Blogger for Hells.
How higher can reach the fury of a man that has lost everything? Even a piece of bitter tears can taste sweety when you swallow this story. Maybe this story will tear apart all of your believes about forgiveness, maybe not, but for well. When there is nothing in life as karma, you can built your own formula, giving up your life, and as I spoil it saying it, for bad.
Note: this story is a little scary, even for me that have been taught that forgiveness is the only way to pass pages in life. Bit by bit, heart beats hard when a man had been released of charges two weeks later of being accused of robbery in first grade. However. there is something missing, the man has not a smile in his face, what happened? Is it not enough reason to jump out of your seat later of gaining back your liberty? What could be more important that liberty which cause in this man being caught by his pain?