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Is Road Road To Purgatory A

Reinkarnasi Agen Khusus: Dewi Yang Maha Kuasa dari Transmigrasi Cepat

Dia adalah Aktris Terbaik yang baru dinobatkan di Lingkaran Hiburan sekaligus putri kedua yang lama hilang dari Keluarga Ye di Kota Kekaisaran, sebuah fakta yang diketahui semua orang. Putri tertua dari Keluarga Ye adalah Ketua Grup Fenghai; putra ketiga dari Keluarga Ye, seorang figur penting di Kota Kekaisaran; tetapi putri kedua yang ditemukan hanyalah sekadar hiasan dalam Lingkaran Hiburan. Ayahnya tidak mencintainya, ibunya tidak menghargainya. Namun, tidak ada yang tahu, di balik kedok seorang hiasan, dia adalah seorang Agen yang luar biasa yang menjadi masalah bagi kekuatan internasional! Tak terduga, dia membuat kesalahan, tertipu, dan secara tidak sengaja mengikat dirinya dengan sistem untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan menyerap energi. Sejak itu, dia mendominasi di semua alam semesta paralel, menulis ulang kehidupan tragis orang lain. Di mana pun dia berada, dia berkembang dengan mudah. Yang tidak dia duga, bagaimanapun, adalah bertemu dengan seorang figur penting dari kekuatan misterius… Ketika dia akhirnya memulihkan kekuatannya untuk kembali ke bentuk puncaknya, dia bisa melepaskan identitasnya sebagai putri kedua Keluarga Ye; dia bisa menolak warisan keluarganya. Namun, jika dia tidak memberikan perhitungan yang baik kepada mereka yang berkomplot melawannya, bagaimana dia akan memberi keadilan pada gelar Agen Utama yang dengan susah payah dia dapatkan? Saat identitasnya sepenuhnya terungkap, saat itulah dia akan bersinar! *** Satu seorang pemuda misterius yang luar biasa, yang lainnya adalah Agen Utama yang terkenal di dunia, inilah pertarungan antara dua tokoh yang tangguh. *** Judul alternatif dari novel ini termasuk "Pahlawan Wanita Sungguh Menakjubkan" dan "Pahlawan Sungguh Tampan". —【Menyegarkan】【Transmigrasi Cepat】【1v1】
Road of Flowers · 73.9K Views

Renascimento da Agente Especial: A Deusa Onipotente da Transmigração Rápida

``` Ela é a recém-corada Melhor Atriz do Círculo do Entretenimento, bem como a há muito perdida segunda jovem senhora da Família Ye na Cidade Imperial, um fato que todos sabiam. A filha mais velha da Família Ye era a Presidente do Grupo Fenghai; o terceiro filho da família Ye, um grande nome na Cidade Imperial; mas a encontrada segunda jovem senhora era meramente uma decoração no Círculo do Entretenimento. Seu pai não a amava, sua mãe não a valorizava. No entanto, ninguém sabia que, por trás da fachada de uma simples decoração, ela era, de fato, uma agente excepcional que causava problemas a potências internacionais! Inesperadamente, ela cometeu um erro, foi enganada e acidentalmente se ligou a um sistema para completar tarefas e absorver energia. Desde então, ela dominou em todos os universos paralelos, reescrevendo as vidas trágicas dos outros. Em qualquer mundo em que estivesse, ela prosperava sem esforço. O que ela não previa, porém, era cruzar caminhos com um grande nome de um poder misterioso... Quando finalmente recuperar sua força para retornar à sua melhor forma, ela poderia abandonar sua identidade como a segunda jovem senhora da Família Ye; ela poderia rejeitar a herança de sua família. Mas, se ela não desse uma boa lição àqueles que conspiraram contra ela, como faria justiça ao seu título arduamente conquistado de Agente Chefe? Uma vez que sua identidade seja totalmente revelada, seria a hora de ela brilhar! *** Um um jovem mistério prodigioso, o outro um Agente Chefe de renome mundial, este é um confronto entre duas figuras imponentes. *** Os títulos alternativos deste romance incluem "A Heroína É Realmente Incrível" e "O Herói É Realmente Atraente". —【Refrescante】【Transmigração Rápida】【1v1】 ```
Road of Flowers · 33.8K Views

La renaissance glamour de l'héritière déchue

Dès qu'elle ouvrit les yeux, Bai Lian se retrouva dans le corps d'une jeune demoiselle notoire et gâtée. Elle apprit que son père était une nouvelle étoile montante à Beicheng, un self-made man à la réputation étendue ; Son frère aîné illégitime était un génie qui avait été le meilleur des examens de la ville et était parti à l'Université de Jiangjing ; La jeune sœur illégitime de la classe internationale adjacente était une beauté scolaire multi-talentueuse, douce et bien élevée ; Son fiancé était un golden boy de la finance, une idole érudite à l'école qui ne l'avait même jamais regardée correctement… Et elle n'était qu'une personne sans éclat, avec une faible intelligence, une personne ordinaire, expulsée de la maison dès le départ. Bai Lian : Bon, alors elle devra juste étudier dur et s'efforcer d'être une personne ordinaire~ Tout le monde (avec un visage souriant mystérieux) : ...vous êtes sûre de ça ?? La jeune demoiselle envoyée à Xiangcheng sans aucune connaissance, ignorante et sans instruction, tout le monde pouvait la piétiner... mais ils ne peuvent pas la déplacer ??? [Une protagoniste féminine paresseuse et capricieuse, éblouissante et unique, qui anéantit quiconque la croise vs. un protagoniste masculin noble, cool et dominateur avec un QI qui écrase tous les présents] PS : Les personnages principaux masculin et féminin sont très élégants. Cette histoire est tout au sujet de lectures satisfaisantes sans grande logique, alors veuillez ne pas trop vous plonger dans la logique, merci. Message : Aimez apprendre, soyez une bonne personne.
