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Ying Chong

Die wahre Erbin ist der wahre Macher

Die ehemalige Führungskraft Ying Zijin wachte eines Tages als die seit fünfzehn Jahren vermisste Tochter der Familie Ying auf. Die Familie Ying adoptierte prompt ein anderes Kind, um sie zu ersetzen. Nach ihrer Rückkehr in die wohlhabende Familie wurde sie von allen verspottet, weil sie nicht so klug, fähig, vernünftig und elegant war wie eine falsche Erbin. Ihre Eltern betrachteten sie als Schandfleck der Familie und warnten sie davor, sich Illusionen darüber zu machen, eine Dame der Familie zu sein. Sie sagten, sie solle dankbar sein, eine Pflegetochter zu sein, sonst würden sie sie wegschicken. Ying Zijin: "Dann werde ich gehen. Ihr braucht mich nicht zu verabschieden." Während die Familie Ying fröhlich feierte und andere darauf warteten, dass sich die echte Erbin lächerlich machte, wurden einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen aktiv. Das am höchsten bewertete Idol mit den einflussreichsten Fans sagte: "Miss Ying, lassen Sie mich einfach wissen, wenn Sie etwas brauchen." Der Erbe eines globalen Wirtschaftsmonopols sagte: "Familie Ying? Was ist denn das? Boss, sollen wir sie einfach auslöschen?" Die Nummer eins der Kampfsportler im Lande fragte: "Wer wagt es, meinen Meister zu schikanieren?" Der geniale Teenager mit einem IQ von 228 sagte: "Das ist meine Schwester." Ein Mann mit einem unglaublich verführerischen Aussehen lächelte faul und lässig und sagte: "Klar, dann nenn mich Schwager." Die einflussreichen Persönlichkeiten waren verwirrt. Als die wahre Identität der Erbin bekannt wurde, sorgte dies im Internet für Aufsehen. Die Familie Ying drehte durch, kniete nieder, weinte und flehte sie an, zurück zu kommen. Die internationale Powerhouse-Familie sagte: "Entschuldigung, lassen Sie mich sie vorstellen. Das ist unsere echte Erbin." Wiedergeboren als König, der ein starkes Comeback feiert und einen Gegenangriff startet!
Qing Qian · 36K Views

Setelah Meninggalkan CEO, Dia Mengejutkan Dunia

``` Mo Rao lahir di keluarga dokter militer. Orang tuanya telah mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk menyelamatkan nenek Fu Ying, sehingga yang terakhir memaksa Fu Ying untuk menerima Mo Rao sebagai istrinya. Mo Rao selalu tahu bahwa Fu Ying memiliki gadis pujaan bernama Qu Ru. Gadis ini gagal menikah dengan Fu Ying sebagaimana keinginannya karena nenek Fu Ying menghalanginya. Setelah menikah, Fu Ying sangat memperhatikan Mo Rao. Mereka bahkan sangat cocok terutama di atas ranjang. Fu Ying selalu menemukan dirinya tenggelam dalam kelembutan Mo Rao. Hingga suatu hari, Fu Ying berkata, “Qu Ru telah kembali. Mari kita bercerai. Aku akan mentransfer properti yang telah aku janjikan kepadamu atas namamu.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bisakah kita tidak bercerai? Bagaimana jika... aku hamil...?” Fu Ying menjawab tanpa hati, “Aborsi saja! Aku tidak ingin ada lagi hambatan antara aku dengan Qu Ru. Lagipula, Qu Ru memiliki leukemia, dan sumsum tulangmu secara kebetulan cocok dengan dia. Jika kamu bersedia mendonasikanmu, aku bisa menjanjikanmu apa saja.