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Huang Yu

Sie schockiert die ganze Welt nach ihrem Rücktritt

Bei einem Brand wurde die erste Liebe der Nation entstellt, und ihre Zukunft war ruiniert! Ihr Verlobter war von ihrem Gesicht angewidert und löste die Verlobung. Ihre Adoptivmutter betrachtete sie als Dreck unter ihren Schuhen und jagte sie aus der Familie. Sie schrieb daraufhin einen Brief, um die Verlobung zu lösen, und einen weiteren, um sich von ihrer Familie loszusagen, bevor sie ging! Nachdem Yu Huang gegangen war, sagten die Leute in der Unterhaltungsindustrie, dass sie sich nach ihrem Weggang die Haare rot gefärbt habe, einen Schleier trage und jeden Tag in Nachtclubs gehe! Aber einige dachten, dass sie in Haftanstalten gekommen sei. Gerade als alle dachten, Yu Huang hätte sich einem Leben der Verkommenheit hingegeben, wäre ins Gefängnis gekommen und könnte keine sensationellen Nachrichten mehr erzeugen, sorgte Yu Huang erneut für Schlagzeilen. Bildungsministerium der Wohlhabenden Stadt: Wir gratulieren Yu Huang von der Eternal High School dazu, mit 7xx Punkten die Bestpunktzahl erreicht zu haben! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufnahme in die Divine Academy! Das ist die Akademie, die jedes Jahr nur 10 Genies aufnimmt! Von da an begann Yu Huang ihren Gegenangriff. Sie wurde wiedergeboren und schockierte die ganze Welt! Sheng Xiao war das größte Genie, das die Divine Academy je hatte, und sein Aussehen war ebenfalls einzigartig. Aber er war eine unnahbare Person, die sich von keiner Frau umgarnen ließ. Daher war er als der unnahbare König der Hölle bekannt. Eines Tages sah jemand, wie er Yu Huang in eine Ecke drängte und ihre Hand ergriff. Er sagte: "Du kannst die Zukunft vorhersagen. Sag mir, bist du die einzige Person in meiner Zukunft?" Yu Huang blickte in seine Zukunft und schüttelte den Kopf. "Nein. In deiner Zukunft gibt es auch ein Paar süße, lebhafte Kinder."
Emperor Song · 6.8K Views

Geliebt von einem älteren Mann

Das Verlobungsgeschenk beträgt zwei Millionen Dollar, keinen einzigen Cent weniger. Jiang Yu ist bereits achtzehn Jahre alt und kann jetzt heiraten. Schicken Sie das Geld auf meine Karte, und die Sache ist erledigt!" Jiang Yu sah ihre Mutter an, die am Verhandlungstisch ununterbrochen redete. Sie beobachtete, wie ihre Mutter ihren Preis nannte, als sie Jiang Yu verkaufte. Jiang Yu konnte es nicht fassen. Vor achtzehn Jahren brachten sie das falsche Baby aus dem Krankenhaus nach Hause, und Jiang Yu, die echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie, landete bis vor einem Jahr in einem Waisenhaus. Jiang Ran, die falsche Tochter der Familie Jiang, wuchs mit einem silbernen Löffel im Mund auf. Da sie von klein auf über bessere Mittel verfügte, war sie in jeder Hinsicht besser als Jiang Yu und wurde der Stolz der Familie Jiang. Jiang Yu, die sich die meiste Zeit in der Außenwelt herumtrieb, war nichts weiter als ein Landei, das ihre Mutter in den Kreisen der Gesellschaft zum Gespött machte. Doch Jiang Yu hatte keine Ahnung, wie groß der Hass ihrer Mutter auf sie war. An dem Tag, an dem sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde, "verkaufte" ihre Mutter sie zu einem bestimmten Preis. Jiang Yu sagte: "Wenn du deine Tochter mit jemand anderem verheiraten willst, sollte es Jiang Ran sein. Ich bin deine echte Tochter. Du bist diejenige, die Jiang Ran fälschlicherweise nach Hause gebracht hat!" Ihre Mutter erwiderte: "Halt den Mund. Ich wünschte, ich hätte dich nicht zur Welt gebracht. Du hast nichts als Schande über mich gebracht!" Jiang Ran sagte: "Große Schwester, alles, was Mama tut, ist nur zu deinem Besten. Mach ihr keine Vorwürfe." Ihre Mutter sagte: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass sie nichts anderes als eine Schuldeneintreiberin ist, die zu mir gekommen ist, um ihre Schulden einzutreiben! Entweder du gibst mir zwei Millionen Dollar, oder du heiratest gehorsam!" Jiang Yu verließ verzweifelt das Haus. Durch eine verrückte Kombination von Faktoren heiratete sie versehentlich einen Mr. CEO. Von da an verwöhnte der dreißigjährige Mann seine achtzehnjährige Frau bis zum Äußersten. Das kleine Mädchen sagte: "Mister, jemand hat Ihre Frau schikaniert!" Der Mann: "Welcher inkompetente Narr ist so blind, dass er es wagt, dich zu schikanieren?"
Mountain Springs · 67.7K Views

Ella Asombra al Mundo Entero Después de Retirarse

Durante un incendio, el primer amor de la nación fue desfigurado y su futuro arruinado. Su prometido estaba disgustado por su rostro y rompió su compromiso. Su madre adoptiva la consideraba como la suciedad en sus zapatos y la echó de la familia. Entonces, escribió una carta para romper el compromiso y otra para repudiar a su familia antes de irse. Después de que Yu Huang se fue, la gente en la industria del entretenimiento decía que después de que se fue, se tiñó el cabello de rojo, usaba un velo y iba a clubes nocturnos todos los días. Pero algunos pensaban que fue a los centros de detención. Justo cuando todos pensaban que Yu Huang se había abandonado a una vida de degeneración, fue enviada a la cárcel y ya no podía crear noticias sensacionales, Yu Huang volvió a ser tendencia. Departamento de Educación de Ciudad Próspera: Felicitamos a Yu Huang de la Escuela Secundaria Eterna por convertirse en la mejor puntuación con 7xx puntos. ¡Felicidades por ser admitida en la Academia Divina! ¡Esa es la academia que solo acepta a 10 genios cada año! A partir de entonces, Yu Huang comenzó su contraataque. ¡Renació y sorprendió al mundo entero! Sheng Xiao era el mayor genio que la Academia Divina había tenido, y su apariencia también era única. Pero era una persona distante que no caía en los flirteos. Por eso, era conocido como el Rey de los Infiernos Aislado. Un día, alguien lo vio acorralar a Yu Huang en una esquina y tomar su mano. Él dijo: “Puedes predecir el futuro. Dime, ¿eres la única persona en mi futuro?” Yu Huang miró en su futuro y sacudió la cabeza. “No. Tienes un par de niños lindos y vivaces en tu futuro también.”
Emperor Song · 485 Views

Ela Choca o Mundo Inteiro Após a Aposentadoria

Durante um incêndio, o primeiro amor da nação ficou desfigurado, e seu futuro foi arruinado! Seu noivo ficou com nojo de seu rosto e rompeu o noivado. Sua mãe adotiva a considerava a sujeira em seus sapatos e a expulsou da família. Ela então escreveu uma carta para romper o noivado e outra para se desfazer de sua família antes de partir! Depois que Yu Huang saiu, as pessoas na indústria do entretenimento disseram que, depois que ela partiu, tingiu o cabelo de vermelho, usava um véu e ia para boates todos os dias! Mas alguns pensaram que ela foi para centros de detenção. Justo quando todos pensavam que Yu Huang havia se abandonado a uma vida de decadência, foi enviada para a prisão e não poderia mais criar nenhuma notícia sensacional, Yu Huang voltou a ser tendência. Departamento de Educação da Cidade Próspera: Parabenizamos Yu Huang do Colégio Eternal por se tornar a melhor pontuadora com 7xx pontos! Parabéns por ser admitida na Academia Divina! Essa é a academia que só aceita 10 gênios por ano! A partir de então, Yu Huang começou seu contra-ataque. Ela renasceu e chocou o mundo inteiro! Sheng Xiao foi o maior gênio que a Academia Divina já teve, e sua aparência também era única. Mas ele era uma pessoa distante que não se apaixonava pelo flerte de nenhuma mulher. Por isso, era conhecido como o Rei do Inferno Distante. Um dia, alguém o viu encurralar Yu Huang em um canto e segurar sua mão. Ele disse: "Você pode prever o futuro. Diga-me, sou a única pessoa no meu futuro?" Yu Huang olhou para o futuro dele e balançou a cabeça. "Não. Você tem um par de filhos adoráveis e animados no seu futuro também."
Emperor Song · 11 Views

