In the fictional Neon City, Japan, Takujo-kun, a boy with a severe immune deficiency, finds his life changed after a meteorite strikes his home. While the rest of his family panics, Takujo miraculously emerges from the flames, surprising everyone with his newfound ability to walk. After a hospital stay for tests, a mysterious voice, Xyreth-1, reveals that it has fused with Takujo, granting him superhuman abilities as a result of a disaster on its home planet, Clipse 8508.
As Takujo adjusts to his powers, he faces an unexpected threat—a giant, snake-like creature descends toward Earth. With Xyreth’s guidance, Takujo learns to harness his new abilities. In a dramatic confrontation, Xyreth transforms, wielding a sword and shield, and uses a powerful attack to vanquish the creature, causing a massive explosion in the process.
Meanwhile, back on Xyreth’s home planet, a leader discusses plans for conquest, having sent Xyreth to Earth to find a suitable host. News outlets report on the mysterious events in Neon City, hinting at an impending larger conflict as a powerful figure in the Neon City Space Organization ominously declares, "The time has come."
Takujo-kun's journey is just beginning as he navigates his new powers and the challenges that await him.