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An Eldritch Legacy: Sin & Sacrilege

Nine Characters, all bound to the whims of a 'Deranged Entity.' All the clues they have are the vast differences they have with those that bore them. His Madness has seeped into them, crowning them with Glory. They shall come to know the price of Sin & Virtue by Sacrilege & Madness :Krael _My Pride can overturn Creation, drowning it in the madness of an unwilling. And yet I have to offer servitude to one who will always be beneath me, in the twisted guise of learning Humility - If only she knew how I long to grind her bones, she would know to control her tongue Born to Pride, servitude to Humility. :Kaelan_My Hunger can consume the very foundations of existence leaving behind an abyss born from my will. And yet I have to exercise temperance lest I lose meaning. Why do the gods mock me give me all I can ever eat, and yet never to touch any satiate my growing hunger. I have seen the cruelty of the divine Born to Gluttony, raised by Temperance :Zaen_My Envy stalks the might of existence, wishing for its grandeur to be mine. And yet, my envy is never allowed to fester for Kindness plagues me like a curse. Compassion that was never mine, empathy I could care less about, heavens know I would rather drown in my own spit than to share goodwill Born of Envy, chained by Kindness :Xaelan_My Greed clouds the hearts of even gods, from the mortal coils to the vastness of the cosmos chaining the 'Old Ones to sin. I feel the sickening embrace of her love, and yet I can never have it, for whatever is mine, I must give. To know Charity—that bustard—is the punishment I was accorded Born in Greed, defiled by Charity : ...My Wrath burns the Heavens and fuels the pits of hell, bringing the end to all, as I ride my mount to Herald the storm. -Oops, this is not my stage. Sorry, but worry not my progeny will carry the mantle on my behalf. As they unleash the wrath stocked in their blood. But soon they will learn just how deep my Lord intends to go and that only Patience is the key to his games...hahaha...poor children, if only I could march alongside you in misery. Born to Wrath, burial by Patience :Thaen_My Sloth... uhm mm... well, I am too exhausted to think of a monologue. But Yah, blah blah...something Diligence... All I know is that I am more hard working than all of them combined... that 'guy was truly not fair when dishing them out_ Born to Sloth, death by Diligence :Laen_My Lust fuels the passion of Creation, all beings lost in the throes of my splendor, indulging in desires so dark, and yet I am the purest of them all, abstinence is second nature. I weep for desires unfulfilled and yet Chastity that horrendous bi*** mocks me with laughter. Yet it seems only I suffer this cruelty; others are free in indulgence only I am a slave to virtue_ Born in the flames of Lust, sustained by Chastity :Haelan_My Hatred runs so deep that the abyss is flooded; the rivers of the underworld are mere streams to my Hatred. I hold nothing but hate in my heart and yet 'he wishes I hold onto compassion. In 'his twisted form of madness, 'he has left me with no other choice. I shall let 'it fester until the day I make 'him pay_ Born in the depths of Hate, Compassion my Love and my Death :Raelin_My Despair has seeped into the cracks of existence, corrupting the Light' of the 'Creator. All I feel is the despair and sorrow of all those born and chained in the embrace of 'the sisters' misery.'Unlike them, I search for her, elusive like the wind. I despair for the sight of her, and yet she will always elude me, shunning my pleas_ Born in Despair, mourning for Hope ...I feel the twisted love 'he holds for us all and yet they do not see it, blinded by Sin and Virtue :>Long but necessary:) what is the story about? Simply it's about the interplay of Sin and Virtue with a hint of Madness and Malevolence. Complicatedly, what makes sense may not actually make sense.
