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The Supreme Satanic System

This is the tale of the time when mighty dragons and legendary phoenixes ruled the world. Under the shadow of such powerful beings, the feeble humans lived lives worse than slaves. 1560 BC, Jerusalem The darker-than-ink night sky was torn asunder by the tongues of purple lightning. The nocturnal macabre was augmented even further by a priestess that was busy performing a forbidden ceremony. Around her were six innocent kids that watched the priestess in silence as she performed her ritual with a ceremonial bowl in front of her. A drop of blood could be seen, making its presence known inside it. The priestess was unperturbed by the earsplitting noises of the incessant lightning outside her abode as she chanted the spell in old Hebrew. The ritual was complete when she placed the drop of crimson blood on the tip of her tongue and gulped it down with her eyes closed. "Heed my prophecy, my little ones. From today onwards, you shall walk on the path of greatness that will make you the rulers of this world. Here, drink this to your heart's content and unleash the power that is bestowed upon you." She cut her two wrists and filled the bowl to the brim with her blood by cutting her wrists. The lightning noises could be heard even louder than before at this time. The children obliged and drank the merlot drink one by one. But the macabre of the night was increased even further when the children started shape-shifting. One turned into a vampire, while the other changed into a werewolf. There was a witch among the children now. And being turned into a chimera and an elf were the fates of the other two. The children changed into something else before turning back into humans again. This was the phenomenon that happened with five children. But the sixth child remained human. Why did he not shape-shift? ------------------------------------------------ (Warning!!!!!) Main Theme: A grim-dark Fantasy plus, +18 rated harem novel. (whole spectra of Western meet Eastern taste!) Tags: System, Vampire, Sci-Fi, Aliens, Werewolf, Slice of Life, Overpowered MC, Harem, Dragons, Phoenix, Witch, Magus, Cultivation, Military, Strategist, Arrogant female leads, Romance, Humor, Assassin, Angels, Celestials, Titan, Devas, Asura, Ancestry, Medusa, and many more to be added with the progress of this arcs. Joined me here: ----------------------------------------------- # The cover is not rine. Every contribution goes to the genuine artist.
The_handsome_fatty · 1.4M Views

Requiem of Souls (Original)

Did you ever wonder that there might be another world? a world where magic exists? A world where dragons, devils, gods and more. Well, our Mc thought that those worlds were but the fantasy of crazed writers, and would only read about them in books and stories. However, he was transported to such a world, he and his classmates. A world where the laws made by men were easily bent, where life itself was not worth the pebbles on the roads. Betrayed by his classmates and offered as an unholy sacrifice, Daiki finds himself in hell, bound to eternal torment and destitution, forced to undergo hideous torments for sins he has yet to commit, Daiki swears to bring down the ones responsible over his demise. The story 'truly' starts with the journey to hell and its seven circles, it is but the beginning of an event that will shake the heavens. "I shall bring the divine to their knees and call upon the requiem...For it is my task...and my revenge." (World mythology is included in this story, from Christian: like the fallen angels. The four horsemen the princes of hell, even Celtic, Indian, African, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian and more. A lot of mythologies have been included in this story to add to its complexity and beauty, I hope you are a fan of old myths, this story is filled with them) Before you start reading the reviews i advise you to read for yourself first, positive or negative reviews might give you a wrong pre based idea on the story, many great stories in this website have horrible reviews and many poor stories have positive ones, you are the judge of your choice don't let others make you refuse a story just because their opinion of it is different of yours. Btw I am a non-native speaker and have self-taught myself English. So if you find mistakes please help me with proofing.
Biako · 3.3M Views

