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Luna And Lincoln Loud

Bestia Alfa y su Luna Maldita

``` —Pareces solitaria y bueno... —dijo ella. —¿Bueno? —El Alfa le dio una sonrisa condescendiente. —Rota. Como alguien que ha luchado muchas batallas. Alguien que ha sido herido —dijo ella. —Es verdad. Y por eso, estoy listo para luchar aún más batallas si eso promete lo que quiero —dijo Alfa Maverick. —¿Y qué quieres? —preguntó ella con una dulce sonrisa. —Muerte. La muerte de todos los pícaros por lo que me hicieron —dijo Alfa Maverick, mirando a la chica que se tensó a su lado. —Tú no eres un pícaro, ¿verdad? —Alfa Maverick miró a sus encantadores ojos, su mano acariciando sus mejillas, haciéndola sonreír incómodamente. Ella era en efecto un pícaro, y no cualquier pícaro normal, sino uno buscado por todo el mundo. ~~~~~~ —Yo, Valencia Brooklyn, rechazo a Tyler Anderson como mi compañero predestinado. Prefiero aceptar la muerte antes que a un compañero desleal —Estas fueron las palabras exactas que cambiaron su vida. Dado que este mundo de los hombres lobo no podía aceptarla por ser una omega y no tener un lobo, decidió hacer exactamente lo mismo. Se convirtió en un pícaro que todos empezaron a temer y buscar. Una pícara que mataba a otros pícaros, robaba a la gente, rechazaba a un alfa, engañaba al consejo y lo más importante, vivía entre humanos rompiendo todas las leyes y normas. ¿Qué sucederá cuando alguien del consejo le dé su caso anónimo al alfa más fuerte del mundo? ¿Un alfa incluso más fuerte que el hijo del Rey Alfa? ¿Cómo se salvará de un alfa que ha jurado matar a todos los pícaros para vengar lo que hicieron con él? ¿Cómo atrapará Maverick Aurelius a esta misteriosa pícara que no tiene olor? Cuando se encontraron por primera vez, él debería haberla matado, pero ¿cómo iba a reconocerla si ella era apenas un gato? Valencia nunca se transformó en su lobo porque estaba maldita para ser una cambiaformas. ¿Cómo reconocerá el alfa al pícaro en el gato que ha desarrollado la extraña costumbre de entrar en su habitación y jugar con sus cosas? ~~~~~ P. D. Esta es mi segunda entrada para el WSA 2024. Por favor, apoyen con votos, regalos, boletos y comentarios. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 83.7K Views

Fera Alfa e Sua Luna Amaldiçoada

Conteúdo Maduro - Classificação 18+ (Sem estupro) "Você parece solitária e, bem..." "Bem?" O Alfa deu a ela um sorriso condescendente. "Quebrada. Como alguém que lutou muitas batalhas. Alguém que foi ferido." Ela disse. "É verdade. E assim, estou pronto para lutar ainda mais batalhas se isso prometer o que eu quero," disse Alfa Maverick. "E o que você quer?" Ela perguntou com um doce sorriso. "Morte. Morte de todos os renegados pelo que eles fizeram comigo," disse Alfa Maverick, olhando para a garota que se tornou tensa ao lado dele. "Você não é um renegado, é?" Alfa Maverick olhou em seus olhos encantadores, sua mão acariciando suas bochechas, fazendo-a sorrir constrangida. Ela era de fato uma renegada, e não apenas uma renegada normal, mas uma procurada pelo mundo inteiro. ~~~~~~ "Eu, Valência Brooklyn, rejeito Tyler Anderson como meu companheiro destinado. Prefiro aceitar a morte a um companheiro desleal." Essas foram as exatas palavras que mudaram sua vida. Uma vez que este mundo dos lobisomens não podia aceitá-la por ser uma ômega sem ter um lobo, ela decidiu fazer exatamente a mesma coisa. Ela se tornou uma renegada que todos começaram a temer e procurar. Uma renegada que matava outros renegados, roubava pessoas, rejeitava um alfa, enganava o conselho e, mais importante, vivia entre os humanos enquanto quebrava todas as leis e normas. O que acontecerá quando alguém do conselho passar o seu caso anônimo para o alfa mais forte do mundo? Um alfa ainda mais forte que o filho do Rei Alfa? Como ela se salvará de um alfa que jurou matar todos os renegados para vingar o que fizeram com ele? Como Maverick Aurelius pegará essa renegada misteriosa que não tem cheiro? Quando eles se encontrarem pela primeira vez, ele deveria tê-la matado, mas como ele deveria reconhecê-la quando ela era apenas uma gata? Valência nunca se transformou em seu lobo porque estava amaldiçoada a ser uma metamorfa. Como o alfa reconhecerá a renegada na gata que desenvolveu o estranho hábito de entrar em seu quarto e brincar com suas coisas? ~~~~~ P.S. Esta é a minha segunda inscrição no WSA 2024. Por favor, apoie com votos, presentes, ingressos e comentários.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 73.9K Views

