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Setelah Bertransmigrasi, Istri Gemuk Itu Bangkit Kembali!

Qiao Mei bertransmigrasi ke dalam sebuah novel sebagai karakter pendukung dengan nama yang sama dengannya yang tidak menonjol. Karakter pendukung ini adalah seorang gadis desa yang tidak bisa menikah karena obesitasnya. Menurut naskah asli, gadis desa Qiao Mei adalah gadis gemuk yang dimanjakan oleh kakeknya. Namun, kerabat mereka semua adalah orang-orang kejam dan jahat. Kakeknya memiliki kesehatan yang buruk, jadi begitu dia meninggal, kerabat akan membagi dan menelan hartanya. Oleh karena itu, keinginan terbesar kakeknya adalah untuk menikahkan Qiao Mei. Untuk ini, dia bahkan berkorban dan mengkhianati cucu temannya, Xia Zhe. Kakek membuat Xia Zhe mabuk dan memaksa Qiao Mei membawa Xia Zhe yang kuat dan tampan dengan tubuhnya yang berbobot lebih dari dua ratus pon. Kemudian, kakek akan menangkap mereka keesokan harinya dan memaksa Xia Zhe menikahi Qiao Mei. Namun, itu akhirnya menyebabkan awal kehidupan sial Qiao Mei. Juga, dalam cerita asli, Qiao Mei mengambil kepemilikan batu giok misterius Xia Zhe. Namun karena kebodohan Qiao Mei, saudara sepupunya menipu Qiao Mei untuk memberikan batu giok itu, yang mengakibatkan keluarga sepupunya menjadi kaya. Ketika Qiao Mei bertransmigrasi ke sini, itu terjadi selama momen canggung ketika dia sedang bercinta dengan pria itu setelah membuatnya mabuk. Dia terbangun dengan grogi keesokan harinya dan tim kakek sudah muncul di pintu. Qiao Mei ketakutan. Dia tidak ingin melanjutkan jalur asli dan menikahi pria yang tidak mencintainya. Dan begitu, dia berbohong dan mengusir kakek. Dia juga mendorong pria itu keluar sebelum memaksa dirinya melihat bayangan hitam dan gempalnya di cermin! Ah, dia menangis melihat penampilannya yang jelek… Seperti pegulat sumo dalam pakaian dalam besar, bahkan toko pakaian ukuran besar pun tidak memiliki pakaian dengan ukuran sesuai. Dan wajahnya sebesar pizza, pizza yang gosong! Qiao Mei memutuskan untuk memperbaiki hidupnya! Langkah pertama, menurunkan berat badan! Langkah kedua, membersihkan kamarnya! Dia dulu sangat mementingkan kebersihan, dan meskipun rumahnya saat ini memiliki halaman besar, dia hanya bisa menggambarkannya berantakan! Langkah ketiga adalah memegang erat batu giok agar sepupu rakusnya tidak berpeluang! Hanya saja, bukankah Xia Zhe yang tinggi dan tampan seharusnya membencinya menurut cerita asli? Mengapa dia semakin baik padanya?
Mountain Springs · 1.3K Views


Di dunia yang semakin modern, permainan tradisional mulai terlupakan. Namun, di tengah hingar-bingar olahraga populer, ada satu permainan yang kembali mencuri perhatian: Archa-BOi-sebuah permainan strategi, ketangkasan, dan keberanian yang terinspirasi dari boi-boian, berkembang menjadi olahraga kompetitif di tingkat nasional. Jati, seorang siswa yang masuk SMA di Madiun Wengker, awalnya ingin berjuang sebagai Builder dan menjadi MVP ditingkat Nasional. Namun, realitanya klub sekolahnya nyaris dibubarkan karena kekurangan anggota, ia bertekad untuk membangunnya kembali. Berbekal kecerdasan dan insting strateginya sebagai seorang Builder, ia mulai mencari pemain-pemain berbakat untuk bergabung.Namun, perjalanan menuju Merdeka Cup, turnamen Archa-BOi paling bergengsi tingkat SMA di Indonesia, tidaklah mudah. disisi lain, Sahabat-sahabat lamanya semasa SMP telah memilih jalan masing-masing-beberapa bergabung dengan tim-tim besar seperti Jakarta Blades dan Yogyakarta Royals, bahkan Bali Leaks sementara yang lain harus menghadapi kenyataan hidup yang keras.Dengan tim yang dipenuhi pemain baru dan semangat yang nyaris padam, Jati harus membuktikan bahwa Madiun Wengker masih punya taji. Di hadapannya, berdiri rival-rival tangguh, termasuk sahabat masa kecilnya yang kini menjadi lawan di lapangan.Bisakah Jati dan timnya menembus persaingan ketat, menghadapi para pemain terbaik di negeri ini, dan mengembalikan kejayaan Archa-BOi di Madiun?Sebuah perjalanan penuh gairah, persahabatan, dan persaingan dimulai. Ini bukan hanya tentang kemenangan-ini tentang membangun kembali warisan yang hampir punah.
Ace73 · 858 Views

The Godforged Tyrant

In the year 2071, Earth is intertwined with the sprawling, technologically advanced multiverse of "Nexus Epoch," a revolutionary virtual reality MMORPG. Tims Ackah, a brilliant but destitute young man from Ghana, finds his life shattered by betrayal, leaving him and his family in ruins. Driven by desperation, he stumbles upon a discarded game pod, a chance to escape his harsh reality and build a new life within the immersive world of Nexus Epoch. Within the game, Tims's genius and ambition quickly set him apart. While toiling as a forced laborer in a mine, he uncovers an ancient, forgotten ruin, awakening the "Absolute God of Endless Chaos and Destruction Class," a being of immense cosmic power. This event transforms Tims, granting him abilities beyond comprehension and setting him on a path to become the "Godforged Tyrant." As Tims ascends to godlike power within Nexus Epoch, his influence bleeds into the real world. Using his vast in-game wealth, he begins acquiring real-world companies, businesses, and estates, amassing a quadrillion-dollar empire. His goal: to conquer the multiverse and destroy any gods and powerful beings that stand in his way, driven by a desire for revenge and the ambition to control all. "The Godforged Tyrant" is a tale of ambition, betrayal, and the blurring lines between virtual and real power. Players must navigate a complex landscape of warring factions, ancient gods, and cutting-edge technology, all while contending with the ever-growing threat of Tims Ackah, a man determined to reshape the very fabric of reality to his will. Will they stand against him, or will they succumb to the reign of the Godforged Tyrant?
Frank_Emile_Ackah · 913 Views


Architech, một bộ tộc, một nhóm người, một cái danh đáng tự hào đã được nhiều cá nhân của thế giới này đặt cho họ để nhằm tôn vinh cũng như bày tỏ ngưỡng mộ trước sự thông minh và khả năng chế tạo, xây dựng nên những tạo phẩm đầy tuyệt diệu nhưng cũng không kém phần nguy hiểm của họ. Một cái danh đủ để cả thế giới biết đến họ, nhưng đồng thời cũng nhấn chìm cái nguồn gốc thật sự của chính họ, cái tên thật sự của chính họ trong lãng quên. Những kẻ dạo bước nơi sa mạc khát khô kia, họ thật sự là ai? Chúc Phúc, một cậu trai Architech trẻ đã rời khỏi khu hầm nơi bản thân đã sinh ra và lớn lên để hướng sâu hơn vào khu vực trung tâm lục địa với mục đích tìm kiếm và giải mã món bảo vật mang tên Trái Tim Giả Của Người Sáng Tạo - thứ tạo phẩm ngàn năm có một với sức mạnh đầy quyền năng và được đồn đoán là có khả năng hồi sinh người chết, hoặc thậm chí là xa hơn nữa… Chu du qua từng thành phố, vương quốc; gặp gỡ biết bao người hay cũng như đối diện với những mối hiểm nguy chực chờ. Một kẻ lãng du trong những câu chuyện cổ tích mà người khác viết lên, một con cừu đang bước ra khỏi cổng chuồng để tiến về phía màn đêm. Chúc Phúc, bản thân cậu trai trẻ ấy sẽ tìm thấy được gì nơi cuối cuộc hành trình của bản thân?
QuaTrang · 2.4K Views

Ánh Sáng Dưới Mặt Trời?

