The Glass Shadows World
In a city ruled by spirits inhabiting a parallel mirrored dimension, Raiko, an ordinary young man, discovers that he possesses an extraordinary gift: he is the only one who can see the hidden world of ghosts through a special piece of glass. At first, Raiko dismisses the eerie glimpses of this parallel realm, believing them to be mere illusions, until he learns that he is bound to a dangerous fate.
Raiko's ability to see this world sets him on a collision course with ancient forces. The ghosts, who have been trapped in their mirrored dimension for centuries, reveal to Raiko that he holds the key to breaking the barrier between the two worlds. With this newfound knowledge, he is faced with an agonizing decision: should he shatter the boundary and allow the two realms to merge, risking chaos and destruction, or should he preserve the separation, keeping the ghosts imprisoned in their shadowy existence?
As Raiko's journey unfolds, he encounters allies and enemies from both worlds, each with their own motives and secrets. Some seek the merging of the worlds, believing it will grant them unimaginable power, while others wish to keep the realms apart to prevent the end of reality as they know it. Raiko’s choices will determine the fate of both the living and the dead, and the consequences of his actions will stretch far beyond his understanding.
In The Glass Shadows World, the line between the real and the unreal is blurred, and one man's struggle to control the fate of two worlds could either save or doom them forever.