Heartbeat's Journey

Mu Yang is undoubtedly the most dazzling figure on the university's racing track. Amid the roar of the engine, he is like a black bolt of lightning, maneuvering the racing car at breakneck speed on the track. Every precise and sharp turn elicits deafening screams from the spectators' stands. That driving force of pressing forward bravely on the track and freely sweating, along with his uninhibited and carefree posture, constitutes his unique charm, attracting the attention of countless people. His signature misty blue hair flutters freely in the wind, as if it were the embodiment of his passionate and free spirit. On the other hand, Jiang Lingxi is like a flower quietly blooming on campus. As a female novelist who works diligently in obscurity, she immerses herself in the romantic world she has painstakingly constructed all day long. With a pen and a stack of paper, she can weave touching and gripping stories. Her heart is as delicate as the gentlest breeze in spring, filled with wild and unrestrained fantasies. From the moment she saw Mu Yang on the racing track, Jiang Lingxi fell deeply in love and couldn't extricate herself. The male protagonist in her novels gradually took on the features of Mu Yang. His handsome face, strong and powerful physique, and that unique misty blue hair have all become the sources of her inspiration. In fact, the red thread of fate was quietly tied in their childhood. Mu Yang fell in love with Jiang Lingxi at first sight. At that time, the little Jiang Lingxi was like a beam of light, illuminating Mu Yang's world and becoming the most cherished white moonlight in his heart. As time passed, the moment they reunited, the love in Mu Yang's heart was instantly ignited. With a bit of cunning, he used his incredibly handsome face and perfect figure as "bait" and carefully laid out a plan. Just like a crafty big bad wolf, he lured the innocent "little sheep" Jiang Lingxi step by step into his world. In this love journey full of twists and turns, misunderstandings and quarrels are inevitable. But after every storm, a more splendid rainbow awaits. They have left sweet memories in every corner of the university campus: in the library, Mu Yang sits quietly by the side, watching Jiang Lingxi who is writing attentively; beside the racing track, Jiang Lingxi waves a flag and cheers loudly for Mu Yang. From the youthful love on campus, to the sacred vows exchanged in the wedding hall, and then to the happy moment of welcoming the crystallization of their love, their entire lives are filled with sweetness and happiness, writing a heartwarming and enviable story of a perfect ending.
Yanhong_Huang · 1K Views