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bagaimana jika syaratku adalah kita tidak bercerai?” Mata Fu Ying berubah dingin. “Mo Rao, jangan terlalu serakah. Bahkan jika aku menjanjikanmu demi Qu Ru, kamu tahu sendiri aku tidak mencintaimu.” Kata-kata ‘aku tidak mencintaimu’ menusuk hati Mo Rao seperti sebilah pisau. Senyumnya tiba-tiba menjadi terpelintir dan dia bukan lagi wanita penurut seperti dulu. “Fu Ying, ini pertama kalinya kamu membuatku muak. Kamu menyebutku serakah, tapi bukankah kamu sama? Kamu ingin aku menceraikanmu agar kamu bisa bersama dengan Qu Ru? Baik, aku setuju dengan itu. Tapi kamu bahkan bermimpi kalau aku akan menyelamatkannya? Jangan lupa, tidak ada yang namanya mendapatkan semua yang terbaik dalam hidup, sama seperti antara kamu dan aku.” Kemudian Mo Rao pergi. Fu Ying benar-benar merasa sesak, dan perasaan ini membuatnya gila. Ketika Mo Rao muncul sekali lagi, dia telah menjadi bintang yang menyilaukan. Ketika dia muncul di hadapan Fu Ying, bergandengan tangan dengan kekasih barunya, Fu Ying tidak peduli lagi dan berkata, “Sayang, bukankah kamu bilang kamu hanya akan mencintaiku?” Mo Rao tersenyum samar. “Maaf, mantan suami. Aku salah dulu. Kamu hanya pengganti. Aku sebenarnya mencintai orang lain.” ```
Mountain Springs · 131.1K Views

Depois de Deixar o CEO, Ela Surpreendeu o Mundo

Mo Rao nasceu numa família de médicos militares. Seus pais arriscaram suas vidas para salvar a avó de Fu Ying, por isso esta última forçou Fu Ying a tomar Mo Rao como sua esposa. Mo Rao sempre soube que Fu Ying tinha uma garota dos sonhos chamada Qu Ru. Esta garota não conseguiu se casar com Fu Ying como desejava porque a avó de Fu Ying os impediu. Após o casamento, Fu Ying foi muito atencioso com Mo Rao. Eles até tinham uma alta compatibilidade, especialmente na cama. Fu Ying sempre se encontrava profundamente imerso na ternura de Mo Rao. Até que um dia, Fu Ying disse, “Qu Ru voltou. Vamos nos divorciar. Vou transferir para o seu nome a propriedade que prometi a você.” Mo Rao disse, “Não podemos não nos divorciar? E se... eu estiver grávida...?” Fu Ying respondeu desalmadamente, “Aborta! Eu não quero mais obstáculos entre mim e Qu Ru. Além disso, Qu Ru tem leucemia, e sua medula óssea é compatível com a dela. Se você estiver disposta a doar a sua, eu posso lhe prometer qualquer coisa.” Mo Rao disse, “E se a minha condição for que não nos divorciemos?” Os olhos de Fu Ying se tornaram frios. “Mo Rao, não seja muito gananciosa. Mesmo que eu lhe prometa por causa de Qu Ru, você sabe muito bem que eu não amo você.” As palavras ‘eu não amo você’ feriram o coração de Mo Rao como uma faca. Seu sorriso de repente se tornou distorcido e ela não era mais a mulher dócil que costumava ser. “Fu Ying, esta é a primeira vez que você me repugna tanto. Você me chama de gananciosa, mas você não é o mesmo? Você quer que nos divorciemos para poder ficar com Qu Ru? Tudo bem, eu concordo com isso. Mas até sonha que eu vou salvá-la? Não se esqueça, não há essa de melhor de dois mundos na vida, assim como você e eu.” Então Mo Rao saiu. Fu Ying na verdade se sentiu sufocado, e esse sentimento o enlouqueceu. Quando Mo Rao apareceu mais uma vez, ela se tornou uma estrela deslumbrante. Quando ela apareceu diante de Fu Ying, de mãos dadas com seu novo amor, Fu Ying não se importou e disse, “Amor, você não disse que só me amaria?” Mo Rao sorriu levemente. “Desculpa, ex-marido. Eu estava enganada naquela época. Você era apenas um substituto. Na verdade, eu amo outra pessoa.”
