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"Cronicas de Tharsia 1" La Profecia de los Elegidos

Cuentan los Elfos más viejos que todo empezó con una tormenta cerca del gran lago, después de un gran estruendo aparecieron ellos. Decían ser La Legión IX Hispana, soldados leales de una tierra extraña llamada Roma. Hace ya más de mil años de aquel extraño suceso, Aquellos cinco mil hombres conquistaron gran parte del continente, esclavizaron a elfos y semihumanos por igual, crearon naciones de hombres y su sed de poder no conoce límites. Nubes de llanto y desesperación cubren con su oscuridad el continente de Tharsia. Lousen, uno de los elfos más viejos del Reino de Verama clama sobre una nueva profecía: Cuatro héroes acababan de nacer, y uno de ellos será el salvador de las tribus élficas. Christopher es un jubilado de origen mexicano que visitaba una zona arqueológica en el Perú, cuando de repente se ve envuelto en una intensa luz y es transportado a una extraña tierra; para sorpresa de él, su físico es idéntico al personaje de un videojuego. Los tambores de guerra suenan a lo lejos. ¿Será cierto lo que profetiza Lousen? ¿Habrá nacido el héroe que logrará unir tanto a hombres, como elfos y semihumanos en una misma bandera? ¿Y los otros héroes? ¿Se unirán o se convertirán en enemigos? ¿Y Christopher será parte de la profecía, o solo tuvo la desgracia de estar en el lugar y momentos equivocados? Esta es la historia de uno de estos héroes. Bienvenido a las Crónicas de Tharsia “Aquelarre de Asesinos”
RyogaRizo · 560 Views

Keberuntungan Karismatik Gadis Pertanian

Di tepi Sungai Xishui, ada sebuah keluarga dengan nama belakang Ruo, yang nasibnya sangat buruk sehingga seolah-olah nasib buruk itu merasuki jiwa mereka. Ketika keluarga lain memperoleh panen yang berlimpah, Keluarga Ruo tidak memanen sebutir pun biji-bijian. Sayuran yang mereka tanam dimakan oleh serangga, ayam mereka terkena wabah ayam, babi mereka terkena demam babi… Meskipun rumah tangga ini dipenuhi pria yang kuat, mereka entah gila, cacat, atau buta… Keluarga yang seharusnya memiliki prospek cerah menjadi yang termiskin dalam jarak sepuluh mil. Satu-satunya hal yang membuat orang lain iri terhadap Keluarga Ruo adalah anggota pria mereka yang subur! Nyonya tua Keluarga Ruo telah melahirkan enam putra, yang kemudian memberinya empat cucu laki-laki. Dia bermimpi siang dan malam memiliki seorang cucu perempuan. Ketika dia akhirnya mendapatkan seorang cucu, yang mengecewakannya, anak itu mental terganggu: di usia lebih dari tiga tahun, dia masih tidak dapat berbicara atau berjalan, bahkan tidak bisa makan atau buang air tanpa bantuan. Semua orang berpikir Keluarga Ruo tidak akan pernah bisa membalikkan keberuntungan mereka dalam hidup ini! Sampai anak cacat mental setengah tua berusia tiga tahun itu tiba-tiba berseru, “Mama…” Langit mulai berubah. Dunia mulai berubah menjadi misterius. Di halaman Keluarga Ruo, buah kesemek matang dalam semalam. Sayuran di ladang, hampir habis digerogoti serangga, menjadi subur dan hijau. Ayam tua yang tidak pernah bertelur tiba-tiba mulai bertelur… Sementara orang lain menghadapi kelaparan, lumbung Keluarga Ruo penuh. Putra sulung tidak lagi gila, putra kedua tidak lagi cacat, putra ketiga tidak lagi buta… Nyonya tua Keluarga Ruo, dengan tangannya di pinggang, tertawa lepas ke langit, "Siapa bilang Xuanbao saya bodoh? Dia jelas harta karun keberkahan!" (Ini adalah novel pertanian dengan sentuhan pesona peri, di mana protagonis wanita di kehidupan sebelumnya adalah lili hari yang baru terbangun yang telah bereinkarnasi sebagai manusia.)
