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Anne Perry

Legenda lima pendekar dan seekor Naga

Menceritakan seorang anak bernama AmeRyusaki yang dapat melihat masa depan dan kejadian dimasa lalu. Dia bersama ke lima temannya Anne yuma, Ryuzaki santa yuma, Kuzaki daterasu, Inoe matsu yuuma dan Reishi Sumadara berusaha membebaskan Kerajaan yang telah jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru. Perjalan kehidupan yang membuka hati, pikiran dan pandangan mata mereka bahwa Dunia tidak seperti yang mereka fikirkan selama ini. Raja Sahamaru yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh Dunia dan alam semesta. Membawa perang keseluruh Dunia termasuk ke dunia naga setelah menaklukan 6 Dunia tinggal satu dunia yang belum tersetuh. Dia akhirnya disegel oleh Sang Kaisar Naga dibantu sebelas orang lainnya. Perjalanan Hidup Ame ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan. Melawan Pasangan Sahamaru dan Shinta shiro yuma. Takdir dari Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati. Dan perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran Dunia. Takdir putera cahaya menjadi penerang Dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Kebangkitan 3 Dewi Takdir yang merupakan Makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang maha kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Muncul 10 Makhluk tanda kiamat. Mempercepat terjadinya perang yang akan menghancurkan atau menyelamatkan Alam semesta. Siapa yang akan berdiri diakhir mereka-mereka yang mengaku Dewa-Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup. Perang yang merupakan perang akhir zaman Dewa dimulai Munculnya Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman kuno, Tujuh belas Dewi Naga tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung yang setara Dewa, Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar tertinggi zaman baru dan munculnya Sepuluh Makhluk akhirnya. Di sebuah dunia penuh keajaiban dan misteri, hiduplah seorang anak bernama Ame Ryusaki yang memiliki kemampuan luar biasa: melihat masa depan dan masa lalu. Bersama lima temannya—Anne Yuma, Ryuzaki Santa Yuma, Kuzaki Daterasu, Inoe Matsu Yuuma, dan Reishi Sumadara—mereka memulai perjalanan epik untuk membebaskan kerajaan mereka yang jatuh ke tangan Raja Iblis Sahamaru.Raja Sahamaru, yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh dunia dan alam semesta, telah membawa perang ke enam dunia, termasuk dunia naga. Setelah menaklukkan keenam dunia tersebut, hanya satu dunia yang belum tersentuh. Namun, kekuasaannya dihentikan sementara oleh Sang Kaisar Naga yang, dengan bantuan sebelas orang lainnya, berhasil menyegel Sahamaru.Di tengah perjalanan mereka, Ame Ryusaki dan Anne menjadi pasangan tak terkalahkan, melawan kekuatan jahat Sahamaru dan Shinta Shiro Yuma. Nasib mempertemukan mereka dengan Puteri Naga kembar yang bertarung sampai mati, serta melihat perebutan kekuasaan yang menyebabkan kehancuran dunia.Dalam perjuangan mereka, Ame Ryusaki terungkap sebagai Putera Cahaya, yang takdirnya adalah menjadi penerang dunia dan pembimbing jalan kedamaian. Mereka juga menyaksikan kebangkitan tiga Dewi Takdir, makhluk yang ditunjuk Yang Maha Kuasa untuk menjaga keseimbangan dimensi. Namun, dengan munculnya sepuluh makhluk tanda kiamat, perang besar yang menentukan nasib alam semesta semakin dekat.Perang akhir zaman Dewa pun dimulai, dengan kemunculan Tujuh Kaisar Agung Zaman Kuno, Tujuh Belas Dewi Naga Tertinggi, Delapan Primordial Agung setara Dewa, serta Bangkitnya Lima Kaisar Tertinggi Zaman Baru dan Sepuluh Makhluk Akhirnya. Mereka semua memeriahkan perang kolosal yang akan menentukan nasib seluruh alam semesta.Di akhir perjuangan ini, siapakah yang akan berdiri sebagai pemenang? Para Dewa dan Dewi bertarung untuk bertahan hidup, dan hanya yang terkuat yang akan berdiri di puncak. Perang kolosal akhir zaman ini akan menentukan masa depan dunia dan alam semesta, membawa harapan baru atau kehancuran total. Memeriahkan perang kolosal akhir seluruh alam semesta
MuhammadFauziInsan · 218.5K Views