The Book Of Exodus

The second book of the Pentateuch is called Exodus, from the Greek word for “departure,” because its central event was understood by the Septuagint’s translators to be the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Its Hebrew title, Shemoth (“Names”), is from the book’s opening phrase, “These are the names….” Continuing the history of Israel from the point where the Book of Genesis leaves off, Exodus recounts the Egyptian oppression of Jacob’s ever-increasing descendants and their miraculous deliverance by God through Moses, who led them across the Red Sea to Mount Sinai where they entered into a covenant with the Lord. Covenantal laws and detailed prescriptions for the tabernacle (a portable sanctuary foreshadowing the Jerusalem Temple) and its service are followed by a dramatic episode of rebellion, repentance, and divine mercy. After the broken covenant is renewed, the tabernacle is constructed, and the cloud signifying God’s glorious presence descends to cover it. These events made Israel a nation and confirmed their unique relationship with God. The “law” (Hebrew torah) given by God through Moses to the Israelites at Mount Sinai constitutes the moral, civil, and ritual legislation by which they were to become a holy people. Many elements of it were fundamental to the teaching of Jesus as well as to New Testament and Christian moral teaching. The principal divisions of Exodus are: Introduction: The Oppression of the Israelites in Egypt The Call and Commission of Moses The Contest with Pharaoh The Deliverance of the Israelites from Pharaoh and Victory at the Sea The Journey in the Wilderness to Sinai Covenant and Legislation at Mount Sinai Israel’s Apostasy and God’s Renewal of the Covenant The Building of the Tabernacle and the Descent of God’s Glory upon It
Dali098 · 125.1K Views

The Book Of Kings I and II

The two Books of Kings are regarded by many as the last part of a work commonly known as the Deuteronomistic History. The latter tells the story of Israel from its settlement in the land (Joshua and Judges) through the transition from judgeship to monarchy under Samuel, Saul, and David (1 and 2 Samuel) to the reign of Solomon, the disintegration of the united kingdom into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the eventual downfall of both kingdoms (1 and 2 Kings). The Deuteronomistic History along with the Pentateuch forms a single historical narrative stretching from creation to exile. The Books of Kings can be approached in several ways. They contain history and are an important source of information about the Israelite kingdoms. They are also narrative that calls for careful reading; historical accuracy is sometimes sacrificed to the demands of compelling characterization and dramatic tension. Most importantly, both historical presentation and narrative creativity are shaped by a particular religious worldview. The multifaceted character of the work means that it has a variety of focal points. The historical events themselves, of course, are important, but the patterns according to which the author organizes those events give a unity to the author’s historical reconstruction. The northern kings are condemned without exception, and the royal line degenerates from the divine election of Jeroboam I through a succession of short-lived dynasties to the bloodbath of Jehu’s coup d’état, and finally dies out in a series of assassinations. (It must be admitted that the author at times skews the story to preserve the pattern: the relatively prosperous forty-one-year reign of Jeroboam II is dismissed in seven verses!) Judah’s kings, on the other hand, follow a cyclic pattern of infidelity followed by reform, with each reformer king (Asa, Joash, Hezekiah, Josiah) greater than the last. Unfortunately the apostate kings also progress in wickedness, until the evil of Manasseh is so great that even Josiah’s fidelity cannot turn away the Lord’s wrath. As a literary work, the Books of Kings are admirable. Some of the brilliance is accessible only in Hebrew: wordplays, the sounds and rhythms of poetic passages, verbal allusions to other passages of the Hebrew Bible. Scenes are drawn with a vibrancy and immediacy that English cannot reproduce without sounding overdone. But other literary techniques survive translation: symmetrical structures for narrative units (and the disruptions of symmetry at significant points), rich ambiguities , foreshadowings (such as the way the prophet of Bethel and the man of God of Judah portend the destinies of their respective kingdoms). Characterization is rich and complex (Solomon, Jeroboam, Elijah, Ahab, Elisha, Jehu, etc.), revealing deep insight into human nature. Into the stories of the kings, almost as a counterpoint, are woven numerous stories of prophets, named and great (Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah), and less known or anonymous. Many of the stories are anecdotal, reflecting the everyday life of prophets and prophetic guilds. But the volatile dynamics of prophetic involvement in the political realm are prominent: prophets in opposition to kings, prophets in support of kings. This too is part of the theological worldview of the Deuteronomistic historian. The destiny of Israel is in God’s hand. Through prophets, the divine will is made known on earth to kings and people and the future consequences of their response to God’s will are spelled out. It is perhaps indicative of the importance prophets have in 1 and 2 Kings that the structural center of the two books is the story of Elisha’s succession to Elijah’s prophetic ministry, and that this is one of the few passages in Kings that occurs outside the account of any king’s reign. Behind the temporal realm of kings and reigns lies the continuing realm of the divine word and its servants, the prophets.
Dali098 · 125.4K Views