Fade in and out · 38.3K Views

Querido Tirano Imortal

[Conteúdo Maduro.] "Eu sempre estarei ao seu lado, ao seu lado, sobre você, atrás de você... A escolha é sua para fazer." Um imortal que viveu um milênio... Ele passou por muitos nomes, muitas vidas, muitos títulos, mas um lhe marcou mais... Kaden. Um olhar e você pensaria ter encontrado o diabo. Perigoso, traiçoeiro e indiferente, as pessoas sempre baixavam a cabeça para ele—exceto pela mulher que fez o tirano se ajoelhar. Uma mulher com uma habilidade e uma maldição especial... Lina. Ela foi amaldiçoada com clarividência—a habilidade de ver o futuro próximo ou distante de uma pessoa. Quando a maioria não lembra da infância, Lina se lembrava da sua primeira vida. Desde o nascimento, ela teve pesadelos recorrentes sobre um homem que supostamente morreu. 1000 anos após sua morte, Lina o vê novamente, e ele quer ter tudo a ver com ela. Infelizmente, não há lugar nenhum neste mundo que ela possa ir que ele não a encontraria. O que aconteceria com a Lina assustada e o Kaden malicioso? Eles encontrarão o amor novamente? Ela fugirá da verdade? Ele a deixaria partir? Uma garota humana e um imortal, juntos... é um amor que levou o mundo a se ajoelhar. + + + + + Aviso: Forte conteúdo sexual. Você pode ficar viciado no livro ;) Conecte-se comigo: Instagram: Facebook: Email: Capa: Uma obra de arte encomendada desenhada por Laylee Hui. Todos os direitos exclusivos. Editor: diane_loves_2_read
Xincerely · 21.3K Views

A Identidade da Senhora Choca Toda a Cidade Novamente

``` Qiao Nian viveu na casa da família Qiao por 18 anos antes que seus pais biológicos a encontrassem. De repente, todas as famílias ricas da cidade souberam que a família Qiao tinha uma filha falsa! Uma verdadeira filha de uma família abastada seria talentosa, gentil e bondosa. Uma filha falsa não seria capaz de desenvolver nenhuma habilidade e não conseguiria realizar nada. Todo mundo queria ver como ela ficaria miserável ao voltar para o seu barranco depois de ser expulsa de uma família rica! Qiao Nian também pensava que seus pais biológicos eram professores pobres do Condado de Luohe. Quem diria que seu irmão dirigia um Phaeton que valia trezentos mil yuan! Seu pai biológico também era um professor que ensinava na Universidade de Tsinghua! O grande chefe da família de escórias tornou-se um bajulador e se curvou diante do avô dela... Qiao Nian ficou atônita. Er... isso não era o mesmo que dizer sim! Depois de ser libertada da família de escórias, Qiao Nian pôde ser ela mesma. Ela era a aluna no topo do exame de entrada da faculdade, uma estrela de transmissões ao vivo e herdeira de um patrimônio cultural inestimável... Suas identidades foram reveladas e, quando ela começou a aparecer nas buscas bombásticas da cidade, a família de escórias ficou verde. Os anti-fãs zombavam: Qual o sentido de tentar falsificar uma imagem? Você não está apenas grudada no meu irmão todos os dias? Qiao Nian respondeu: Me desculpe, mas eu já tenho um par. Irmão Poderoso: @Qiao Nian. Deixe-me apresentá-la a todos. Esta é a minha irmã. Avô Rico: Minha querida neta, por que você está trabalhando tanto? Se você quer uma bicicleta, o avô vai comprar para você! Os ricos e poderosos de Pequim espalharam um boato de que o Mestre Wang estava escondendo uma esposa em sua luxuosa casa. Não importa o quanto as pessoas tentassem convencê-lo, ele nunca a levava para encontrar ninguém. Se perguntassem, ele diria a mesma frase. "Minha esposa é do campo e ela é tímida." Isso foi até o dia em que alguém viu o nobre e frio Mestre Wang segurando a cintura esbelta de uma garota enquanto se escondia em um canto de um muro e murmurava com os olhos vermelhos. "Bebê, quando você vai me dar um título?" [Filha falsa que é de uma verdadeira família rica] + [Dois grandes chefes] ```
Brother Ling · 60.4K Views

Yo, el príncipe heredero rico, construiré el país más rico.

Renacido como el príncipe heredero de un pobre país insular en el sudeste asiático, Xiao Yunhai se ve obligado a esforzarse en desarrollar la economía para evitar ser derrocado y aumentar los ingresos de la población. Aprovechando la ventaja del conocimiento previo y un sistema especial, bajo su liderazgo diligente, este extravagante príncipe heredero logra en pocos años un despegue económico para el pequeño país. Los medicamentos para tratar el cáncer y los productos para el blanqueamiento y el aumento de X se convierten en el objeto de deseo de las mujeres de todo el mundo. Crea un parque temático de la serie "Tomb Raider", que se convierte en el más popular del mundo... Bajo su liderazgo, este pequeño país se transforma en un centro mundial de la medicina, un gigante del anime, los videojuegos y la cultura, así como el destino turístico más popular del mundo, atrayendo a cientos de millones de turistas cada año. En lo militar, Xiao Yunhai tampoco escatima en gastos. ¿Un brigada sintética cuesta 20 mil millones? Cómprala, trae diez primero. ¿Un destructor de 10 mil toneladas cuesta 6,5 mil millones? Tráelo, trae veinte primero. ¿Un avión de quinta generación cuesta más de 100 millones por unidad? Aquí tienes mis 100 mil millones, traeme mis aviones... Su extravagante gasto hace que incluso los jeques del Medio Oriente se queden boquiabiertos. El país del dragón exclama que este sí es el verdadero "millonario excéntrico".
