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Aurora Teagarden

Beta Zander Perez

“You want to know about the mate bond we share?” His words stopped me midway as I turned around to face him. I didn’t say a word as I felt my heart palpitate in anticipation. “Beta Perez, I…” Before I could speak, he continued. “I have decided to never let a woman into my life, Miss. James. I have learned long back that they only serve as a distraction. Why would I need a mate if I could have any women I want? Am I right, Miss. James?” He asked me as I felt my eyes burn, but I held back my tears. “A mate is your better half, Beta Perez.” I choked out the words when he let out a humorless laugh. “According to me, you need a mate to satisfy your needs and maybe an heir in the long run. I think I can buy that with some money, Miss. James.” “Don’t you feel the mate bond, Beta Perez?” I asked him, but he didn’t answer. “I would have at least considered mating with you if you held a rank, Miss. James. But I don’t think I want a woman who is a nobody with a lonely mother and a runaway father.” I felt my chest rise and fall in anger while something broke within me. A tense silence engulfed us as we stared at one another. Join us in this journey where Aurora and Zander find love again as sparks ignite between them and desire crackles in the air, the tension builds, pushing them closer together. Will Zander’s feelings toward the mate bond transform as he grapples with the chemistry between them, or will fear of another heartbreak drive him to reject her? The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: their destinies are intertwined in ways they never anticipated.
02Butterscotch · 63.7K Views

La Esposa Enferma del Multimillonario

Una chica pobre nacida con enfermedad cardíaca congénita no tenía muchas esperanzas para el futuro, pero su vida da un giro brusco cuando un apuesto y rico hombre le propone matrimonio después de su trasplante de corazón. Fue lo más sorprendente que le sucedió en sus 22 años de vida. Abigail nunca había pensado que Cristóbal Sherman, un joven empresario multimillonario, se acercaría a ella y expresaría su deseo de casarse con ella. Estaba eufórica y aceptó su propuesta. Pero poco sabía que el guapo hombre de 32 años tenía una razón secreta para querer casarse con ella. Abigail entró en su mundo con mucha esperanza en su corazón. Pero casarse con él no fue el final feliz. Solo fue el comienzo. ¿Podrá mantener su corazón intacto? ¿Qué sucederá si descubre su verdadero motivo? ============= —La vida era fácil antes de casarme contigo —dijo Abigail con dolor en sus ojos—. Me estaba muriendo, pero era feliz. —¿Qué quieres decir? —Cristóbal le sujetó el brazo—. Deja de decir tonterías y toma la medicina —siseó, colocando una tableta en su palma. Bajo su mirada ardiente, Abigail se encogió. —¿Te resulta difícil cumplir con mi exigencia de tener un bebé? Han pasado dos años, Cristóbal. No respondió a su pregunta. Todo lo que hizo fue mirarla, actuando mudo. —¿Por qué siento que no te importan mis sentimientos? —preguntó Abigail—. ¿No me amas? Su silencio fue la respuesta clara. ============= Un agradecimiento especial a Aurora, mi editora, por sus útiles sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la sinopsis.
Angelica2511 · 382.2K Views

La Criadora de Alfa Damien: La primera noche

Ella era una simple humana que solo quería vivir una vida pacífica en el campo cuando encontró a su compañero. Él era el Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregaba a los placeres mundanos, en cambio, obtenía alegría de ser poderoso. Su destino se entrelazó cuando ambos poseían lo que anhelaban, paz y amor. __________________ Antes de cumplir la edad de 18 años, Alfa Lucas de la manada de Amantes del Payaso afirmó ser el compañero de Aurora y quiso hacerla su Luna. Lamentablemente, fue acusada de infidelidad el día de su boda y fue rechazada por el hombre que afirmaba ser su compañero y la amaba. Tuvo que presenciar la muerte de sus padres y cómo le arrebataban su herencia. —Yo, Lucas Dominion, te rechazo, Aurora Madison como mi compañera. ……………………………………….. Después de ser vendida como esclava, fue comprada para ser criadora para el Alfa de la manada Crescent Red, la manada más influyente y grande del país. Damien, que era el Alfa