In 3083, humanity shares its world with monsters and beasts that emerged after a catastrophic event known as the Awakening. This otherworldly rift brought not just terror, but also Awakeners humans who gained powerful abilities in the wake of the beasts’ arrival. But with these powers came chaos, violence, and a society struggling to adapt to the new order.
San Vasquez, a 21-year-old lawyer, is one of the few willing to face this new world head-on. A product of both tragedy and resolve, San’s life was shattered when his parents were killed by an out-of-control Awakener, and his siblings vanished into the broken welfare system. With nothing left to lose, San channeled his anger into a single mission: to fight for justice in a world where power runs unchecked and laws are lagging behind.
But as San steps into the role of an advocate, fighting in the courtroom for those who can’t defend themselves, he quickly learns that the law is as corrupt and flawed as the world it governs. Secrets, conspiracies, and political machinations begin to surface, each more dangerous than the last. His quest for justice will force him to confront the dark underbelly of both the legal system and the society that created it.
Along the way, San will cross paths with several powerful awakeners, each carrying their own baggage and motivations. Some will be allies, others enemies, but all will challenge him in ways he’s not prepared for. As his journey grows more complicated and his enemies close in, San must decide: can he remain a man of the law in a world where power often speaks louder than justice? Or will he be consumed by the very forces he’s spent his life fighting against?
The Beast’s Advocate is a gritty, unpredictable story set in a world where the line between good and evil is blurry, and the cost of seeking justice might be too high. With dark humor, brutal action, and complex relationships, this is a tale of one man’s struggle to hold onto his humanity while navigating a world overrun with monsters, both human and beastly.