Road of Flowers · 85.6K Views

O Retorno Glamouroso da Herdeira Deposta

Assim que abriu os olhos, Bai Lian se viu no corpo de uma jovem notória e mimada. Seu pai era uma estrela ascendente em Beicheng, um self-made man com uma reputação abrangente; Seu irmão mais velho, um filho ilegítimo, era um gênio que havia sido o primeiro colocado nos exames da cidade e fora para a Universidade Jiangjing; A irmã mais nova ilegítima da turma internacional adjacente era uma beleza escolar multi-talentosa, gentil e bem-educada; Seu noivo era um garoto de ouro das finanças, um ídolo acadêmico na escola que nunca sequer olhara direito para ela… E ela era apenas uma pessoa sem destaque com baixa inteligência, uma pessoa comum, expulsa de casa logo de início. Bai Lian: Tudo bem, então ela só tinha que estudar bastante e se esforçar para ser uma pessoa comum~ Todos (com um rosto misteriosamente sorridente): ...tem certeza disso?? A jovem enviada para Xiangcheng sem nenhum background, ignorante e sem instrução, todo mundo podia pisar nela... mas eles não conseguem movê-la??? [Uma protagonista feminina singularmente deslumbrante, preguiçosa e caprichosa que aniquila qualquer um que cruze seu caminho vs. um protagonista masculino nobre, frio e dominante com um QI que esmaga todos os presentes] PS: Tanto o protagonista masculino quanto a feminina são muito estilosos. Esta história é toda sobre leituras satisfatórias sem muita lógica, então por favor não se aprofundem demais na lógica, obrigado. Mensagem: Ame aprender, seja uma boa pessoa.
Road of Flowers · 82K Views

El regreso glamuroso de la heredera destituida

—En cuanto abrió los ojos, Bai Lian se encontró en el cuerpo de una joven famosa y malcriada. —Escuchó que su padre era una nueva estrella en ascenso en Beicheng, hecho a sí mismo con una reputación extendida; —Su hermano ilegítimo mayor era un genio que había encabezado los exámenes de la ciudad y se había ido a la Universidad de Jiangjing; —La hermana ilegítima menor de la clase internacional adyacente era una belleza escolar con múltiples talentos, gentil y bien educada; —Su prometido era un chico dorado de las finanzas, un ídolo erudito en la escuela que ni siquiera la había mirado bien... —Y ella era solo una persona sin brillo con baja inteligencia, una persona ordinaria, expulsada de la casa desde el principio. —Bai Lian: Bueno, entonces ella tendrá que estudiar mucho y esforzarse por ser una persona ordinaria~ —Todos (con una cara sonriente misteriosa): ...¿estás segura de eso?? —La joven enviada a Xiangcheng sin antecedentes, ignorante y sin aprendizaje, todos podían pisotearla... pero ¿no pueden moverla??? [Una protagonista femenina impresionantemente bella, perezosa y caprichosa que aniquila a cualquiera que se le cruce por delante vs. un protagonista masculino noble, sereno y dominante con un IQ que aplasta a todos los presentes] —PS: Tanto el protagonista masculino como el femenino son muy estilosos. Esta historia trata sobre lecturas satisfactorias sin mucha lógica, así que por favor no profundicen demasiado en la lógica, gracias. —Mensaje: Ama aprender, sé una buena persona.