Una Noche Salvaje

Lucinda Perry, una solitaria adicta al trabajo, se promete a sí misma desmadrarse en su vigésimo quinto cumpleaños e incluso tener una aventura de una noche si obtiene la tan merecida promoción en su trabajo. A pocos días de su vigésimo quinto cumpleaños, es ascendida no solo a una posición más alta, sino también a la oficina central en otra ciudad. Al tener que pasar su noche de cumpleaños en una nueva ciudad, va al club donde se encuentra con un atractivo desconocido, Tomás Hank, quien se ofrece a ser su aventura de una noche después de ver su lista de atrevidas metas, que incluía tener una aventura de una noche. Tomás Hank, después de haber sido utilizado por varias mujeres en el pasado, está decidido a conseguir a la mujer de sus sueños que lo amaría por sí mismo y no por su dinero. Así que cuando conoce a la adorable e ingenua Lucinda Perry en el club, decide ocultarle su verdadera identidad y averiguar si valía la pena mantenerla. ***Extracto*** ¿Qué puede ser más entretenido que un personaje secundario loco? Saluden a Sonia y Bryan. El corazón de Sonia dejó de latir por un segundo, y luego diferentes pensamientos comenzaron a volar por su cabeza al mismo tiempo. ¿Bryan Hank? ¿Su amor platónico estaba de rodillas frente a ella y le pedía que fuera su esposa? ¿La estaba confundiendo con otra persona? ¿Era posible que esto fuera una broma, o tal vez se trataba de una de esas bromas de celebridades y había cámaras alrededor esperando capturarla haciendo el tonto? ¿O tal vez estaba soñando? Sonia se preguntó mientras miraba a su alrededor, pero lo único que vio fueron curiosos mirones. —¡Por favor! Sé mi esposa y hazme el hombre más feliz del mundo —dijo en un tono de voz muy fuerte que atrajo la atención de todos. Su editor, al que había estado esperando durante más de una hora porque estaba tratando de cerrar un acuerdo con un productor de cine interesado en una de sus historias, apareció en ese momento. —Sonia, ¿conoces a Bryan Hank? —preguntó su editor realmente sorprendido al ver la escena ante él. Parecía que había pasado una hora desde que Bryan se arrodilló, pero sólo había pasado un minuto. Bryan sabía que ninguna mujer estaría lo suficientemente loca como para aceptar una propuesta de matrimonio tan descabellada, y aunque hubiera alguna que lo estuviera, pagarle y cancelar todo sería fácil ya que lo único que él quería era el escándalo que podría resultar de esto. Los titulares iban a ser sobre su propuesta de matrimonio rechazada o sobre su supuesto compromiso, lo cual sería suficiente para quitar a Sophia del medio. —¡Sí! —dijo Sonia mientras movía la cabeza emocionada y extendía su dedo para que él le pusiera el anillo. —¿Sí? —preguntó Bryan confuso al escuchar su respuesta. —¡Sí! Seré tu esposa y te convertiré en el hombre más feliz del mundo! —dijo Sonia con una risita y movió los dedos hasta que Bryan deslizó el anillo en su dedo. Sorprendentemente, el anillo era de su tamaño exacto y se ajustaba a su dedo como si hubiera sido hecho sólo para ella. Aplausos estallaron a su alrededor cuando Sonia se levantó con una gran sonrisa en su rostro y abrazó a Bryan antes de besarlo directamente en los labios. Bryan estaba un poco desconcertado por su atrevimiento, pero rápidamente se recuperó ya que él era el que había comenzado el juego y debía seguir la corriente. Después de todo, él había sido quien se había acercado a ella en primer lugar. Así que cuando ella intentó romper el beso, él sostuvo su barbilla y mordisqueó lentamente su labio inferior antes de separar sus labios con la lengua y chuparla de manera sugerente, provocando un gemido de Sonia. Sonia se sentía mareada. Esto era demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Tenía que ser un sueño. ¿De qué otra manera podría explicar que un momento antes estaba sentada en el vestíbulo de un hotel esperando a su editor y al siguiente estar comprometida con su amor platónico y besándolo en público?
Miss_Behaviour · 912.8K Views