The Creation of the World

Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), the first section of the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures. Its title in English, “Genesis,” comes from the Greek of literally, “the book of the generation (genesis) of the heavens and earth.” Its title in the Jewish Scriptures is the opening Hebrew word, Bereshit, “in the beginning.” The book has two major sections—the creation and expansion of the human race, and the story of Abraham and his descendants. The first section deals with God and the nations, and the second deals with God and a particular nation, Israel. The opening creation account lifts up two themes that play major roles in each section—the divine command to the first couple (standing for the whole race) to produce offspring and to possess land In the first section, progeny and land appear in the form of births and genealogies and allotment of land, and in the second, progeny and land appear in the form of promises of descendants and land to the ancestors. Another indication of editing is the formulaic introduction, “this is the story; these are the descendants” (Hebrew tōledôt), which occurs five times in Section I and five times in Section II. For the literary sources of Genesis, see Introduction to the Pentateuch. As far as the sources of Genesis are concerned, contemporary readers can reasonably assume that ancient traditions were edited in the sixth or fifth century B.C. for a Jewish audience that had suffered the effects of the exile and was now largely living outside of Palestine. The editor highlighted themes of vital concern to this audience: God intends that every nation have posterity and land; the ancestors of Israel are models for their descendants who also live in hope rather than in full possession of what has been promised; the ancient covenant with God is eternal, remaining valid even when the human party has been unfaithful. By highlighting such concerns, the editor addressed the worries of exiled Israel and indeed of contemporary Jews and Christians. How should modern readers interpret the creation-flood story in Genesis. The stories are neither history nor myth. “Myth” is an unsuitable term, for it has several different meanings and connotes untruth in popular English. “History” is equally misleading, for it suggests that the events actually took place. The best term is creation-flood story. Ancient Near Eastern thinkers did not have our methods of exploring serious questions. Instead, they used narratives for issues that we would call philosophical and theological. They added and subtracted narrative details and varied the plot as they sought meaning in the ancient stories. Their stories reveal a privileged time, when divine decisions were made that determined the future of the human race. The origin of something was thought to explain its present meaning, e.g., how God acts with justice and generosity, why human beings are rebellious, the nature of sexual attraction and marriage, why there are many peoples and languages. Though the stories may initially strike us as primitive and naive, they are in fact told with skill, compression, and subtlety. They provide profound answers to perennial questions about God and human beings. The stories about Jacob and his twelve sons are united by a geographical frame: Jacob lives in Canaan until his theft of the right of the firstborn from his brother Esau forces him to flee to Paddan-Aram (alternately Aram-Naharaim). There his uncle Laban tricks him as he earlier tricked his brother. But Jacob is blessed with wealth and sons. He returns to Canaan to receive the final blessing, land, and on the way is reconciled with his brother Esau. As the sons have reached the number of twelve, the patriarch can be given the name Israel. The blessings given to Abraham are reaffirmed to Isaac and to Jacob. I hope that you all like this book!
Dali098 · 113.2K Views