Dicintai oleh Pria yang Lebih Tua

Hadiah pertunangannya adalah dua juta dolar, tak kurang sepeser pun. Jiang Yu sudah berusia delapan belas tahun dan bisa menikah sekarang. Kirim uangnya ke kartuku, dan urusan ini selesai!" Jiang Yu melihat ibunya yang terus-menerus berbicara di meja negosiasi. Dia menyaksikan ibunya menetapkan harga saat menjual Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu tidak percaya. Delapan belas tahun yang lalu, mereka membawa bayi yang salah pulang dari rumah sakit, dan Jiang Yu, putri asli dari keluarga kaya, berakhir di panti asuhan hingga setahun yang lalu. Jiang Ran, putri palsu dari keluarga Jiang, tumbuh dengan sendok perak di mulutnya. Dengan sumber daya yang lebih unggul sejak muda, dia lebih menonjol dari Jiang Yu dalam segala aspek dan menjadi kebanggaan keluarga Jiang. Jiang Yu, yang sebagian besar waktunya berkeliaran di dunia luar, tidak lebih dari seorang gadis desa yang membuat ibunya menjadi bahan tertawaan di lingkaran sosialita. Namun, Jiang Yu sama sekali tidak tahu betapa besarnya kebencian ibunya padanya. Pada hari dia berusia delapan belas, ibunya 'menjual' dia dengan harga yang ditetapkan. Jiang Yu berkata, "Jika Anda ingin menikahkan putri Anda dengan orang lain, seharusnya itu adalah Jiang Ran. Saya ini putri Anda yang sebenarnya. Anda yang secara keliru membawa Jiang Ran pulang!" Ibunya menjawab, "Diam. Aku berharap aku tidak pernah melahirkanmu. Kamu hanya membawa aib bagi saya!" Jiang Ran berkata, "Kakak, semua yang dilakukan Ibu adalah untuk kebaikanmu. Jangan salahkan Ibu." Ibunya berkata, "Aku yakin dia tidak lebih dari penagih utang yang datang untuk menagih hutangnya padaku! Entah kamu memberiku dua juta dolar, atau kamu menikah dengan patuh!" Jiang Yu meninggalkan rumah dalam keputusasaan. Dengan paduan kebetulan yang aneh, dia tanpa sengaja menikahi seorang CEO. Sejak saat itu, pria berusia tiga puluh tahun itu memanjakan istrinya yang berusia delapan belas tahun sampai ke langit-langit. Gadis kecil itu berkata, "Tuan, ada orang yang mengganggu istri Anda!" Sang pria, "Si bodoh tak kompeten mana yang begitu buta hingga berani mengganggu kamu?"
Mountain Springs · 135K Views

Amada por um Homem Mais Velho

O dote é dois milhões de dólares, nem um centavo a menos. Jiang Yu já tem dezoito anos e já pode se casar. Envie o dinheiro para o meu cartão, e este assunto está resolvido!" Jiang Yu olhou para sua mãe, que falava sem parar na mesa de negociações. Ela assistiu enquanto sua mãe ditava o preço enquanto vendia Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu não podia acreditar. Dezoito anos atrás, eles levaram o bebê errado para casa do hospital, e Jiang Yu, a verdadeira filha de uma família rica, acabou em um orfanato até um ano atrás. Jiang Ran, a filha falsa da família Jiang, cresceu com privilégios desde que era pequena. Com recursos superiores desde jovem, ela foi mais destacada do que Jiang Yu em todos os aspectos e se tornou o orgulho da família Jiang. Jiang Yu, que passou a maior parte do seu tempo vagando pelo mundo exterior, não era nada além de uma caipira que fazia sua mãe virar motivo de piada no círculo social. No entanto, Jiang Yu não tinha ideia do quanto sua mãe a odiava. No dia em que completou dezoito anos, sua mãe a 'vendeu' por um preço nomeado. Jiang Yu disse, "Se você quer casar sua filha com outra pessoa, deveria ser Jiang Ran. Eu sou sua verdadeira filha. Você é que trouxe Jiang Ran para casa por engano!" Sua mãe respondeu, "Cala a boca. Eu gostaria de não ter te dado à luz. Você só trouxe vergonha para mim!" Jiang Ran disse, "Irmã mais velha, tudo o que a Mamãe faz é para o seu próprio bem. Não culpe a Mamãe." Sua mãe disse, "Estou convencida de que ela não passa de uma cobradora de dívidas que veio até mim para cobrar suas dívidas! Ou você me dá dois milhões de dólares, ou se casa obedientemente!" Jiang Yu foi embora de casa em desespero. Por uma combinação estranha de fatores, ela se encontrou acidentalmente casando com um Sr. CEO. A partir de então, o homem de trinta anos mimou sua esposa de dezoito anos até os céus. A garotinha disse, "Senhor, alguém intimidou sua esposa!" O homem, "Que incompetente cego é tão ousado que se atreve a intimidar você?"
Mountain Springs · 127.9K Views