Uma Noite Selvagem

Lucinda Perry, uma reclusa social e workaholic, faz uma promessa a si mesma de se soltar no seu vigésimo quinto aniversário e até mesmo conseguir uma noite de amor casual se ela conseguir a tão esperada promoção no trabalho. Poucos dias antes do seu vigésimo quinto aniversário, ela é promovida para uma posição superior e para a sede em outra cidade. Tendo que passar a noite do seu aniversário em uma nova cidade, ela vai à boate onde conhece um belo desconhecido, Thomas Hank, que se oferece para ser seu caso de uma noite depois de ver sua lista de desafios a cumprir, que incluía ter uma noite de amor casual. Thomas Hank, depois de ter sido usado por várias mulheres no passado, está determinado a conquistar a mulher dos seus sonhos que o amaria por ele mesmo e não por sua riqueza. Então, quando ele conhece a fofa e ingênua Lucinda Perry na boate, ele decide esconder sua verdadeira identidade dela e descobrir se ela valia a pena. ***Trecho*** O que é mais divertido do que um personagem secundário louco? Diga olá à Sonia e ao Bryan. O coração de Sonia parou de bater por um segundo e, em seguida, diferentes pensamentos começaram a voar em sua cabeça naquele mesmo momento. Bryan Hank? O seu crush celebridade estava ajoelhado bem na frente dela e pedindo-a em casamento? Ele a estava confundindo com outra pessoa? Seria possível que isso fosse uma encenação, ou talvez fosse uma daquelas pegadinhas de celebridades, e havia câmeras por perto esperando para capturar sua reação? Ou talvez ela estivesse sonhando? Sonia se perguntava enquanto olhava ao redor, mas tudo o que via eram espectadores curiosos. "Por favor! Seja minha esposa e me torne o homem mais feliz da Terra", disse ele em voz alta, chamando a atenção de todos. Seu editor, para quem ela tinha esperado por mais de uma hora porque estava tentando fechar um acordo com um produtor de cinema interessado em uma de suas histórias, apareceu naquele momento, "Sonia, você conhece o Bryan Hank?" Seu editor perguntou em genuína surpresa ao ver a cena diante dele. Parecia ter passado uma hora desde que Bryan se ajoelhou, mas só tinha passado um minuto. Bryan sabia que nenhuma mulher seria louca o suficiente para aceitar uma proposta tão maluca e, mesmo que alguma fosse, seria fácil pagar-lhe e cancelar toda a situação, já que tudo o que ele queria era um escândalo que pudesse vir disso. As manchetes seriam sobre sua proposta de casamento rejeitada ou seu suposto noivado, o que seria suficiente para tirar Sophia do gancho. "Sim!" Sonia respondeu, balançando a cabeça empolgadamente e estendendo o dedo para que ele colocasse o anel. "Sim?" Bryan perguntou confuso ao ouvir sua resposta. "Sim! Eu serei sua esposa e farei de você o homem mais feliz do mundo!" Sonia disse rindo e mexendo os dedos até que Bryan deslizou o anel neles. Surpreendentemente, o anel era de seu tamanho exato e cabia perfeitamente em seu dedo, como se tivesse sido feito especialmente para ela. O som de aplausos irrompeu ao redor deles enquanto Sonia se levantava com um grande sorriso no rosto e abraçava Bryan antes de beijá-lo nos lábios. Bryan ficou um pouco surpreso com a audácia dela, mas rapidamente se recuperou já que este era o seu jogo, e ele tinha que participar. Afinal, ele tinha sido quem a procurou primeiro. Então, quando ela tentou interromper o beijo, ele segurou o queixo dela e lentamente mordeu seu lábio inferior antes de separar seus lábios com a língua e sugar de maneira provocante, arrancando um gemido de Sonia. Sonia se sentia tonta. Isso era bom demais para ser verdade. Só podia ser um sonho. Como mais ela poderia explicar que um momento estava sentada no saguão de um hotel esperando seu editor, e no seguinte estava noiva de seu crush celebridade e o beijava bem ali, em público?
Miss_Behaviour · 506.8K Views