Trong đêm định mệnh, Kỳ Vân – vị chiến thần lẫy lừng của Thiên Đình – bị chính những người đồng đội từng thề sống chết cùng mình phản bội. Giữa chiến trường đẫm máu, thanh kiếm từng bảo vệ chúng sinh nay lại xuyên qua tim hắn, không chút do dự. Tuyết Nhi, người hắn yêu nhất, chỉ khựng lại một giây trước khi vung lưỡi kiếm chí mạng. Khi rơi xuống Nhân Giới, Kỳ Vân nhận ra một kẻ có gương mặt giống hệt mình, nhưng lại mang một số phận hoàn toàn khác. Không còn sức mạnh thần thánh, không còn ký ức vẹn nguyên, hắn phải lần mò giữa bóng tối để tìm ra chân tướng. Vì sao hắn bị phản bội? Ai là kẻ thao túng mọi thứ? Và liệu tất cả có chỉ là một vòng lặp vô tận? Trong hành trình tìm lại quá khứ, hắn gặp Linh thú Nyxar, kẻ từng bị nguyền rủa và lưu đày khỏi Thiên Đình. Nyxar biết nhiều hơn những gì nó dám nói, và đôi mắt đỏ rực của nó dường như đã chứng kiến quá nhiều lần cái chết của Kỳ Vân. Khi quá khứ dần hé lộ, Kỷ Vân nhận ra… chính hắn có thể là mảnh ghép cuối cùng để phá vỡ vòng lặp định mệnh. Nhưng để làm được điều đó, hắn có sẵn sàng đánh đổi tất cả, kể cả người con gái hắn từng yêu nhất?
BrianVo · 557 Views


Nhã Đoan – một người mẹ đơn thân xinh đẹp, dịu dàng nhưng mang trong mình vết thương lòng không thể lành. Cô từng có một tình yêu sâu đậm với Nhật Hạ, nữ giám đốc tài năng và kiêu hãnh. Cả hai đã cùng nhau vượt qua bao sóng gió, cứ ngỡ sẽ nắm tay đến cuối đời… cho đến khi định mệnh tàn nhẫn cướp đi Nhật Hạ trong một vụ tai nạn liên hoàn đầy nghi vấn. Một năm sau, Nhã Đoan gặp Ánh Dương – nữ doanh nhân mạnh mẽ, sắc sảo, với đôi mắt phượng sắc bén và khí chất khiến cô bàng hoàng. Bởi lẽ, Ánh Dương không chỉ giống Nhật Hạ đến kỳ lạ, mà còn biết những điều chỉ có hai người họ từng chia sẻ. Những ký ức lặp lại, những bí ẩn đan xen giữa quá khứ và hiện tại khiến Nhã Đoan hoang mang: Đây là trùng hợp, hay một mối nhân duyên chưa thể cắt đứt? Càng đến gần Ánh Dương, Nhã Đoan càng bị cuốn vào một cuộc điều tra – nơi cái chết của Nhật Hạ không đơn thuần là một tai nạn. Sự thật dần được hé lộ, kéo theo những bí ẩn đẫm nước mắt và số phận nghiệt ngã của ba con người bị mắc kẹt trong vòng xoáy định mệnh. Liệu tình yêu có thể vượt qua ranh giới giữa sự sống và cái chết? Liệu Nhã Đoan có thể đối diện với sự thật và lắng nghe trái tim mình? Một câu chuyện tình đau thương, huyền bí và ám ảnh đang chờ được vén màn…
GEM9891 · 1.3K Views

