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Bestia Alfa y su Luna Maldita

``` —Pareces solitaria y bueno... —dijo ella. —¿Bueno? —El Alfa le dio una sonrisa condescendiente. —Rota. Como alguien que ha luchado muchas batallas. Alguien que ha sido herido —dijo ella. —Es verdad. Y por eso, estoy listo para luchar aún más batallas si eso promete lo que quiero —dijo Alfa Maverick. —¿Y qué quieres? —preguntó ella con una dulce sonrisa. —Muerte. La muerte de todos los pícaros por lo que me hicieron —dijo Alfa Maverick, mirando a la chica que se tensó a su lado. —Tú no eres un pícaro, ¿verdad? —Alfa Maverick miró a sus encantadores ojos, su mano acariciando sus mejillas, haciéndola sonreír incómodamente. Ella era en efecto un pícaro, y no cualquier pícaro normal, sino uno buscado por todo el mundo. ~~~~~~ —Yo, Valencia Brooklyn, rechazo a Tyler Anderson como mi compañero predestinado. Prefiero aceptar la muerte antes que a un compañero desleal —Estas fueron las palabras exactas que cambiaron su vida. Dado que este mundo de los hombres lobo no podía aceptarla por ser una omega y no tener un lobo, decidió hacer exactamente lo mismo. Se convirtió en un pícaro que todos empezaron a temer y buscar. Una pícara que mataba a otros pícaros, robaba a la gente, rechazaba a un alfa, engañaba al consejo y lo más importante, vivía entre humanos rompiendo todas las leyes y normas. ¿Qué sucederá cuando alguien del consejo le dé su caso anónimo al alfa más fuerte del mundo? ¿Un alfa incluso más fuerte que el hijo del Rey Alfa? ¿Cómo se salvará de un alfa que ha jurado matar a todos los pícaros para vengar lo que hicieron con él? ¿Cómo atrapará Maverick Aurelius a esta misteriosa pícara que no tiene olor? Cuando se encontraron por primera vez, él debería haberla matado, pero ¿cómo iba a reconocerla si ella era apenas un gato? Valencia nunca se transformó en su lobo porque estaba maldita para ser una cambiaformas. ¿Cómo reconocerá el alfa al pícaro en el gato que ha desarrollado la extraña costumbre de entrar en su habitación y jugar con sus cosas? ~~~~~ P. D. Esta es mi segunda entrada para el WSA 2024. Por favor, apoyen con votos, regalos, boletos y comentarios. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 72.4K Views

Bête Alpha et sa Luna Maudite

``` Contenu Mature - Interdit aux moins de 18 ans (Pas de viol) "Tu as l'air seul et, eh bien..." "Eh bien ?" L'alpha lui offrit un sourire condescendant. "Brisé. Comme quelqu'un qui a livré beaucoup de batailles. Quelqu'un qui a été blessé." Dit-elle. "C'est vrai. Ainsi, je suis prêt à livrer encore plus de batailles si cela promet ce que je désire," dit l'Alpha Maverick. "Et que désires-tu ?" Demanda-t-elle avec un doux sourire. "La mort. La mort de tous les voyous pour ce qu'ils m'ont fait," dit Alpha Maverick, regardant la fille qui se raidit à côté de lui. "Tu n'es pas un voyou, n'est-ce pas ?" Alpha Maverick plongea son regard dans ses yeux envoûtants, sa main caressant ses joues, la faisant sourire maladroitement. Elle était en effet un rebelle, et pas n'importe quel rebelle, mais un recherché par le monde entier. ~~~~~~ "Moi, Valencia Brooklyn, je rejette Tyler Anderson comme mon âme sœur destinée. Je préférerais accepter la mort plutôt qu'un compagnon déloyal." Ce furent les mots exacts qui changèrent sa vie. Puisque ce monde de loups-garous ne pouvait l'accepter en tant qu'oméga et l'absence de loup, elle décida de faire exactement la même chose. Elle est devenue un rebelle que tout le monde a commencé à craindre et à rechercher. Un rebelle qui tuait d'autres rebelles, volait les gens, rejetait un alpha, trompait le conseil et surtout, vivait parmi les humains en enfreignant toutes les lois et normes. Que se passera-t-il lorsque quelqu'un du conseil confiera son cas anonyme à l'alpha le plus fort du monde ? Un alpha encore plus fort que le fils du roi Alpha ? Comment va-t-elle se sauver d'un alpha qui a juré de tuer tous les