Binatang Alfa dan Luna Terkutuknya

``` Konten Dewasa- Berperingkat 18+ (Tanpa pemerkosaan) "Kamu terlihat kesepian dan... yah..." "Yah?" sang Alfa memberinya senyum meremehkan. "Patah. Seperti seseorang yang telah berjuang dalam banyak pertempuran. Seseorang yang terluka." Katanya. "Memang benar. Dan dengan demikian, saya siap untuk berperang dalam lebih banyak pertempuran lagi jika itu menjanjikan apa yang saya inginkan," kata Alfa Maverick. "Dan apa yang kamu inginkan?" Tanya dia dengan senyum manis. "Kematian. Kematian bagi semua penjahat atas apa yang mereka lakukan padaku," kata Alfa Maverick, menatap gadis yang menjadi kaku di sampingnya. "Kamu bukan penjahat, kan?" Alfa Maverick menatap mata memikatnya, tangannya mengelus pipinya, membuatnya tersenyum canggung. Dia memang penjahat, dan bukan penjahat biasa, tetapi penjahat yang diinginkan oleh seluruh dunia. ~~~~~~ "Saya, Valencia Brooklyn, menolak Tyler Anderson sebagai pasangan takdir saya. Saya lebih memilih menerima kematian daripada pasangan yang tidak setia." Inilah kata-kata tepat yang mengubah hidupnya. Karena dunia manusia serigala ini tidak bisa menerima dirinya karena dia adalah omega dan tidak memiliki serigala, dia memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Dia menjadi penjelajah yang mulai ditakuti dan dicari oleh semua orang. Seorang penjelajah yang membunuh penjahat lain, mencuri dari orang-orang, menolak seorang alfa, menipu dewan, dan yang paling penting, hidup di antara manusia sambil melanggar semua hukum dan norma. Apa yang akan terjadi saat seseorang dari dewan memberikan kasus anonimnya kepada alfa terkuat di dunia? Alfa yang bahkan lebih kuat dari anak Raja Alfa? Bagaimana dia akan menyelamatkan dirinya dari alfa yang telah bersumpah untuk membunuh semua penjahat demi membalas apa yang mereka lakukan padanya? Bagaimana Maverick Aurelius akan menangkap penjelajah misterius ini yang tidak memiliki bau? Ketika mereka pertama kali bertemu, seharusnya dia membunuhnya, tapi bagaimana dia bisa mengenalinya ketika dia hanyalah seekor kucing? Valencia tidak pernah berubah menjadi serigala karena ia dikutuk menjadi berubah bentuk. Bagaimana alfa mengenali penjelajah dalam wujud kucing yang telah membiasakan diri masuk ke kamarnya dan bermain dengan barang-barangnya? ~~~~~ P.S. Ini adalah entri kedua saya untuk WSA 2024. Mohon dukungan dengan vote, hadiah, tiket, dan komentar. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 6.6K Views

Bête Alpha et sa Luna Maudite

``` Contenu Mature - Interdit aux moins de 18 ans (Pas de viol) "Tu as l'air seul et, eh bien..." "Eh bien ?" L'alpha lui offrit un sourire condescendant. "Brisé. Comme quelqu'un qui a livré beaucoup de batailles. Quelqu'un qui a été blessé." Dit-elle. "C'est vrai. Ainsi, je suis prêt à livrer encore plus de batailles si cela promet ce que je désire," dit l'Alpha Maverick. "Et que désires-tu ?" Demanda-t-elle avec un doux sourire. "La mort. La mort de tous les voyous pour ce qu'ils m'ont fait," dit Alpha Maverick, regardant la fille qui se raidit à côté de lui. "Tu n'es pas un voyou, n'est-ce pas ?" Alpha Maverick plongea son regard dans ses yeux envoûtants, sa main caressant ses joues, la faisant sourire maladroitement. Elle était en effet un rebelle, et pas n'importe quel rebelle, mais un recherché par le monde entier. ~~~~~~ "Moi, Valencia Brooklyn, je rejette Tyler Anderson comme mon âme sœur destinée. Je préférerais accepter la mort plutôt qu'un compagnon déloyal." Ce furent les mots exacts qui changèrent sa vie. Puisque ce monde de loups-garous ne pouvait l'accepter en tant qu'oméga et l'absence de loup, elle décida de faire exactement la même chose. Elle est devenue un rebelle que tout le monde a commencé à craindre et à rechercher. Un rebelle qui tuait d'autres rebelles, volait les gens, rejetait un alpha, trompait le conseil et surtout, vivait parmi les humains en enfreignant toutes les lois et normes. Que se passera-t-il lorsque quelqu'un du