Kindred Hearts Esper Chronicles
In the year 1995, a crystalline meteor hurtled towards Earth and crashed in the forests of Aomori, spreading clouds of mysterious dust upon its impact. These dust clouds contain a mysterious substance that turns children and teenagers alike into Espers, human beings gifted with supernatural powers known as Sigils. Some have telekinetic powers, others can control elemental properties and some of them have mind-control powers.
As time passes, Espers faces prejudice from normal people due to their powers, fearing that they might replace them. Some of them even think that Espers must be eradicated. There are even people who want to capture Espers and exploit their Sigils. On that day, an organization dedicated to researching and defending these supernatural youngsters known as Lazuline was formed. They even built a paradise for them known as Azure City, an artificial island located on the temperate waters of Sagami Bay, Japan.
However, Azure City was just a temporary solution to the Espers. Eldritch beings known as Deviants invaded the city and the shadow of a mysterious consortium loomed upon its supernatural inhabitants, and they must fight back for their rights to live. These are the stories of their struggles and their daily life amidst the threat posed by the evil forces.
Cover illustration by Reei_ReIN
Original character design and story concept by Farhan Gustama Hartono and Alfredo Chandra
Special thanks to Gregorio Corigliano, Jacob Furrier, Grant Felix, Rizqy Abd, DJLordSuzaku, Bernice Neoh and Tatyina