Satu Malam Liar

Lucinda Perry, seorang penyendiri sosial dan pekerja keras, berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk benar-benar menggila di ulang tahunnya yang ke-25 dan bahkan mencetak one night stand jika ia mendapatkan promosi yang sudah lama ditunggu di pekerjaannya. Beberapa hari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke-25, dia dipromosikan ke posisi yang lebih tinggi dan tidak hanya itu, tapi ke kantor pusat di kota yang berbeda. Harus menghabiskan malam ulang tahunnya di kota baru, dia pergi ke klub di mana dia bertemu dengan orang asing tampan, Thomas Hank, yang menawarkan diri untuk menjadi one night stand-nya setelah melihat daftar berani-melakukannya, yang termasuk memiliki satu malam berdiri. Thomas Hank, setelah digunakan oleh beberapa wanita di masa lalu, bertekad untuk mendapatkan wanita impiannya yang akan mencintainya untuk dirinya sendiri dan bukan karena kekayaannya. Jadi ketika dia bertemu Lucinda Perry yang imut dan polos di klub, dia memutuskan untuk menjaga identitas aslinya dari dia dan mencari tahu apakah dia layak untuk dia pertahankan. ***Excerpt*** Apa yang lebih menghibur daripada sisi karakter yang gila? Katakan halo pada Sonia dan Bryan. Jantung Sonia berhenti berdetak sebentar, lalu berbagai pemikiran mulai berterbangan di kepalanya pada saat yang sama. Bryan Hank? Idola selebriti yang dia naksir sedang berlutut tepat di depannya dan memintanya untuk menjadi istrinya? Apakah dia salah mengira dia dengan orang lain? Apakah mungkin ini adalah lelucon, atau mungkin ini seperti salah satu lelucon selebriti dan ada kamera-kamera di sekitar, menunggu untuk merekam dia membuat dirinya tampak bodoh? Atau mungkin dia sedang bermimpi? Sonia bertanya-tanya sambil melihat-lihat sekitar mereka, tetapi yang dia lihat hanyalah penonton yang penasaran. "Tolong! Jadilah istriku dan buat aku menjadi pria paling bahagia di Bumi," katanya dengan suara keras yang menarik perhatian semua orang. Editornya yang telah ditunggunya selama lebih dari satu jam karena dia mencoba menandatangani kesepakatan dengan produser film yang tertarik dengan salah satu ceritanya, muncul saat itu juga, "Sonia, kamu kenal Bryan Hank?" Tanyanya dengan heran saat melihat adegan di depannya. Sepertinya sudah berjam-jam sejak Bryan berlutut, tapi ternyata baru satu menit. Bryan tahu tidak ada wanita yang cukup gila untuk menerima proposal gila seperti itu, dan bahkan jika ada yang mau menerima, membayarnya dan membatalkan keseluruhan hal tersebut akan mudah karena yang dia inginkan hanyalah skandal yang bisa terjadi dari situ. Judul beritanya mendatang akan tentang proposal pernikahan yang ditolak atau pertunangannya yang dikatakan, yang cukup membuat Sophia lepas dari kaitannya. "Ya!" Jawab Sonia dengan semangat sambil menganggukkan kepalanya dan mengulurkan jarinya agar dia memakaikan cincin pertunangan. "Ya?" Tanya Bryan dengan bingung saat mendengar jawabannya. "Ya! Aku akan menjadi istrimu dan membuatmu menjadi pria paling bahagia di dunia!" Sonia berkata dengan tertawa dan menggerakkan jarinya hingga Bryan memasukkan cincin itu ke jarinya. Secara mengejutkan cincin itu adalah ukuran yang tepat untuknya, dan duduk di jarinya seolah-olah dibuat khusus untuknya. Suara tepuk tangan meledak di sekitar mereka saat Sonia berdiri dengan senyum lebar di wajahnya dan memeluk Bryan sebelum menciumnya tepat di bibir. Bryan sedikit terkejut dengan keberaniannya tapi cepat pulih karena ini adalah permainannya, dan dia harus ikut serta. Dia lah yang mendekatinya terlebih dahulu, bagaimanapun juga. Jadi ketika dia mencoba memutuskan ciuman, dia memegang dagunya dan perlahan menggigit bibir bawahnya sebelum membuka bibirnya dengan lidahnya dan mengisapnya dengan cara yang menggoda, mengeluarkan desahan dari Sonia. Sonia merasa pusing. Ini terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan. Itu haruslah mimpi. Bagaimana lagi dia bisa menjelaskan bahwa pada suatu saat dia duduk di lobi hotel menunggu editornya, dan pada saat berikutnya dia bertunangan dengan idola selebriti yang dia naksir dan menciumnya di sini di depan umum?
Miss_Behaviour · 344.6K Views