ERICTOTO | Situs slot gacor dan togel online terpercaya 2025

ERICTOTO : SITUS SIPALING GACOR 2025 ERICTOTO telah meraih gelar sebagai situs slot terpercaya dan "si paling gacor" yang membawa hoki pada tahun 2024. Dengan portofolio permainan yang luas dan inovatif, ERICTOTO menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang tak tertandingi bagi para penggemar slot online dan togel 4D. EricToto Menyediakan permainan dari penyedia perangkat lunak terkemuka seperti Pragmatic Play, Habanero, dan PG Soft, pemain dapat menikmati berbagai macam slot online dengan grafis menawan dan fitur-fitur menarik. Salah satu daya tarik utama di ERICTOTO adalah demo slot PG dan slot demo lainnya. Fitur ini memungkinkan pemain untuk mencoba permainan tanpa harus mempertaruhkan uang sungguhan, memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk memahami permainan dan mengembangkan strategi yang efektif sebelum bermain dengan uang asli. Dengan demikian, ERICTOTO memastikan bahwa setiap pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk merasakan sensasi kemenangan tanpa risiko awal, menjadikannya sebagai situs slot terpercaya yang membawa hoki bagi semua pemainnya. 5 ALASAN UTAMA BERMAIN DI ERICTOTO Tidak perlu sampai 10 atau 20 bahkan 30, cukup dengan 5 alasan valid dan masuk akal, anda tidak akan berfikir 2 kali lagi untuk segera bergabung bermain di Erictoto. Berikut 5 alasan utama anda untuk memilih bermain Togel4d dan Slot Gacor di ERICTOTO : ERICTOTO: situs slot terpercaya yang mengutamakan keamanan dan kenyamanan para pemainnya ERICTOTO menggunakan teknologi enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi keuangan, memastikan bahwa semua informasi pemain tetap aman dari ancaman cyber. Selain itu, semua permainan di EricToto menggunakan RNG (Random Number Generator) yang telah terverifikasi untuk menjamin hasil yang adil dan acak. Ini memberikan kepercayaan bahwa setiap pemain memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk menang, tanpa ada manipulasi atau kecurangan. ERICTOTO: bandar toto slot dengan berbagai jenis permainan togel 4D dan peluang menang yang tinggi Keberagaman 37 pasaran togel yang tersedia hampir 24 jam penuh anda dapat memasang angka keberuntungan anda, memungkinkan anda untuk memilih dan bermain di pasaran yang paling anda sukai. Juga ratusan permainan dari berbagai provider siap untuk memberikan sensasi gregetan yang belum pernah anda rasakan. euphoria kemenangan yang selalu menjadi dambaan setiap pemain. ERICTOTO: Bandar profesional dan responsif Dukungan tersedia 24/7 melalui berbagai saluran komunikasi seperti live chat, email, dan whatsapp, memastikan setiap pemain ERICTOTO mendapatkan bantuan yang mereka butuhkan kapan saja. Tim layanan pelanggan yang ramah dan terlatih selalu siap membantu pemain dengan segala pertanyaan atau masalah yang mungkin mereka hadapi, sehingga pemain bisa menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lancar dan memuaskan. ERICTOTO: Promosi dan bonus menarik baru setiap hari Mulai dari bonus selamat datang untuk pemain baru, bonus deposit, hingga berbagai promosi khusus yang bisa diikuti oleh semua pemain. Program loyalitas dan VIP di ERICTOTO memberikan keuntungan tambahan seperti cashback, hadiah eksklusif, dan akses ke acara khusus. Semakin aktif anda bermain di ERICTOTO, bonus dan hadiah menarik lainnya semakin banyak dapat anda kumpulkan. EricToto: Si Paling Gacor. DAFTAR DAN BUKTIKAN !! Reputasi ini tidak hanya didasarkan pada kata-kata, tetapi juga pada pengalaman nyata para pemain yang telah merasakan hoki dan kemenangan besar di situs ini. Anda dapat bergabung dalam komunitas pemain yang telah merasakan gacor nya bermain di erictoto.
Erictoto · 70 Views

Beyond the Circles of Kinetan

In the futuristic city of Kinetan, where society is divided by walls of privilege and prejudice, the annual Dragon Feast is more than just a celebration—it is a rite of passage, a battleground for ambition, and the gateway to the unknown. For sixteen-year-olds Tim, Kano, and Iami, this is their first chance to step into the mysterious festival that has fascinated generations. Tim, a commoner burdened by a life of discrimination, dreams of freedom beyond the confines of Kinetan’s rigid walls. Kano, a Xephyrus ostracized for his lineage, clings to a secret—a cryptic golden ring that holds the promise of change. And Iami, a privileged Flyer, is torn between her status and her loyalty to her friends. But when a deadly attack shatters their plans, chaos descends. Separated in the aftermath, Tim wakes bruised and confused under the care of a mysterious cadet, while Kano finds himself under the watchful eye of an enigmatic old man who knows far too much. Whispers of forbidden powers, shadowy figures, and an ancient conspiracy surrounding the Dragon Feast emerge, pulling the trio deeper into a web of danger and intrigue. As the boundaries between reality and illusion blur within the Dragon Feast’s kensan arenas, Tim, Kano, and Iami must navigate a treacherous game of secrets where each move could mean life or death. With their bonds tested and a city’s dark history unraveling before them, they must confront the truth: the Dragon Feast is far more than a festival—it’s a stage for powers that could rewrite their world. But some secrets are meant to stay buried, and some forces are too dangerous to trust. Will they survive the Feast? Or will they become pawns in a game they don’t yet understand?
trikom_0439 · 10.7K Views


Last year, I found myself in a heartbreaking situation after losing over $35,000 in Bitcoin to a fake investor online. This all started when a colleague of mine at work introduced me to a supposed investment platform. She had been investing with them for several months and had received payouts without issue. Encouraged by her success, I decided to invest my own funds, only to watch it all disappear. Soon after, my colleague and I realized we were victims of a scam. We reached out to the support team countless times but received no response. Weeks turned into months, and the realization hit me hard: I had likely lost my entire investment.In my desperation, I even considered hiring a hacker to recover my funds, but I quickly dismissed the idea due to the risks involved. That's when I decided to search for legitimate ways to recover my lost funds online. After researching, I came across DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION a company that specializes in helping people recover lost funds from online scams, fraudulent investments, and even stolen bank account balances. I was intrigued by their success stories and customer reviews, which led me to believe that they could potentially help me reclaim what I had lost.I contacted DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION and immediately felt a sense of relief. The team was professional, understanding, and knowledgeable. They took the time to understand the details of my case and assured me they could help. Their process was transparent and efficient, and within a short period, they managed to track and recover my lost Bitcoin. I was amazed at how quickly and smoothly they worked to get my funds back.Not only did they help me recover my entire $35,000, but they also assisted my colleague, who had been in the same situation. After several months of waiting, DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION is now in the final stages of retrieving the last portion of her investment, bringing her closer to full recovery. It was a tremendous relief to see both of us getting our hard-earned money back, thanks to their expertise.If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don't lose hope. There are professionals out there, liken DUNAMIS CYBER SOLUTION who can help you recover your lost funds. It’s reassuring to know that there’s a reliable solution for victims of online scams and fraud. +13433030545
Sharon_Tim_7770 · 444 Views