de la manada de la media luna roja, no le dedicaba ni una mirada a Aurora, y ella fue arrojada a la parte más profunda de la mansión para trabajar con los omegas. Cinco años más tarde, había planeado meticulosamente la muerte de sus padres, lista para poner su plan en marcha. Desafortunadamente, Alfa Damien, que la había descuidado durante años, de repente se interesó y no la dejaba fuera de su vista. Aurora, que nunca creyó que podría ser bendecida con otro compañero, decidió no volverse a enamorar. Viendo cómo el Alfa la favorecía, decidió aprovechar su ayuda y vengar la muerte de sus padres. La situación cambió cuando descubrió que él era su compañero, ¿otro compañero? ………………………………………… —¿Compañero? No tengo tal cosa —dijo ella, negando la chispa que sentía entre ella y Damien, aunque era evidente. Su corazón se calentaba con su voz, su rostro se calentaba con su toque. Él ya había destrozado su resolución, pero ella juró no ser débil otra vez. Sin embargo, ¿cómo podía negar que no sentía nada por él cuando tenía tales efectos sobre ella? ¡Pero tenía miedo, aterrorizada de ser traicionada por su compañero otra vez! Los casos de tener dos compañeros eran raros, ¿por qué la diosa de la luna le había otorgado tal destino? —No puedes negarlo por siempre, y no tengo ninguna intención de dejarte ir —dijo él, sus ojos llenos de ira al ver cómo a ella le disgustaba tanto la idea de tenerlo como compañero. —No tengo nada que ofrecerte —trató de convencerlo para sacarlo del trance en el que estaba. Si tan solo supiera que él estaba en su sano juicio. —Solo necesito a mi compañera —diciendo eso, dio grandes pasos hacia la puerta y la cerró de un portazo al salir. Después de encontrar la fuerza para liberarse de su doloroso pasado, Aurora se enfrenta a su primer compañero, Alfa Lucas, quien busca reclamarla. Frente a una elección, ¿volverá con quien la traicionó, o permanecerá con Alfa Damien, quien no le ofreció nada más que paz? La portada es para el autor, ¡no usar! ```
Trishybaby · 391.4K Views

MEANINGLESS :rise of aurora yoichi

in a universe where gods, warriors, and ancient forces clash for cosmic dominance, balance is an illusion. The celestial realms are held together by the Bracelets of Celestial Balance, powerful artifacts that control the very essence of existence—fire, water, light, shadow, and beyond. But when an ancient force awakens, everything spirals toward oblivion. Aurora Yoichi, the firstborn of the Creator, once revered as a protector of balance, now seeks to end it all. Disillusioned by the endless cycles of creation and destruction, he believes that true order can only emerge from chaos. His goal? Erase the universe and reshape it in his image. With the power to manipulate reality, control time, and bend the will of even the strongest warriors, Aurora summons an army of Celestial Warlords—forgotten entities who once ruled with unrelenting power. As the universe teeters on the brink of annihilation, a new generation of bracelet-wielding warriors rises. Each warrior, bound to an element, carries the burden of protecting existence. Among them are: Aetheris – Master of cosmic energy, capable of bending the stars and wielding the power of creation itself. Aqua – Guardian of the seas, commanding tidal waves and summoning storms with her will. Ignis – Wielder of raging fire, a force of destruction and rebirth. Zephyros – Controller of winds, able to manipulate air currents and create devastating storms. Umbra – Master of shadows, blending into darkness and bending fear to his advantage. But even with their combined power, they face an impossible question: What if their struggles are meaningless? Are they merely pawns in an eternal game of cosmic power, or can they break free from destiny and carve their own path? As the gods of light and darkness, Lord Sun and Lord Moon, lead their clans in an all-out war against Aurora’s forces, the universe faces its final reckoning. In the end, only one truth remains: To create meaning, they must first confront the void. Will they break the cycle… or become part of it? Brace yourself for a cosmic saga where gods fall, warriors rise, and the universe trembles. The fate of existence hangs in the balance— And sometimes… destruction is just the beginning. Meaningless — Coming Soon to Shatter Reality.