Mundo Etéreo: El Camino de la Inmortalidad del Carne de Cañón Despiadado

Bei YueYue era una persona desinteresada y amable. Posteriormente, transmigra y se convierte en Huang Ying Yue, un personaje femenino secundario conocido por su maldad, inmisericordia, lujuria, inhumanidad y personalidad ninfómana en la novela inmortal que acababa de leer. En la novela, la Huang Ying Yue original había cometido incontables actos malvados que ofendieron a muchos de los personajes poderosos que aparecen en ella. No solo la heroína de la novela, sino todos los hombres de su harén fueron acosados y abusados física y mentalmente por ella de diferentes maneras. El camino hacia la inmortalidad está lleno de espinas, peligros y amenazas imprevisibles. Cultivadores malvados, monstruos y demonios están haciendo estragos por todas partes. Mientras persiguen el camino de la inmortalidad, todos los cultivadores deben unir fuerzas para eliminar a esos seres malévolos. Mientras intenta alcanzar su meta, YueYue debe enfrentarse a innumerables enemigos poderosos a quienes Huang Ying Yue ofendió en el pasado, así como a las deudas que Huang Ying Yue contrajo. Simultáneamente, tiene que enfrentarse a la belleza fría y heroína de la historia, Huang Bai Xing, que está rodeada de incontables hombres hermosos y fortunas desafiantes del cielo. Con el favor del cielo y el dedo de oro, Huang Bai Xing recibió dedos de oro. Con estos dedos de oro, Huang Bai Xing se fortaleció día tras día y esperó la mejor oportunidad para matar a Huang Ying Yue. Gente poderosa, los hombres de Huang Bai Xing, uno tras otro, sacan sus armas, con la intención de matar y enseñarle una lección terrible porque ella hirió a su amada. Afortunadamente, con el desafiante Pequeño Mundo Etéreo que recibió, ella podía plantar las plantas espirituales, cosechar las frutas espirituales, cultivar con el abundante poder espiritual y engañar al tiempo, bañándose con la cascada espiritual dentro del espacio, mientras mantenía su vida ‘pacífica’ persiguiendo el camino de la inmortalidad. Con su leal ejército de bestias, se lanzó al camino de la cultivación para conocer nuevas personas, amor, amistad, dificultades, emociones y un pasado misterioso, mientras cambiaba su destino y el de todos a su alrededor hacia un futuro mejor. Subconscientemente, ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que debido a su personalidad, atraía incontables flores de durazno que cambiaron su monótona vida eternamente. Advertencia: Final 1VN, una mujer termina con muchos hombres. Hay amores tabú (pero no sin cerebro) Por favor lea las etiquetas antes de sumergirse en mi mundo. Portada de: Pinterest, los créditos van al legítimo propietario. Mi cuenta de Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Mi nombre de usuario de DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Mi segundo libro: Mito del Milagro: Renacida para Desafiar mi Destino Ese libro es para participar en el WSA 2024 (En proceso) #EspacioPortal #HarénInverso #Tabú #RomanceOscuro #ProtagonistaFemeninaXianxia #Xianxia #Sinparejas #Cultivación #Aventura #Inmortalidad #Poligamia #Muchoshombreshermosos #Transmigrada #CarneDeCañón #Romance #Lucha #Bestias #Multicontinentes #PasadoMisterioso #FLamableygentilperonodébil #Perdonarperonoolvidar #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 121.9K Views

