the end is a new
In the year 2025, the world changed forever. Without warning, massive sinkholes tore open the earth in the heart of major cities across the globe. From the unfathomable darkness below, nightmarish creatures emerged—zombies, ghouls, twisted abominations of flesh, and horrors beyond human comprehension. They devoured, they infected, they transformed. The streets ran red as civilization crumbled overnight.
Governments fell, military forces were overwhelmed, and soon, the world belonged to the monsters. Those who survived the first wave were left with a grim choice: fight, run, or become one of them.
As society collapses and humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, scattered survivors must navigate a new world where the laws of nature have been rewritten. But as the sinkholes continue to spread, whispers of something even worse lurking beneath begin to surface.
This is not the end of the world.
This is the beginning of something new.