STVstudio12 · 141 Views

Alfa Damien's Breeder: A primeira noite

Ela era apenas uma humana que queria viver uma vida pacífica no campo quando encontrou seu companheiro. Ele era o Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregava aos prazeres mundanos, em vez disso, ele derivava alegria de ser poderoso. Seu destino se entrelaçou quando ambos possuíam o que ansiavam, paz e amor. __________________ Antes de completar a idade de 18 anos, Alfa Lucas da Matilha Clown Lovers reivindicou ser o companheiro de Aurora e quis torná-la sua Luna. Infelizmente, ela foi acusada de infidelidade no dia do seu casamento e foi rejeitada pelo homem que afirmava ser seu companheiro e que a amava. Teve que testemunhar a morte de seus pais e sua herança ser arrancada dela. "Eu, Lucas Dominion, rejeito você, Madison Aurora, como minha companheira." ……………………………………….. Depois de ser vendida como escrava, ela foi comprada para ser reprodutora do Alfa da matilha Crescent Red, a mais influente e maior matilha do país. Damien, que era o Alfa da matilha Crescent moon, não poupou um olhar para Aurora, e ela foi jogada na parte mais profunda da mansão para trabalhar com os ômegas. Cinco anos mais tarde, ela tinha meticulosamente planejado a morte de seus pais, pronta para colocar o plano em ação. Infelizmente, Alfa Damien, que a negligenciou por anos, de repente teve seu interesse aguçado e não a deixará sair de vista. Aurora, que nunca acreditou que poderia ser abençoada com outro companheiro, decidiu não se apaixonar novamente. Vendo como o Alfa a favorecia, decidiu aproveitar sua ajuda e vingar a morte de seus pais. As mesas viraram quando ela descobriu que ele era seu companheiro, outro companheiro? ………………………………………… "Companheiro? Não tenho tal coisa," ela disse, negando o faísca que sentia entre ela e Damien, mesmo que fosse evidente. Seu coração se aqueceu com a voz dele, seu rosto se aqueceu com o toque dele. Ele já havia despedaçado sua resolução, mas ela jurou não ser fraca novamente. Ainda assim, como ela poderia negar que não sentia nada por ele quando ele tinha tais efeitos sobre ela? Mas ela estava com medo, aterrorizada por ser traída por seu companheiro novamente! Havia casos raros de ter dois companheiros, por que a deusa da lua lhe concedeu tal destino? "Você não pode negar isso para sempre, e não tenho intenção de deixar você ir," ele disse, os olhos cheios de raiva, vendo como ela estava tão enojada com a ideia de tê-lo como companheiro. "Não tenho nada para oferecer a você." Ela tentou convencê-lo para tirá-lo do transe em que estava. Se ao menos soubesse que ele estava em seu juízo perfeito. "Eu só preciso da minha companheira," dizendo isso ele deu passos pesados em direção à porta e a bateu com força após sair. Depois de encontrar a força para se libertar de seu passado doloroso, Aurora é confrontada por seu primeiro companheiro, Alfa Lucas, que procura recuperá-la. Frente a uma escolha, ela voltará para aquele que a traiu, ou permanecerá com Alfa Damien, que lhe ofereceu nada além de paz? A capa é para o autor, não use!
Trishybaby · 721.6K Views

Éleveur d'Alpha Damien : La première nuit

``` Elle n'était qu'une simple humaine qui souhaitait seulement vivre une vie paisible à la campagne quand elle rencontra son âme sœur. Il était l'Alpha travailleur acharné qui ne s'accordait jamais de plaisirs mondains, au contraire, il tirait sa joie d'être puissant. Leur destin s'est entrelacé quand ils ont tous deux possédé ce qu'ils convoitaient, la paix et l'amour. __________________ Avant d'atteindre l'âge de 18 ans, Alpha Lucas de la meute des Amants des Clowns prétendait être l'âme sœur d'Aurora et voulait faire d'elle sa Luna. Malheureusement, elle fut accusée d'infidélité le jour de son mariage et fut rejetée par l'homme qui prétendait être son âme sœur et qui l'aimait. Elle dut assister à la mort de ses parents et à la spoliation de son héritage. « Moi, Lucas Dominion, te rejette, Aurora Madison comme mon âme sœur. » ……………………………………… Après avoir été vendue comme esclave, elle fut achetée pour être une reproductrice pour l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant Rouge, la meute la plus influente et la plus grande du pays. Damien, qui était l'Alpha de la meute du Croissant, n'a pas même accordé un regard à Aurora, et elle fut jetée dans la partie la plus profonde du manoir pour travailler avec les omégas. Cinq ans plus tard, elle avait minutieusement