Mundo Etéreo: Estrada da Imortalidade do Figurante Vil

Bei YueYue era uma pessoa desinteressada e gentil. Depois, ela transmigrou e se tornou 'Huang Ying Yue', uma figurante malvada que é famosa por sua vileza, crueldade, luxúria, inumanidade e tinha uma personalidade ninfomaníaca no romance imortal que acabara de ler. No romance, a original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ fez incontáveis más ações para ofender muitos dos personagens poderosos presentes. Não apenas a heroína do romance, até todos os homens do harém da heroína foram assediados e abusados física e mentalmente por ‘ela’ de diferentes maneiras. O caminho para a imortalidade é cheio de espinhos, perigos e ameaças imprevisíveis. Os cultivadores do mal, monstros e demônios estão à solta em todo lugar. Enquanto perseguem o caminho da imortalidade, todos os cultivadores têm que se unir para eliminar esses seres do mal. Enquanto tenta alcançar seu objetivo, YueYue tem que enfrentar inimigos poderosos que 'Huang Ying Yue' ofendeu no passado, bem como as dívidas que 'Huang Ying Yue' cometeu. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem que enfrentar a heroína de beleza glacial, Huang Bai Xing, que está cercada por inúmeros homens belos e fortunas desafiadoras do céu. Com o dedo de ouro e o amor dos céus, Huang Bai Xing recebeu dedos de ouro. Com dedos de ouro, Huang Bai Xing se torna mais forte dia após dia e espera pela melhor oportunidade para matar ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Pessoas poderosas, os homens de Huang Bai Xing, um por um sacam suas armas, com a intenção de matar e ensinar-lhe uma lição horrível porque 'ela' machucou a mulher deles. Felizmente, com o mundo pequeno etéreo desafiador do céu que ela recebeu, ela pode plantar as plantas espirituais, colher os frutos espirituais, cultivar com o abundante poder espiritual e enganar o tempo, tomando banho com a cascata espiritual dentro do espaço, enquanto mantém sua vida 'pacífica' de perseguir o caminho da imortalidade. Com o seu leal exército de bestas, ela embarca no caminho do cultivo para conhecer novas pessoas, amor, amizade, dificuldades, excitação e passado misterioso enquanto muda seu destino e o de todos ao seu redor para um futuro melhor. Subconscientemente, ela nem mesmo percebe que, por causa da sua personalidade, atrai inúmeros pêssegos em flor que mudaram sua vida monótona para sempre. Aviso: Final 1VN, uma mulher acaba com muitos homens. Existem amores proibidos (mas não sem cérebro) Por favor, leia as etiquetas antes de mergulhar no meu mundo. Capa de: Pinterest, Créditos ao legítimo proprietário. Minha conta no Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Meu nome de usuário do DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu segundo livro: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate Esse livro está participando do WSA 2024 (Em progresso) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboo #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivo #Aventura #Imortalidade #Poligamia #Muitoshomensbonitos #Transmigrou #cannonfodder #Romance #Luta #Besta #Múltiploscontinentes #Passadomisterioso #FLgentilebondosamasnaofraca #Perdoarmasnaoesquecer #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 98.2K Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was known for her selflessness and kind nature. Eventually, she found herself in a new life as 'Huang Ying Yue', a notorious female antagonist infamous for her cruelty, ruthlessness, debauchery, and nymphomaniacal tendencies in the very immortal novel she had just read. In the storyline, the original 'Huang Ying Yue' committed numerous atrocious acts that alienated many formidable characters. Not only the protagonist of the novel but also all her suitors suffered harassment and maltreatment at the hands of 'her' in various disturbing ways. The path to immortality was fraught with peril, brimming with dangers and unpredictable threats. Evil cultivators and monstrous entities wreaked havoc, compelling all cultivators to unite against these malevolent forces. As Yueyue sought to fulfill her aspirations, she faced an array of powerful adversaries previously wronged by 'Huang Ying Yue', as well as confront the consequences of her predecessor's misdeeds. In addition, she had to contend with the icy beauty of Huang Bai Xing, the heroine surrounded by numerous charming men and extraordinary fortunes. Gifted with extraordinary abilities from the heavens, Huang Bai Xing, through her golden finger, continuously grew in strength, patiently waiting for her chance to take revenge on 'Huang Ying Yue'. Those in positions of power, along with Huang Bai Xing's allies, brandished their weapons, determined to deliver a severe punishment for the pain 'she' caused to their beloved. Fortunately, with the aid of a miraculous Ethereal small world bestowed upon her, Yueyue could cultivate spiritual plants, reap spiritual fruits, harness abundant spiritual energy, leaning countless spells, and enjoy the cleansing waters of the spiritual waterfall, all while maintaining a semblance of tranquility on her journey to immortality. Accompanied by her loyal beast army, she ventured down the cultivation path, encountering new friendships, love, challenges, thrills, and a mysterious past, all while transforming her fate and those around her into a brighter future. Unbeknownst to her, her innate charm and warm-heartedness attracted an unending stream of romantic interests, forever altering her once mundane existence. Just when she believed she could finally escape the life of a mere cannon fodder, she stumbled into even greater mess! Why are there so many protagonists in this narrative? What are they staring at her for with those strange and enigmatic looks? Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please kindly read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 2.5M Views