voyous pour venger ce qu'ils lui ont fait ? Comment Maverick Aurelius attrapera-t-il ce rebelle mystérieux qui n'a pas d'odeur ? Quand ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois, il aurait dû la tuer, mais comment était-il censé la reconnaître alors qu'elle était juste un chat ? Valencia ne s'est jamais transformée en loup car elle était maudite pour être une métamorphe. Comment l'alpha reconnaîtra-t-il le rebelle dans le chat qui a développé l'étrange habitude de venir dans sa chambre et de jouer avec ses affaires ? ~~~~~ P.S. C'est ma deuxième participation au WSA 2024. Merci de votre soutien, vos votes, cadeaux, tickets et commentaires. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 58.8K Views

Binatang Alfa dan Luna Terkutuknya

``` Konten Dewasa- Berperingkat 18+ (Tanpa pemerkosaan) "Kamu terlihat kesepian dan... yah..." "Yah?" sang Alfa memberinya senyum meremehkan. "Patah. Seperti seseorang yang telah berjuang dalam banyak pertempuran. Seseorang yang terluka." Katanya. "Memang benar. Dan dengan demikian, saya siap untuk berperang dalam lebih banyak pertempuran lagi jika itu menjanjikan apa yang saya inginkan," kata Alfa Maverick. "Dan apa yang kamu inginkan?" Tanya dia dengan senyum manis. "Kematian. Kematian bagi semua penjahat atas apa yang mereka lakukan padaku," kata Alfa Maverick, menatap gadis yang menjadi kaku di sampingnya. "Kamu bukan penjahat, kan?" Alfa Maverick menatap mata memikatnya, tangannya mengelus pipinya, membuatnya tersenyum canggung. Dia memang penjahat, dan bukan penjahat biasa, tetapi penjahat yang diinginkan oleh seluruh dunia. ~~~~~~ "Saya, Valencia Brooklyn, menolak Tyler Anderson sebagai pasangan takdir saya. Saya lebih memilih menerima kematian daripada pasangan yang tidak setia." Inilah kata-kata tepat yang mengubah hidupnya. Karena dunia manusia serigala ini tidak bisa menerima dirinya karena dia adalah omega dan tidak memiliki serigala, dia memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Dia menjadi penjelajah yang mulai ditakuti dan dicari oleh semua orang. Seorang penjelajah yang membunuh penjahat lain, mencuri dari orang-orang, menolak seorang alfa, menipu dewan, dan yang paling penting, hidup di antara manusia sambil melanggar semua hukum dan norma. Apa yang akan terjadi saat seseorang dari dewan memberikan kasus anonimnya kepada alfa terkuat di dunia? Alfa yang bahkan lebih kuat dari anak Raja Alfa? Bagaimana dia akan menyelamatkan dirinya dari alfa yang telah bersumpah untuk membunuh semua penjahat demi membalas apa yang mereka lakukan padanya? Bagaimana Maverick Aurelius akan menangkap penjelajah misterius ini yang tidak memiliki bau? Ketika mereka pertama kali bertemu, seharusnya dia membunuhnya, tapi bagaimana dia bisa mengenalinya ketika dia hanyalah seekor kucing? Valencia tidak pernah berubah menjadi serigala karena ia dikutuk menjadi berubah bentuk. Bagaimana alfa mengenali penjelajah dalam wujud kucing yang telah membiasakan diri masuk ke kamarnya dan bermain dengan barang-barangnya? ~~~~~ P.S. Ini adalah entri kedua saya untuk WSA 2024. Mohon dukungan dengan vote, hadiah, tiket, dan komentar. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 6.1K Views

Das Biest Alpha und seine verfluchte Luna

Reifer Inhalt - Bewertung 18+ (keine Vergewaltigung) "Du siehst einsam und gut aus..." "Nun?" Der Alpha schenkte ihr ein herablassendes Lächeln. "Gebrochen. Wie jemand, der viele Schlachten geschlagen hat. Jemand, der verletzt worden ist." Sagte sie. "Das ist wahr. Und deshalb bin ich bereit, noch mehr Schlachten zu schlagen, wenn es das verspricht, was ich will", sagte Alpha Maverick. "Und was willst du?" fragte sie mit einem süßen Lächeln. "Den Tod. Den Tod aller Schurken für das, was sie mir angetan haben", sagte Alpha Maverick und sah das Mädchen an, das sich neben ihm versteifte. "Du bist doch kein Schurke, oder?" Alpha Maverick blickte in ihre bezaubernden Augen, seine Hand streichelte ihre