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Mary Anning

The Crimson Executioner

When the world stood on the brink of destruction, consumed by the might of an all-powerful darkness, humanity prayed for salvation. They wished for the light—never realizing that their desperate plea would bring a curse far worse than the darkness itself. Seven hundred years ago, in its most desperate hour, the world summoned a group of legendary heroes from another realm. These warriors, blessed with extraordinary abilities, united under a single purpose: to vanquish the almighty Dark Lord. Through sheer determination, teamwork, and a stroke of fortune, they succeeded, delivering the world from its greatest nightmare. The kingdom rejoiced. The people celebrated their saviors with parades, songs, and endless praise. But victory had changed the heroes. Power, once a tool of salvation, had become an addiction. The taste of worship, the ease with which they could bend the world to their will—it was intoxicating. The heroes, who were meant to be symbols of hope, refused to leave. They crowned themselves rulers, shaping the world in their image. What was once light had become a deeper, more terrifying darkness. Now, centuries later, their descendants still reign—oppressive, immortal, and untouchable. No one dares to oppose them… until Mary, an ordinary young man with no talents, no abilities, and no destiny, does the impossible. By sheer accident, he kills one of the ruling heroes. Now branded a traitor and a threat, Mary is left with only two choices: run and die… or keep fighting and become something even more terrifying than the legends themselves. Because if one hero can fall, then so can the rest. And Mary? He’s just getting started. .......... Hallo! hope you Enjoy this novel I will also be posting this in royal
The_Limbless · 1.1K Views

Je deviens le patron bébé de la mafia

``` Devenir soudainement chef de la mafia dans un monde de superpouvoirs et n'avoir que 3 ans ?! Ainsley Sloan, une jeune passionnée d'anime de 20 ans, se retrouve soudainement dans le corps d'un bambin. Le père s'est enfui avec une femme, et la mère n'était qu'une mère porteuse. Les deux ont laissé derrière eux leur petite fille de 3 ans pour régner sur une famille mafieuse de taille moyenne ! Non, cela ne peut pas être ! Ainsley fut forcée d'embrasser la famille Sloan abandonnée et de les mener au sommet du dangereux monde mafieux, sinon elle mourrait. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas ! Avec le pouvoir de la chance ultime, l'aide de ses fidèles subordonnés, et la protection de ses chats devenus humains, Ainsley va repousser tous les ennemis sur son chemin ! Une rencontre tardive avec un certain système a même pavé un chemin fleuri pour elle. Avec son aide, Ainsley sera le meilleur chef de la mafia, et une exceptionnelle ! Quand les autres chefs de la mafia fument des cigarettes, Ain a un Pocky au chocolat coincé dans sa bouche. Quand d'autres chefs font tourner leur verre de vin rouge, Ain souffle sur sa tasse de lait chaud ! Quand d'autres chefs nettoient leur arme après un combat... Ain change sa couche. Regardez le bébé prendre le contrôle du monde mafieux avec son charme unique de bébé ! 7 ans plus tard. Un certain mini-boss rusé : "Ain, que dirais-tu de devenir ma fiancée ?" Le garçon, cinq ans plus âgé que le bambin, agitait une housse d'oreiller BL édition limitée comme pot-de-vin. Un certain système : gamin, accepte sa proposition ! Pique son argent ! Bordel vous deux. Fiancée mon cul !! Je n'ai que 10 ans ! PS : Si vous vous attendez à une FL badass et rapide, à des gifles et à des actes héroïques dans les 100 premiers chapitres, ce livre n'est peut-être pas à votre goût _____ Livres avec un cadre ancien/moderne : 1. La Femme du Prince Dragon est une Traductrice (terminé) 2. L'Office Boy du PDG est une Fille (terminé) Série protagoniste bébé : 1. Je Deviens le Patron Bébé de la Mafia (en cours) 2. Je Deviens Toujours un Bébé ! (transmigration rapide, en cours) Livre de jeu de simulation de rencontres : 1. Monsieur le PDG, Passe à Autre Chose ! (Abandonné à cause d'un problème de système ne permettant pas de mettre à jour plus de chapitres après avoir accidentellement changé le statut du livre en terminé) Suivez mon Instagram : @zehell2218 & @willhem_l Serveur Discord : ```
Zehell2218 · 65.3K Views

J'ai réveillé mon mari handicapé pendant la nuit de noces !