Ocean_Quill · 21.6K Views

Síndrome do Filho do Meio

``` _ _ _ _ Relacionamento MXFXF. Por favor, leia a nota. Adicione isso à coleção e me apoie. Todos os comentários serão apreciados Ela não era a herdeira, a mais velha, nem a mais nova. Ela apenas existia na família, mantendo a cabeça baixa e se deixando desvanecer até que pudesse partir. "Eu tentei me destacar, ficar em silêncio e até expressar meus pensamentos. Mas não importa o que eu faça, nunca sou reconhecida. Minha existência tem importância? Afinal, não é como se alguém nesta família gostasse de mim." Rika Goodwill era a vergonha de sua família. Nascida a filha 'beta' do meio de um casal de Alfas e ômegas de destaque, era natural que ela fosse negligenciada em comparação com seu perfeito irmão Alfa e sua doce irmã ômega. Sua situação fora da família não era melhor. As pessoas a evitavam por causa de sua família da máfia e julgavam sua natureza sem uma segunda reflexão. Seus únicos amigos eram o 'casal queridinho do século'. Mas Rika de alguma forma se tornara uma terceira roda entre as brigas e rompimentos frequentes deles. Ao longo de seus 17 anos de vida, Rika aceitou seu destino e seguiu em frente. Afinal, nenhuma quantidade de queixas mudaria sua situação de ser uma terceira roda. A faculdade deveria ser sua grande chance. Era para ser a época em que Rika tinha para si mesma, onde ela poderia se sentir ela mesma, então ela se candidatou para um lugar onde ninguém a conhecesse. Esta deveria ser a sua oportunidade de ouro! Rika deveria se libertar de sua vida cada vez pior. Mas nem sua família nem seus 'amigos' estavam prontos para deixá-la ir, e não demorou muito para que sua vida pacífica se tornasse amarga. ____________ Esta história terá um par romântico hétero, bem como Yuri e também é um omegaverse. Alfas femininas são Futas. Se não é o que você gosta, saia antes de entrar. Deixe muitos comentários para mim ```
Holy_mackrel · 39.2K Views

Das Syndrom des mittleren Kindes

_ _ _ _ MXFXF-Beziehung. Bitte lesen Sie den Hinweis. Bitte fügen Sie es dann der Sammlung hinzu und unterstützen Sie mich. Alle Rückmeldungen werden geschätzt Sie war nicht die Erbin, nicht die Älteste und auch nicht die Jüngste. Sie existierte einfach in der Familie, hielt den Kopf unten und ließ sich wegspülen, bis sie gehen konnte. "Ich habe versucht, mich abzugrenzen, ruhig zu bleiben und sogar meine Gedanken zu äußern. Aber ganz gleich, was ich tue, ich werde nie beachtet. Ist meine Existenz überhaupt von Bedeutung? Es ist ja nicht so, dass mich irgendjemand in dieser Familie überhaupt mag." Rika Goodwill war die Schande ihrer Familie. Als mittleres "Beta"-Kind eines prominenten Alpha-Omega-Paares geboren, war es nur natürlich, dass sie im Vergleich zu ihrem perfekten Alpha-Bruder und ihrer süßen Omega-Schwester vernachlässigt wurde. Ihre Situation außerhalb ihrer Familie war nicht besser. Die Leute mieden sie wegen ihrer Mafia-Familie und beurteilten ihre Art ohne zu zögern. Ihre einzigen Freunde waren das "Lieblingspaar des Jahrhunderts". Aber Rika war irgendwie zum dritten Rad am Wagen geworden, weil sie sich zankten und häufig trennten. Im Laufe ihres 17-jährigen Lebens hatte Rika gelernt, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren und weiterzumachen. Schließlich würde kein noch so großes Gejammer etwas daran ändern, dass sie das dritte Rad am Wagen war. Das Collage sollte ihr großer Durchbruch werden. Es sollte die Zeit sein, die Rika für sich selbst hatte, in der sie sich wie sie selbst fühlen konnte, also bewarb sie sich an einem Ort, an dem sie niemand kannte. Das sollte ihr Glücksfall sein! Rika sollte von ihrem sich verschlechternden Leben wegkommen. Aber weder ihre Familie noch ihre "Freunde" waren bereit, sie gehen zu lassen, und es dauerte nicht lange, bis ihr friedliches Leben ins Wanken geriet. ____________ Diese Geschichte wird sowohl ein heterosexuelles Pairing als auch Yuri haben und ist auch ein Omegaverse. Weibliche Alphas sind Futas. Wenn das nicht dein Ding ist, dann geh, bevor du eintrittst. Hinterlassen Sie viel Feedback für mich
Holy_mackrel · 34K Views

Syndrome de l'enfant du milieu

