Apocalyptic Scaredy-Cat
In a futuristic megacity ruled by technology and shadowy corporations, Elliot Kessler, a reclusive tech consultant, spends his days hiding from the world, content with his solitude. But when a mysterious, addictive drug called **NoQAnOLs** spreads through the city, transforming its users into violent, zombie-like creatures, Elliot is forced out of his comfort zone. His once-quiet life is shattered when his neighbor, Nina, falls victim to the drug, and Elliot inadvertently becomes the target of the ruthless **Syndicate of Nox**, the cartel behind the epidemic.
Armed only with his wits, hacking skills, and a secret neural implant from his family’s dark past, Elliot must navigate a city spiraling into chaos. Reluctantly pulled into a fight for survival, he uncovers the truth behind the drug, his connection to it, and the cartel’s terrifying plans. With the fate of Neurova hanging in the balance, Elliot must face his fears and become the unlikely hero the city needs—whether he’s ready or not.
*Apocalyptic Scaredy-Cat* blends cyberpunk thrills, psychological horror, and a reluctant hero’s journey into a gripping dystopian adventure.