planifié la mort de ses parents, prête à mettre son plan en œuvre. Malheureusement, Alpha Damien, qui l'avait négligée pendant des années, vit soudain son intérêt piqué et ne la lâchait plus du regard. Aurora, qui ne croyait pas qu'il lui était possible d'être bénie d'une autre âme sœur, décida de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Voyant comment l'Alpha la favorisait, elle décida de tirer profit de son aide pour venger la mort de ses parents. Les rôles s'inversèrent lorsqu'elle découvrit qu'il était son âme sœur, un autre âme sœur ? ……………………………………… « Âme sœur ? Je n'ai pas une telle chose, » dit-elle, niant l'étincelle qu'elle ressentait entre elle et Damien, même si c'était évident. Son cœur se réchauffait à sa voix, son visage se réchauffait à son contact. Il avait déjà brisé sa résolution, mais elle s'était juré de ne plus être faible. Pourtant, comment pourrait-elle nier qu'elle ne ressentait rien pour lui alors qu'il avait de tels effets sur elle ? Mais elle avait peur, terrifiée à l'idée d'être trahie par son âme sœur une fois encore ! Il y avait des cas rares d'avoir deux âmes sœurs, pourquoi la déesse lunaire lui avait-elle accordé un tel destin ? « Tu ne pourras pas le nier éternellement, et je n'ai aucune intention de te laisser partir, » dit-il, ses yeux emplis de colère, voyant combien elle était dégoûtée à l'idée de l'avoir pour âme sœur. « Je n'ai rien à t'offrir. » Elle essaya de le convaincre pour le sortir de la transe dans laquelle il était. Si seulement elle savait qu'il était en pleine possession de ses moyens. « J'ai seulement besoin de mon âme sœur, » en disant cela il fit de grands pas vers la porte et la claqua après être sorti. Après avoir trouvé la force de se libérer de son passé douloureux, Aurora est confrontée par son premier âme sœur, Alpha Lucas, qui cherche à la réclamer. Devant un choix, va-t-elle retourner vers celui qui l'a trahie, ou rester avec Alpha Damien, qui ne lui a offert que la paix ? La couverture est pour l'auteur, ne pas utiliser ! ```
Trishybaby · 340.1K Views

Salva pelo Alfa que Acaba Sendo Meu Par

"Não aqui, fracote! Vamos nos encontrar no riacho perto da fronteira da alcateia em uma hora, aí você pode me mostrar o que tem." Ele a informou. "Tudo bem, desafio aceito! Mas se eu te derrotar, você vai parar de me intimidar e me deixar em paz!" Aurora disse entre dentes. "Claro." Ele respondeu. "O ódio que tenho por você só vai acabar quando você não existir mais. Lá, ninguém virá te salvar e eu finalmente poderei te destruir. Ninguém desrespeita Dante e fica impune!" Dante pensou consigo mesmo enquanto se afastava. A vida de Aurora era para ser perfeita, já que ela tinha nascimento nobre, mas infelizmente estava longe da perfeição. Seu pai era o beta, o segundo no comando do Alfa da matilha e sua mãe era uma das fortes guerreiras da matilha. Como ela era a primeira filha, foi tratada como uma flor, protegida de danos, tristezas, perturbações e problemas, e só foi exposta à pura alegria, puro amor, felicidade e tudo de belo enquanto crescia, mas sua vida não era cheia de rosas, conforme ela foi ficando mais velha! Crescendo, ela acreditou que seria normal como todo outro lobisomem de sua matilha e da comunidade de lobisomens inteira, mas, infelizmente, ela era estranhamente diferente. Ela era a única lobisomem na sua matilha que não tinha um lobo, um animal interior, portanto era tratada como uma excluída. Enquanto outros lobisomens recebiam seus lobos em seus décimos sextos aniversários, o dela se recusou a aparecer. Nem mesmo quando ela completou dezoito anos. Nem mesmo quando ela encontrou sua companheira!!!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 100.1K Views

Salvada Por El Alfa Que Resulta Ser Mi Compañero

—¡No aquí, débil! Nos encontraremos en el arroyo cerca de la frontera de la manada en una hora, entonces podrás mostrarme lo que tienes —le informó. —¡Bien, desafío aceptado! Pero si te derroto, dejarás de acosarme y me dejarás en paz —Aurora dijo entre dientes. —Claro —le respondió él. —El odio que tengo por ti se detendrá cuando dejes de existir. Allí, nadie vendrá a rescatarte y finalmente podré despedazarte. ¡Nadie falta al respeto a Dante y se va sin consecuencias! —Dante pensó para sí mientras se alejaba. La vida de Aurora se suponía que sería perfecta ya que era de un nacimiento noble, pero desafortunadamente, estaba lejos de ser perfecta. Su padre era