_ _ _ _ Relation MXFXF. Veuillez lire la note. Veuillez l'ajouter à la collection et me soutenir. Tous les retours seront appréciés Elle n'était pas l'héritière, l'aînée, ni la cadette. Elle existait juste dans la famille, gardant la tête baissée et se laissant emporter jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse partir. « J'ai essayé de me démarquer, de rester silencieuse, et même d'exprimer mes pensées. Mais quoi que je fasse, je ne suis jamais reconnue. Mon existence a-t-elle seulement de l'importance ? Après tout, ce n'est pas comme si quelqu'un dans cette famille m'aimait vraiment. » Rika Goodwill était la honte de sa famille. Née ‘bêta’ comme enfant du milieu d'un couple Alpha-Omega éminent, il était naturel qu'on la néglige par rapport à son parfait frère Alpha et à sa douce sœur Omega. Sa situation en dehors de sa famille n'était pas meilleure. Les gens l'évitaient à cause de sa famille mafieuse et jugeaient sa nature sans réfléchir. Ses seuls amis étaient le « couple chouchou du siècle ». Mais Rika était devenue en quelque sorte la cinquième roue du carrosse entre leurs querelles et ruptures fréquentes. Au cours de ses 17 années de vie, Rika avait fini par accepter son sort et passer à autre chose. Après tout, aucune quantité de plaintes ne changerait jamais sa situation de cinquième roue du carrosse. Le collège était censé être sa grande chance. C'était le moment où Rika pouvait être elle-même, où elle pouvait se sentir elle-même, alors elle a postulé pour un lieu où personne ne la connaissait. Ça devait être sa chance inespérée ! Rika était censée s’échapper de sa vie qui s'empirait. Mais ni sa famille ni ses « amis » n'étaient prêts à la laisser partir, et il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que sa vie paisible tourne au vinaigre. ____________ Cette histoire aura une relation hétérosexuelle ainsi que Yuri et c'est aussi un omegaverse. Les Alphas féminines sont des Futas. Si ce n'est pas votre tasse de thé, partez avant d'entrer. Laissez beaucoup de retours pour moi
Holy_mackrel · 32.3K Views

Middle Child Syndrome

_ _ _ _ MXFXF relationship. Please read the note. Please add it to the collection then and support me. All feedback will be appreciated. Check my profile for more work She was not the heiress, the eldest, or the youngest. She just existed in the family, keeping her head down and letting herself wash away until she could leave. "I tried standing out, staying quiet, and even voicing my thoughts. But no matter what I do, I am never acknowledged. Does my existence even matter? After all, it's not like anyone in this family even likes me." Rika Goodwill was the shame of her family. Born the middle 'beta' child of a prominent Alpha-Omega couple, it was natural for her to be neglected compared to her perfect Alpha brother and sweet Omega sister. Her situation outside of her family was no better. People avoided her because of her mafia family and judged her nature without a second thought. Her only friends were the 'sweetheart couple of the century'. But Rika had somehow become a third wheel between their bickering and frequent breakups. Over the course of her 17-year-old life, Rika had come to accept her fate and move on. After all, no amount of complaining would ever change her situation of being a third wheel. Collage was supposed to be her big break. It was supposed to be the time Rika had for herself, where she could feel like herself, so she applied for a place where no one knew her. This was supposed to be her lucky break! Rika was supposed to get away from her worsening life. But neither her family nor her 'friends' were ready to let her go, and it did not take long for her peaceful life to turn sour. ____________ This story will have a straight pairing as well as Yuri and is an omegaverse as well. Female Alphas are Futas. If it's not your cup of tea, leave before you enter. Leave a lot of feedback for me
Holy_mackrel · 1.2M Views


"Zhou Hua Fan...Where do you plan to disappear now?" His voice was hoarse and sore thus successfully souring her little red nose. Leaning against the door that he had uncharacteristically pressed his trembling fists against instead of breaking down like he so wanted to in order to see her once more. Biting her lips, Hua Fan buries her face into her already shaking shoulders suppressing her cries. Wiping the endless tears falling into her arms when she continued to hear him plead her so quietly but desperately it tore her up inside. "Do you have to do this? Can't...Can't you let me love you?" The back of her hand was bitten raw as a soft sob broke free upon hearing his plea. ~~~~~~~~ Zhou Hua Fan did not accept other people's love or goodwill. Knowing from a young age that all of it came with strings attached her personality had already twisted before it could be fixed. No one saw it or tried to see it. People call Zhou Hua Fan a selfish demoness who would suck the bones from a person before lowering her head and apologizing. They despise her, they fear her, the lawless princess of the Zhou family. However, this princess who should have everything, does she really have it all? When asked this the people around her gave various answers. "She was pitiful." "No one hated her more than herself." "An unfortunate soul." Asked this question, the man with dark clouds permanently gathered above his head sharply raised his dagger-like gaze as if wanting to murder you who dared utter her name without permission. "You have no right to judge her."
