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Luo Zheng

Panduan untuk Menguasai Suami Konglomerat Saya

Luo Huian adalah yang paling cantik, kuat, dan narsistik——- Potong! Potong! Potong! Ambil dua, dan ulangi. Luo Huian adalah yang paling cantik, kuat, dan bijaksana yang abadi dalam alam kedamaian dan harmoni. Kedua ayahnya sangat menyayanginya, dan dia memiliki banyak sumber daya dan pil. Kehidupannya sempurna. Namun, kehidupan sempurnanya berakhir tiba-tiba ketika Luo Huian, seorang abadi yang bertanggung jawab membawa kedamaian bagi mereka yang telah mencapai akhir dan kehabisan keyakinan—— Menyaksikan seorang pria melompat dari gedung. Karena kepercayaannya yang kaku dan rasa keadilannya, dia tidak menyelamatkan si pengganggu. Sayangnya, pria tersebut adalah anak dari surga. Kehilangan nyawanya membawa masalah tak terbatas dalam kehidupan Luo Huian dan dia dihukum oleh surga. Dia dikirim ke dunia manusia di mana dia harus menyelamatkan setidaknya lima ratus orang dengan menyelamatkan nyawa mereka ketika mereka berada di ujung akal sehat mereka. Untuk seorang abadi ini adalah pekerjaan yang mudah, bukan? Salah. Neneknya mengirim Luo Huian ke dunia di mana Batu Kegelapan telah menciptakan kekacauan. Binatang dan monster dilahirkan oleh Batu Kegelapan yang menghisap setiap ons kebahagiaan dari manusia. Dunia ini didominasi oleh pemburu yang dapat membunuh binatang dengan kekuatan yang telah mereka bangkitkan. Dan di dunia yang kejam ini, Luo Huian mendapat bagian yang paling buruk. Dia bangun dalam tubuh pemburu kelas-F! Sialan. Jika itu belum cukup buruk, pemilik sebelumnya telah mengakui kepada sepupu perempuannya dan diusir dari keluarga. Ganda katak dalam pot panas. Dengan tidak sedikit pun uang di sakunya Luo Huian keluar untuk menyelesaikan misinya. Tapi apa yang akan terjadi ketika Luo Huian yang adalah pemburu kelas-F membasmi Glooms and Hollows kelas-Z yang bahkan pemburu kelas-S pun tidak bisa? Lihat dia melawan bahaya dan pada saat yang sama menyelamatkan nyawa orang-orang. Tapi dalam misi kecil ini, ada halangan kecil —— Tiga godaan yang memikat. *********** Melawan godaan ambil 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian mendorong mer yang telah menekannya ke tempat tidur sambil duduk di pinggangnya. "Turun." “Saya tidak bisa,” jawab Qi Yongrui saat dia melepas bajunya. “Ayah Shun bilang dia iri dengan Paman Wang. Dia juga ingin memeluk cucu. Jadi, istri ayo kita kerja keras malam ini, oke?” Luo Huian: Tuhanku selamatkan aku, aku adalah perempuan tanpa keinginan! **** Melawan godaan ambil 2: “Menurutmu dia tampan?” tanya Fan Meilin kepada wanita yang berdiri di sebelahnya. Meski dia yang memenangkan perlombaan dan piala, istrinya malah melihat mer lain. “Ya tentu,” Luo Huian, yang merupakan penikmat keindahan, segera setuju. “Tapi mengapa kamu bertanya?” Mata Fan Meilin berkilat saat dia tersenyum pada Luo dan mendekatkan tubuhnya sambil berbisik di telinganya, “Dia mungkin tampak tampan tapi saya adalah pengendara yang lebih baik. Tidak hanya di jalur tapi juga di tempat tidur, apakah kamu mau mencoba sayang?” Luo Huian: Lawan godaan! Biaya apa pun! Saya adalah wanita berhati baja. ***** Melawan godaan ambil 3: “Apakah ini perlu?” tanya Luo Huian saat duduk di sofa, menonton mer melacak jarinya di lengkungan tubuhnya sambil dia duduk hanya dengan pakaian renang modern. Mer itu mengangguk saat dia menulis di notepad kecilnya, “Saya perlu melacak setiap inci kulit Anda untuk menciptakan karya terbaik saya, jadi jangan bergerak.” Setelah selesai menulis, dia menyerahkan notepad kepada Luo Huian, jarinya menyentuh lekukan dada, pinggangnya dan ——— Luo Huian: Kesucianku berada dalam risiko besar! ** Fl yang berusaha melakukan segalanya untuk menyelamatkan kesuciannya dari diambil karena itu akan memperlambat kultivasinya X Mls yang berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk merebutnya darinya. *********** Peringatan pemicu: meskipun buku ini diatur dalam pengaturan komedi, mungkin ada beberapa topik yang tidak nyaman yang akan membahas depresi dan kesepian. ***********
fairytail72 · 4.5K Views