el beta, el segundo al mando del Alfa de su manada y su madre era una de las guerreras más fuertes de la manada. Como era la primera hija, era tratada como una flor, protegida del daño, la tristeza, las perturbaciones y los problemas, y solo se le mostró la pura alegría, el puro amor, la felicidad y todo lo hermoso mientras crecía, ¡pero su vida no estaba llena de rosas, a medida que envejecía! Al crecer, había creído que sería normal como cualquier otro hombre lobo de su manada y toda la comunidad de hombres lobo, pero ay, era extrañamente diferente. Era la única hombre lobo en su manada que no tenía lobo, un animal interior, por lo que era tratada como una marginada. Mientras que otros hombres lobo obtenían a sus lobos en sus dieciséis cumpleaños, el de ella se negó a aparecer. Ni siquiera cuando cumplió los dieciocho. ¡Ni siquiera cuando encontró a su compañero!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 140.6K Views

Sauvé par l'Alpha qui s'avère être mon Compagnon

"Pas ici, faiblard ! Nous nous retrouverons au ruisseau près de la frontière du clan dans une heure, alors tu pourras me montrer ce que tu as." lui informa-t-il. "Très bien, défi accepté ! Mais si je te bats, tu arrêteras de me harceler et tu me laisseras tranquille !" cracha Aurora. "D'accord." Il lui répondit. "La haine que j'ai pour toi cessera quand tu ne seras plus. Là-bas, personne ne viendra à ton secours et je pourrai enfin te déchirer. Personne ne manque de respect à Dante impunément !" pensa Dante intérieurement en s'éloignant. La vie d'Aurora était censée être parfaite puisqu'elle était de naissance noble, mais malheureusement, elle était loin d'être parfaite. Son père était le bêta, le second en commandement de l'Alpha de leur meute et sa mère était l'une des guerrières importantes de la meute. En tant que première fille, elle était traitée comme une fleur, protégée du mal, de la tristesse, des troubles et des perturbations, et elle n'était exposée qu'à la pure joie, à l'amour pur, au bonheur et à tout ce qui est beau en grandissant, mais sa vie n'était pas remplie de roses, à mesure qu'elle vieillissait ! En grandissant, elle avait cru qu'elle serait normale comme tous les autres loups-garous de sa meute et de toute la communauté des loups-garous, mais hélas, elle était étrangement différente. Elle était la seule loup-garou de sa meute qui n'avait pas de loup, un animal intérieur, donc elle était traitée comme une paria. Alors que les autres loups-garous obtenaient leurs loups pour leur seizième anniversaire, le sien refusait d'apparaître. Même pas quand elle a eu dix-huit ans. Même pas quand elle rencontra son compagnon !!!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 125.7K Views

Diselamatkan oleh Alpha yang ternyata adalah Pasanganku

"Di sini tidak, cengeng! Kita akan bertemu di sungai dekat perbatasan kawanan dalam satu jam, baru kamu bisa tunjukkan kemampuanmu." Dia memberitahunya. "Baik, tantangan diterima! Tapi jika aku mengalahkanmu, kamu harus berhenti menggangguku dan membiarkanku!" Aurora menggertakkan gigi. "Tentu." Dia menjawabnya. "Kebencianku padamu akan berakhir saat kamu tiada. Di sana, tak akan ada yang datang menyelamatkanmu dan akhirnya aku bisa menghancurkanmu. Tidak ada yang menghina Dante dan lepas begitu saja!" Dante berpikir dalam hati saat dia berjalan pergi. Kehidupan Aurora seharusnya sempurna karena dia berasal dari keluarga bangsawan tapi sayangnya, jauh dari kesempurnaan. Ayahnya adalah beta, kedua dalam komando Alpha kawanan mereka dan ibunya adalah salah satu pejuang kuat kawanan. Sebagai putri sulung, dia diperlakukan seperti bunga, dilindungi dari bahaya, kesedihan, gangguan dan masalah, dan hanya terpapar pada kebahagiaan murni, cinta murni, kebahagiaan dan segala sesuatu yang indah selama tumbuh besar tetapi kehidupannya tidak penuh dengan mawar, saat dia tumbuh dewasa! Semasa tumbuh, dia percaya bahwa dia akan menjadi normal seperti setiap manusia serigala lainnya di kawanannya dan seluruh komunitas werewolf, namun sayangnya, dia sangat berbeda. Dia adalah satu-satunya manusia serigala di kawanannya yang tidak memiliki serigala, binatang dalam, sehingga dia diperlakukan seperti orang buangan. Sementara manusia serigala lainnya mendapatkan serigala mereka pada ulang tahun mereka yang keenam belas, miliknya tak kunjung muncul. Bahkan ketika dia berusia delapan belas tahun. Bahkan ketika dia bertemu dengan pasangannya!!!