Chezilla · 254.7K Views

The Cursed Rental

Li Tao is a Chinese student studying in Canada. Upon arriving, he rents a house that is inexplicably cheap. He shares the house with several international roommates: Luna, a sincere and optimistic Chinese girl; a warm and friendly Indian sibling pair; a cheerful African American youth; and an aloof French artist. However, this seemingly ordinary house conceals countless bizarre rules. The consequences of breaking these rules are unknown, but their existence seems to be a warning of the house's dark past. As a series of unexplainable incidents unfold, Li Tao and his roommates gradually realize that the house not only confines their lives but also draws outsiders into its grip. As they delve deeper, they discover that the house's rules were tampered with by a former tenant: a beautiful yet ruthless "green tea bitch" who caused a catastrophic tragedy but escaped proper punishment. Seeking revenge and driven by malice, she collaborated with a mysterious charlatan to use the house to attract equally malevolent souls, reenacting a fate of self-destruction. In this chilling game of life and death, can Li Tao and his roommates break the house's curse and escape? With goodwill and betrayal, reason and madness intertwining, how will they maintain their sanity and find the sole path to survival amidst the fog and fear? Is uncovering the house’s ultimate secret an act of defiance or submission? All answers lie buried within the eerie mist that envelops everything.
WLP0116 · 5.4K Views

Impressions: The Last of the Nobility

Beware of the Dragon Wolf. There is a tale of supernatural beings, some gods, some demigods, others the fates themselves in the long-lost noble lineages. Then amongst the supernatural was the Scio, a people with the knowledge of all beings and the ability to live harmoniously with those of goodwill. Legend has it that one day the oldest noble lines will intertwine combining the legends of the west and the east with the legend of the Cradle of Mankind. The tale warns of the power of the dragon rising and suppressing the wolf or worse destroying the cradle of humanity. Such power and majesty are rumored to belong to the most beautiful and the strongest. But everyone knows that legends are exaggerations and tales are for putting children to sleep. Thokozani is considered a well-behaved child, disciplined and obedient to her parents. Little Miss Perfect since everyone can remember, Thokozani is the epitome of stability. Nathaniel Woodcombe is the youngest and weakest of the Woodcombe boys all known for their acts of bravery and patriotism. Their Lineage is royal from the beginning of time. The Woodcombes have suffered great losses and only Nathaniel and his nephew remain as the male descendants of supreme supernatural beings. As evil seeks to gain control of the world and leave yet another plane devastated a Fate takes a huge gamble. The fate of humanity lies in the hands of the weak, young, and naive. Will the world make it or is it doomed to the same fate of the Earths before? Will the last of the noble lines be worthy of the task or will yet another planet be plunged into darkness and despair? Or will love prevail and a new world emerge?
LeonaSMane · 79.5K Views

The Chronicles of Light and Shadows

In the four thousandth dimension, in a light-year universe parallel to ours, there is a planet called Adorin. Its history is no different from ours, but it is also nothing like ours. The universes are connected by golden threads, the stories are the same, but told in different ways. The goodwill always opposes the bad. But what is evil and what is good? This world lives this contradiction, everything that happens in it resonates throughout all the universes, in the end, it was the first universe created, where the first ray of light shone and pushed away from the darkness that coveted dominion over creation. If Adorin succumbs to the forces of evil, their consequences will be felt by all the universes parallel to his plan. Because it is the point of origin, something we know as magic is very present in it. Adorin has several clans. The clan of mercenaries who possess deadly weapons and learn the arts of murder since their birth say that a fork in the hand of an eight-year-old mercenary child is a lethal weapon against two experienced soldiers. The clan of necromancers who are known as the bearers of the keys of death, they contract with magical creatures and summon them to obtain their power, an obscure clan that hasn't been heard of much, due to their highly secretive activities. There is the clan of the magicians, they are more to the wise who dedicated their lives to knowledge and received the power it brought them. They are special humans who can manipulate the flow of magic through words. There's the clan of the holy knights, they hunt dark beasts that threaten the peace of the kingdom and through magical weapons, they can make their flow of magic release power. There is the clan of seers, a dying race, they are seen as cursed, and they curse, not always see the future is a blessing the flow of magic concentrates in their eyes, and over time, they lose their sight. But parallel to it and which has already become a myth, there is the clan of light, even in this enchanted world, the clan of light is seen as a fairy tale, formed only by the most prominent of all clans, who keep various secrets about the existence of evil capable of destroying the world, the demon king, an extremely powerful creature who is capable of disturbing the balance of this world and others. It has been 1000 years since the last great holy war, and the dangers have been forgotten by many, but this time things will be different, for there has been a singularity and from this historical contradiction the whole logic of the world is about to change.