Mountain Springs · 137.4K Views

Mundo Etéreo: Estrada da Imortalidade do Figurante Vil

Bei YueYue era uma pessoa desinteressada e gentil. Depois, ela transmigrou e se tornou 'Huang Ying Yue', uma figurante malvada que é famosa por sua vileza, crueldade, luxúria, inumanidade e tinha uma personalidade ninfomaníaca no romance imortal que acabara de ler. No romance, a original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ fez incontáveis más ações para ofender muitos dos personagens poderosos presentes. Não apenas a heroína do romance, até todos os homens do harém da heroína foram assediados e abusados física e mentalmente por ‘ela’ de diferentes maneiras. O caminho para a imortalidade é cheio de espinhos, perigos e ameaças imprevisíveis. Os cultivadores do mal, monstros e demônios estão à solta em todo lugar. Enquanto perseguem o caminho da imortalidade, todos os cultivadores têm que se unir para eliminar esses seres do mal. Enquanto tenta alcançar seu objetivo, YueYue tem que enfrentar inimigos poderosos que 'Huang Ying Yue' ofendeu no passado, bem como as dívidas que 'Huang Ying Yue' cometeu. Ao mesmo tempo, ela tem que enfrentar a heroína de beleza glacial, Huang Bai Xing, que está cercada por inúmeros homens belos e fortunas desafiadoras do céu. Com o dedo de ouro e o amor dos céus, Huang Bai Xing recebeu dedos de ouro. Com dedos de ouro, Huang Bai Xing se torna mais forte dia após dia e espera pela melhor oportunidade para matar ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Pessoas poderosas, os homens de Huang Bai Xing, um por um sacam suas armas, com a intenção de matar e ensinar-lhe uma lição horrível porque 'ela' machucou a mulher deles. Felizmente, com o mundo pequeno etéreo desafiador do céu que ela recebeu, ela pode plantar as plantas espirituais, colher os frutos espirituais, cultivar com o abundante poder espiritual e enganar o tempo, tomando banho com a cascata espiritual dentro do espaço, enquanto mantém sua vida 'pacífica' de perseguir o caminho da imortalidade. Com o seu leal exército de bestas, ela embarca no caminho do cultivo para conhecer novas pessoas, amor, amizade, dificuldades, excitação e passado misterioso enquanto muda seu destino e o de todos ao seu redor para um futuro melhor. Subconscientemente, ela nem mesmo percebe que, por causa da sua personalidade, atrai inúmeros pêssegos em flor que mudaram sua vida monótona para sempre. Aviso: Final 1VN, uma mulher acaba com muitos homens. Existem amores proibidos (mas não sem cérebro) Por favor, leia as etiquetas antes de mergulhar no meu mundo. Capa de: Pinterest, Créditos ao legítimo proprietário. Minha conta no Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Meu nome de usuário do DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu segundo livro: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate Esse livro está participando do WSA 2024 (Em progresso) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboo #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivo #Aventura #Imortalidade #Poligamia #Muitoshomensbonitos #Transmigrou #cannonfodder #Romance #Luta #Besta #Múltiploscontinentes #Passadomisterioso #FLgentilebondosamasnaofraca #Perdoarmasnaoesquecer #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 98.3K Views

Mundo Etéreo: El Camino de la Inmortalidad del Carne de Cañón Despiadado

Bei YueYue era una persona desinteresada y amable. Posteriormente, transmigra y se convierte en Huang Ying Yue, un personaje femenino secundario conocido por su maldad, inmisericordia, lujuria, inhumanidad y personalidad ninfómana en la novela inmortal que acababa de leer. En la novela, la Huang Ying Yue original había cometido incontables actos malvados que ofendieron a muchos de los personajes poderosos que aparecen en ella. No solo la heroína de la novela, sino todos los hombres de su harén fueron acosados y abusados física y mentalmente por ella de diferentes maneras. El camino hacia la inmortalidad está lleno de espinas, peligros y amenazas