Une Nuit Sauvage

Lucinda Perry, une recluse sociale et une travailleuse acharnée, fait le serment de se lancer à fond pour son vingt-cinquième anniversaire et d'avoir même une aventure d'un soir si elle obtient la promotion qu'elle mérite depuis longtemps au travail. Quelques jours avant son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, elle est promue à un poste plus élevé, jusqu'au siège social dans une autre ville. Devant passer la nuit de son anniversaire dans une nouvelle ville, elle se rend au club où elle rencontre un très bel étranger, Thomas Hank, qui propose d'être son aventure d'un soir après avoir aperçu sa liste de défis à relever, qui incluait d'avoir une aventure d'un soir. Thomas Hank, après avoir été utilisé par plusieurs dames dans le passé, est résolu à obtenir la dame de ses rêves qui l'aimerait pour ce qu'il est et non pour sa richesse. Alors quand il rencontre la mignonne et naïve Lucinda Perry au club, il décide de cacher sa véritable identité et de découvrir si elle vaut la peine d'être gardée. ***Extrait*** Qu'est-ce qui est plus divertissant qu'un personnage secondaire fou ? Dites bonjour à Sonia et Bryan. Le cœur de Sonia s’arrêta de battre pendant une seconde, puis différentes pensées commencèrent à se bousculer dans sa tête à ce même moment. Bryan Hank ? Son coup de cœur de célébrité était à genoux devant elle et lui demandait de devenir sa femme ? Se trompait-il de personne ? Était-il possible que ce soit une mise en scène, ou peut-être s'agissait-il d'une de ces farces de célébrité et qu'il y avait des caméras autour, prêtes à la filmer en train de faire l'imbécile ? Ou peut-être rêvait-elle ? Sonia se le demandait en regardant autour d'elle, mais tout ce qu'elle voyait n'était que des spectateurs curieux. "S'il te plaît ! Sois ma femme et fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux de la Terre," Dit-il d'une voix très forte qui attira l'attention de tout le monde. Son éditeur, qu'elle attendait depuis plus d'une heure parce qu'il essayait de conclure un accord avec un producteur de cinéma intéressé par l'une de ses histoires, apparut à ce moment-là, "Sonia, tu connais Bryan Hank ?" demanda son éditeur avec une véritable surprise en regardant la scène devant lui. On aurait dit qu'une heure s'était écoulée depuis que Bryan s'était mis à genoux, mais cela ne faisait qu'une minute. Bryan savait qu'aucune dame ne serait assez folle pour accepter une proposition aussi folle, et même si l'une d'entre elles l'était, la payer et annuler le tout serait facile puisque tout ce qu'il voulait était le scandale qui pourrait en découler. Les gros titres seraient soit sur sa proposition de mariage refusée, soit sur son faux engagement, ce qui serait suffisant pour libérer Sophia de la situation. "Oui !" répondit Sonia en hochant la tête avec enthousiasme et en tendant le doigt pour qu'il lui enfile l'anneau. "Oui ?" demanda Bryan, confus en entendant sa réponse. "Oui ! Je serai ta femme et je te rendrai l'homme le plus heureux du monde !" répondit Sonia en riant et en remuant les doigts jusqu'à ce que Bryan glisse l'anneau sur son doigt. Etonnamment, la bague était exactement de sa taille et elle s'ajustait parfaitement à son doigt comme si elle avait été faite juste pour elle. Les applaudissements éclatèrent tout autour d'eux alors que Sonia se levait avec un grand sourire sur le visage et embrassait Bryan avant de l'embrasser directement sur les lèvres. Bryan fut légèrement pris au dépourvu par son audace, mais se reprit rapidement puisque c'était son jeu et qu'il devait jouer le jeu. Après tout, c'est lui qui avait approché Sonia en premier. Alors, quand elle essaya de rompre le baiser, il lui tint le menton et mordilla doucement sa lèvre inférieure avant de séparer ses lèvres avec sa langue et de la suçoter d'une manière taquine, provoquant un gémissement chez Sonia. Sonia se sentait étourdie. C'était trop beau pour être vrai. Ce devait être un rêve. Comment pourrait-elle expliquer qu'un instant, elle était assise dans le hall d'un hôtel en attendant son éditeur, et l'instant d'après, elle était fiancée à son coup de cœur de célébrité et l'embrassait ici même en public ? (PS : Photo m'appartient. Art par @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 281.9K Views