# 1V1 # AFFECTIONAVECLETEMPS La belle-mère de Shi Qian l'a piégée et forcée à épouser un homme dans le coma. Il avait trois qualités : il était riche, séduisant... et incapable de se réveiller ! Fu Sinian, qui était dans le coma depuis plus de trois ans, s'est réveillé et a découvert qu'il avait soudainement une épouse. Sa petite femme était claire de peau, belle et avait de longues jambes. « Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je n'ai pas besoin de toi ! » a dit Fu Sinian en jetant froidement les papiers du divorce.***Peu après, la célèbre Shi Qian a été prise en photo dans la luxueuse voiture du grand ponte, Fu Sinian. Fu Sinian a publiquement clarifié la situation en disant, « Mademoiselle Shi et moi nous connaissons. »Les internautes : « Vous ne faites que vous connaître ? Ils se déplacent tous les deux dans la même voiture ! On attend que tu nous gifles avec tes mots, Jeune Maître Fu ! Neuf millions de fans regardent et attendent ! » Peu après, Shi Qian, qui était populaire dans le cercle, a été de nouveau photographiée entrant dans un hôtel en même temps que Fu Sinian et n'est sortie qu'après trois jours. Fu Sinian a de nouveau clarifié, « Mademoiselle Shi et moi n'entretenons pas ce genre de relation. Nous ne sortons pas ensemble. »Les internautes : « M. Fu a dû échouer dans sa conquête ! S'il y avait une fille que le Jeune Maître Fu ne peut pas gérer dans ce monde, ça doit être leur déesse, Shi Qian ! »Trente millions de fans ont continué à manger du pop-corn et à regarder le feuilleton ! Plus tard, Shi Qian, qui avait deux cents millions de fans, a eu des nausées matinales pendant la cérémonie des récompenses de la Meilleure Actrice ! Fu Sinian est monté lentement sur scène et a enlacé la taille de Shi Qian en disant, « Merci à tous pour votre attention. Mme Fu est enceinte de notre second enfant ! »Les deux cents millions de fans étaient perplexes. La belle Shi Qian était enceinte de son deuxième enfant ? Ils suivaient le feuilleton à la trace ! Quand est-ce qu'ils avaient manqué un épisode ?
Wisps of blue smoke · 158.2K Views

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
Lan Shao · 74.2K Views

Sa Maîtresse est Son Ex-Femme

[Avertissement : R18+] « Sa plus grande revanche — Le séduire, briser son mariage, voler sa fortune, et enfin... le larguer. » ***** La vie de Sabrina Williams s'effondre après avoir découvert la tromperie de son mari et l'acquisition sournoise de la fortune de sa famille. Présumée morte après un tragique accident, Sabrina réapparaît cinq ans plus tard avec une nouvelle identité et une soif ardente de vengeance. Son retour déclenche un chaos romantique parmi le cercle intime du PDG, une éblouissante gamme de beaux célibataires luttant pour attirer son attention. Sabrina Williams se retrouve au centre d'un tourbillon romantique avec des prétendants inattendus – son meilleur ami protecteur, un puissant Patron de la Mafia, et son ex-mari possessif. La scène est prête pour un tiraillement intense – un choc entre amour et vengeance avec des émotions à vif. Les joueurs sont tous là, et la partie ne fait que commencer ! ***** Lorsque son scandale avec son ex-mari se répand sur internet, les critiques la maudissent en la qualifiant de Maîtresse Effrontée, Briseuse de Ménage Sans Valeur et Salope Diabolique... cependant, plusieurs puissants célibataires se regroupent pour la défendre. PDG de la Première Compagnie de Mode : « Que les haters aillent en enfer ! PS : pour ces mannequins qui ont antagonisé ma Déesse, je retire le parrainage de notre marque à leur égard. » Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie de Divertissement : « Fake news ! Nous allons entamer une action en justice pour diffamation envers ma Déesse ! Les artistes qui l'ont maudite seront bannis de ma compagnie. » Vice-Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie d'Hôtels et de Resorts : « Taisez-vous, Critiques ! Ne mettez jamais les pieds dans l'un de nos hôtels et resorts ! » Patron de la Mafia Dominateur : « Reculez ! Effacez ces commentaires malveillants, ou sinon, ma bande vous traquera. Je tuerai quiconque ose ridiculiser ma Reine ! » Tout le monde : « ... » Puis un commentaire de confession apparaît soudainement au milieu du chaos. Meilleur ami de FL : « Tout le monde peut te haïr mais je serai toujours là pour toi. Sabby... Je t'aime... Je t'aime depuis nos années d'enfance... Mon premier amour... et mon dernier. » Son ex-mari ne peut plus rester silencieux et déclare publiquement. Ex-mari Possessif : « Ce n'est pas ma maîtresse. C'est ma femme légalement. » Ami de FL, Lanny : « Femme légale mon cul ! Espèce de salaud fou, crève ! »
ellezar_g · 80.4K Views

"Lunar Heir: The Alpha's Desire"