Kynova · 224 Views

Kacamata Untuk Emily

Julian, seorang bocah miskin yang tinggal sederhana bersama neneknya didesa. Dia dikucilkan oleh teman-temanya, bahkan orang disekitarnya karena kemiskinannya. Pada suatu hari, ada murid pindahan yang bernama Emily. Emily merupakan seorang gadis yang lugu, berambut pendek, dan berkacamata. Ia berasal dari keluarga yang mampu. Mereka berteman dari kecil hingga dewasa. Namun saat SMA, Emily tiba-tiba pergi meninggalkan Julian tanpa penjelasan. Hal tersebut membuat luka mendalam di hati Julian. Bertahun-tahun kemudian, dengan tekad dan kerja kerasnya, Julian bangkit dari keterpurukan. Kini, dia bukan lagi anak miskin yang diremehkan, melainkan pria sukses dengan karier gemilang dan bisnis yang berkembang pesat. Julian juga memiliki ambisi untuk mendirikan perusahaannya sendiri. Ketika hidup Julian sudah berubah, Emily kembali hadir di dalam kehidupannya. Tapi, kali ini dengan nasib yang terbalik. Apa yang membuat Emily kembali datang ke kehidupan Julian? Lalu bagaimanakah kisah mereka didalam menghadapi bayang-bayang masa lalunya? Dan konflik apa saja yang akan ditemui Julian dalam menggapai cita-citanya untuk mendirikan perusahaannya sendiri? Ikuti kisah selengkapnya di dalam Novel ini. Novel Kacamata untuk Emily ini memadukan berbagai genre meliputi "Romance, Slice Of Life, Remaja, Pengembangan Karir, CEO, dan Bisnis Fiksi." Dibalut dengan gaya penulisan menggunakan sudut pandang orang pertama, dan dialog yang ekspresif sebagai pembentuk cerita, serta story progress yang "Slow Pacing" membuat novel ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman membaca yang lebih realistis, dan imersif. [NOTE] Tentang novel ini: Disini anda akan merasakan suasana seolah-olah menjadi sang MC, karena novel ini ditulis menggunakan sudut pandang orang pertama. Nikmati bagaimana tokoh tersebut menjalani kehidupannya didalam cerita dan rasakan pengalaman emosionalnya seperti saat merenung, merasakan sesuatu, dan bereaksi terhadap sebuah situasi. Bukan hanya itu, Novel ini juga menggunakan dialog sebagai pembentuk dan penggerak cerita sehingga suasana cerita terasa lebih realistis dan dinamis. Lalu, Novel ini juga memiliki set progress cerita "Slow Pacing" yang akan membuat para pembaca merasakan bagaimana hubungan tiap karakter tumbuh dan berkembang secara lebih dalam pada tiap bab. Alih-alih mengejar Plot yang cepat, Pembaca justru dapat menikmati detail setiap adegan, gerak tubuh, ekspresi wajah, bahkan keheningan di antara para tokoh secara kompleks. Lalu, biarkan cerita terungkap secara perlahan. Resolution sering akan anda temui diakhir bab daripada Cliffhanger, karena ini digunakan sebagai kesimpulan perkembangan sang MC dalam cerita. Karena plot novel ini memang fokus kepada sang MC . Semoga ini bisa memberikan pengalaman membaca yang unik dan bermakna bagi para pembaca Novel "Kacamata Untuk Emily"
TriYulianto · 5.3K Views


Eloise Xaquille ialah seorang lelaki tampan berkacukan perancis yang di lahirkan di Portugal,Dia seorang lelaki yang tampan dan bergaya, berbadan Maskular,Tegas dalam bekerja, tidak suka membuang masa dan tidak takut kepada apa-apa ancaman yang akan datang pada dirinya. Laleta Amara ialah seorang gadis berasal dari Malaysia,Laleta Amara seorang yang ceria,jujur orangnya dan tidak suka berbohong, seorang gadis yang straight to the point,ayu dan juga matang.Laleta amat menyukai Bunga tulip kerana baginya bunga tulip sangat cantik bila ia mekar. Maka terjadilah pertemuan yang tidak di jangka antara Eloise dan Laleta. "Sorry sir....I didn't mean it"-Laleta Amara "Eh tidak mengapa cik...manis.."-Eloise Xaquille "Eh..boleh cakap melayu?"-Laleta Amara "eh.. mestilah,Saya ada Muhammad dan bin.Muhammad Eloise Xaquille Bin Ahmad David Hamdan,Daddy saya orang Portugal kacukan Melayu, mummy saya Dahlia Hilda berkacukan Perancis dan Melayu"-Eloise Xaquille "Waw ..rumit..."-Laleta Amara "Haha,So how about you?"-Eloise Xaquille "Nurul Laleta Amara Binti Ahmad Khaliff"-Laleta Amara "Laleta means...Tulips in Bulgaria, right? Ms.Tulip?"- Eloise Xaquille "Yeah... how did you know?"