imprevisibles. Cultivadores malvados, monstruos y demonios están haciendo estragos por todas partes. Mientras persiguen el camino de la inmortalidad, todos los cultivadores deben unir fuerzas para eliminar a esos seres malévolos. Mientras intenta alcanzar su meta, YueYue debe enfrentarse a innumerables enemigos poderosos a quienes Huang Ying Yue ofendió en el pasado, así como a las deudas que Huang Ying Yue contrajo. Simultáneamente, tiene que enfrentarse a la belleza fría y heroína de la historia, Huang Bai Xing, que está rodeada de incontables hombres hermosos y fortunas desafiantes del cielo. Con el favor del cielo y el dedo de oro, Huang Bai Xing recibió dedos de oro. Con estos dedos de oro, Huang Bai Xing se fortaleció día tras día y esperó la mejor oportunidad para matar a Huang Ying Yue. Gente poderosa, los hombres de Huang Bai Xing, uno tras otro, sacan sus armas, con la intención de matar y enseñarle una lección terrible porque ella hirió a su amada. Afortunadamente, con el desafiante Pequeño Mundo Etéreo que recibió, ella podía plantar las plantas espirituales, cosechar las frutas espirituales, cultivar con el abundante poder espiritual y engañar al tiempo, bañándose con la cascada espiritual dentro del espacio, mientras mantenía su vida ‘pacífica’ persiguiendo el camino de la inmortalidad. Con su leal ejército de bestias, se lanzó al camino de la cultivación para conocer nuevas personas, amor, amistad, dificultades, emociones y un pasado misterioso, mientras cambiaba su destino y el de todos a su alrededor hacia un futuro mejor. Subconscientemente, ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que debido a su personalidad, atraía incontables flores de durazno que cambiaron su monótona vida eternamente. Advertencia: Final 1VN, una mujer termina con muchos hombres. Hay amores tabú (pero no sin cerebro) Por favor lea las etiquetas antes de sumergirse en mi mundo. Portada de: Pinterest, los créditos van al legítimo propietario. Mi cuenta de Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Mi nombre de usuario de DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Mi segundo libro: Mito del Milagro: Renacida para Desafiar mi Destino Ese libro es para participar en el WSA 2024 (En proceso) #EspacioPortal #HarénInverso #Tabú #RomanceOscuro #ProtagonistaFemeninaXianxia #Xianxia #Sinparejas #Cultivación #Aventura #Inmortalidad #Poligamia #Muchoshombreshermosos #Transmigrada #CarneDeCañón #Romance #Lucha #Bestias #Multicontinentes #PasadoMisterioso #FLamableygentilperonodébil #Perdonarperonoolvidar #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 122.1K Views

The Forsaken-Grade Cultivator

It’s 2100, and Vincent Carter – Ying – is a twenty-year-old virgin with a penchant for profanity, he has but three guiding principles: “In a world where honour and valour seem like unaffordable luxuries, cowardice remains the pragmatist’s ultimate virtue. Spinelessness isn’t shameful, it’s simply self-preservative romance.” “Doubt is unironically the cheapest superpower a person can have, after all if it’s human, it’s probably plotting something. And if it’s plotting something, it’s probably hiding something. And if it’s hiding something… well, you get the idea. So question everything, one sceptical step at a time.” And lastly, “Muscle heads – because who needs brains when you can just flex your way through life? Couldn’t be me, I’ll tell you that much.” Armed with nothing but these… questionable (?) values, as well as experiences shaped by a hellish life in the slums, Ying dives headfirst into the latest VR sensation – Cultivation Climax, a world brimming with great magic, ancient mysteries, and blood-curdling conspiracies just waiting to be unravelled. However, because Ying’s life is just that kind of special, he is greeted with a rather ‘lovely’ surprise upon opening his eyes to the new world… Ding! [Your misfortune is truly astounding!] [You have awakened the absolute WORST talent for Cultivation!] ‘…’ “…W-what?!” Yes, what indeed. I'm the author.