Rian_Vieira · 58.6K Views

Venomous Empress Reborn

# scumtorturing # rebirth She was a daughter of the general’s family and a gentle woman. She fell for Prince Ding and offered to be his wife. After supporting him for six years, she became his empress. After risking being a hostage in a foreign country, she returned five years later to find that she no longer had a place in his imperial harem. Lying in his arms, the new consort said with a sneer, “Sis, now that the country is stable, it’s time for you to die.” Her daughter died a tragic death and her son was removed as crown prince. The Shen family had been loyal, but they ended up being slaughtered. Shen Miao never thought that their marriage and mutual support all this while would end up being just an act Prince Ding put on! Prince Ding said, “On account that you’ve been with me for twenty years, I’ll allow you to die with your entire body intact. Now you may thank me and hang yourself to death.” Before she hung herself, Shen Miao made a resentful oath, “When I perish, I will haunt you day and night!” She was reborn as her fourteen year old self when the tragedies had yet to occur and her family was still intact. She was still the delicate and elegant daughter of a general’s family. Her relatives were evil, her cousin sisters were vicious and ruthless, and her aunties were eyeing her possessions. She had to protect her family, take revenge, and get back what belonged to her. In this life, she would be the last one standing! However, the Xie family’s young marquis, an unruly youth, pushed her up against the wall and said arrogantly, “Remember, the world belongs to you, and you belong to me!” The thirteen cities of You State… belong to you. The city of Dingyuan in Mobei… belongs to you. Yuzhou by the Yangtze River, the East Sea of Dingxi, the Green Lake of Lin’an, and Luoyang City… they all belong to you. If they all belong to me, what will you take, Xie Jingxing? Hmm… you. At first, he said impassively, “There has always been a clear distinction between the Shen and Xie family. For the Shen family’s daughter to suddenly show us goodwill, she must have ill intentions!” Then, he said calmly, “We're all on the same boat. Shen Miao, behave yourself. Who would have the audacity to force you into a marriage while I’m around?” After that, he said proudly, “Overthrowing an empire isn’t that hard. My dear, how shall we divide this great piece of land?” Finally, he waved his hand domineeringly. “Sweetheart, dividing them is too much work. Forget it! They’re all yours, and you are mine!” Shen Miao yelled, “Get out!” A domineering empress who was reborn and a young delinquent marquis. Both leads are righteous and they dote on each other.
Mountain Wanderer · 3.7M Views

Síndrome del Hijo Mediano

``` —Relación MXFXF. Por favor, lee la nota. Por favor, añádela a la colección y apóyame. Se agradecerá cualquier comentario. Ella no era la heredera, la mayor, ni la menor. Simplemente existía en la familia, manteniendo la cabeza gacha y dejándose llevar por la corriente hasta que pudiera irse. —Intenté destacar, mantenerme callada, e incluso expresar mis pensamientos. Pero no importa lo que haga, nunca me reconocen. ¿Importa siquiera mi existencia? Después de todo, no es como si a alguien de esta familia le caiga bien. Rika Goodwill era la vergüenza de su familia. Nacida como la hija 'beta' de en medio de una prominente pareja Alfa-Omega, era natural que fuera descuidada en comparación con su perfecto hermano Alfa y su dulce hermana Omega. Su situación fuera de su familia no era mejor. Las personas la evitaban debido a su familia de la mafia y juzgaban su naturaleza sin pensarlo dos veces. Sus únicos amigos eran la 'pareja querida del siglo'. Pero Rika de alguna manera se había convertido en la tercera en discordia entre sus discusiones y frecuentes rupturas. A lo largo de sus 17 años de vida, Rika había llegado a aceptar su destino y seguir adelante. Después de todo, ninguna cantidad de quejas cambiaría jamás su situación de ser la tercera en discordia. La universidad se suponía que sería su gran oportunidad. Se suponía que sería el momento en que Rika tuviera tiempo para sí misma, donde pudiera sentirse como ella misma, así que se inscribió en un lugar donde nadie la conocía. ¡Esto se suponía que sería su golpe de suerte! Rika debía alejarse de su vida que empeoraba. Pero ni su familia ni sus 'amigos' estaban listos para dejarla ir, y no pasó mucho tiempo para que su vida pacífica se tornara amarga. ____________ Esta historia tendrá una pareja heterosexual, así como Yuri y también es un omegaverso. Las Alfas femeninas son Futas. Si no es lo tuyo, retírate antes de entrar. Deja muchos comentarios para mí. ```
Holy_mackrel · 38.6K Views
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