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In the glittering, snake-infested court of Ignis, where power was a double-edged sword and loyalty a rare gem, Selanthia Amaris Nyxveil stood as a legend cloaked in infamy. Known by many names—*The Hound of the Emperor*, **The Cursed Sword*, **The Witch of Nyxveil*, and *The Abandoned One*—she was a weapon forged by duty and sharpened by betrayal. For forty long years, she served as the Emperor’s blade, cutting down threats to the throne with ruthless precision. Yet, behind the cold steel and the icy gaze, Selanthia harbored no love for the crown or the vipers who surrounded it. She was a woman bound by fate, not choice. At 48, weary of the endless machinations of the court, Selanthia chose to retire. With no family to call her own, she left behind the gilded cage of Ignis for the simplicity of the countryside. Her dreams were modest: to bake sweet treats, tend to chickens, lose herself in books she’d never had time to read, and find solace in the quiet rhythm of church prayers. A peaceful, ordinary life—a stark contrast to the blood-stained path she had walked for decades. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Just 28 hours into her newfound tranquility, Selanthia’s life was brutally cut short. Poisoned and attacked in the dead of night, she breathed her last beneath a cold, uncaring sky. Her final thoughts were not of vengeance or regret for the life she had led, but of the life she had never known. She wished for love, for a kind and handsome partner, for children whose laughter might have filled the void in her heart. She wished she had never taken up the sword, that she might have written a different ending to her tale. Yet, death was not the end. Selanthia awoke not in the afterlife but in a world both familiar and strange. Perched high in a cherry blossom tree, she was greeted by the voice of Rina, her long-dead confidante. Now, thrust into a bewildering new reality, Selanthia must unravel the threads of this strange second chance. Is this a cruel jest of the gods, a dream spun from her dying regrets, or something far more sinister? And why, of all people, THAT MAN—who disappeared without a word— is acting all weird? As the petals of the cherry blossoms fall around her, Selanthia finds herself caught in a web of mystery, romance, and perhaps, redemption. But in this enchanted new life, where nothing is as it seems, can she unravel the twist of life brought forward by THAT MAN? Or will the shadows of her past rise to claim her once more?
Erlyyy · 8K Views

La Bruja Maldita del Diablo

``` La historia de un hombre que trae la muerte y una chica que la niega. ---- En la montaña embrujada del reino, dicen que vivía una bruja. Ella nació princesa. Pero incluso antes de su nacimiento, el sacerdote la declaró maldita y exigió su muerte. Envenenaron a la madre para matar al bebé antes de que diese a luz, pero el bebé nació de la madre muerta —una niña maldita. Una y otra vez, intentaron matar al bebé pero ella milagrosamente sobrevivió cada intento. Dándose por vencidos, la abandonaron en la montaña embrujada para que muriera pero ella aún sobrevivió en esa tierra estéril —una bruja. —¿Por qué no muere? Años más tarde, la gente finalmente se hartó de la bruja y decidió quemar la montaña. Pero el Diablo llegó en su rescate y la llevó consigo de aquel lugar en llamas, porque morir no era su destino ni siquiera entonces. Draven Amaris. El Dragón Negro, que gobernaba sobre los seres sobrenaturales, el Diablo con quien nadie deseaba cruzarse en su camino. Odiaba a los humanos pero esta determinada chica humana lo atraía hacia ella cada vez que estaba en peligro. —¿Es realmente humana? Él se llevó a la humana con él y nombró a esta misteriosamente tenaz chica “Ember”, un pedazo de carbón ardiente en un fuego moribundo. Un alma manchada de venganza y la oscuridad del infierno, se levantaría de las cenizas y cumpliría su revancha. ------ Este es el segundo libro de la serie de Los Diablos y Las Brujas. El primer libro es - La hija de la bruja y el hijo del diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero puedes leerlos de manera independiente. ```
Mynovel20 · 134.2K Views

Tunangan Iblis

Kisah seorang pria yang membawa maut dan gadis yang menyangkalnya. ---- Di gunung berhantu di kerajaan itu, mereka bilang ada seorang penyihir yang tinggal. Dia terlahir sebagai putri. Tapi bahkan sebelum dia dilahirkan, pendeta telah menyatakan dia terkutuk dan menuntut kematian dia. Mereka meracuni ibunya untuk membunuh bayi sebelum dia lahir, tapi bayi itu terlahir dari ibu yang sudah mati—seorang anak yang terkutuk. Berulang kali, mereka mencoba untuk membunuh bayi itu tapi dia secara ajaib selamat dari setiap percobaan. Setelah menyerah, mereka meninggalkannya di gunung berhantu untuk mati tapi dia tetap bertahan hidup di tanah tandus itu—Seorang penyihir ‘Kenapa dia tidak mati?’ Bertahun-tahun kemudian, orang-orang akhirnya muak dengan penyihir itu dan memutuskan untuk membakar gunung itu. Tapi Setan datang untuk menolongnya dan membawanya pergi dari tempat yang terbakar itu, karena mati bukanlah takdirnya bahkan saat itu. Draven Amaris. Naga Hitam, yang memerintah atas makhluk supranatural, Setan yang tidak ada yang ingin melintasi jalannya. Dia membenci manusia tetapi gadis manusia tertentu ini akan menariknya ke arahnya kapan saja dia dalam bahaya. ‘Apakah dia benar-benar manusia?’ Dia membawa manusia itu bersamanya dan menamai gadis misterius yang tangguh ini “Bara”, potongan arang yang menyala dalam api yang sedang padam. Sebuah jiwa tercemar dengan balas dendam dan kegelapan neraka, akan bangkit dari abu dan memenuhi rasa dendamnya. ------ Inilah buku kedua dari seri Setan dan Penyihir. Buku 1 - Anak Penyihir dan Putra Setan. Buku 3 - Tunangan Setan. Semua buku saling terhubung satu sama lain tapi Anda bisa membacanya sebagai kisah mandiri.
Mynovel20 · 29K Views

La Sorcière Maudite du Diable

