Arlington Graham (I just can't die)
Night time, all the pretty lights I enjoy staring at for hours are in full radiance, as I slowly get closer and closer to them.
Wait, how long have I been falling.
To think stuff like sorcery and curses actually exist, well I didn't until I turned sixteen and stopped aging. Back then,when the towns crazy lady cursed me I took it as a joke. I kinda wish I didn't though, well it's too late for regrets now.
Hi my name is Arlington Graham, I'm a happy go lucky guy with a lot positivity and enthusiasm…..well it has kept me going all this while. Might as well list it as a character trait.
I'm sixteen years old, wait wasn't I sixteen last year, urrg I gotta get this age stuff together it's beginning to become a hassle.
Well I've been sixteen for over a century now you can't really blame me. I've seen generations come and go,just over sixty years ago I got into a relationship with one of my high school crushes descendants. Men it was spicy, unfortunately I had to leave the city before people noticed what I was, and now I'm bored so I'm jumping down this really cool new high rise some billionaire hot shot just built. I hope I'm mentioned in the seven mysteries of this building just like other high rises in Japan.
So yeah, my hubby's a bit weird but who doesn't have one. Yeah yeah don't worry it's safe, for me though, I'm a professional. I've got more than five decades of experience in the art of what i call an intense test of courage. Let me lay down my resume for you.
I've jumped down mount Fuji, survived the Great Lisbon earth quake even though I ran straight into cracks, I've jumped down several high rises in Japan and Korea, came out of a lion's den without a single scratch after four days, and now I'm jumping off this new high rise. Concecrating it into the city, maybe I'll try jumping into a volcano next.
Don't try any of this if you like your life, but if don't you might as well join me in my hubbies, which are not obvious suicide attempts.