Wangen und brachte sie zu einem unbeholfenen Lächeln. Sie war in der Tat eine Schurkin, und zwar nicht irgendeine Schurkin, sondern eine, die von der ganzen Welt gesucht wurde. ~~~~~~ "Ich, Valencia Brooklyn, lehne Tyler Anderson als meinen schicksalhaften Gefährten ab. Ich würde lieber den Tod akzeptieren als einen untreuen Partner." Dies waren genau die Worte, die ihr Leben veränderten. Da diese Werwolfwelt nicht akzeptieren konnte, dass sie ein Omega war und keinen Wolf hatte, beschloss sie, genau das Gleiche zu tun. Sie wurde ein Schurke, den alle fürchteten und suchten. Ein Schurke, der andere Schurken tötete, Menschen bestahl, einen Alpha zurückwies, den Rat täuschte und vor allem unter den Menschen lebte und dabei alle Gesetze und Normen brach. Was wird passieren, wenn jemand aus dem Rat ihren anonymen Fall dem stärksten Alpha der Welt übergibt? Einem Alpha, der noch stärker ist als der Sohn des Alphakönigs? Wie wird sie sich vor einem Alpha retten, der geschworen hat, alle Schurken zu töten, um sich für das zu rächen, was sie mit ihm gemacht haben? Wie wird Maverick Aurelius diesen mysteriösen Schurken fangen, der keine Fährte hat? Als sie sich das erste Mal treffen, hätte er sie töten sollen, aber wie hätte er sie erkennen sollen, wenn sie nur eine Katze war? Valencia hat sich nie in einen Wolf verwandelt, weil sie verflucht war, ein Gestaltwandler zu sein. Wie wird das Alphatier den Schurken in der Katze erkennen, die eine seltsame Angewohnheit entwickelt hat, in sein Zimmer zu kommen und mit seinen Sachen zu spielen? ~~~~~ P.S. Dies ist mein zweiter Beitrag zum WSA 2024. Bitte unterstützt mich mit Stimmen, Geschenken, Tickets und Kommentaren.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 65.1K Views

Beast Alpha and His Cursed Luna

Mature Content- Rated18+ (No rape) "You look lonely and well..." "Well?" The Alpha gave her a condescending smile. "Broken. Like someone who has fought a lot of battles. Someone who has been hurt." She said. "It's true. And thus, I am ready to fight even more battles if it promises what I want," Alpha Maverick said. "And what do you want?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Death. Death of all the rogues for what they did to me," Alpha Maverick said, looking at the girl who became stiff beside him. "You are not a rogue, are you?" Alpha Maverick looked into her enchanting eyes, his hand caressing her cheeks, making her smile awkwardly. She was indeed a rogue, and not just any normal rogue, but one wanted by the entire world. ~~~~~~ "I, Valencia Brooklyn, reject Tyler Anderson as my fateful mate. I would rather accept death than a disloyal mate." These were the exact words that changed her life. Since this werewolf world couldn't accept her for being an omega and not having a wolf, she decided to do the exact same thing. She became a rogue that everyone started fearing and looking for. A rogue who killed other rogues, stole from people, rejected an alpha, deceived the council, and most importantly, lived among humans while breaking all laws and norms. What will happen when someone from the council gives her anonymous case to the strongest alpha in the world? An alpha even stronger than the Alpha King's son? How will she save herself from an alpha who has vowed to kill all the rogues to avenge what they did with him? How will Maverick Aurelius catch this mysterious rogue who doesn't have a scent? When they first meet, he should've killed her, but how was he supposed to recognize her when she was a mere cat? Valencia never turned into her wolf because she was cursed to be a shapeshifter. How will the alpha recognise the rogue in the cat who has developed a weird habit of coming into his room and playing with his things? ~~~~~ P.S. This is my second WSA 2024 entry. Please support with votes, gift, tickets and comments.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 445.8K Views

Vertragsehe: Der Ersatzbräutigam