-Laleta Amara "Saya study kat sana dulu"-Eloise Xaquille "ohh...tapi muka Encik tak macam asia.. but tadi Encik cakap parents Encik ada mix dari luar Malaysia..."-Laleta Amara "Eu nasci em portugal..."-Eloise Xaquille "Huh? apa portugal?"-Laleta Amara "i was born in Portugal" -Eloise Xaquille Sejak pertemuan itu, Eloise meminta number talifon Laleta untuk memudahkan dia menghubungi Laleta memandangkan Laleta ialah pekerja di Syarikat milik keluarganya. "Good morning are you?"-Eloise Xaquille "Good morning Mr.boss...i'm good,how about you?"-Laleta Amara "A bit mess lah..i think.. i'm gonna die soon...i miss you..."-Eloise Xaquille "Huh?"-Laleta Amara "i said,i miss you..."-Eloise Xaquille "Mengada Awak ni boss"-Laleta Amara Eloise hanya tersenyum nakal sambil mengenyitkan sebelah mata kepada Laleta.
sitinurbazilah · 149 Views

Kalla: The Defiant

Synopsis of "Kalla: The Defiant” Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Koi Suleiman mountains in the mid-18th century, "Kalla: The Defiant" tells the stirring story of a young Baloch warrior's well-known symbols Kalla, Hakkal and Bahot’s resistance against British oppression. In Chapter One, Kalla inspires his friends to resist the British invaders. Despite their fierce bravery, they are captured and imprisoned in a massive British prison. Undeterred, Kalla begins to study their captors, plotting a daring escape. Chapter Two sees Kalla and his loyal comrades, Hakkal and Bahot, executing their escape plan with relentless determination. Their survival is a testament to their resilience and ingenuity. In Chapter Three, Kalla reorganizes his forces in the Koi Suleiman mountains, launching guerrilla attacks on British caravans. His sister, Gody, and allies Manisa and Mahal join forces, creating a formidable intelligence team. Chapter Four unfolds with Kalla and his team planning an all-out battle against the British on the Koi Suleiman. Their strategy is precise and bold, aiming to strike a decisive blow for freedom. In Chapter Five, the climactic battle erupts. The British suffer heavy losses but ultimately manage to hang Kalla and his key allies. Their sacrifice ignites a spark of hope and determination among the Baloch people, ensuring their legacy endures. Kalla: The Defiant is a tale of resilience, unity, and the relentless pursuit of freedom, capturing the essence of a nation's struggle against colonial forces.
Daoistm38I1J · 797 Views

The Cannon Fodder in the Global Apocalypse Game lives a leisurely life

#dotingmalelead #infrastructure #RPG #OPMc (Caution: Don't read while you're drinking. Author is not responsible for choking incident due to excessive happiness. XD Just sharing good vibes. If you're down and feeling sad, read my novel!) Li Chunhua never expected she would be transported in another world after she was reading an odd book she found in the Sect's Library. By the time she opened her eyes, her mind was instilled with memories of another girl whose appearance and name resembled hers. She actually became the vicious cannon fodder in that male lead angst novel she read. Faced with the future of miserable death, Chunhua decided to stay away from the male lead and the supporting characters and decided to live low-key. Thanks to her koi physique her road to a comfortable life was smooth sailing. When others are still starving by the lack of food, Chunhua had already started farming and rearing live stocks. When others are still without a proper shelter, she was already building roads. Although she was only eating her terrible cooking, her life was already good! [Congratulations for upgrading your thatched cottage to Level 1 log cabin.] [Congratulations for upgrading your Level 1 log cabin to Level 2 stone house.] [Congratulations...] Everything was was going well until she picked up an unconscious man covered in dirt in the forest. She always believe in karmic conditioning and therefore took care of him until he was back on his feet. Until one day, he told her his true name. Li Chunhua was dumbfounded. No way, the man I saved was actually the male lead! Is it too late to throw him back to the forest again? A certain someone's expression darkened and threw her on the bed. "You dare!"