Road of Flowers · 106.4K Views

Agente Especial Renacimiento: La Diosa Omnipotente de la Transmigración Rápida

—Ella es la recién coronada Mejor Actriz del Círculo de Entretenimiento, así como la segunda joven dama perdida hace mucho tiempo de la Familia Ye en la Ciudad Imperial, un hecho que todos conocían. La hija mayor de la Familia Ye era la Presidenta del Grupo Fenghai; el tercer hijo de la Familia Ye, un gran pez gordo en la Ciudad Imperial; pero la segunda joven dama encontrada era meramente una decoración en el Círculo de Entretenimiento. —Su padre no la amaba, su madre no la apreciaba. Sin embargo, nadie sabía que, detrás de la fachada de una simple decoración, ella era en realidad una agente excepcional que las potencias internacionales encontraban problemática. —Inesperadamente, cometió un error, fue engañada y accidentalmente se vinculó con un sistema para completar tareas y absorber energía. —Desde entonces, dominó en todos los universos paralelos, reescribiendo las vidas trágicas de otros. En cualquier mundo en que se encontrara, prosperaba sin esfuerzo. Lo que no anticipó, sin embargo, fue cruzarse con un pez gordo de un poder misterioso... —Cuando finalmente recupere su fuerza para volver a su máxima forma, podría dejar su identidad como la segunda joven dama de la Familia Ye; podría rechazar la herencia de su familia. Pero, si no ajustara cuentas con aquellos que conspiraron contra ella, ¿cómo haría justicia a su título bien ganado de Agente Principal? —Una vez que su identidad sea completamente revelada, ¡será su momento de brillar! *** —Uno un enigmático joven prodigio, la otra una Agente Principal de renombre mundial, este es un enfrentamiento entre dos figuras formidables. *** —Los títulos alternativos de esta novela incluyen "La Heroína Es Realmente Asombrosa" y "El Héroe Es Realmente Guapo". —【Refrescante】【Transmigración Rápida】【1v1】
Road of Flowers · 69.1K Views

The Villain's Road To Goodness

Waking up in a forest laying on dirt and grass was something Victor Gray didn't expect after dying. Or at least this isn't how he pictures the afterlife will be, but here he was alive. Naked and afraid. If his memory serves him right, he was brutally stabbed to death in an alleyway. Then the next thing, he woke up surrounded by trees, dirt, and grass as far as he could see. The sight and scent of nature struck his being as a foreign concept to a city guy himself. Was this heaven? He could have honestly believed this so just for his lack of clothing, but there's another bizarre thing. He wasn't in his body, and to add, he was a twenty-six years old man. Not someone who looks barely out of fifteen. His nails can protrude outward like claws that of a cat. And apparently, he has horns sticking out of his head and a tail that has a mind of its own sometimes. His hair was a silky raven black contradicting the previous brown he had before. His dark, sleep-deprived eyes and pale complexion from his countless overtime from an underpaying Job at a firm were replaced with golden iris eyes with healthy tanned skin. He couldn't help but ask, What in the world did he turn into? And what is up with this fancy-looking box thingy flashing in front of his face? ******************************************** [Notice!!] [Villain Summoning Complete!] [Establishing link....] [Notice!!] [Link Established!] [Constructing Mission log....] [Notice!!] [Mission Log Created!] [Main Scenario] [THE RISE OF THE DEMON MONARCH OF DARKNESS] [Become the Demon Monarch: 0/1] [Defeat the Seven heroes of E'lireo: 0/7] [Conquer the Realm of the Goddess Etheria: 0/1] [????] [Do you accept? Y/N] *********************************************************** Btw, this Author is a Master rank Procastinator, so the updates are slow asf, however I do my best in each chapters. So read at your own behest. I like putting some references in my stories, so you should watch out for them.
Tarn1shed_Reborn · 4.5K Views

Darkness: road to divine

Title: **Darkness: road to divine** As a Dark Warrior, I have traversed the ravaged expanse of a world in turmoil, guided by the whispers of the wind and the thrum of the obsidian dagger. My journey is a testament to the existential struggle between the dichotomous forces of power and control, as I navigate the labyrinthine complexities of allegiance and deception. This treatise delves into the fantastical realm of shadow magic, exploring the symbiotic relationship between the artifact and its wielder. Through a narrative of self-discovery and ancient lore, I unravel the mysteries of the god-beast's essence and the residual magic that permeates the shattered landscape. Theoretical frameworks of artifact manipulation, forgotten magic, and the consequences of wielding unbridled power are juxtaposed with the pragmatism of survival in a world torn asunder. The intersections of fate and free will are examined, as I confront the nuances of trust and suspicion in the face of an enigmatic ally, Lyra. This abstract serves as a portal to a realm of uncharted possibilities, where the boundaries of destiny are pushed and the fabric of reality is reshaped. As the Dark Warrior 'solace', I invite you to embark on a perilous odyssey, where the shadows themselves become a canvas for the unfolding drama of power, choice, and the unwritten future. **Keywords:** Dark Warrior, Shadow Magic, Artifact, Power Dynamics, Destiny, Allegiance, Deception, Ancient Lore, Forgotten Magic.