conseil confiera son cas anonyme à l'alpha le plus fort du monde ? Un alpha encore plus fort que le fils du roi Alpha ? Comment va-t-elle se sauver d'un alpha qui a juré de tuer tous les voyous pour venger ce qu'ils lui ont fait ? Comment Maverick Aurelius attrapera-t-il ce rebelle mystérieux qui n'a pas d'odeur ? Quand ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois, il aurait dû la tuer, mais comment était-il censé la reconnaître alors qu'elle était juste un chat ? Valencia ne s'est jamais transformée en loup car elle était maudite pour être une métamorphe. Comment l'alpha reconnaîtra-t-il le rebelle dans le chat qui a développé l'étrange habitude de venir dans sa chambre et de jouer avec ses affaires ? ~~~~~ P.S. C'est ma deuxième participation au WSA 2024. Merci de votre soutien, vos votes, cadeaux, tickets et commentaires. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 71.3K Views

The Cursed Alpha's Rejected Luna

Can Saige accept the help of the Alpha, who rejected and broke her heart? Not once, but twice. Saige Callahan described herself as an ugly duckling. Mean girls bullied her because she did not follow the social norm. No boys showed interest in her until the hottest boy in school did. Of course, her stupid heart fell for him until he told her it was just a bet and dumped her. Years later, she bumped into him, falling again to his irresistible charms. She thought their love, this time, would last forever until he rejected her once more. Heartbroken, she buried herself in her research, avoiding love at all costs, focusing only on saving her mother from a rare disease. Sadly, her mother died before she could find the cure. Face with mountains of debt, a dependent teenage brother, and a company on the verge of bankruptcy, she desperately searches for a solution. But what if the answer is her ex? Could she forgive and forget and give their love a third chance? Xavier Axel Lockwood was the popular guy in school that everybody wanted and wished to be. Girls loved him because he was rich, hot, and a typical bad boy. Things changed when his father declared him the youngest Alpha of the Blood Redwood Pack. He became mature and responsible, proving he was a great leader. Nobody dared to cross him, that was, until he crossed paths with a witch! Cursed, he must marry his Rejected Luna and make her fall in love with him again. Will he be able to do so before his time runs out? ***** "What is it?" He asked, wanting her to leave before he lost his control altogether. He knew he was hanging by a thin thread every second she stood before him. If she kept sending him mixed signals, she was asking for trouble. This time, he doubted if he could save her from himself. "Did you... Did we...?" But she stopped, seemingly embarrassed to ask her question. "I meant, did something happen between us last night?" Of course, she did not remember that part. But fortunately for her, there was nothing much to remember. "I don't need you high as a kite to claim your body. You already know that." After their two-year relationship, she should know by now what he was like. "And if something happened to us last night, you would know because you won't be able to stand up." He knew the distance between them was not enough to stop the impact of his words on her. He believed it was evident with her erratic pulse rate, her uneven breathing, and the scent she emitted when aroused. He concluded she remembered how good they were together. Now, she was as horny as him. "But I will not force you because I know you will come willingly to my bed on your own accord in time." He confidently reminded her. "And I promise. You will remember every detail of us together." Then, he turned away from her and walked into the closet to get some fresh clothes. But more than that, he just needed more space between them. "But I am not yours. Not anymore. Not ever." He could hear her whispering. "You have no right to claim me. No right at all." She continued. "And I will never come willingly back in your arms or your bed." She swore before he heard the door open and closed. "Never is a long time. But I can patiently wait." ***** [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] COVER PHOTO - Credit to the owner.