Senhora Gu É Fraca Demais Para Se Defender Sozinha

``` Corria o boato de que Qiao Xi tinha uma constituição fraca — uma beleza doente. Diziam que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias com medicamentos — comendo-os como se fossem doces. Corria o boato de que dez criados a atendiam na cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Qiao jogasse Qiao Xi de volta para o campo e a deixasse se virar sozinha. Qiao Xi: "Estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não posso cuidar de mim mesma. Parece que também gasto dinheiro sem pensar.” Ela olhou para a sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Qiao Xi: “Estão dizendo que essa família rica deixa sua filha usar roupas rasgadas todos os dias?” A rica filha da família Qiao? Ela já tinha o suficiente! Ela não seria mais! Portanto... Carinha escroto: "Sem a família Qiao, você não é nada." Qiao Xi: "Se eu for expulsa da família Qiao, estou acabada." Garota escrota: "Mana, não fique muito decepcionada. Contanto que você se esforce, um dia será elogiada." Qiao Xi: "Cala a boca, eu não conheço traidora como você." O carinha escroto e a garota escrota: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Gu, Gu Zheng, se casou precipitadamente com uma mulher que não tinha nada além da aparência. Qiao Xi: "Alguém está me subestimando?" Um dia, Qiao Xi viu um dos funcionários de Gu Zheng quebrando a cabeça com uma série de números na tela do computador. Como ela estava de bobeira, ela deu uma mão. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelo esforço conjunto dos melhores hackers de elite?! Gu Zheng se aproximava a cada passo. "Qiao Xi, do que mais você está me escondendo? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Ai, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Esse meu corpo é muito frágil!" ```
Qiaoqiao · 112K Views

Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands

Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and narcissistic——- Cut! Cut! Cut! Take two, and do it over. Luo Huian was the most beautiful, strong and wisest immortal in the realm of peace and harmony. Her two fathers doted on her, and she had a generous supply of resources and pills. Her life was perfect. However, her perfect life came to an abrupt end when Luo Huian, an immortal whose responsibility was to bring peace to those who had reached their ends and had run out of faith—— Watched a man jump down a building. Because of her inflexible beliefs and sense of justice, she did not save the bully. Unfortunately, that man was the son of the heavens. The loss of his life brought infinite trouble in Luo Huian’s life and she was punished by the heavens. She was sent to the world of humans where she had to rescue at least five hundred people by saving their lives when they were at the end of their wits. For an immortal this was an easy job, right? Wrong. Her grandmother sent Luo Huian to a world where Gloom Rocks had wrecked chaos. Beasts and monsters were given birth to by the Gloom Rocks that sucked every ounce of happiness from humans. This world was dominated by hunters who could kill the beasts with the powers that they had awakened. And in this cutthroat world, Luo Huian got the short end of the stick. She woke up in the body of an F-class hunter! Dang it. If that wasn’t worse enough, the previous owner had confessed to her cousin-in-law and was kicked out of the family. Double frog in the hot crock. With not a single penny in her pocket Luo Huian goes out to complete her mission. But what would happen when Luo Huian who was an F-class hunter annihilated the Z-class Glooms and Hollows that even the S-class hunters could not? Watch her fend against the dangers and at the same time save the lives of people. But in this small mission, there is a small obstruction —— The three alluring temptations. *********** Resisting the temptation take 1: “MMPH,” Luo Huian pushed against the mer who had pushed her down on the bed while sitting on her waist. “Get off.” “I can’t,” answered Qi Yongrui as he took off his shirt. “Daddy Shun said that he is envious of Uncle Wang. He also wants to hold a grandchild. So, wife let's work hard tonight alright?” Luo Huian: Dear Heavens save me, I am a woman of no desire! **** Resisting the temptation take 2: “Do you think he is good looking?” Fan Meilin questioned the woman who stood next to him. Even though he was the one who won the race and the trophy, his wife was looking at the other mer. “Well yes,” Luo Huian, who was an appreciator of beauty, agreed at once. “Why are you asking this though?” Fan Meilin’s eyes flashed as he smiled at her and leaned in closer to her body as he whispered in her ear, “He might be good looking but I am a better driver. Not only on the track but also in bed, do you want to try darling?” Luo Huian: Resist the temptation! At all costs! I am an iron-hearted woman. ***** Resisting the temptation take 3: “Is this necessary?” Luo Huian questioned as she sat on the couch, watching the mer trace his fingers on her curves while she sat in nothing but modern swimwear. The mer nodded as he wrote on his small notepad, “I need to trace every inch of your skin to create my finest creation, so don’t move.” After he finished writing, he handed the notepad to Luo Huian, his fingers brushing against the curve of her bosom, waist and ——— Luo Huian: My virtue is at extreme risk! ** Fl who is trying to do everything to save her virtue from being taken as it would slow down her cultivation X Mls who are trying their best to snatch it from her. *********** Trigger warning: though the book is set in a comedic setting, there might be some uneasy topics that would discuss depression and loneliness. ***********