A_literal_Sunfish · 57.9K Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was known for her selflessness and kind nature. Eventually, she found herself in a new life as 'Huang Ying Yue', a notorious female antagonist infamous for her cruelty, ruthlessness, debauchery, and nymphomaniacal tendencies in the very immortal novel she had just read. In the storyline, the original 'Huang Ying Yue' committed numerous atrocious acts that alienated many formidable characters. Not only the protagonist of the novel but also all her suitors suffered harassment and maltreatment at the hands of 'her' in various disturbing ways. The path to immortality was fraught with peril, brimming with dangers and unpredictable threats. Evil cultivators and monstrous entities wreaked havoc, compelling all cultivators to unite against these malevolent forces. As Yueyue sought to fulfill her aspirations, she faced an array of powerful adversaries previously wronged by 'Huang Ying Yue', as well as confront the consequences of her predecessor's misdeeds. In addition, she had to contend with the icy beauty of Huang Bai Xing, the heroine surrounded by numerous charming men and extraordinary fortunes. Gifted with extraordinary abilities from the heavens, Huang Bai Xing, through her golden finger, continuously grew in strength, patiently waiting for her chance to take revenge on 'Huang Ying Yue'. Those in positions of power, along with Huang Bai Xing's allies, brandished their weapons, determined to deliver a severe punishment for the pain 'she' caused to their beloved. Fortunately, with the aid of a miraculous Ethereal small world bestowed upon her, Yueyue could cultivate spiritual plants, reap spiritual fruits, harness abundant spiritual energy, leaning countless spells, and enjoy the cleansing waters of the spiritual waterfall, all while maintaining a semblance of tranquility on her journey to immortality. Accompanied by her loyal beast army, she ventured down the cultivation path, encountering new friendships, love, challenges, thrills, and a mysterious past, all while transforming her fate and those around her into a brighter future. Unbeknownst to her, her innate charm and warm-heartedness attracted an unending stream of romantic interests, forever altering her once mundane existence. Just when she believed she could finally escape the life of a mere cannon fodder, she stumbled into even greater mess! Why are there so many protagonists in this narrative? What are they staring at her for with those strange and enigmatic looks? Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please kindly read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 2.5M Views

ecos de la sangre prohibida

En un mundo donde un niño con un poder inimaginable está destinado a cambiarlo todo. Wú Jīn, un inmortal cuya misión siempre ha sido obedecer los mandatos de los Custodios, se enfrenta al dilema más difícil de su existencia: su propio hijo, un ser mitad inmortal y mitad dios, nace con una energía tan desbordante que amenaza con destruir el equilibrio de los universos. Cuando los Custodios se acercan para capturar al niño y a los padres de otro ser igual de poderoso, mitad demonio y mitad dios, Wú Jīn y Tiān Wū deben tomar una decisión desgarradora. Sellarán los poderes de ambos niños y los enviarán a un mundo lejano, donde puedan vivir a salvo de la persecución... al menos por un tiempo. Pero este sacrificio no está exento de consecuencias. "¡Su energía no deja de aumentar!", gritó Tiān Wū mientras el suelo bajo sus pies se agrietaba. Wú Jīn, con la mirada fija en su hijo recién nacido, respondió: "Si no lo sellamos ahora, los Custodios lo encontrarán... y no habrá escape." Del otro lado de la barrera, Mo Ying que apenas podía mantenerse en pie. Miró a Tiān Di, su esposo, y susurró con desesperación: "Nuestro hijo... si los Custodios llegan aquí, lo destruirán. No podemos permitirlo." Dos niños en una noche que sacude los cimientos del universo: uno, mitad dios y mitad inmortal; el otro, mitad dios y mitad demonio. Sus existencias desatan un poder tan inmenso que los Custodios, guardianes del equilibrio, los consideran una amenaza. En un acto desesperado, sus padres sellan sus poderes y los envían a un lugar lejos de su alcance, sacrificándolo todo para protegerlos. Sin embargo, el costo de protegerlos es alto. Los padres son capturados, y los niños, con sus poderes sellados, deben crecer en un mundo donde su herencia permanece oculta. Pero ¿por cuánto tiempo se puede contener el destino?