```` L'histoire d'un homme qui apporte la mort et d'une fille qui la nie. ---- Sur la montagne hantée dans le royaume, ils disent qu'il y avait une sorcière. Elle était née princesse. Mais même avant sa naissance, le prêtre l'avait déclarée maudite et avait exigé sa mort. Ils empoisonnèrent la mère pour tuer le bébé avant qu'elle n'accouche, mais le bébé naquit d'une mère morte — un enfant maudit. Encore et encore, ils ont essayé de tuer le bébé mais elle a miraculeusement survécu à chaque tentative. Abandonnant, ils la laissèrent sur la montagne hantée pour mourir mais elle survécut encore sur cette terre aride — Une sorcière ‘Pourquoi ne mourra-t-elle pas ?’ Des années plus tard, le peuple en eut finalement assez de la sorcière et décida de brûler la montagne. Mais le Diable arriva à son secours et la prit avec lui loin de cet endroit en flammes, car mourir n'était pas son destin même à ce moment-là. Draven Amaris. Le Dragon Noir, qui régnait sur les êtres surnaturels, le Diable que personne ne souhaitait croiser. Il haïssait les humains mais cette certaine fille humaine l'attirait vers elle chaque fois qu'elle était en danger. ‘Est-elle vraiment humaine?’ Il prit l'humaine avec lui et nomma cette fille étrangement tenace “Ember”, un morceau de charbon ardent dans un feu mourant. Une âme teintée de vengeance et des ténèbres de l'enfer, qui s'élèverait des cendres pour accomplir sa revanche. ------ Ceci est le deuxième livre de la série des Diables et des Sorcières. 1er livre - La fille de la Sorcière et le fils du Diable. 3ème livre- La Fiancée du Diable. Tous les livres sont liés les uns aux autres mais vous pouvez les lire indépendamment. ````
Mynovel20 · 78.8K Views

Die verfluchte Hexe des Teufels

Die Geschichte eines Mannes, der den Tod bringt, und eines Mädchens, das ihn leugnet. ---- Auf dem verwunschenen Berg im Königreich, so heißt es, lebte eine Hexe. Sie wurde als Prinzessin geboren. Doch noch vor ihrer Geburt erklärte der Priester sie für verflucht und forderte ihren Tod. Sie vergifteten die Mutter, um das Baby vor der Geburt zu töten, aber das Baby wurde von der toten Mutter geboren - ein verfluchtes Kind. Wieder und wieder versuchten sie, das Kind zu töten, aber es überlebte auf wundersame Weise jeden einzelnen Versuch. Als sie aufgaben, setzten sie sie auf dem verwunschenen Berg zum Sterben aus, aber sie überlebte auf dem unfruchtbaren Land - eine Hexe 'Warum will sie nicht sterben?' Jahre später hatten die Menschen endlich genug von der Hexe und beschlossen, den Berg zu verbrennen. Aber der Teufel kam zu ihrer Rettung und nahm sie von diesem brennenden Ort mit, denn Sterben war schon damals nicht ihr Schicksal. Draven Amaris. Der Schwarze Drache, der über übernatürliche Wesen herrschte, der Teufel, dem niemand über den Weg laufen wollte. Er hasste die Menschen, aber dieses bestimmte Menschenmädchen zog ihn zu sich, wann immer sie in Gefahr war. 'Ist sie wirklich ein Mensch?' Er nahm den Menschen mit sich und nannte das geheimnisvoll zähe Mädchen "Ember", ein Stück glühende Kohle in einem sterbenden Feuer. Eine Seele, die mit Rache und der Dunkelheit der Hölle behaftet war, würde sich aus der Asche erheben und ihre Rache erfüllen. ------ Dies ist das zweite Buch aus der Reihe "Teufel und Hexen". Das erste Buch ist - Die Tochter der Hexe und der Sohn des Teufels. Beide Bücher sind miteinander verbunden, aber man kann sie auch unabhängig voneinander lesen.
Mynovel20 · 65.8K Views