fairytail72 · 1.2M Views

Madam, Ihre Identitäten werden einer nach dem anderen aufgedeckt!

Eine Bedrohung. Ein Delinquent. Eine Enttäuschung. Wenn Sie jemanden fragen, wie er Jiang Yue beschreiben würde, wären es diese drei Worte. Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf. Sie brach die Schule im Alter von 6 Jahren ab und verließ ihren Vater, der in einem vegetativen Zustand war, um in anderen Städten Chaos zu stiften. Dafür ist sie bekannt. Alle dachten, dass sie ihre Tage damit verbrachte, in Schwierigkeiten zu geraten und ihr Leben rücksichtslos zu leben. Was andere jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass diese Worte weit von dem entfernt sind, was sie tatsächlich ist! Ein Genie! Sie hat einen schlechten Ruf, weil sie nie zögert, Gewalt gegen diejenigen anzuwenden, die ihr schaden wollen. Sie hat die Schule im Alter von sechs Jahren abgebrochen, weil sie alles gelernt hat, was es in der Schule zu lernen gibt! Sie verließ ihren Vater, um eine Maschine zu bauen, die ihm helfen könnte, sich zu erholen, und sie streifte umher, um diejenigen zu finden, die ihren Vater verletzt hatten, und ihn zu rächen! Sie wird niemanden verschonen, der ihrer Familie geschadet hat! Sie wird die Bastarde finden, die ihren älteren Bruder getötet, ihren Vater in einen vegetativen Zustand versetzt und ihre Schwester verletzt haben. Doch die Dinge liefen nicht so, wie sie sollten. Sie ist zurück in der High School, um ihr Versprechen gegenüber ihrer Schwester einzulösen, aber warum hat sie stattdessen einen anhänglichen jungen Meister an sich gebunden? *** In einer bestimmten Nacht trafen sich Jiang Yue und Luo Zhelan in einer unerwarteten Situation. An diesem Tag hatte Luo Zhelan keine Ahnung, dass die Frau, die mit einer Waffe in der blutigen Hand vor seinem Auto stand, die Frau sein würde, die sein Leben vervollständigen würde. "Junger Meister Luo, die junge Frau ist wieder ein Trend auf Weibo!" Ein Untergebener berichtete. Der junge Meister kniff die Augen zusammen: "Was ist es diesmal wieder?" "Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie die Person hinter Allico Intelligence ist! Sie hat das Unternehmen gegründet und es zu einem der führenden Tech-Giganten des Landes gemacht!" Ein gewisser Untergebener berichtete. "Bruder Zhe, es hat sich etwas herumgesprochen!" Sein guter Freund rief ihm zu. Luo Zhelan fragte: "Was für Neuigkeiten?" "Schwägerin ist Shadow! Der Top-Assassine, der 'Fallen Vengeance' ins Leben gerufen hat! Die Liga, die aus allen gefürchteten Attentätern besteht!" "Junger Meister Luo, sehen Sie sich diesen Posten an!" "Sohn, warum nennt Direktor Wei Xiao Yue 'Schüler'?" "Bruder Zhe, Schwägerin hat Altersky erschaffen?!" "Junger Meister! Ich habe etwas über die junge Madam herausgefunden!" Ein gewisser junger Meister war verblüfft.
Nnaise · 64.2K Views

I'm just Omnipotent

Luo Fan, a 15-year-old prodigy, possessed a mysterious and incurable body condition—one that defied the comprehension of even the most esteemed healers. No one could diagnose its nature, nor could they prevent its inevitable outcome. At the age of 16, his life met an untimely end. Yet, in the instant of his death— "Ding!" A crisp, divine chime resounded through the boundless void of his consciousness. It was neither an illusion nor a mere sound, but an ethereal decree, carrying the weight of existence itself. Then, an omnipotent voice descended, reverberating through the depths of reality. [Supreme Invincible System Activated.] Its proclamation rippled through the fabric of all creation, infusing Luo Fan’s very essence with an undeniable force. [Granting Host: Omnipotence, Invincibility, Omniscience, Omnisapience, Transcendence, and limitless abilities beyond all comprehension.] The decree continued, echoing with an authority that even the cosmos dared not challenge. [Granting Host: Permission to Wish. Should the Host desire anything but choose not to act personally, the System shall fulfill the request in absolute accordance with his will.] And then, with a final, irrevocable pronouncement— [The Host is now the Invincible Being—the Omnipotent and Sole Ruler of All That Exists. Have fun.] At that moment, Luo Fan ceased to be a mere mortal. He became an entity beyond all limitations, an existence that surpassed even the concept of supremacy itself.
mrkritta · 274 Views

Señora, ¡sus identidades están siendo expuestas una tras otra!