Wenige Minuten vor ihrer Hochzeit fand Jeslyn heraus, dass ihr zukünftiger Ehemann nur auf den Nutzen aus war, den er aus der Heirat mit ihr ziehen würde. Mit gebrochenem Herzen und dem Gefühl, betrogen worden zu sein, entschied sie sich für die einzige Möglichkeit, die ihr in diesem Moment zur Verfügung stand: eine Vertragsehe mit einem Mann, den sie finden konnte, sonst würde das Vermögen ihrer Familie in den Händen ihrer Feinde landen. ... "Mister, bitte, wollen Sie mich heiraten?" Fragte sie ihn. Ein Mann, den sie auf der Toilette des Hochzeitshauses sah. Er muss einer der Gäste sein", dachte sie. Maverick war von diesem Vorschlag überrascht. Er sah, wie sie zusammenzuckte, als er sich umdrehte und sie ansah. Es war offensichtlich, dass sie sich vor ihm fürchtete, doch sie nahm sich zusammen und war bereit, in das Geheimnis einzutauchen, das vor ihr lag. "Es wird ein Ehevertrag sein. Wir werden uns nach einem Jahr scheiden lassen", hörte er sie sagen. Er brauchte auch eine Frau für seine Göre, also antwortete er: "Abgemacht." Ohne dass sie es wusste, schloss sie gerade einen Vertrag mit dem süßesten Teufel, den es je gab. ... Er ist der Albtraum von Land M, einem Land, in dem das Böse regiert. Sie ist das kleine Häschen, das mit Liebe und Zuneigung aufgezogen wird. Eine Fliege verletzen? Nein, das hatte sie noch nie getan. Doch als sie gezwungen wurde, die Frau des Dämons zu werden, hatte sie keine andere Wahl, als ihre falsche Rolle abzulegen. Welches kleine Häschen? Wer hat gesagt, dass sie nicht mit ihren Absätzen auf die Finger eines Pianisten treten und so tun konnte, als ob sie es nicht so gemeint hätte? Ha, diese Berühmtheiten wollen die Mitleidskarte ausspielen? Wollen sie die Sympathie der Öffentlichkeit erlangen? Nun, warum wird sie wieder als 'Häschen' bezeichnet? Ist es nicht, weil sie die Beste darin war, niedlich zu wirken? Hat denn niemand diesen weißen Lotusblumen, die sich in das Bett ihres Mannes stürzen wollen, gesagt, dass sie seine Seele gestohlen hat, als sie seinem unartigen Sohn den Hintern versohlte?
Hassy_101 · 164.9K Views

Casamento por Contrato: O Noivo Substituto

Poucos minutos antes do seu casamento, Jeslyn descobriu que seu futuro marido estava interessado apenas nos benefícios que obteria ao se casar com ela. Com o coração partido e sentindo-se traída, ela optou pela única opção disponível naquele momento, que era entrar em um contrato de casamento com qualquer homem que pudesse encontrar, caso contrário, a fortuna de sua família acabaria nas mãos de seus inimigos. ... "Senhor, por favor, você se casaria comigo?" Ela perguntou. Um homem que ela viu entrando no banheiro do local de casamento. 'Ele deve ser um dos convidados', pensou ela. Maverick ficou surpreso com aquela proposta. Ele a viu estremecer quando se virou para olhá-la. Era evidente que ela ficou com medo dele, mas mesmo assim se recompôs, pronta para mergulhar no mistério à sua frente. "Será um contrato de casamento. Vamos nos divorciar depois de um ano", ele a ouviu dizer. Ele também precisava de uma mulher para o seu filho, então respondeu: "Feito". Sem que ela soubesse, acabara de fazer um acordo com o mais doce demônio que poderia existir. ...Ele é o pesadelo do país M, um país onde o mal reina. Ela é a coelhinha criada com amor e carinho. Machucar uma mosca? Não, ela nunca havia feito isso antes. No entanto, forçada a se tornar esposa do demônio, ela não teve escolha a não ser abandonar sua falsa persona. Que coelhinha? Quem disse que ela não podia pisar nos dedos de um pianista com seus saltos e fingir que não foi intencional? Ha, essas celebridades querem usar o discurso de coitadinhos? Elas querem conquistar a simpatia do público? Bem, por que novamente a chamam de 'coelhinha'? Não é porque ela era a melhor em agir fofa? Ninguém disse a essas lótus brancas querendo pular para a cama do marido dela que ela roubou a alma dele quando bateu em seu filho travesso? ....
