Finding "You"
Life had never been a smooth sail journey for anyone. Without the downs the ups of life had no meaning.
Violet, a divorcee, what would she work out in her life to find?
Sebastian, a high profile actor labelled as King of Mystery, also a divorcee, what would he seek to find in the aftermath?
Pei Li, with dissociative disorder, how would her other self, Penny help them both to live in their messed up life?
Wayne, an uprising artist giving his shot in acting and meddled with Pei Li and Penny's life by chance, what would he finds for himself in this life and what would he do to help both Pei Li and Penny achieve their lives' goals?
Between four individuals crossing paths with each other, which "You" would each of them find in each of their life?
(posting once a week. will post more if I have time)