``` Una amenaza. Una delincuente. Una decepción. Si le preguntas a alguien cómo describirían a Jiang Yue, serían esas tres palabras. Tiene mala reputación. Abandonó la escuela a los 6 años. Dejó a su padre en estado vegetativo para vagar y sembrar el caos en otras ciudades. Eso es por lo que es conocida. Todos pensaban que pasaba sus días metiéndose en problemas, viviendo la vida imprudentemente. Aunque lo que otros no sabían era que esas palabras están lejos de lo que realmente es. ¡Una Genio! Tiene mala reputación porque nunca duda en usar la violencia contra aquellos que buscan hacerle daño. Abandonó la escuela a los seis años porque había aprendido todo lo que había para aprender en la escuela. Dejó a su padre para crear una máquina que pudiera ayudarlo a recuperarse y vagaba para encontrar a aquellos que hirieron a su padre y vengarlo. ¡No perdonará a nadie que haya dañado a su familia! Encontrará a esos bastardos que mataron a su Hermano Mayor, causaron que su padre quedara en estado vegetativo y lastimaron a su hermana. Sin embargo, las cosas no salieron como deberían. Está de vuelta en la preparatoria para cumplir su promesa a su hermana, pero ¿por qué tiene pegado a un Joven Maestro insistente? *** Una cierta noche, Jiang Yue y Luo Zhelan se encontraron en una situación inesperada. Ese día, Luo Zhelan no tenía idea de que la mujer parada enfrente de su coche con una pistola en su mano ensangrentada sería la mujer que completaría su vida. —¡Joven Maestro Luo, la Joven Señora está trending otra vez en Weibo! —un subordinado informó. El Joven Maestro entrecerró los ojos, —¿Qué es esta vez? —¡Resulta que ella está detrás de Allico Intelligence! ¡Lo creó y lo convirtió en uno de los gigantes tecnológicos líderes del país! —un cierto subordinado informó. —¡Hermano Zhe, hay algunas noticias circulando! —su buen amigo exclamó. Luo Zhelan preguntó, —¿Qué noticias? —¡La cuñada es Sombra! ¡La asesina top que inició "Venganza Caída"! ¡La liga que estaba compuesta por todos los asesinos temidos! —exclamó su buen amigo. —¡Joven Maestro Luo, mira esta publicación! —dijo otro. —Hijo, ¿por qué el Director Wei llama a Xiao Yue "discípula"? —preguntó su padre. —¡Hermano Zhe, la cuñada creó Altersky?! —exclamó su buen amigo. —¡Joven Maestro! ¡Descubrí algo sobre la Joven Señora! —informó un subordinado. Un cierto Joven Maestro estaba perplejo. ```
Nnaise · 128.9K Views