ogunsuyigrace87 · 16.1K Views

Killing Dao Fruit

"Nine Heavens cast down the Undying Tree, from the tomb the Immortal's bones were fetched; Taoist Venerable tut-tutted as they drank blood plasma, Old Buddha relished in the chew of meat; Beasts and livestock rang the Dharma Drum, city foxes and hole-dwelling rats boiled in the pot; In the Immortality Wine, the resentful spirits were fishy, at the Killing Banquet, the Dao Fruit was bitter!” In this world where Daoist Skill manifested, countless Sect Cultivators, Side Door Magicians, princes and scholars, officials of high rank and nobles all coveted immortality! Owl God Tomb, stealing heavenly secrets, Pearl Gathering Skill, Holy Infant Pill, bone effigies, Yin God Shrine, human-transformed monsters, Undying Elixir, Red Line Poison, Blood Immortal insects, Mermaid Meat, gold-threaded robes, Five Poisons Primordial Spirit, Seven Star Life Extension... They killed and harmed life only to steal the "Killing Dao Fruit" borne upon that Undying Tree! Until... a sly "Fishing Man" came to this world. Wang Yuan, born with the Small Book of Life and Death, had but a simple and unadorned dream: Amid bustling strings and smoky vistas, on a night bathed in moonlight, in peace and quiet did I lean on the rail, savoring the wind, toasting to the stars. With his "Bride in bridal clothes," watching the sunrise at Taishan in the morning, admiring Qionghua in Luoyang at noon, and drinking under the aurora by the North Sea in the evening. "But you all smell so incredibly fragrant! No more, none shall escape, for today I shall crowdfund Cultivating Immortality! Please... my treasure, turn around!” The blood-red veil of the Bride abruptly fluttered to the ground.
Beihai Whaling · 253.4K Views

Casamento de Conveniência com o Alfa Snow

Após ser traída pelo seu noivo e prima no dia de seu casamento, Zara, renascida com memórias dos erros passados, jura reescrever seu destino. Impulsivamente, ela se casa com um estranho para manter seu ex à distância, sem perceber que Snow está longe de ser apenas um acompanhante. Snow Zephyr, um CEO rico e alfa da Alcateia Crescente de Marfim, precisa de uma esposa de conveniência para apaziguar seu pai e garantir sua posição. Quando uma mulher determinada e audaciosa propõe um casamento por conveniência, Snow concorda, sem saber do caos que ela trará para sua vida. A escolha desafiadora de Zara provoca a fúria de seus pais, levando-a a ser expulsa da empresa e forçando-a a encontrar trabalho em outro lugar. Ela consegue um emprego na Aurora Conglomerate Inc., apenas para descobrir que seu novo chefe é Snow, o homem com quem se casou - e tio de seu ex. Faíscas voam à medida que a atração mútua cresce no meio da escuridão dos segredos da família dele e ameaças iminentes. A força e independência de Zara cativam Snow, que começa a vê-la como a possível Luna que sua alcateia precisa. Juntos, enfrentam ex-amantes vingativos, tramas de sequestro e rivalidades mortais. À medida que os poderes de Zara despertam, ela deve enfrentar as razões por trás do deserdar de sua família, as cláusulas ocultas em seu contrato de casamento e seu papel final no mundo de Snow. Quando seu casamento de conveniência se aprofunda em uma parceria genuína, surge um novo desafio na forma de um companheiro destinado. Zara lutará contra os perigos que a esperam ou abraçará seu verdadeiro destino?
BaeVida · 210.3K Views

Matrimonio por Contrato con el Alfa Snow

Después de ser traicionada por su prometido y su prima en el día de su boda, Zara, renacida con recuerdos de errores pasados, jura reescribir su destino. Impulsivamente, se casa con un extraño para mantener a su ex a distancia, sin darse cuenta de que Snow está lejos de ser un simple acompañante. Snow Zephyr, un rico CEO y alfa de la Manada de la Media Luna de Marfil, necesita una esposa de conveniencia para apaciguar a su padre y asegurar su posición. Cuando una mujer audaz y decidida le propone un matrimonio por conveniencia, Snow acepta, sin ser consciente del caos que ella traerá a su vida. La elección desafiante de Zara provoca la furia de sus padres, llevando a que la expulsen de la empresa y la obliguen a buscar trabajo en otro lado. Consigue un empleo en Aurora Conglomerate Inc., solo para descubrir que su nuevo jefe es Snow, el hombre con quien se casó, y el tío de su ex. Las chispas vuelan a medida que crece su atracción mutua en medio de la oscuridad de los secretos familiares de él y las amenazas inminentes. La fuerza e independencia de Zara cautivan a Snow, quien comienza a verla como la futura Luna que su manada necesita. Juntos, enfrentan ex amantes vengativos, tramas de secuestro y rivalidades mortales. A medida que los poderes de Zara despiertan, debe enfrentar las razones detrás del desprecio de su familia, las cláusulas ocultas en su contrato matrimonial y su papel definitivo en el mundo de Snow. Cuando su matrimonio por conveniencia se profundiza en una verdadera asociación, surge un nuevo desafío en la forma de una compañera del destino. ¿Luchará Zara contra los peligros que la esperan o abrazará su verdadero destino?