The Devil's Cursed Witch

The tale of a man who brings death and a girl who denies it. ---- On the haunted mountain in the kingdom, they say there lived a witch. She was born a princess. But even before her birth, the priest declared her to be cursed and demanded her death. They poisoned the mother to kill the baby before she gave birth, but the baby was born out of the dead mother—a cursed child. Again and again, they tried to kill the baby but she miraculously survived every single attempt. Giving up, they abandoned her on the haunted mountain to die but she still survived on that barren land— A witch ‘Why won’t she die?’ Years later, the people finally had enough of the witch and decided to burn the mountain. But the Devil arrived to her rescue and took her with him from that burning place, because dying was not her destiny even then. Draven Amaris. The Black Dragon, who ruled over supernatural beings, the Devil who no one wished to cross a path with. He hated humans but this certain human girl would pull him towards her whenever she was in danger. ‘Is she really a human?’ He took the human with him and named this mysteriously tenacious girl “Ember”, a piece of glowing coal in a dying fire. A soul tainted with vengeance and the darkness of hell, would rise from the ashes and fulfil her revenge. ------ This is the second book from the series of The Devils and Witches. 1st book - Witch's daughter and the Devil's son. 3rd book- The Devil's Betrothed. All books are connected to each other but you can read them as stand-alone.
Mynovel20 · 2.7M Views

Gibbous and the Adventures of Damien

Waking up with new magical abilities and access to a magical world is everyone’s dream right? But when it comes along with negative fame and the realization that you not only helped in the killing of the inhabitants only hope for peace when you were little but also your parents, who among us are strong enough to rise from the ashes of denial and try to vindicate their name? *********************************** Well-mannered and orphaned Damien Amaris wants nothing more than a peaceful and happy life with his only family and sister, Ahara. But after a series of fateful events that lead to his “awakening”, he discovers that is but a far-fetched daydream. His sister is a vampire warrior whose mission is to eliminate the inhabitants of their land who attack humans to feast on and sell their blood or flesh. Be it vampires, wizards, or beasts, she kills them all. That is how she’s been able to feed the two of them all along because the Ministry of Gibbous pays brave soldiers like her a hefty amount of money since the majority of them quit after their strongest commander, the Numen, died. Damien soon comes into contact with Gibbous, a magical world within the normal world he’s known since young. Once there, he learns things about himself he didn’t even think he’d ever hear from another person, and he soon discovers there’s a way to assist his sister—by becoming a warrior himself. Filled with determination, he is enrolled in a school set for those who have awakened, and thus, he begins his training. But what starts as a simple way of learning soon turns into something deeper and menacing—and he’s in the middle of it all. With a blurry past and powers that keep ruining every progress he makes, not to mention a bloody villain fishing for any chance of revenge against him, the quiet life he wanted so badly is slowly slipping away from him until it’s nothing but a small dot of light in the darkness surrounding him. Will his determination and love for his sister and a peaceful life be able to fuel him until the end? Or will the blackhole swallow all his dreams along with him? Follow along the adventures of young Damien as he navigates around Gibbous for answers only he can fish for himself.
Timcarvie · 1.2K Views