Hassy_101 · 1M Views

Matrimonio de Contrato: El Novio Sustituto

Unos minutos antes de su boda, Jeslyn descubrió que su futuro esposo solo estaba interesado en los beneficios que obtendría a través del matrimonio con ella. Desconsolada y sintiéndose traicionada, optó por la única opción disponible en ese momento, que era casarse con cualquier hombre que pudiera encontrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia, de lo contrario la fortuna de su familia terminaría en manos de sus enemigos. —Señor, por favor, ¿se casará conmigo?— le preguntó. Era un hombre que había visto entrar al baño del lugar de la boda. —Debe ser uno de los invitados—, pensó. Maverick se sorprendió por esa propuesta. Vio cómo ella se asustaba al girar la cabeza hacia él. Era obvio que tenía miedo de él, pero se compuso y se preparó para sumergirse en el misterio que tenía delante. —Será un matrimonio de conveniencia. Nos divorciaremos después de un año—, escuchó decir a Jeslyn. También necesitaba una mujer para su hijo travieso, por lo que respondió: —Trato hecho.— Sin saberlo, acababa de hacer un trato con el diablo más dulce que podría existir. ... Él es la pesadilla del país M, un lugar donde el mal gobierna. Ella es la pequeña conejita criada con amor y cariño. ¿Lastimar a una mosca? No, ella nunca había hecho eso antes. Sin embargo, obligada a convertirse en la esposa del demonio, no tuvo más remedio que dejar de fingir. ¿Pequeña conejita? ¿Quién dijo que no podía pisotear los dedos de un pianista con sus tacones y fingir que no lo hizo a propósito? ¡Ja, esas celebridades quieren jugar la carta de la pena! ¿Quieren conseguir la simpatía del público? Bueno, ¿por qué la llaman "pequeña conejita"? ¿No es porque era la mejor fingiendo ser linda? ¿Acaso nadie les dijo a estas flores blancas que quieren sumergirse en la cama de su esposo que ella le robó su alma cuando le dio nalgadas a su hijo travieso?
Hassy_101 · 1.6M Views

A Fallen Knight-Lost art of necromancy

Severus, a handsome lad with a shy nature. He lived a life that could be called 'non-exisistent, his interaction with the opposite sex was more or less 'non-existent' as well, except for the crown prince's fiancée, Melanie. That too because both of them were childhood friends. But this didn't last long, because Severus— was killed. Previous life ----- Severus was the ex-general and Shadow Knight of the Rivera kingdom. He was a loyal and charming knight who performed his duties very well. Despite his looks, he lived in the shadow of Crown Prince; Maverick, but destiny turned its wheel and the Crown prince's fiancée fell in love with Severus. Betrayal, heartbreak, and jealousy surged inside him and Maverick planned an assassination for his best friend Severus. Severus died in pain. He felt betrayed and cheated by his own sworn brother but he accepted his fate and closed his eyes to accept death. The next moment he heard something earth-shattering. Nobody knows what Maverick told Severus but whatever it was, it questioned Severus's existence. “No, this can’t be true—” “Who am I?” “What am I?” “Who are my parents?” “What was the reason behind my existence?” Severus died while these questions remained unanswered. ——Present life—— Severus found himself resurrected, to his surprise, in his original body and within the same timeline. "It's only been a few days since I was assassinated, and I've been resurrected," he muttered to himself. As he contemplated his situation, he discovered newfound powers within him. He raised an eyebrow in amazement and questioned, "What are these powers?" Looking around, he noticed a bird perched nearby and couldn't help but wonder, "A bird? Why is there a bird here?" He observed the black raven and inquired, “This black Raven is known as Noworry, huh?” With this unexpected second chance at life, Severus was determined to unravel the unsolved mysteries from his previous existence. He made a solemn vow to exact his revenge. *********************** A new character is introduced in his new life; Noworry, a funny bird who becomes his pet, sent by Hades to help him. In this life, he will have no shortage of women who wish to accompany him. Starting from ghosts and mortals to gods, Severus will entertain visits from every existence. However, Severus didn’t ask for women. He was a man who believed that love can happen only once. Since his first love was unsuccessful, the word 'love' disappeared from his life. Will there be any girl who would bring love back into his life? Or will he remain as a monk for his entire life? Witness Severus's growth and troubles, on his way to unfold the various mysteries of the world and becoming a great necromancer. --- [I don’t hold any copyrights of the image above, it’s just a random image I chose. If you own this picture and want it to be taken down, just dm me. I will do it.]
