Tamer of Death
In a world where ancient beasts roam freely, humanity teeters on the edge of survival. Dae-hyun, a young man marked by fate, is the last descendant of a forgotten bloodline with the power to tame the fiercest creatures ever to walk the Earth. When his village is destroyed by a terrifying beast, his father's dying words reveal a dark secret: Dae-hyun can control the legendary "King of Death," a creature of unimaginable power. Now, alone and driven by vengeance, Dae-hyun must embark on a perilous journey to master his powers, confront the beast that destroyed his life, and uncover the mysteries of his heritage. But in a world where humans and beasts are locked in an eternal battle for dominance, can one man truly tame death itself, or will the darkness consume him? Tamer of Death is a gripping tale of power, revenge, and destiny, where every decision could lead to life—or death.