A Noiva Acidental do Rei Vampiro Mascarado

``` (Conteúdo adulto R-18+ Contém cenas de violência, sem drama de segunda mulher ou estupro.) Meu amor não vê fim, nem certo ou errado. Porque quando amo, quero que você seja meu tanto quanto sou seu - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Eu te disse que quero te arruinar," ele segurou seu rosto enquanto a pressionava contra a parede. "E você já fez o suficiente. Agora estou partindo," ela retrucou. "Você não entendeu as minhas palavras, Princesa," ele disse friamente com sarcasmo. "Quando digo que quero te arruinar, quero te prender na minha cama e te preencher até que seu cheiro se torne um comigo e todo maldito nesta mundo saiba quem você é... Que você é porra de minha!" Ele a empurrou contra a parede, beijando-a apaixonadamente. ~~~~~~ Eliana Heart, a filha ilegítima do Rei de Cidade do Coração da Lua com a linhagem de caçadores, só quer uma coisa em sua vida; conhecer e encontrar sua mãe biológica. Inocente e bela, Eliana é frequentemente vítima das tramas de sua madrasta e irmã postiça. Sebastian Marino, o infame Príncipe Vampiro mascarado, não tem recebido nada além de ódio de todos ao seu redor. Todo mundo o teme, pois ele possui um poder imensurável. Depois de cumprir pena na prisão por um ano no lugar de sua irmã postiça, Eliana fica surpresa por ser libertada. No entanto, sua felicidade é interrompida quando descobre que deve se casar com o príncipe vampiro no lugar de sua irmã postiça. Eliana não sabe nada sobre os vampiros, e Sebastian odeia tudo o que vem com aqueles humanos malignos. O que ela fará quando se casar com o monstro nomeado do mundo das trevas que toma e caça sem misericórdia? "Você não tem curiosidade sobre como eu sou?" Ele segurou seu queixo dolorosamente. "Revele seu rosto para mim quando confiar em mim," ela sorriu suavemente. 'Isso nunca vai acontecer,' pensou Sebastião. Para ele, ela era nada mais do que uma ferramenta para se vingar dos humanos. Para ela, ele era mais do que tudo que seus olhos já tinham visto, ainda mais do que a verdade de sua existência. Há um poder ainda maior e mais poderoso do que qualquer coisa e esse poder se chama destino. Eles serão capazes de lutar contra seus destinos para ficarem juntos ou se renderão a ele e perderão tudo? A história da mais mortal bruxa disfarçada de humana e do príncipe prodígio mais perigoso que sobrevive no sangue de vampiros. Aviso - O livro é construído em torno de um mundo mágico e pura fantasia. O romance fará você sentir borboletas no estômago enquanto algumas cenas podem fazer você questionar a sanidade em torno do amor. Os primeiros 50 capítulos vão construir o mundo em torno do livro. Eu prometo, se você ficar, você vai amar o livro, a não ser que este não seja o seu gênero. ~~~~~~ Siga-me nas minhas redes sociais. Facebook - Autora Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 360.2K Views

Rwby la verdad absoluto

Sinopsis: En un mundo donde el bien y el mal se entrelazan en un juego de sombras, Caelum es un joven cazador con un pasado marcado por la criminalidad, el abuso y la lealtad rota. Hijo de una fauno y un humano, su vida está en constante lucha entre dos mundos: el de los cazadores, donde la justicia y el honor son ley, y el de los bajos fondos, donde el caos y la traición son moneda corriente. Mientras se adapta a su nueva vida en Beacon, una academia destinada a entrenar a los héroes del futuro, Caelum se encuentra atrapado en una telaraña de emociones y secretos. Su relación con su hermano Jaune, su conexión con la feroz Winter, y su creciente atracción por Pyrrha lo ponen en el centro de un conflicto interno. Pero no todo es lo que parece, y su lazo con el oscuro Roman Torchwick y el peligroso Colmillo Blanco amenaza con desbordarse, arrastrando a Caelum y a sus compañeros en un torbellino de traición, amor y sacrificio. A medida que la guerra contra las fuerzas oscuras se intensifica, Caelum se verá obligado a elegir entre su deber, su lealtad y el amor que nace en su corazón. ¿Será capaz de reconciliar su pasado con su futuro, o se perderá en un mar de dudas, secretos y decisiones que podrían destruir todo lo que ha aprendido a amar? Un relato épico de acción, emociones complejas y dilemas morales, donde el destino de Remnant pende de un hilo y los corazones de los héroes se ven atrapados en la lucha entre la luz y la oscuridad.