bishop1275 · 47K Views

Fairy Perfume: The charming half-blood Luna can see the future

For centuries, the human has been kept in the dark about the existence of the supernatural world. However, as rumors spread and fear grows like an epidemic, resistance to peace treaties strengthens, and the fear of an impending war creates tension between species. At the heart of it all are the last of the fae: the perfumers. Descendants of the fairies, they possess the power to create a fragrance that hides supernatural presences and controls their wild instincts, allowing them to walk among humans. But one of them was prophesied to change everything with the power to predict futures and alter destinies. Revered, feared, and coveted by all... until he or she disappeared. Eris, betrayed by her family, has been imprisoned and forced to make perfumes from her cell. Her only hope lies with Aleksi, the Alpha of the most feared wolf pack. And possibly her future husband. Aleksi, the leader of the world’s most powerful pack, has lived with the burden of being Alpha. War, business, and secrets have hardened his heart. For years, he has avoided his destiny, fearing that his Luna, his destined mate, would be too weak for his world. Until a mysterious perfume leads him to the last woman he ever expected: Eris, the strange little fairy who suffers from constant nightmares. And now, that same perfume that drew the most dangerous wolf of all to the fae’s guard, not only to save her... but to claim her as his own, became the trigger for the most perfect future of them all. Magic. Secrets. Explosive passion. As Eris and Aleksi are pulled deeper into a destiny from which neither can escape, will their love be enough to survive the chaos that lies ahead?
BlackFortuneCat · 1.3K Views

Hades' Cursed Luna

In a world where Lycans and werewolves are sworn enemies, Eve Valmont is a werewolf cursed by a prophecy and framed. Betrayed by her own pack and imprisoned for years, her fate takes a darker twist when she is offered to the Lycan King, Hades Stavros—a ruler feared for his ruthless conquests and deadly prowess. Bound by an ancient prophecy and haunted by the ghosts of her past, Eve is now at the mercy of the one being she should hate and fear the most—The Hand of Death himself. Hades, a king carved from blood and his own soul's decay, determined to avenge his family's slaughter and rid his people of the werewolves. He believes Eve is the key to his victory. To him, she is nothing but weapon foretold by prophecy, a tool he will wield to destroy the opposing forces threatening his pack. Yet, he finds himself craving this powerful yet broken woman. Leaving him questioning if she is truly his weapon or the one destined to unravel his carefully laid plans. *** He stalked toward me, a predator closing in on its prey, his eyes dark and unreadable. "So, you laugh?" His voice was low, dangerously soft, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swallowed hard, suddenly aware of how difficult it had become to breathe. "Hades, I—" "But you only laugh at other men's jokes," he interrupted, his gaze piercing, devoid of any humor. "Not your husband's." The accusation in his tone was sharp, slicing through the air between us. A nervous chuckle escaped me. "You can't be serious... He’s your beta, for Goddess’ sake." In an instant, he closed the distance between us, so fast it left me breathless. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me flush against his body, the heat of him making my skin tingle. I gasped, but before I could say a word, his lips crashed onto mine, claiming my mouth with a force that sent shockwaves through me. The kiss was punishing, hungry—I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. When he finally pulled back, I was trembling, my chest heaving as I struggled to regain my breath. His eyes, dark and stormy, searched mine with a possessive intensity. "You can’t laugh at my jokes..." he whispered, his voice a dangerous rasp as his fingers trailed lower, sending a shiver down my spine, "but you’ll come with my fingers." I shivered, heat pooling low in my belly at his words, his touch. The world around us blurred, fading into nothing as his hand slipped lower, drawing a ragged gasp from my lips. The look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me, and there was no denying the primal connection between us in that moment. "I don’t need your laughter," he murmured against my skin, his breath hot on my neck. "I’ll have every other part of you instead." **** Dark fantasy romance Morally Grey ML Angst Suspense ENEMIES to lovers Smut (like sprinkles on your ice cream)