_Daulla · 1.2M Views

Wild Conquest

"Prince of Eden Vs. Sly and Charming Deviant" Yvonne Finley, a new artist in the art industry, unexpectedly confesses her love online. She tagged a microblog user without any personal profile with a high-profile love declaration: "Can I kiss you?" An unexpected winner artist who has recently won a world-class gold award in the art industry. Aside from her exceptional talent, her extraordinary beauty has won the hearts of countless fans. But she rose to the top of the hot search with a startling statement. Countless fans’ dreams shattered late into the night. * In Yvonne Finley's eyes, the main character of this topic, Oscar Baker, is dishonest, hard to hook, tough, enchanting and makes her crazy. Other people's younger brothers are either puppies or wolves. But him - a mad person. Always with the laziest, crap and rebellious tone, saying the most overdue and provocative things to enrage people. -- Sis, you surely know how to take advantage. -- Sis, are you this crazy for me? -- Sis, can I charge an hourly rate for a kiss? Yvonne Finley, run out of patience, let this annoying mad person yelp at whoever it wants. She won't be waiting for him anymore. Later on. When she was imprisoned, the man who used to be lazy and rebellious was now taking the stand in court, clearing all the obstacles for her. He arrogantly came to the defendant's bench, pinched her neck across the table like a lover, and laughed in a languid and reckless manner, "Sis, how come you look... so great in this rundown state." The whole court was dumbfounded. Yvonne Finley: …Is it just me or is he really crazy? All the audacity at this time? The truth proved that he was indeed a maverick rebel. He was unmatched, right and left, and was only willing to break worldly rules for her and become her disciple. "Two bosses, non-virtuous male and female, the male lead initially pretends"
Bandit · 123K Views

Princess Malia’s Secret

Book 1 and Book 2 are complete while Book 3 is ongoing. For Malia Blaze her way of life is almost perfect, her parents love and adore her, but they are super strict and overprotective. On her 18th birthday they turn her world upside down, when they informed her she is adopted, and she is the lost Princess of a Fairy Kingdom. She needs to leave her human world behind to go to the Erthesia Academy to undergo training to become a full pledge fairy, while keeping her true identity secret for her own sake. Prince Flynn Vermilion is the Crown Prince, and the most popular guy in the Erthesia Kingdom because he has it all, good looks, wits, wealth and the crown. He hates Malia for she is the only female in the entire kingdom that does not care about who he is. He wants to teach her a lesson, make her fall in love with him and then break her heart into pieces. Malia hates the academy, for it is full of bullies and bitches. They make her life miserable because for them, she is only half human and half fairy, especially Prince Flynn. But She cannot deny the fact that He is the first boy she ever liked. Malia was abducted by the Dark Prince and her life was put in danger, Prince Flynn realized how important Malia in his life is. He is the first person who rescued her and discovered Malia's deepest secret. Can Prince Flynn break Malia's heart? Or is his whole being including the crown will be shattered? Can he give up the throne in the name of love? Is Malia powerful and strong enough to face the Sinister King of the dark realm to save her real parents and claim what is rightfully hers? ——————————————————————————— (Sequel Volume 2: The Deity Apprentice) Amara was chosen as the next Deity of Erthesia Land, because of her overflowing beauty and power. For all her life she lives in the Magical Forest, they forbid her to go outside until she will be at the right age. She trained day and night to become the perfect deity, she can’t wait to get outside her world to explore what lies beyond the wilderness. Prince Benjamin “Ben” Neroz, is the Crown Prince of Elpizo Kingdom, he is the playboy of the Erthesia Land because he is the most handsome in his generation, smart and powerful, that is why the female population of all Erthesia Land is dying to be with him. Amara met Prince Benjamin accidentally in the Magical Forest, and she fell in love with him, but being the Deity, means she is forbidden to fall in love, it does not allow her to interact with other fairies. Can Amara alter her destiny, just to be with the man she loves? -------------------------------------------------- Volume 3: Prince Maverick The Immortal Prince Violet Huez is a Senior High School student who does not have time for love because she is so busy working a part-time job to help her mother to make ends meet. Then one day her mother got sick and asked her to do her mother’s job as a maid in the Blaze mansion just for the day, but she accidentally broke the expensive vase of the Blaze family that costs a fortune. Maverick Blaze is the Crown Prince of the Immortal Realm. He visits the human world to enjoy, but he was forbidden by her grandmother to associate with humans. Maverick meets Violet and he wants to help and protect her, then he falls in love with her. To save her he offered Violet to take responsibility for the broken vase and he asked her to pay for the vase by spending time in the Blaze mansion. How can Prince Maverick stop himself from falling in love with a mortal girl? And how can Violet resist herself from falling in love with the mysterious heir of the Blaze family? Can their love have a chance to grow when Prince Maverick is summoned to come home to the Immortal realm to take over the throne of his father? Is he willing to give up his Immortality for a human girl? ------------------------------- Kindly Support my other books: Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend’s Arrogant Brother I Will Make You Love Me Again Loving Madeline