Novel_Mundo · 2.7K Views

Renascer da Vilã: A Perversa Esposa do Jovem Mestre Lu

Em sua vida passada, Su Xiaofei perdeu tudo quando a outra filha do seu pai chegou, arruinando, essencialmente, sua vida. Somente no fim da sua vida é que sua meia-irmã Ye Mingyu revelou a verdade. Su Xiaofei não era a filha biológica de seus pais, mas uma órfã que eles escolheram adotar ao descobrir que sua mãe adotiva não podia conceber um filho. Depois de perder sua mãe adotiva e sua própria vida, Su Xiaofei recebeu uma chance de acertar as contas! Voltando aos dias antes da mãe e filha arruinarem sua vida, Su Xiaofei decidiu que ela não seria mais uma filha obediente para seu desprezível pai, e prometeu não amar seu detestável marido. Justo quando pensou que seu coração se tornara frio e imune ao amor, um certo Jovem Mestre Lu decidiu lhe professar seu amor eterno. Nos últimos momentos da sua vida passada, Lu Qingfeng foi o único que segurou seu corpo inerte de perto e derramou lágrimas quando ela partiu do mundo dos vivos. "Minha decisão já está tomada. Além de você, eu não me casarei com mais ninguém. Além do mais, nesta vida e nas próximas, eu só terei você como minha esposa." Nos olhos de todos, ela era a perversa vilã, mas para Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei era sua deusa pessoal. Enquanto ela navega por sua segunda chance na vida, será que Su Xiaofei seria capaz de ensinar seu coração a não se deixar levar pelo amor dele? Editor/revisor: ninaviews Aviso para futuras cenas e temáticas r18 não apropriadas para o público jovem. Ilustração da capa do livro por Snow Le Art Direitos autorais2022 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 122.5K Views

Commando's Property

Engku Hyder Jibrail ialah seorang tentera yang berpangkat tinggi iaitu Komando. Hyder dan pasukannya di tugaskan untuk mengambil misi yang amat berbahaya sehingga menyebabkan Hyder kehilangan sahabat baiknya, Afiq Ziyad. ❛❜Fiq... Kau adalah sahabat terbaik untuk aku. Terlalu baik sampai kau tinggalkan aku disini, Fiq. Aku rindu kau, Fiq.❛❜ — Engku Hyder Jibrail Setelah tragedi itu, Hyder memutuskan untuk berubah menjadi beku dan tidak lagi mesra setelah kehilangan Afiq Ziyad. Kerana takdir mereka bertemu dalam situasi yang baik dan elok. Hyder yang mula rasakan bahawa hatinya berdegup kencang saat dirinya melihat, bercakap atau dekat dengan Zharyella Asyura. Zharyella Asyura dikenali sebagai seorang gadis sederhana namun misteri yang selalu menyembunyikan rahsia nya atau menghilangkan diri secara tiba-tiba. Kerana cinta dan sayang akan Zharyella, Hyder memutuskan untuk meminang si gadis. Zharyella menjadi tunangnya namun suatu hari Hyder terpaksa ke luar negara untuk bertugas. Dia mendapat tahu bahawa Zharyella diculik oleh musuhnya, Raez Alhandro. ❛❜Touch her and i'll kill you!❛❜ — Engku Hyder Jibrail Amaran yang diberikan oleh Hyder tidak membuat Raez takut akan ancaman Hyder. Rancangan Raez hanya mahu Hyder datang menyerah kalah dan memohon maaf kepada nya namun Raez salah dia hampir mati di tangan Zharyella. Raez berjaya melarikan diri. Mereka terus berjuang meneruskan hidup namun kali ini lain, Hyder malah diculik oleh musuh Zharyella iaitu Katerina Kendall. ❛❜Touch him and i'll kill you!❛❜ — Zharyella Asyura ❛❜I'm not scared❛❜ — Katerina Kendall ❛❜You will regret touching what is already mine!❛❜ — Zharyella Asyura Katerina cedera parah dan hampir mati kerana dikejekan oleh Zharyella, Hyder menghentikan Zharyella. Dari situ mereka memutuskan untuk mempercepatkan tarikh perkahwinan mereka agar saling dapat melindungi satu sama lain. ❛❜I love you, dear hubby.❛❜ — Zharyella Asyura ❛❜I love you too, Dearheart.❛❜ — Engku Hyder Jibrail Kehidupan mereka mula dipenuhi dengan cinta, kasih sayang dan perhatian. Mereka begitu bahagia tanpa menghiraukan keadaan mereka yang kini semakin bahaya. Rahsia Zharyella mula terbongkar namun Hyder tetap mencintai nya dengan setulus hati. Dapatkah Zharyella menerima kenyataan bahawa rahsia nya semua telah terbongkar? Apakah hubungan Hyder dan Zharyella akan berakhir hanya kerana rahsia? atau salah satu daripada mereka mati?
AQILAZHAR_ · 1.9K Views
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