Lilac_Everglade · 241.4K Views

Beast Alpha and His Cursed Luna

Mature Content- Rated18+ (No rape) "You look lonely and well..." "Well?" The Alpha gave her a condescending smile. "Broken. Like someone who has fought a lot of battles. Someone who has been hurt." She said. "It's true. And thus, I am ready to fight even more battles if it promises what I want," Alpha Maverick said. "And what do you want?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Death. Death of all the rogues for what they did to me," Alpha Maverick said, looking at the girl who became stiff beside him. "You are not a rogue, are you?" Alpha Maverick looked into her enchanting eyes, his hand caressing her cheeks, making her smile awkwardly. She was indeed a rogue, and not just any normal rogue, but one wanted by the entire world. ~~~~~~ "I, Valencia Brooklyn, reject Tyler Anderson as my fateful mate. I would rather accept death than a disloyal mate." These were the exact words that changed her life. Since this werewolf world couldn't accept her for being an omega and not having a wolf, she decided to do the exact same thing. She became a rogue that everyone started fearing and looking for. A rogue who killed other rogues, stole from people, rejected an alpha, deceived the council, and most importantly, lived among humans while breaking all laws and norms. What will happen when someone from the council gives her anonymous case to the strongest alpha in the world? An alpha even stronger than the Alpha King's son? How will she save herself from an alpha who has vowed to kill all the rogues to avenge what they did with him? How will Maverick Aurelius catch this mysterious rogue who doesn't have a scent? When they first meet, he should've killed her, but how was he supposed to recognize her when she was a mere cat? Valencia never turned into her wolf because she was cursed to be a shapeshifter. How will the alpha recognise the rogue in the cat who has developed a weird habit of coming into his room and playing with his things? ~~~~~ P.S. This is my second WSA 2024 entry. Please support with votes, gift, tickets and comments.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 520.6K Views

His Forsaken Luna

Humiliated and in heat, Idalia was forced to attend the Moonlight Masquerade in hopes of finding a mate to satisfy her body's needs. Vulnerable to her desires, she ran into the woods to escape a potential scandal. But when a masked man catches her, his touch tosses all reasoning aside. What should have been a simple humiliating event for the princess turns into a night of passion. There was one problem though: she couldn't remember who she mated with! The slave who carried her to bed. The knight who knelt before her and offered his canines for touching her. The sworn enemy Alpha Prince, who confessed his love for her. Follow Idalia as she navigates between three Weres. One is a pretty guy eager to please her to escape his fate, another trying to reclaim his honour while unable to control his desires, and the last is a villain using her for his goals, but a flame festers between them at every interaction. A slave, a knight and a villain prince, who will she choose? [ Mature Content ] "You smell like the sun." His strides are long and confident, heading in my direction like he knows exactly what he wants. He stops before me, and my head tips back. "How is that possible?" His voice drops to a rumbling whisper. Now that he was close to me, the burning ache deep within started to throb and palpitate. His body tensed, and then he was on me, nose against my neck, inhaling deeply, one hand on the side of my hair, pinning me in place with his hips. My head tilts back, unable to stop myself from giving into his touch, exposing my neck more to him, his chest rumbling as he licks the side of my skin, kissing and nipping, placing his scent over me. I am completely and utterly at his mercy. I vaguely hear material ripping, and then his warm hand cups me. "You're not finished yet," his voice is thick and deep, and it shoots straight to my tingling, pulsing core. His touch is almost possessive, and I nearly beg him to do whatever he wants with me. "Should I make it better?" His whisper is a caress against my ear before he nips the lobe, a bite promising that this would not be tender. - Daily chapter uploads -
