never caused any trouble again. Even more bizarre was that they could now see her innermost thoughts! 【Dad, Mom, I never wanted to usurp your nest, but the DNA test results of the true daughter have issues. In fact, she's even more fake than I, the bogus heiress.】 Shen Family parents: ...... Then the long-lost 'daughter' who had been found was exposed as an impostor and taken away by the police for questioning. 【Big brother, that schoolmate of yours is no good, he's a corporate spy, the illegitimate child of the Shen Family's archenemies.】 Shen Family's eldest son: ...... Afterwards, the schoolmate got caught stealing confidential documents and was also taken away by the police for questioning. 【Second brother, you are such a pure and noble person, you mustn't be with the Qin Family's daughter, she's just using you, her heart is actually set on someone else.】 Shen Family's second son: ...... Thank you, I'll look into it. 【And third brother, fourth brother......】 In the end, nobody could have predicted that the Shen Family's most undistinguished adopted daughter would become the pampered daughter-in-law.
Draw the sword with a smile · 2.5M Views

don't read this lll

You find yourself before a shrouded figure standing behind a table. On the table are manypotions, choose as many as you want or none. The choice is yours. In addition pick additionalCYOAs or none to add on to this if you want some adventure.Each one infuses you with a variety of effects which cannot be taken from you unless youwillingly allow it.Note: exact effects in different ones such as perfect memory, intelligence, etc. do not stack.[fanwanking helps] Optional FeaturesEssence META is designed with the assumption that there is one player that is the ‘self insert.’There are of course other ways of playing but if you just want a few more options orsuggestions. Feel free to do your own thing if none of these appeal to you. Not like I can stopyou.OC Doughnut SteelYou are not the star of the show, it is in fact some other poor schmuck or perhaps someone whodances to your tune. You are free to design this new person however you like with whateverhistory, background, occupation and whatever else as long as they are not significantlysupernatural. You may use another CYOA before Essences are applied to facilitate thisprocess.ITS YA BOI NARUTOIt is not your self insert or an OC but an existing fictional character that receives their essenceseither by those you selected or them being presented the options as if they were playing theCYOA itself.Mexican StandoffEither as a Self Insert or OC Doughnut Steel option but you are not the only entity withEssences. There are in fact multiple Essence holders with a variable level of strength. Thestrongest Essences are barred from use from anyone as the cosmic energies would probablyreduce existence back to null, that wouldn’t be fun for anyone.Oh God Its Another OneYou have friends! You and at least one more person have access to the Essence
_LOOSER_ · 1.2K Views

Dangerous: Don't cross the line!

* At night He was rugged and untamed. That one steamy night left Grace utterly captivated. She coyly stretched out her dainty, snow-white feet, hooking them around his waist as she softly laid down her terms: For the first time, no staying overnight. The second time, the moment he got himself a significant other, she'd vanish from his side. Later on, their liaison would remain strictly on a physical level. No strings of money attached, no emotional fetters, just the most primal and unadulterated desires that flared up when night fell, entwining them like a web spun by countless spiders. And once the moment had passed, she'd straighten her skirt and turn her back on him, cold as ice. *During daytime He was the heir to a vast business empire, now impeccably dressed in a sharp suit, exuding an air of aristocratic reserve. He extended his hand to her with a polite smile, “Hello, Grace.” Grace gritted her teeth in secret dismay. She hastened to call off whatever was brewing between them, only to find herself cornered against the dressing room by the man, with no way out. In that cramped space, he was a relentless predator, and she, his irresistible quarry. His firmness pressed against her soft curves, setting every inch ablaze. Outside the door, her female colleagues were swooning over his chiseled abs. Just a thin partition away, he locked his arm around her willowy waist, seized her delicate hand, and guided it to rest on his taut abdomen, his voice dripping with a sultry allure, “Thought you could slip away? It's far too late for that.”
Katubari · 16.9K Views
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