BaeVida · 172.5K Views

The Harmony of Hearts

On a noisy night in the city, in a small studio at the corner of the street, soft light illuminated the window surrounded by shimmering piano keys. Inside, behind the elegant keys, a handsome man named Steve sat with intense focus. His sharp features and charming smile exuded a mysterious aura that captivated anyone who looked at him. Steve was not just a piano teacher; he was a maestro in the world of music, with skills that could make hearts race. Every finger that danced over the keys produced melodies capable of transporting listeners to another realm. However, his talent was not the only thing that drew attention. Behind the dazzling notes he played was a captivating charm that made his students, aged 17 and up, shiver whenever he discussed music. One of them was Viona, an 18-year-old girl with dreams of becoming a skilled pianist. With each lesson, Viona felt enchanted by Steve's charisma, and in every piano beat, she experienced the tension between pride in her progress and the shyness that lingered in her heart when interacting with her handsome teacher. In the practice sessions that began with dancing piano keys, there was more than just music lessons hidden between them. A story involving love, dreams, and vulnerability, where each melody could open a window into their souls, and each session became more than just notes — but also a step toward something deeper. Steve and Viona would come to realize that sometimes, the most beautiful melodies are not the ones played on stage, but those that resonate in their hearts...
Aurora_Yoon_02 · 15.9K Views


In a future where Earth's surface is uninhabitable, humanity survives inside the Whaledome, a massive, whale-shaped ship that tunnels through the underground world. Life within the dome is governed by a harsh social system that demands perfection. Any deviation from the ideal means death or exile. Shea, the daughter of one of the High Engineers, carries a dangerous secret—she is half-blind. In a society that values flawless health and intellect, being “imperfect” is a death sentence. Each year, the Engineer Enrollment selects the brightest minds to join the High Engineers. For Shea, this is her only chance to secure a future and protect her family. But the Enrollment isn’t just a test of intelligence; it’s a test of health, and any imperfection will be immediately detected, threatening her life and her family’s standing in the Whaledome. As Shea trains for the Enrollment, she must hide her blindness and outsmart a brutal system built on purity and control. But as the trials progress, she uncovers the terrifying truth—the Enrollment is not about saving humanity; it’s about maintaining a fragile power structure. The High Engineers are more interested in control than survival. With everything on the line, Shea must decide whether to conform, becoming the perfect candidate to secure her place, or risk everything to expose the truth about the Whaledome’s corruption. As she faces the final tests, she wonders: can perfection truly save humanity, or will it destroy them all? And what lies beyond the Whaledome—does any hope for survival exist outside its walls?
Aurora_Esterlia · 112 Views

Holy Mystic Empire

Magic, in and of itself, is neither good nor evil; it is only subject to the will of its user. It is the Primordium, the source of all things—life and death are formed from it. It is the quintessential element of all existence under the sun and the Tiamant Root, from which all things grow, whether of virtue or calamity. — Sage of Oracle For thousands of years, the hidden sages have safeguarded the secrets of sorcery, ensuring that arcane knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands. The Sage Pantheon has guided the land of Mistharrow, protecting it from descending into despair and madness. The Aurora Spire serves as the cradle of the next generation of sorcerers, training them in the arts of Runecasting and Spirit Channeling to secure the future of the land. Among these young aspirants is Preston Hobbs, a late bloomer who receives an acceptance letter to the Aurora Academy. Due to his delayed spiritual awakening, he must join the academy as a fifth-year student—among peers who have already amassed considerable experience. Despite his late start, Preston quickly proves his talent in Runecasting, mastering the basics with remarkable speed. However, strange occurrences begin even before he sets foot in the academy. He survives a mysterious accident, witnesses bizarre phenomena, and—most notably—becomes the only one able to see an enigmatic Rune that seems to conceal the secrets of an ancient magic. As a series of inexplicable events unfold at the academy, Preston begins to question everything he once believed in. Shadows stir in the background, and he senses that a deeper scheme is at play—one that could change the fate of Mistharrow forever.