Kelly_Starrz · 124.5K Views

AURORA: Luna de sangre

Nuestra historia se centra en Arthur Ashki, el protagonista principal, un joven perteneciente a una familia influyente de una pequeña ciudad en el Reino de Nordic, situado al norte del continente de Aurora. En un atardecer teñido de rojo, una ciudad arde bajo las llamas, y los ecos de espadas y gritos de desesperación resuenan en el aire. A la entrada de la ciudad, se puede ver a un joven de gran estatura y cabello castaño claro, su cuerpo cubierto de sangre, con heridas visibles. Llora fuera de la ciudad en ruinas, mientras es ridiculizado por un grupo de hombres desconocidos vestidos con armaduras negras. Detrás de ellos ondea una bandera con el símbolo de una luna creciente, de la cual caen tres gotas de sangre. Arthur, en su estado de confusión y dolor, no pudo imaginar que aquellos hombres serían los responsables de atacar la ciudad donde vivía su familia, dejándolo como el único sobreviviente del ataque. Su sufrimiento no fue suficiente para ellos: fue capturado y condenado a vivir como esclavo, marcado por la humillación y el tormento. En su memoria, la noche en la que masacraron a su familia se repite una y otra vez. Mientras aprieta sus puños, jura emprender un camino de venganza, lleno de desafíos, batallas y sacrificios. A lo largo de su travesía, Arthur enfrentará muchos obstáculos, pero también se encontrará con personajes extraordinarios que lo ayudarán a cumplir su objetivo. Entre estos encuentros, descubrirá un amor profundo que luchará a su lado, compartiendo su dolor y sus victorias. Sin embargo, el camino hacia la venganza estará lleno de sufrimiento, pero también de recuerdos y momentos inolvidables, que lo moldearán como el héroe que está destinado a ser.
NelsonJM · 1.6K Views

The Alpha's Human Luna

Nancy Neo was a wanderer, oh yes a restless soul drifting through cities and towns, never tethered to one place for long, she was like a tree with no root. When her family chose to settle in Akin City, a place whispered to be a sanctuary of peace and promise Nancy hoped, for once, to find a semblance of belonging. But beneath Akin City’s polished front lay shadows deeper than she could imagine. Nancy’s days were ordinary, her nights lonelier still, as she wandered the unfamiliar streets, yearning for something she couldn’t name. Little did she know, the modern world she inhabited held an ancient secret. Among the greatest of these: werewolves lived among them, hidden in plain sight, their true nature masked by human guise. One fateful evening, curiosity drew Nancy beyond the city’s borders into the wild fringes of the land. The air was electric under a full moon’s gaze, and the forest seemed to pulse with an energy both intoxicating and forbidden. There, in a hidden glade, she stumbled upon a sight that would alter her life forever—a pack of werewolves celebrating beneath the argent glow, their howls a haunting fear that sent shivers racing down her spine. She thought she was invisible, cloaked by the shadows of the trees. But the pack’s alpha a figure of raw power and grace caught her scent. As the alpha’s gaze locked onto hers, Nancy froze. The breath she had been holding escaped in a startled gasp as recognition struck like lightning. It was Baby, her lover. The truth slammed into her like a chillwave, pulling her into a whirl of disbelief, fear, and heartbreak. Baby wasn’t just a werewolf—he led them. The man she had trusted, the one she thought she knew, was a creature of the night. Caught at the crossroads of two worlds, one fragile and familiar, the other untamed and feral. Nancy was forced to confront the impossible. Could she reconcile her love for Baby with the monstrous truth of his existence? But Akin City held more secrets, and Nancy was about to uncover her own. Beneath the surface of her prosaic life lay a destiny she never anticipated, a path sprinkled with danger, desire, and a power she never knew she possessed. In a city that promised safety, Nancy would learn that peace is an illusion and sometimes, the greatest threats are the ones that lurk within. The moon whispers secrets to those who listen, but beware some truths are meant to remain hidden.
Marianne_2020 · 665.8K Views
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