In 1945, the world believed that the catastrophic events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the result of nuclear bombs deployed by the United States. However, the truth was far more terrifying: a young entity of Ragnarok-class power had unleashed its wrath, resulting in unimaginable devastation. In the aftermath, the United Nations recognized the unpredictable and potentially cataclysmic nature of these supernatural beings. To ensure the safety of humanity and the entities themselves, they established seven academies across the globe, one on each continent. These institutions were designed to teach entities to control their powers and abilities.
The European academy, nestled deep within the Carpathian Mountains of Poland, is one of the most formidable. It houses some of the most powerful and dangerous entities in existence, each a potential force of nature. Yet, among these extraordinary beings, an anomaly stands out—a seemingly ordinary human, admitted to the academy under the codename "Misfit."