Ghost Exorciser: Is Loved By All

Yu Holea was a genius ghost exorcist. Cursed for being a loner she embraced the path of exorcism. At the age of 26, she died. Opening her eyes she realized that she has transmigrated to a character who has the same name as her. Yu Holea was the newly found young miss of the Yu Family. Though everyone disliked her since for them Yu Mei is the true young miss. Everyone looks down on her even her biological brothers. Her Eldest Brother, "Don't even try to get close to me. I hate gold diggers like you. Yu Mei come I will bring you to shopping." Her Gentle Second Brother," The door to get out of here is on the left. Remember not to bully Yu Mei" Her Third Brother, "Uh, don't let me see your disgusting face. Let me see my cute Yu Mei's Face" However, Yu Holea ignored them. She was used to all of this. She focused on her career and earning money instead of love. She was penniless? Huh, she has a long queue of bigshots begging to give her money. Her business empire expands from City S to Capital. She was untalented? She can even summon thunders!! At a high-end party, one of the relatives of the Yu Family saw Yu Holea surrounded by the bigshot of different fields and was shocked to the core. Just as everyone was confused her three brothers arrived and started pampering her. "Lea'er do you want to eat strawberry cake? Call me Big Brother I will feed you the cake." "Lea them, here drink this juice, by the way, why don't you call me Second Brother?" "Little Sister don't listen to them I will protect you from everyone, you just have to call me Third brother." A certain Handsome, Ceo of a top 10 company, "Lea Baby, when are you going to say yes to my proposal?" Yu Holea: Why is everyone looking at her with a doting glance? Follow Yu Holea in her adventure filled with thriller, suspense, and pampering.
LittleRabbit1111 · 2.1M Views

After Transmigrating, pampered by Cannon fodder

Era + Military Marriage in a Book + Slapping and Abusing the Scumbag + Raising a Baby with a Group Pet + Female Supporting Agent’s Counterattack + Medical Skills] Yu Li became the male protagonist’s fiancee in the era novel who committed suicide after being caught having an affair. She opened her eyes and realized that she had worked so hard to take care of the male protagonist’s family, and the male protagonist had already hooked up with her bestie In order to get rid of her, the male protagonist’s family designed Yu Li to sleep with her comrade-in-arms, caught her in bed, and ruined her reputation! Yu Li couldn’t bear it anymore, beat up the male protagonist’s mother, exposed the true face of the scumbag, and turned around to marry the innocent soldier brother-in-arms comrade-in-arms! I didn’t expect that the handsome and gentle soldier brother would change his appearance when the light was turned on. He would work like a cow and a horse to pamper his wife during the day, and get back the money with interest at night... * Xia Yuying was jealous of her bestie Yu Li’s good marriage, so she secretly hooked up with Yu Li’s fiance. I didn’t expect that Yu Li would break off the engagement and marry the comrade-in-arms Lu Guanshan who would die early. Xia Yuying, who knew the future plot well, waited for Lu Guanshan to die early and Yu Li to become a widow. But she waited and waited, only to see Lu Guanshan rise all the way, recognize his father and mother as the chief, and the whole family spoiled Yu Li, while Yu Li became rich in business, gave birth to twins, and became famous nationwide for being the top scorer in the college entrance examination! The husband she had deliberately robbed had a broken leg, was injured, and had nothing... Xia Yuying was jealous to the point of going crazy. She was obviously the heroine, why did Yu Li live so well? !
Mirage_29 · 3.1K Views
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