Senhora, Suas Identidades estão Sendo Expostas Uma a Uma!

Uma ameaça. Uma delinquente. Uma decepção. Se você perguntar a qualquer um como eles descreveriam Jiang Yue, seriam essas três palavras. Ela tem uma má reputação. Largou a escola aos 6 anos. Deixou seu pai, que estava em estado vegetativo, para vagar e causar destruição em outras cidades. É isso que ela é conhecida por. Todos pensavam que ela passava seus dias apenas se metendo em problemas, vivendo a vida de maneira imprudente. O que os outros não sabiam, no entanto, era que essas palavras estão longe do que ela realmente é! Uma Gênio! Ela tem uma má reputação porque nunca hesita em usar violência contra aqueles que procuram prejudicá-la. Largou a escola aos seis anos porque já havia aprendido tudo o que havia para aprender na escola! Deixou seu pai para criar uma máquina que poderia ajudá-lo a se recuperar e vagou por aí para encontrar aqueles que machucaram seu pai e vingá-lo! Ela não poupará ninguém que tenha machucado sua família! Ela encontrará esses canalhas que mataram seu Irmão mais Velho, causaram ao seu pai o estado vegetativo e machucaram sua irmã. No entanto, as coisas não foram como deveriam ser. Ela voltou para o ensino médio para cumprir sua promessa à irmã, mas por que é que ela acabou com um Jovem Mestre Luo grudado nela? *** Em uma certa noite, Jiang Yue e Luo Zhelan se encontraram em uma situação inesperada. Naquele dia, Luo Zhelan não fazia ideia de que a mulher parada na frente do seu carro com uma arma na mão ensanguentada seria a mulher que completaria sua vida. "Jovem Mestre Luo, a Jovem Madama está em alta novamente no Weibo!" Um subordinado relatou. O Jovem Mestre estreitou os olhos, "O que é dessa vez?" "Acontece que ela é a pessoa por trás da Allico Intelligence! Ela criou e a transformou em uma das gigantes de tecnologia líderes do país!" Um certo subordinado relatou. "Irmão Zhe, tem umas notícias rolando!" Seu bom amigo exclamou para ele. Luo Zhelan perguntou, "Que notícias?" "A cunhada é Sombra! A principal assassina que criou 'Vingança Caída'! A liga que era composta por todos os assassinos temidos!" "Jovem Mestre Luo, olha essa postagem!" "Filho, por que o Diretor Wei está chamando Xiao Yue de 'discípulo'?" "Irmão Zhe, a cunhada criou a Altersky?!" "Jovem Mestre! Descobri algo sobre a Jovem Madama!" Certo Jovem Mestre estava aturdido.
Nnaise · 77K Views