One Wild Night

Lucinda Perry, a social recluse and a workaholic, makes a pledge to herself to go all wild on her twenty-fifth birthday and even score a one night stand if she gets her long deserved promotion at work. Few days to her twenty-fifth birthday, she gets promoted to not just a higher position but to the head office in a different city. Having to spend her birthday night in a new city, she goes to the club where she meets a very handsome stranger, Thomas Hank, who offers to be her one night stand after catching a glimpse of her dare-to-do list, which included having a one night stand. Thomas Hank, after having been used by several ladies in the past, is bent on getting the lady of his dreams who would love him for himself and not his wealth. So when he meets the cute and naive Lucinda Perry at the club, he decides to keep his true identity from her and find out if she was worth keeping. ***Excerpt*** What is more entertaining than a crazy side character? Say hello to Sonia and Bryan. Sonia's heart stopped beating for a second, and then different thoughts started flying right through her head at that same time. Bryan Hank? Her celebrity crush was kneeling right in front of her and asking her to be his wife? Was he mistaking her for someone? Was it possible this was a skit, or maybe this was like one of those celebrity pranks, and there were cameras around, waiting to capture her make a fool of herself? Or perhaps she was dreaming? Sonia wondered as she looked around them, but all she saw were curious onlookers. "Please! Be my wife and make me the happiest man on Earth," He said in a very loud voice that caught the attention of everyone. Her editor who she had been waiting on for over an hour because he was trying to sign a deal with a movie producer who was interested in one of her stories, showed up at that moment, "Sonia, you know Bryan Hank?" Her editor asked in genuine surprise as he watched the scene before him. It seemed like an hour had passed since Bryan went on his knees, but it had only been a minute. Bryan knew no lady would be crazy enough to accept such a crazy proposal, and even if any were, paying her off and calling off the whole thing would be easy since all he wanted was the scandal that could come from this. The headlines were either going to be about his rejected Marriage proposal or his supposed engagement, which would be enough to let Sophia off the hook. "Yes!" Sonia said as she bobbed her head excitedly and extended her finger for him to wear her the ring. "Yes?" Bryan asked in confusion when he heard her response. "Yes! I will be your wife and make you the happiest man in the world!" Sonia said with a giggle and wiggled her fingers until Bryan slid the ring down her finger. Surprisingly the ring was her exact size, and it sat on her finger like it was made just for her. The sound of applause erupted all around them as Sonia stood up with a big smile on her face and embraced Bryan before kissing him right on the lips. Bryan was slightly taken aback by her boldness but quickly recovered since this was his game, and he had to play along. He was the one who had approached her first, after all. So when she tried to break the kiss, he held her chin and slowly nibbled on her lower lip before parting her lips with his tongue and sucked on it in a teasing manner, eliciting a moan from Sonia. Sonia felt light-headed. This was too good to be true. It just had to be a dream. How else could she explain that one moment she was seated at the lobby of a hotel waiting for her editor, and the next she was engaged to her celebrity crush and was kissing him right here in the open? (PS: Photo belongs to me. Art by @imagineTishaD)
Miss_Behaviour · 6.6M Views

Keajaiban untuk Hati

Aku berencana menjalani hidup dengan tidak mencintai siapapun, tapi hidup hampir tidak pernah berjalan sesuai rencana. Aku yang tidak ingin mencintai malah berakhir menjadi seseorang yang tidak bisa berhenti mencintainya dan semakin mencintainya, mencintai dia yang selalu mematahkan hatiku secara berulang. Ironis. Aku yang biasanya dingin, hidup dengan wajah datar tanpa ekspresi, tidak terpengaruh atau tersentuh oleh apapun, dan tidak pernah memberi makna untuk peristiwa tertentu dalam hidup, pada akhirnya berakhir menjadi perempuan bodoh yang mencintainya hingga kehilangan akal sehat juga diriku sendiri. Ryan Idroes, pria bodoh itu selalu mampu mencabik-cabik hatiku tanpa melakukan apapun. Aku tidak pernah mendapat perlakuan seburuk ini, bahkan pria yang nyaris sempurna seperti Reza Pratama Harun, menantu idaman bunda, tidak pernah menyeretku hingga ke dasar, apalagi membuatku membumi dan jatuh ke tanah. Tapi, Ryan sungguh membuatku terkubur dalam lubang penderitaan terdalam. Setelah 10 tahun menetap di Inggris, Ryan Idroes kembali tanpa perasaan bersalah. Ah, dia tidak kembali padaku sebagai kekasih, sejak awal tidak pernah ada hubungan seperti itu di antara kami. Baginya, aku hanya adik perempuan merepotkan yang sering mengusik hari-harinya dulu. Untukku, dia adalah seseorang yang selalu aku cintai dalam diam, dalam jarak, dan dalam do'a yang diam-diam kulangitkan saat perasaan cinta itu terlalu menusuk. Meskipun dia kembali, semuanya telah berubah. Bagaimana mungkin aku mengharapkannya masih sendiri, ketika selalu ada wanita cantik seperti Anne Kumala untuk setiap pemeran utama pria sepertinya. Dan, tentu saja, aku patah hati untuk kesekian kalinya. Di tengah kemelut hati, aku bertemu dengan sahabat Ryan Idroes, Hanan Mikail, pria menyebalkan yang tiba-tiba melabeliku sebagai "Future Wife". Tapi bagaimana mungkin label itu menjadi kenyataan ketika sudah ada pemeran utama wanita dalam hidupnya, Bella Puteri Irsyad, wanita yang sangat cantik dan nyaris sempurna. Bagaimana mungkin aku tidak bersimpati pada Bella, ketika dia terlihat persis sepertiku; mengharapkan cinta yang hampir mustahil mendapat balasan. Penderitaan Bella mungkin tidak lebih sedikit dariku hingga sanggup menukar seluruh hidup hanya untuk sebuah kalimat sederhana, "Aku juga mencintaimu". Jika keajaiban itu benar-benar ada, aku juga tidak keberatan menukar seluruh hidupku untuk cintanya, atau sekedar sedikit lebih lama menetap dalam hatinya, atau sekedar mendengar kalimat yang lebih sederhana, "Sesekali, aku akan merindukanmu".
Olla_Song · 193.7K Views