sirenbeauty · 912.3K Views

Married to the Prince and the Duke

The night before her marriage to the beloved Prince Maverick, Lady Maxine, a renowned healer of Beddington, finds herself ensnared in a world of darkness. Captured by mysterious raiders, her life takes an unimaginable turn as she becomes the prisoner of a creature who was supposed to exist only in the pages of horror books – the Duke of Ashbourne, Duke Sullivan, a vampire. Duke Sullivan reveals his plight to Maxine – he has been ailing for a century and has searched relentlessly for a healer to cure him. The catch? Maxine is the key to his salvation, a healer unlike any he has encountered before. But Maxine faces a daunting dilemma. How does she explain to a creature that vampires do not exist outside of tales and in those tales, they cannot fall ill? Trapped in his shadowy domain, her options are stark: heal him or face dire consequences. Maxine's life takes a dizzying turn as she finds herself wed to two powerful men. One is Prince Maverick, her cherished childhood love, who would move heaven and earth to be with her. The other is the enigmatic Duke Sullivan, a creature of darkness, who desires nothing more than her unparalleled healing power. As the days unfold, Maxine uncovers Duke Sullivan's hidden desires, a yearning that transcends the boundaries of their peculiar alliance. Seduction becomes a perilous game, and Maxine teeters on the edge of an impossible choice. However, slowly, Maxine begins to figure out that her two husbands were not what they seemed to be on the outside. They were much darker, even her lovely, caring husband might be worse. _____ A vampire is triggered by an open blood, but Maxine's blood was not a regular one. It had a high level of sweetness, one they could taste already with their sharp noses. Sullivan looked around, ensuring there was no further threat and then he looked at her with pardoning eyes, "Do not be..." "Stay away from me!" Maxine shouted. Her voice became low, scared that she would attract more bloodlust creatures. "Don't... don't even come nearer." However, in a blur of motion, Sullivan scooped Maxine into his arms who immediately hugged him, knowing what he was about to do. And suddenly, Sullivan whisked her away from the scene. They arrived in his chamber, and he gently set her down, his eyes now holding a mix of concern and apology. "It's dangerous to..." Seeing that her blood still dripped from the wound on her neck, Sullivan took a step closer, his fingers trembling as he wiped the blood away with a gentle touch before licking the blood off his thumb. _______
Yangyang17 · 50.9K Views

Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom

A few minutes before her wedding, Jeslyn found out her soon-to-be husband was only after the benefit he would get by marrying her.  Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, she opted for the only option available at that moment, which was to get into a contract marriage with whichever man she could find, or else her family's fortune would end up in the hands of her enemies.  … "Mister, please, will you marry me?" She asked him. A man she saw entering the restroom of the wedding venue. 'He must be one of the guests,' she thought. Maverick was taken aback by that proposal. He saw her flinch when he turned to look at her. It was apparent she got scared of him, yet she composed herself, ready to dive into the mystery before her. "It will be a marriage contract. We will get a divorce after one year," he heard her say. He also needed a woman for his brat, so he responded, "Deal." Unbeknownst to her, she just made a deal with the sweetest devil that could ever exist.  ... He is the nightmare of country M, a country where evil rules. She is the little bunny raised with love and affection. Hurt a fly? No, she had never done that before. However, forced to become the demon's wife, she had no choice but to shed her fake persona. What little bunny? Who said she could not step on a pianist's fingers with her heels and pretend like she didn't mean it? Ha, those celebrities want to play the pity card? Do they want to garner the sympathy of the public? Well, why again is she called a 'little bunny'? Isn't it because she was the best at acting cute? Did no one tell these white lotuses wanting to dive into her husband's bed that she stole his soul when she spanked his naughty son? .... Drop by my discord to have a one on one discussion with your author-- Hassy_101. Link below
Hassy_101 · 4.9M Views
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