Lego Ninjago
The show is largely set in the fictional realm of Ninjago, a place loosely inspired by East Asian myths and culture. While featuring historically designed buildings and traditional clothing, Ninjago exists in a modern setting centered around the large metropolis of Ninjago City, which features skyscrapers, current-age and futuristic vehicles, modern electronics, mechanical exo-suits (mechs), and other futuristic technology. The plot focuses on a group of six teenage ninja fighting against the forces of evil, who are also defined as "Elemental Masters", several characters who have elemental powers. The series began with the ninja team being formed and trained by their ancient master Sensei Wu in the fictional martial art of "Spinjitzu", which is the main fighting method depicted in the show. The ninjas' base is a flying junk ship named "Destiny's Bounty", which has varied in design over the course of the series. The pilot episodes introduced the original four ninja characters named Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane, and Kai's sister Nya, while the central character Lloyd Garmadon was introduced in the first season, titled Rise of the Snakes. The series incorporates detailed fictional lore, which is woven into the storyline using character dialogue and flashbacks. The lore mainly focuses on the history of the First Spinjitzu Master and his creation of the island of Ninjago: