In a world where humans serve a higher being, a race known as vampires, a human with a supposed rare blood type gets dragged into a world of torture, fear and complete submission to a vampire prince. Or so she thought.
Her heart was pounding so loudly in her chest she was sure they could hear it. She lowered her head even more when she felt his cool eyes bore holes into her head. "M-my Lord, I have a variety of fine products for you to choose from...". "No need". He said coolly, his gaze never leaving the slightly trembling human in the cage. The pet master eyed the human for a brief moment then laughed nervously. "Pardon me, my Lord, but-", he began but was immediately silenced when the vampires icy glare landed on him, making him freeze in fear. "I have already made my choice". Hearing this, the human looked up at him in panic, only to realise he was already staring back at her. "Please not me. Please, please. Let it not be me", she hoped silently. But her world came crashing down when she suddenly heard him say the words she never wanted to hear, "I want her".