Secred Heart
In a world where magical and spiritual forces clash, the story of "The Continent of Magic" begins in the city of Etrigan, where an unknown fate forms amidst darkness and hope. Adam Ethan, a cold and mysterious young boy born into a family of powerful sorcerers, lives with an inner struggle, revealing only indifference and secrecy, while his family wavers between hope and concern for his future.
In this city, where mana dances in the horizon, Neil, a simple boy with pure dreams, encounters Adam's enigmatic character. Neil tries to understand this distant boy, observing him without forming a friendship. Yet this observation quickly leads him to unexpected discoveries, opening a door to hidden mysteries beyond his comprehension.
As the story unfolds, both Neil and Adam face challenges that reveal the true nature of this magical world filled with secrets. Between the clash of power and self-discovery, each confronts the reality of his fate in an adventure rich with mystery and trials.