Bitrus_Ibrahim · 5.1K Views

Road to Fear

This is the tale of a man who committed a crime in his lands. He touched Ars and awakened. The leader, in his fury, sent him for his death, but before Charles could process what happened to him or what his power means, a Corrupted Eruption occurred, and the entity Ars chose him as a Challenger. He was given the chance to keep his life, but perhaps death would serve him better than to participate in the worst of the games, manipulated by the hands of his majesty, the one behind the curtains. There, on an island, he would face the darkest of humans and wicked creatures, and to win the game as the sole participant, he would need more than his will and newfound powers. --- What to expect? - You can check the bestiary, characters and map here: - The world is the same as in my other novel, Traveler’s Will. Named Ars. So if you want to understand Awakening, Ars and Eruption better, please check out the main novel. - The MC is an adult. Smart and know how to read people. - First Person Point Of View (my first try). My other novel is Third Person Point of View. - Dark Grim Settings: If you enjoy Dark Souls, Berserk, and Cosmic Horror, then you may enjoy it. - Philosophy and Psychology: I’m a huge fan of Dostoiévski and Robert Musil. While this isn’t the focus, you can expect some snippets about existential turmoil and psychological introspection. - Unique System, known as ‘Ars System.'. Light LitRPG elements included, such as window. - Fast plot with lots of battles against creatures and other people. - No harem. - Not a “huge” story. I aim for about 90 chapters. But if it got readers and I enjoy it, I can continue expanding the story. - Chapter length around 1.5~2.5k words. - Release rate: 2–3 a week. I must be done with it until near the end of the year. - My main focus is still my other novel, Traveler’s Will, so if you want to read more of the Ars World, please give it a chance. It’s a slow-burn fantasy with the first arc already completed.
vorlefan · 900 Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was known for her selflessness and kind nature. Eventually, she found herself in a new life as 'Huang Ying Yue', a notorious female antagonist infamous for her cruelty, ruthlessness, debauchery, and nymphomaniacal tendencies in the very immortal novel she had just read. In the storyline, the original 'Huang Ying Yue' committed numerous atrocious acts that alienated many formidable characters. Not only the protagonist of the novel but also all her suitors suffered harassment and maltreatment at the hands of 'her' in various disturbing ways. The path to immortality was fraught with peril, brimming with dangers and unpredictable threats. Evil cultivators and monstrous entities wreaked havoc, compelling all cultivators to unite against these malevolent forces. As Yueyue sought to fulfill her aspirations, she faced an array of powerful adversaries previously wronged by 'Huang Ying Yue', as well as confront the consequences of her predecessor's misdeeds. In addition, she had to contend with the icy beauty of Huang Bai Xing, the heroine surrounded by numerous charming men and extraordinary fortunes. Gifted with extraordinary abilities from the heavens, Huang Bai Xing, through her golden finger, continuously grew in strength, patiently waiting for her chance to take revenge on 'Huang Ying Yue'. Those in positions of power, along with Huang Bai Xing's allies, brandished their weapons, determined to deliver a severe punishment for the pain 'she' caused to their beloved. Fortunately, with the aid of a miraculous Ethereal small world bestowed upon her, Yueyue could cultivate spiritual plants, reap spiritual fruits, harness abundant spiritual energy, leaning countless spells, and enjoy the cleansing waters of the spiritual waterfall, all while maintaining a semblance of tranquility on her journey to immortality. Accompanied by her loyal beast army, she ventured down the cultivation path, encountering new friendships, love, challenges, thrills, and a mysterious past, all while transforming her fate and those around her into a brighter future. Unbeknownst to her, her innate charm and warm-heartedness attracted an unending stream of romantic interests, forever altering her once mundane existence. Just when she believed she could finally escape the life of a mere cannon fodder, she stumbled into even greater mess! Why are there so many protagonists in this narrative? What are they staring at her for with those strange and enigmatic looks? Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please kindly read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 2.5M Views
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