In the bustling metropolis of modern America, Alex Wilson, a young man of remarkable intelligence, wit, and charm, appears to be an ordinary individual, yet harbors a startling secret — he is the heir to a powerful werewolf lineage. Through a chance awakening, he discovers that he possesses an innate, predestined werewolf bloodline, plunging him into a world both perilous and rife with temptation. Catherine “Mary” Rose, a brilliant, independent, and enigmatic woman, enters Alex’s life. Not only does she possess an intricate knowledge of the werewolf world, but she is also inextricably linked to Alex’s family. Under her guidance, Alex gradually unravels the deeper, darker truths of werewolf society. However, as his fascination with her deepens, he realizes that she is like an unconquerable iceberg, compelling him to choose between his emotions and his duties. The relationship between Alex and Mary is fraught with challenges and allure — she becomes both the anchor of his emotions and the pivotal key in his family’s power struggle. Their love is not a simple sweetness but a complex weave of passion, desire, and duty. The entanglement between Mary and the other seven male leads forces Alex into a labyrinth of emotional choices. As the power struggles within the werewolf clan intensify, Alex faces the ultimate dilemma: to choose between family legacy, emotional abyss, and his werewolf identity. Passion and responsibility intertwine, betrayal and loyalty collide — how will Alex navigate this tempestuous path? Alpha's Legacy: Love, Power, and the Wolf's Bite will immerse you in a world brimming with suspense, thrills, and romance, exploring how a man finds his place amidst a battle for power, trials of love, and the weight of his family’s heritage. With humor, complexity, and deep emotional undertones, this is not merely a werewolf story but a grand adventure of choices, growth, and love.
Malissa_Nader · 735 Views

Descent to The World of Chaos

Mary, before being known as the Child of Slaughter, was once a weak and sickly orphan from a blue star called Earth. On that humble planet, she was unremarkable—a faceless figure among the countless souls resigned to their quiet and lonely demise. Her life was ordinary, fleeting, and insignificant. But fate had other plans Without warning, Mary was torn from her peaceful world and was thrust into the World of Chaos, a realm of unrelenting chaos and destruction Stripped of the mundane comforts of her former life, she struggled to adapt, clinging to survival with her frail body. Yet no amount of resolve could shield her from the harshness of this new reality Eventually the cruelty of her circumstances broke her, shattering her innocence and forging her into a cold, unyielding machine of war—a tool for survival in a world that demanded blood and sacrifice But even in the abyss, there remained a faint glimmer of hope As Mary encountered Ethan Bright, the Archduke of Dreams. He was the embodiment of perfection—a being feared by the gods and revered by mortals. As the Promised Fifth Celestial, he was destined to bring an end to this madness and become a beacon of hope in a cursed world His very existence gave hope, but hope was never enough. The burning star was eventually extinguished as calamity struck. The world they cherished was reduced to ash, and all they had fought to preserve crumbled Facing the End of Existance, Ethan Bright fell. The Perfect Being, the loving husband, the devoted father–he was no more. What remained was a hollow shell, consumed by guilt and despair. No longer the Archduke of Dreams, he became known as the Sin of Avaritia, a being consumed by insatiable longing and regret In his descent, Ethan embarked on a relentless crusade, hunting monsters and demons with unmatched ferocity. His wrath spared none as he left a trail of ruin in his wake, consumed by his vendetta against the world Allies and friends who sought to save or stop him fell one by one, unable to endure the merciless path he had chosen Through it all, only one remained—Mary. She was the last tether to his shattered humanity, the one constant in his spiral of destruction. She was all he had left to protect, the only reminder of the man he used to be Confronted by the weight of his sins and the irreversible consequences of his actions, Ethan became known as The One Who Wished, a being who chased the impossible—atonement for an irredeemable past. Consumed by regret, he desperately sought a way to undo the damage he had wrought. Every effort proved fruitless, yet he pressed on, clinging to the faintest sliver of hope So at the face of an inevitable end, Ethan made his most desperate and selfish choice. He cursed Mary with a twisted form of immortality, one born of his own shattered dreams and unyielding desire to see her live on. It was a cruel gift, an unbreakable chain tying her to a future that he has failed to protect Though he expected her hatred and though he deserved her scorn, Ethan still dared to hope. Somewhere in the depths of his heart, he wished for her understanding, for her forgiveness. It was a foolish dream, but it was all he had left And so, Mary endured. Iteration after iteration, their destinies unfolded anew. With each cycle, they changed—growing, learning, diverging from the paths once thought inevitable. This time, they would rise to confront the sins of their past, the burdens of their present, and the sinners of countless timelines This time, Mary and Ethan would defy their predetermined fate. As they would face their irredeemable past and carve a new future from the wreckage of despair Though the question remained: Can they finally escape the chains of their shared torment and bring an end to the suffering that had consumed them for so long? Only time would tell ********************* I will be posting this on
White_With_Light · 13.7K Views

His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