I was absolutely shocked when I realized that a Europe-based crypto trader had vanished with my significant investment, leaving me completely unable to access my funds. It was a crushing blow, and I found myself at a loss, not knowing where to turn for help. The emotional toll was immense, and I felt utterly powerless, unsure of how to recover what I had lost. In my search for solutions, I came across many unreliable services, which only heightened my frustration and confusion. Then, I stumbled upon numerous positive reviews on youtube comments about BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE and their expertise in tracking and recovering lost cryptocurrency. Though I was initially skeptical, I decided to give them a try, hoping that they could offer a solution. This decision turned out to be the best one I could have made. After initiating the recovery process with a payment, the team at BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE immediately began their work, and I could sense right away that I was in capable hands. What struck me most was how fast and efficient their team was. They not only recovered my funds in an impressively short time, but they also kept me updated at every step of the process. I never felt left in the dark or unsure of what was happening. The communication was transparent, and their professionalism was evident throughout. In what seemed like no time, my funds were recovered, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness I had felt for so long was finally replaced by relief and gratitude. I can’t thank BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE enough for their exceptional service. Their dedication and expertise were clear from the very beginning, and they went above and beyond to ensure that my case was handled with the utmost care. It was clear that they genuinely cared about their clients and were committed to helping victims of crypto scams like myself. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I wholeheartedly recommend BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE. Their service is nothing short of exceptional, and they have proven that they are a trustworthy and reliable resource in the fight against crypto scams. I am beyond grateful for their help in recovering my investment, and I will forever be thankful to them for restoring my financial security. CONTACT THEM ON: WhatsApp:+ 1520 564 8300 Email: blockchaincyberretrieve@ post.c o m
Sharon_Tim · 431 Views

The Maid Who Stayed

Micheal and Sarah appeared to have a kind family worthy of envy, a loving marriage, and two beautiful children(Clara and Clement); their ages are 5 & 7, respectively. Things begin to change in the family when Micheal loses his job due to false accusations. The love and warmth regress to almost nothing. Despite his efforts to keep the family moving, his savings, which couldn't do much, were eventually exhausted after a few months. Sarah, who believes it is the man’s responsibility to provide for the family, grows distant. After six months of frustration and daily arguments, Sarah decides to leave, filing for divorce and walking away from the marriage. She leaves the children behind, believing Michael should take care of them since he’s the reason for the family’s financial struggles. Michael was heartbroken and overwhelmed by his wife's decision. 'Who will take care of the children'? Was the question running in his mind? The only option left with Michael is to turn to their House Maid, Emilia. She has been steadfast with the family even during their hard time and financial chaos. “Please, Emilia,” Michael pleads, his voice filled with anguish. “Can you help me take care of Clara and Clement? Just until I find a new job. I’ll make it right with you as soon as I secure a new job appointment. Please, I promise.” Emilia, who has always had a soft spot for the children and witnessed the family’s struggles firsthand, agrees to stay. She becomes a pillar of strength for the household, caring for the children and providing emotional stability during Michael’s darkest days. Emilia steps into the motherly role, and the bond between her and the children gets deeper. Clara is initially resentful of her mother's absence but later finds comfort in Emilia's guidance and love; Clement has always been cool with Clara. Emilia’s all-time dedication to the family caught Michael's attention, who began to see her in a new light. Meanwhile, Michael has to face his fear and emotions aftermath of Sarah's departure. He fights to solve the puzzle behind his job loss and later realizes he is a victim of an evil scheme. Henry, Michael's best friend, helped him to clear his name, seeking both justice and closure. As Micheal is gaining strength to find the comfort he once lost in Emilia, a hidden secret is discovered about the paternity of the kids. Tension grew in the family; this brought him to a confrontation with Sarah. Emilia did her best to become more than just a caregiver; she became a strong partner in rebuilding the collapsed family. Micheal couldn't resist the attraction from her strength, compassion, and resilience, but guilt and fear gripped his heart and held him back. Could he move on from Sarah so soon? And would Emilia even consider a relationship with him? Through ups and downs, hurt, and healing, Michael learns that love is not about who leaves; it's about who stays. When he finally clears his name and lands a new job, he faces his biggest decision yet: whether to embrace his growing love for Emilia and the new family they’ve built or give Sarah a second chance for the sake of the children. In the end, Michael and Emilia’s love prevails. Their bond, forged through hardship and sacrifice, becomes the foundation of a new chapter for the family. Together, Michael and Emilia prove that family is not just about blood, it’s about loyalty, love, and the people who choose you and stay with you when everything else falls apart. 'The Maid Who Stayed' is a story of love, denial, and a second chance. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, hope can shine through in the most unexpected ways.
Tim_Oluwaseyi · 5.3K Views
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