" BEYOND THE SERAPHIM " The story of a highest-ranked angel (SERAPHIM), he spends his thousands of years wondering about the human planet (EARTH). He stepped onto the earth and his curiosity ended, Mr. Hebrew who welcomed Seraphim was a grim reaper, after entering the earth, the same girl was whispering something in his ears and it was the name David, then he named himself David. Sera is a girl, she gets a sudden visual of startling scenes and characters, and her nightmares are turned into reality, Sera always wants to live a normal life like others, her only prayer is getting a good sleep without nightmares and a normal daily life. David starts to live like a human, he begins to do everything that humans do, like naming himself, having a shelter for himself, and having a coffee shop, David continues his angelic works through the coffee shop, he spreads love and wisdom, with the potions for all kind of emotions in this world. When the angels descended to Earth from heaven, they brought “echoes of mercy, whispers of love.” ...., David proved this line. All things are going up on their own, but we need to remember that life is like a season, it'll change. After experiencing Earth for 7 years, David became a human, like others he too experienced anger, but David didn't feel sad or happy, these two feelings made David's and Sera's lives, nevertheless. Traveling on their paths for a while, finally, the two unrelated paths crossed, they met and started to travel on one path. but unexpected twists and turns going to turn their lives up and down, some other main characters will be revealed over time in addition David is going to play a major role in their stories. like the fact nothing goes still in one path, "Tempter" (the ruler of the demons) Crossed his way on the flowered path, in which Sera and David cherish each other. Does the sudden appearance of Tempter, part their way apart or the love between them will turn out the fate of each other...... "Not every love tale requires a grand finale, A warm embrace can be the most exquisite finale." Similarly, the above line is Sera's nor David's. " Beyond The Seraphim__________!" Any guesses beyond the seraphim what he'll become. ~ omega_20
omega_20 · 34.4K Views

The Book of Jonah

The story of Jonah has great theological import. It concerns a disobedient prophet who rejected his divine commission, was cast overboard in a storm and swallowed by a great fish, rescued in a marvelous manner, and returned to his starting point. Now he obeys and goes to Nineveh, the capital of Israel’s ancient enemy. The Ninevites listen to his message of doom and repent immediately. All, from king to lowliest subject, humble themselves in sackcloth and ashes. Seeing their repentance, God does not carry out the punishment planned for them. At this, Jonah complains, angry because the Lord spares them. This fascinating story caricatures a narrow mentality which would see God’s interest extending only to Israel, whereas God is presented as concerned with and merciful to even the inhabitants of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire which brought the Northern Kingdom of Israel to an end and devastated Jerusalem in 701 B.C. The Lord is free to “repent” and change his mind. Jonah seems to realize this possibility and wants no part in it. But the story also conveys something of the ineluctable character of the prophetic calling. The book is replete with irony, wherein much of its humor lies. The name “Jonah” means “dove” in Hebrew, but Jonah’s character is anything but dove-like. Jonah is commanded to go east to Nineveh but flees toward the westernmost possible point, only to be swallowed by a great fish and dumped back at this starting point. The sailors pray to their gods, but Jonah is asleep in the hold. The prophet’s preaching is a minimum message of destruction, while it is the king of Nineveh who calls for repentance and conversion; the instant conversion of the Ninevites is greeted by Jonah with anger and sulking. He reproaches the Lord in words that echo Israel’s traditional praise of his mercy. Jonah is concerned about the loss of the gourd but not about the possible destruction of 120,000 Ninevites. This book is the story of a disobedient, narrow-minded prophet who is angry at the outcome of the sole message he delivers. It is difficult to date but almost certainly is postexilic and may reflect the somewhat narrow, nationalistic reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah. As to genre, it has been classified in various ways, such as parable or satire. The “sign” of Jonah is interpreted in two ways in the New Testament: His experience of three days and nights in the fish is a “type” of the experience of the Son of Man (Mt 12:39–40), and the Ninevites’ reaction to the preaching of Jonah is contrasted with the failure of Jesus’ generation to obey the preaching of one who is “greater than Jonah”
Dali098 · 8.6K Views
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