The Licentious Cultivator

Update: 2 Chapters Weekly! After leading a domineering life as Venerable of the main world, Xue Ritian meets his end at the hands of the strongest warrior from the Primordial Dragon Race; Long Aotian. But the strengths of a Venerable knows no bounds and Xue Ritian's soul is forcefully refined in the Cycle of Reincarnation. Now, he is reincarnated as a young Lu Zheng in China's Lu Clan and must fight his way back to the top of the cultivation ladder and exact his revenge on his foes. Embark on this journey with Lu Zheng and see what is next to come ------------- The genre is Xianxia. Characters in the novel absorb energy (Qi) from their surroundings and use it as the basis of their strength. ------------- **Character is reincarated and will receive strong powerscaling and a fair level of omnipotence at the beginning. **Contrary to the title of the book, there are will be very little amounts of sexual relations. When there are (cuz there will be), expect them not to consume too much of the chapter. **In case you are expectant of what the novel might have to offer and what it won't, - There is NO yuri, NO yaoi, NO incest - There will be NO mentions of rape (thank goodness) - MC will HAVE an harem This is my first novel so the first chapters are a bit rough but I promise, the writing gets fine tuned as the story progresses. I have received offers to go premium but I would prefer The Licentious Cultivator (LC for short) to remain free till the very end. **WARNING: LC is a product of me playing around. I can't promise regular updates but I always stock up on chapters in my drafts whenever I have the time. P.S.: Feel free to leave a review and comment. They give me that extra 'hoompf' Enjoy XD
LonelySnow23 · 436.3K Views

Mist Empire’s Rise: Fake Noble to Fog Queen

[Fake Aristocrat + Empress Regnant + Identity Concealment + Charisma + Nation-building + Personal Growth] Luo Wei has transmigrated. She finds herself in the body of a lowborn commoner who had impersonated a noble lady to enter school. She's about to be exposed as a commoner, facing contempt and insults from the entire school, and ultimately destined to be hanged at the marketplace gallows. Luo Wei: What's there to fear? It's just pretending to be nobility. As someone from the 21st century, she can act more noble than the nobles themselves! When a noble lady tries to test her with expensive spices, Luo Wei takes one look: Aren't these just common seasonings found everywhere in Western cuisine? As if she's never tasted them before! They say she's a commoner who can't do geometry? Luo Wei smiles slightly: Isn't it just trigonometric functions? She learned that in middle school! What? They say she's poor and has no money? She casually produces an entire bolt of silk fabric to make pajamas, and while she's at it, makes a chest full of silk handkerchiefs, using them once and tossing them away. They say she has no fief and isn't a true noble? Hah! She makes money by day and reclaims land by night. While attending school, she's busy cultivating land. Soon, millions of square kilometers of fertile soil in the New World are all hers. She establishes her own country and ennobles herself! Finally, her identity is exposed by an old acquaintance. The Holy Church wants to put her on trial, presenting evidence that she's not a noble - they couldn't find her patent of nobility in the Mist Kingdom. Luo Wei: A noble title? Sorry, she indeed doesn't have one. Because she is the Empress Regnant of the Mist Kingdom! In the end, she abolishes the aristocratic system, establishes a new country, and becomes a deity in the hearts of countless commoners. She promises them peace and prosperity; they pledge her their loyalty and faith. She, ultimately, becomes ..
DaoistsSzmtd · 5.1K Views

Way of Heaven: Creating the Strongest World of Chaos of All Time!