1XxDRAGONxX1 · 2.6K Views

My Entire Family's Gone Haywire!

"After Gu Xin recovered from her illness, she realized that her whole family had changed. His father who was a gambling addict that once almost sold his wife and daughter, also often picked fights after getting drunk. That same father now said that he would not gamble anymore. He wanted to pick up his textbooks and take part in the imperial examinations to give the three of them a happy life. Her mother who was not just efficient, but also detailed and thorough in her work, spent her days holed up in the house, not daring to try anything adventurous. She did not even dare to light a fire and was only fierce to her daughter. That same mother was now suddenly carrying a chopper and facing off debt collectors. Her embroidery was outstanding and she was cold to others, her sister, who never cooked, no longer held the needles. She smiled more and took over all the work in the kitchen. Gu Xin felt that she was dreaming. Apart from the changes in her parents and sister, after she saved a fish, those who scolded her would fall and those who had bad intentions toward her would be unlucky. If she wanted to eat something, living things would come to her door and knock their heads against her door. Even if they were not living things, she could still find them by coincidence. Everything was so wonderful! Of course, it would be great if the young master of the Zhou Family in town did not go crazy. The young master of the Zhou family said that her parents would sell her and her sister would harm her in the future. The young master wanted to take her far away and escape from the Devil's Den. Father Gu, "Where did this little brat come from? I'm nine thousand years old and only a thousand years away from ten thousand years old. Why would I sell my precious daughter?" Mother Gu, "Get lost, you rascal. I'm a strong woman who owns a big business empire. It's not easy for me to have a daughter. Can I bear to do that?" Sister Gu, "Scumbag male protagonist, don't think that I don't know how much of a scumbag you are in your book and how you will hurt my Xiao Xinxin. Pfft!" Young Master Zhou, "How is it different from my previous life? However, no matter how different it is, I won't miss my Xinxin in this life." Gu Xin, "Have you asked for my opinion?"
Ying Yixin · 1.8M Views


In an immortal world on the brink of destruction, the Jade Emperor, Guan Yu Xian, sends Zhao Ming, the most formidable fire god, to the mortal world on a mission to find the Mirror of Nine Flames-a sacred artifact capable of restoring balance to the universe. The Eternal Sky was in the midst of a great war after Ying Feng, the winged clan leader, launched an attack to seize the heavenly throne. One by one, the gods died in the devastating battle, including Mei Lian, the wind goddess who became Zhao Ming's lover. Stranded in the Tang Dynasty desert, Zhao Ming was rescued by a caravan of silk merchants. With no intact memory of his identity as a god, he wanders with Lang Fei, a former bandit leader who becomes his apprentice. Fate leads him to meet Xiao Ying, an imperial court astronomer who mysteriously shares a similar face with Mei Lian. The search for the Nine Flame Mirror takes Zhao Ming and Xiao Ying on a dangerous adventure, crossing various obstacles and palace conspiracies. The two fall in love, but their love is hindered by their different worlds and missions: Zhao Ming wants to use the mirror to save the immortal world, while Xiao Ying must protect the people of the Tang Dynasty from a threat they don't understand. However, an even greater danger lurks when Ying Feng manages to infiltrate the human world through a dimensional rift. With the help of Yi Kun, a mountain god who turns out to be her own son, and Hai Luo, a lake god who has lost his identity, Ying Feng tries to rule the mortal and immortal worlds at once. Crown Prince Li Chen, the successor to the Tang Dynasty throne, becomes the target of their manipulation to destroy the balance of the two worlds. Amidst the battle between the two worlds, secrets of the past are revealed. A lost love, a betrayal, and an unexpected blood bond will determine the fate of the entire existence. Only with the power of true love and great sacrifice can the balance of the universe possibly be restored.
Muhammad_Haryadi_7646 · 2K Views
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