WARNING: Mature Content The story of a knight who has fallen in love with his queen. It was nothing but that, a simple plot for a fairytale, or was it? He stood proud at seven feet, everything looked minuscule in his sight. He towers above all knights who looked at him with disgust and alarm. He was one of the rebels not long ago, but for an undisclosed reason, he has betrayed his so-called 'brother at arms' for a seat at the round table. People murmured whenever he passes them by, the atmosphere itself was laced with terror as this all muscled barbarian held his head high. Panic in the hearts of many was evoked by his presence alone as he stood before the queen who was forced to face him. "My queen," he knelt before her, and even yet the queen had to look up from her throne to meet his eyes. The frail queen was very small compared to him, her fragile countenance barely reached five feet and her innocent face makes her look like a child. He took in the vision of her as she sat there, trying to look brave as she met his eyes. His queen, the reason why he risked it all and will risk it all again. She sat on the throne judging his motives and all the while fearing him. Was she disgusted by him too? He can't tell. The crowd disappeared and all thoughts from his mind were gone as he was faced with her. She has dark auburn hair that reached past her shoulders, small lips that curled into a thin smile, and eyes that expressed her immense disgust and anger for what she had labeled him in her mind - one of the reasons for the destabilization of her kingdom. He wants it all, all of what she offers. Her beauty, her brilliance, her frailties... at that moment he realized, he wanted all of her.
Mary_Algen_Guiang1 · 1M Views

The Male Lead is Obsessed with Me (Book 2)

WARNING: Mature Content. Winner of WPC #197 (Silver) The handmaiden's hurried footsteps can be heard in the hallway, followed by a loud slamming of the door. When we were finally left alone, Rin's calm voice can be heard, "I don't like that maid of yours, I will have to get you a new one within the week." I nodded, by this time I am used to having my handmaidens changed. He took the comb and started combing my hair, his dark eyes looking straight into my eyes, the sheer perfection of his face in contrast to my ever-plain-looking face. I looked away, I can't bear looking at it, it reminds me of the book that I'm in and how this is not a fairytale. He held me by the shoulders and asked in a cold voice, "Why do you look away? Is the idea of us still so intolerable for you?" I don't know how to answer him so I just nodded and bit my lower lip. He carried me to bed as he kissed my hair. Then, he laid me on the bed, his eyes boring through mine. "I hate that you are afraid of me, and that the idea of us is unacceptable to you. But right now, the only thing making you stay with me is fear of what I'd do if I lose you, I have no choice but to hold onto it. Forgive me Maru, I have no choice but to cherish the fear I have inflicted on you." He disrobed me, his calloused hands rough against my skin, feeling, touching, and leaving warmth where it landed. I winced every time his fingers land on a bruise, or on some of the fresh marks he placed there last night. "Do you want this?" he asked me as his fingers curled against my breasts, pinching one taut nipple after the other. I nodded, unable to deny under his skeptical gaze, I moaned in pleasure when his lips replaced his touch. His tongue licked on a pinkish bud and then sucked so very gently. "Tell me, any time you want me to stop, Maru. One word, that is all I need," he whispered and I blushed as I was reminded that I never stopped his assaults. I was powerless against my own needs, in the modern human world, it seems I am a submissive. And right here taking me in for another torturous night, is my dominant. I am married to Rin Saito, the most powerful monarch this world has ever seen, and I... I think I may have found my master in him. "Raise your hands for me, raise them above your head, and clasp them together," he whispered, his mouth barely an inch from my ear. I obliged, my body trembling from desire and fear combined, anticipating his next orders and feeling my body give in to his control. He took a silky rope he has been keeping on the drawers of the bedside table, and smiling, bounded up my wrists. "Tighter?" his sadistic smile made him a bit more benevolent in my eyes. I trembled from excitement as I nodded my head. He tightened my bind and leveled his head with mine, then he dipped his head, claiming my lips as I squirm helplessly against him. He opened my lips and slid his tongue inside my throat, my own saliva dripping down my neck. "Beautiful, my beautiful Maru," I heard him whisper as his hands continued to travel down, stroking and sliding gently down my skin until it reached my undergarments. "You shouldn't even bother with this, you know of my appetite. I told you not to wear them at night, my love, do you really want to be punished that badly?" I moaned, his lips curving in a proud smile. "I like it when you lose yourself in shameless pleasure. I like it when I can sully the princess and turn her into my queen," he claimed my lips more possessively.
Mary_Algen_Guiang1 · 320.3K Views
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