Ozen_Ice · 5.1K Views

Contract Marriage With Alpha Snow

After being betrayed by her fiancé and cousin on her wedding day, Zara, reborn with memories of past mistakes, vows to rewrite her destiny. Impulsively, she marries a stranger to keep her ex at bay, not realizing Snow is far from a mere call boy. Snow Zephyr, a wealthy CEO and alpha of the Ivory Crescent Pack, needs a contract wife to appease his father and secure his position. When a bold, determined woman proposes a marriage of convenience, Snow agrees, unaware of the chaos she will bring into his life. Zara's defiant choice provokes her parents' fury, leading to her being cast from the company and forcing her to find work elsewhere. She lands a job at Aurora Conglomerate Inc., only to discover that her new boss is Snow, the very man she married—and her ex's uncle. Sparks fly as their mutual attraction grows amidst the darkness of his family's secrets and looming threats. Zara’s strength and independence captivate Snow, who begins to see her as the potential Luna his pack needs. Together, they face vengeful ex-lovers, kidnapping plots, and deadly rivalries. As Zara's powers awaken, she must confront the reasons behind her family's disownment, the hidden clauses in her marriage contract, and her ultimate role in Snow’s world. When their marriage of convenience deepens into a genuine partnership, a new challenge emerges in the form of a fated mate. Will Zara fight the dangers that await or embrace her true destiny? **EXCERPT** "I... didn't want to be late for work. You seemed busy, so I thought I'd get a head start." Snow raised an eyebrow. "Really? Or is it because last night affected you so much that you couldn't stand being around me?" "Don't flatter yourself, Snow. You didn't affect me at all." He smirked, stepping closer. "Is that so?" His fingers brushed my chin, tilting my face up. My pulse quickened. "We're at work," I snapped, swatting his hand away. "This isn't professional." "You're my wife," he murmured. "You're supposed to obey me at all times." I bit back a retort, a hint of rebellion flaring within. Slowly, I stepped closer, letting my fingers graze his chest. His smirk wavered for a second when his wolf reacted and Snow bit his lips. "Careful, Boss," I purred seductively. "Don't hurt those lips. I'm sure plenty of girls would love to kiss them." Snow leaned down, his lips brushing my ear. "And you? Are you dying for a taste?" Caught off guard, I hesitated, then regained my composure as I looked him in the eyes. "Unlike other girls, I have strong resistance against—" I didn't get a chance to finish when Snow's lips crashed onto mine with a fierce kiss that left me breathless. *************** MATURE CONTENT Participating in the Viral Book Call Contest. Kindly Support Me!
BaeVida · 1.4M Views

Aurora's Fade

She was excited to go on a special date with her male best friend,the only man she had ever loved for years, he told her he had something to tell her,only for him to tell her he was getting married to someone he had only known for just a year! Heartbroken while driving back home from the date night, she gets into an accident which lands her in the hospital. Wanting to clear her head after spending a week at the hospital,she finds a quiet spot and gets vulnerable thinking she was alone. Only for her to get ridiculed by a handsome man who was there all along,he believed love was stupidity and for someone to get themself messed up mentally by such, was even more stupid. She resumes work and a month later she was selected by the company's board to present a proposal at a very important meeting with foreign investors. She was done with the presentation and the CEO was asked to give a concluding remark,he began to walk towards the podium where she stood before she realized it was HiM! The mean dude at the hospital!! And now she had to walk closely with him... ****** “Mr R" MR Fabian waved as he tried to get the CEO'S attention. "We think Ava should be on the project team,do you agree?" "Yes definitely" Carter responded absentmindedly. He didn't realize what he had said until he saw Ava walking into the boardroom. No way that's Ava - Carter thought as she walked in. He was beginning to get upset,she had plagued his thoughts for a month, almost disrupted today's meeting,got him absent-minded and she's going to be working closely with him? Carter hated emotional disturbance and he had trained himself to become void of emotions "If I couldn't get her off my thoughts when I hadn't seen her in a month, how would I do so now that I'd be seeing her often" he thought as he stole glances at her. He was definitely going to make her pay...
Elles_Quill · 1.1K Views
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