What is it like to become the Heavenly Dao of a vast world? Qin Yu’s answer: It’s helplessness and despair! Under his command are a hundred thousand Da Luo Golden Immortals, billions of Golden Immortals, and Taiyi Golden Immortals, and an uncountable number of other beings. There are also invincible existences who repeatedly break the limits, surpassing the pinnacle of Da Luo Golden Immortal's Ninth Heaven and reaching the terrifying Twelfth Heaven, a thousand times stronger. With such a lineup, they should be invincible in the vast world, capable of suppressing all rebellion and sweeping through everything. But what brought the Heavenly Dao to despair was precisely these immensely powerful beings who transcend past and future, leaping out of the river of time. Traitors, all of them traitors! Actors, all of them actors! Every strong being betrayed the world that gave birth to and nurtured them! The Evergreen Immortal Realm no longer had a shred of hope. It could only wait to be drained of all its vitality and then despairingly fade into oblivion within the Sea of Chaos. Just as Qin Yu was preparing to give up... The cheat of being a transmigrator activated. Deep within his consciousness appeared the Gate of Creation, capable of channeling a Creation Aura equivalent to ten thousand times the world's original energy based on his strength. He didn’t use it to save the Evergreen Immortal Realm, filled with nothing but betrayal and ingrates. Instead, he started fresh, creating a unique and unparalleled world within the Sea of Chaos! With unstoppable momentum, he returned in strength, burying all the traitors...
I_am_not_done · 1K Views

Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent [English]-吞噬星空2起源大陆•Tunshi Xingkong

Buy me a Coffee ☕ ______ Luo Feng, accompanied by Boundary Beast Morosa, traversed reincarnation and arrived at the Origin Continent… The Continent of Origin is the origin of the three-thousand-dimensional Universe Oceans. Each Ocean has an Original Universe and a Reincarnation Channel, and the three-thousand-dimensional Ocean is also the foundation of the prosperity of the Origin Continent. The sky of the Continent of Origin is vast and deep, with 'stars' shining brightly. These 'stars' are actually the Miniature Universes of its residents, with the most terrifying stars being the Miniature Universes of the God Kings. The Law of Chaos can be clearly sensed, unlike in the Original Universe. Beings born on the Continent of Origin can usually become True Gods. There are also strange beasts that the God Kings allow to occupy most of the territory of the continent. Cultivators from all races kill these beasts and collect their body materials as resources for cultivation. While the beasts can become incredibly powerful due to their bloodline, they are less intelligent than the cultivators. Beasts who reach the God King level are generally kept in captivity by the other God Kings. Those born on the Continent of Origin has various special bloodlines in their blood, allowing them to follow the Bloodline Cultivation Method to reach the Primal Chaos Sovereign level. Author: I Eat Tomatoes Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi 我吃西红柿 Disclaimer: This is not my original work. I translate official Chinese novel into English and I do not take any credit for it. All credit goes to this novel's official author “I Eat Tomato.” If you are the official publisher of this novel and you want to remove it then I will remove it immediately. Please support the author at: Have a nice day.
Shadow_Knight_AK · 460K Views

The Villainess Junior Sister Always Wants to Have Me

[The translation is poor—read at your own risk.] Su Luo transmigrated into a cultivation novel, becoming the cannon fodder senior sister. In the original story, she was jealous of the villainess's talent and colluded with fellow disciples to frame and humiliate her, contributing significantly to the villainess´s descent into darkness. After transmigrating, Su Luo must take on the original character's role, diligently becoming a stepping stone for the villainess's path to corruption. Upon first meeting the villainess, she thought: This delicate, fragile sister, how much suffering must she endure to grow into such a gloomy and obsessive villainess? Due to the system's threats, Su Luo continues to play the role of the vicious senior sister on the surface, but secretly she goes easy on Meng Shuying, carefully nurturing her. However… Why is the plot deviating? Why is Meng Shuying offering her the precious spiritual herbs that took so much effort to obtain? Why is Meng Shuying risking her life to save her in the perilous secret realm? And why is the villainess, who was supposed to stab the original character to death with a sword, now cornering her with a face full of tenderness, leaving a kiss on her cheek, and softly asking, "Senior Sister, will you become my Dao partner?" [Please note: The cover is AI-generated and does not depict elements from the story] [This novel is translated, 5 chapters / day, CT: 盒不困]
Ov4096 · 297.9K Views
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