Anomalous (Anomalous Series Book 1)

Anomalous from the Latin word "anōmalus" means irregular or unusual, follows the life of Omega Dianne Crawford as she shifts from a child to an adult, having to make choices for herself and what she wishes to be, as well as how she wishes to impact the world. The first big choice she must make is in the beginning of the story, where she has to decide literally what type of person she will be through the form of the coalitions that are presented in the society they live in. However, as we can learn at the beginning of the story, she is more than one coalitions. She fits in several of them. Reading in between the lines, being "ANOMALOUS ", fitting into more than one coalitions was never a bad thing. Even though the society wished to kill those that don't fit into the standard, Omega is essentially good. Fitting everywhere, or nowhere for that case, doesn't have to be a bad thing at all, just as Omega fitted into all, yet none of the coalitions, according to the rules of the Eruditus, the knowledgeable ones, the coalitions that depends on the knowledge they gained from studying which scientists and researchers belong. However, Omega chooses to become a Domitare, the brave and courageous ones, where armies and warriors belong, which means that she will have to face all her fears. She does this with her head held high, and she later learns to overcome them. This is one of the peaks of the story, where Omega obviously shows the strength of being fearless. "There is nothing wrong with having fears, she says, but they should never stop you from becoming what you wish to be and following your dreams." *Omega's POV* We are lucky to be in The City. They say the war was terrible, that the rest of the world was destroyed. Our founders built the wall to keep us safe and they divided us into five groups, the COALITIONS, to keep the peace. I saw people busy, typing on computers, analyzing and computing data's, reading and writing down their thoughts and ideas, looking on their experiments. The smart ones, the ones who value knowledge and logic are in Eruditus. They know everything and they are colored in blue. They lived in this City, the Manhattan. There is also this people who loves farming, tilling the soil, showing kindness and always wearing their smiles that they call happiness. This is the Amicus who farm the land, they are all about kindness and harmony, always happy. They are colored in orange and lived in the City of Queens. On the other hand, this people are banging their gavels, always in the court. The Candidus who value honesty and order. They tell the truth, even when you wish they wouldn't. They are colored in white and lived in the City of Brooklyn. And then there's Domitare. They're our protectors, our soldiers, our police. (Man and woman climbing at the hall's pillar going to the peak) I always thought they were amazing. Brave, fearless and free. Some people think Domitare are crazy, which they kind of are. They are colored black and lived in the City of Staten Island. "Come on Omega."called my father. My coalitions is Abnegatus. The others all call us "Pawn". We lead a simple life, selfless, dedicated to helping others. We even feed the Outcast, the ones who don't fit in anywhere. We are colored into gray and lives in this city called The Bronx. Because we're public servants, we're trusted to run the government. My father works alongside our leader, Matteos Goldwyn. It all works. Everyone knows where they belong. Except for me.
marxiewrites · 7.1K Views