The_Sweet_Dumpling · 1.9M Views

She's My Sleeping Pill

15 years ago, his elder brother was killed right in front of him in the middle of the night – killed by their most trusted driver. Since then, Stefan had a hard time sleeping and often got nightmares. He learned not to trust anyone. Cayenne worked almost all day and all night. She only got three hours of sleep every day. She was the breadwinner of their family since her mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She thought she would have a great time working as a receptionist in a hotel. Until… “I’ll pay you an additional $3000 a month. Sleep with me.” Stefan placed a signed check on the table in front of her. Her head was spinning at the large sum of money. She can finally buy her mother’s medication and send her brothers to school without worry. But to sleep with him? “I’m sorry if I come off rude but, I can’t sleep with you sir.” She tried to refuse politely, afraid that she will lose her job if he felt displease towards her. Stefan took off his coat and placed on the backrest of his chair. “Think about my offer carefully. It wasn’t so bad sleeping with you after all.” It was a mistake she made on her part when she fell asleep right beside him on his bed, drunk and dizzy. Will he make the mistake of trusting someone again? Will he entrust his life to her by sleeping soundly beside her? How will they face each other when they started to unveil the mystery of their identities? ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE
_frieyaVida · 2.6M Views

The Tyrant Father's Pampered Daughter

# pretendtobeafool # emperor # koi # femaleleadisacutebaby The Great Qi’s emperor had been hoping for a daughter, but he got 28 sons instead! This tyrant went to the altar and prayed, saying that if he could get a daughter, he would never kill indiscriminately again and would give peace to the world! To everyone’s surprise, Heaven actually agreed! Ten months later, Qi’s only princess, Gu Nuo’er, was born with tremendous luck. Starting her life surrounded by cunning ministers, being targeted by enemy nations, and in a world filled with natural disasters, the little princess waved her hand and indicated that she wasn’t afraid! With her great luck, she helped her tyrant father clean up the imperial court, pleased the women in the harem, and brought good luck to everyone around her. Slowly, she became a dear princess treasured by all. Tyrant father: The throne is Nuo’er’s cradle. I can even give her the entire nation if she wills it! Prince brothers: We’re handsome, talented, and rich, but we won’t marry. We’ll use our life to pamper our sister! Minister uncles: Whoever bullies our princess shall not blame us for besieging them and eradicating their existence! By the time Nuonuo was all grown up, everyone realized that the youth who grew up with her had been eyeing her for the longest time now… Green-eyed wolf boy, Ye Siming: Dearest Nuonuo, I’ll wreak havoc in the families of those who made you cry, and take the lives of those who hurt you. If you like, my life is yours too.
Peach Porridge · 3.1M Views

I Became the Koi Wife of the Sickly Villain

Su Xingchen transmigrated into a novel as the malicious supporting character. She cautiously set a life goal: to stay alive. She thought she would be treading on thin ice, but unexpectedly, good luck kept coming, and her career took off. She went camping with her classmates and accidentally solved a serial murder case, earning the title of "Top Ten Good Citizens." She volunteered at a kindergarten and, by chance, saved the grandson of the richest man, who then recognized her as his goddaughter. She attended an international music festival as a background participant and unintentionally made headlines. Seeing the influential figures gathering around Su Xingchen, and her gaining both fame and fortune, Shen Yan fell into deep thought. * Before falling in love with Su Xingchen, Shen Yan took her to see his pet crocodile and, smiling, scared her: "Nike likes fresh meat. Miss Su, you are pampered and tender-skinned, its favorite." Su Xingchen trembled with fear and almost idolized Shen Yan. After falling in love with Su Xingchen, Shen Yan sent flowers and rings daily, invited her to dinner and musicals, but she avoided him like the plague. Shen Yan took her to see the crocodile again and gloomily threatened: "If you dare to avoid me again, you will be Nike's lunch." Su Xingchen's eyes reddened with grievance: "Shen Yan, don't scare me, that crocodile is so scary." Shen Yan pursed his lips and reached out to rub the corners of her eyes: "I'll stew Nike today." Su Xingchen looked puzzled, only to see Shen Yan smile, his phoenix eyes shimmering: "To celebrate my iron tree finally blooming."
Tweety_Transl · 9.3K Views
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