Bitter Sweet Love with My Stepbrother CEO

Yvette Matthews had a great early childhood. She had loving parents that has given her a great life. Her father was a 5-star master chef while her mother was a well known patissier in the culinary world. Her life was great but all of that changed when her parents got into a car accident and died. Yvette was orphaned at a tender age of six years old. In her parent’s wake, a middle aged man with his ten year old son came. He told Yvette that he was her parents’ friend from college and was willing to adopt Yvette. Her having no next of kin and rather than her going into foster care, the adults in the foster agency agreed after checking the man’s background. It was known that the middle aged man was the CEO of a large 5-star hotel and restaurant group that not only operated in the country but around the world. Yvette lived a life as a princess being doted by her stepfather and stepbrother. Even though she lived a life full of luxury, she stayed humble and studied hard to be a good chef and patissier like her parents. She loved her new family, and she harbored romantic feelings with her stepbrother, Joseph Hamilton. Something she kept a secret since she knew her feelings cannot be reciprocated. But all of that changed when her stepfather died of old age. When the lawyer of his stepfather read his last will leaving seventy percent of his fortune to Yvette including the rights to the Hamilton hotels. This shocked many especially her stepbrother, Joseph, since he was only left with thirty percent. But there was a clause in the will, that Jospeh could be the CEO if he marries Yvette and they produce an heir. Her life started to turn gray since Joseph was forced to leave his current girlfriend whom Yvette knew he loved so much and marry her to get the CEO title. Joseph’s kindness and pampering turned into hate and disgust. He became cold and aloof, coming home late and going to work early in the morning. Yvette’s only solace was the son she bore with Joseph on their wedding night. She poured all of her love to her little son. But fate was cruel to her once again when she found out that Joseph was seeing his ex-girlfriend once again. Hearing from someone that they were meeting in a hotel room, she mustered the courage to confront them. Yvette saw the ex-girlfriend in the hotel room wearing sexy lingerie. They got in the heated argument. “Seph does bot love you.” The ex-girlfriend said. “He just married you to get the position that should be rightfully his!” She shouted. “Do you not think I know that?!” Shouted Yvette. “But he is still married to me!” The two were pulling each other’s hair in the hotel balcony which is located at the 43rd floor. They both went over the railed in the heat of the moment and they were holding for dear life. “Dianne!” Joseph voice was heard inside the hotel room. “S-Seph!” The ex-girlfriend shouted. “Help me!” “Dianne!” Joseph was alarmed to see her hanging on the balcony. “Yvette? Why are you here?!” He sounded surprised. “H-Help me.” Yvette cried. “Hold on! I am going to get you out.” Joseph said but he pulled his ex-girlfriend first and took off his coat to put on to her. Yvette’s heart was crushed. She knew in that time that who Joseph really loved was Dianne and not her. This erased all of her hope on being loved and had let go. She felt her body falling for a long time. Yvette’s body felt light and she thought that she had now thrown all of her guilt and the burden in the loveless relationship. She wished that in her next life, she would not have this kind of love once again. But then she opened her eyes once again, to the day when the lawyer would read her stepfather’s last will. “I will changed my fate.” Yvette thought. “In this life, I will not be drowned in a loveless marriage with my stepbrother.”
Les01 · 16.7K Views

I'll Save The Female lead

As I found myself thrust into this bewildering situation, I couldn't help but wonder if fate had a strange sense of humor. Here I was, once the top A-rank agent, now trapped in the role of a notorious villainess in a reverse harem novel. But why did it had to be the villainess? Well, I don't care! But now that I'm here, I'll enjoy my life to the fullest that I couldn't before. Plus, my family is real rich. Though an issue soon occurred. The female lead keeps sticking to me! I tried to get rid of her by distancing myself since I don't want to end up in the chaos like in the novel… But the female lead is just so adorable!! What would happen if the once fearsome antagonist was now trying to protect the very person she once tormented?  "Sabiiiii!" Ann's voice chimed, her eyes sparkling with innocence. It was hard to resist her charm, and I found myself softening despite my initial intentions. And it seems the so-called main suitors are suffering from collective amnesia. They flocked to me, oblivious to the fact that Anne was the true focus of their affections. "Stay Away! I will not give you my lovely Ann," I declared, my frustration mounting. "Who said I wanted her?" The chaos continued with the supposed fiancé as well, who seemed convinced that our engagement was set in stone, "You are my soon-to-be fiancée! Please compose yourself"  "I refuse to get engaged to you and to compose, whatever that is". "Don't you think you're quite rude to your soon-to-be Fiancé?"  "I'm not rude, you're too nice! And I told you I'm not getting engaged to you" "Thank you, my Lady"  "…Are you dumb?!!!" What in the world of strawberries was going on indeed? It was a baffling and comical twist of fate. But as the days passed, I found myself navigating this bizarre world with a newfound determination. If I was going to be stuck in this story, I might as well do it my way. And who knows, maybe I could turn this chaotic tale into something truly extraordinary.
Roaimi_Maali · 297.8K Views
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