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Domestic Noir

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 188K Views

Éveil Abyssal

Ayant passé son enfance enchaînée, Alice était une enfant qui ne connaissait ni l'amour ni la joie. Méprisée par sa famille tout en étant torturée au nom du bien commun pendant des années, elle s'était engourdie à toute sensation et pensée. Jusqu'au jour où un homme en noir lui offrit une chance de s'évader. Il y avait autrefois des rumeurs répandues sur un enfer sans fin, une terre de mort glorieuse et d'opportunités terribles. Les fous partaient à sa recherche, et les intelligents ne s'y aventuraient jamais. Ce n’est que lorsque ses mystères funestes se répandirent sur la terre que tous entendirent son nom — l'Abysse. Une seule goutte de son sang pouvait donner à quelqu'un le pouvoir de contrôler les ombres, de se déplacer plus vite que le son, ou une force supérieure à celle de l'homme le plus fort. Pourtant, tout cela avait un coût ; le sang s'assurait toujours que ceux qui le consommaient devenaient partie de l'Abysse, à une exception près — Alice. Rejetée par son propre sang, c'était son destin de pourrir dans une cage dorée. Mais ce jour fatidique changea tout. Dotée d'une seconde chance dans la vie, une chance de tout recommencer et de réclamer vengeance contre sa famille, une chance de plonger profondément dans l'Abysse et d'acquérir le pouvoir de gouverner son propre sort, Alice prit sa main, ignorant le destin qui se déroulait devant elle. Discord : Notes de l’auteur : Ceci est mon troisième livre, je vais mettre à profit ce que j'ai appris auparavant pour m'améliorer. Ce livre se concentrera sur l'intrigue, l'action, la profondeur des liens entre les personnages et adoptera un ton plus sombre dans ce monde de fantasy cruel que j'ai imaginé pour ce livre ! Si vous décidez de donner une chance à ce livre, j'espère que vous apprécierez ! Une expérience et un ton très différents de Nanomancer Reborn.
Reili · 14.9K Views

Chroniques Abyssales

Dans la partie nord du monde, une longue bataille opposant diverses races et la race démoniaque a finalement pris fin. Le Seigneur Démon, une silhouette aux cheveux noirs et aux yeux rouges, règne depuis son palais d'obsidienne, ayant à maintes reprises défait la Déesse, l'être le plus puissant du monde. Cependant, elle s'abstient de la tuer, sachant qu'elle ne ferait que renaître pour mener une autre attaque. Alors que la déesse est agenouillée devant elle, gravement blessée et impuissante, les bruits des explosions résonnent à l'extérieur, signalant l'imminente victoire de l'Alliance. Malgré son immense pouvoir, le seigneur démon reconnaît la faiblesse générale des démons comparée aux humains et à l'Alliance. Le développement de l'énergie de combat et du mana a permis aux humains ordinaires de lutter contre les démons, menant à la défaite de l'armée démoniaque. Consciente de l'intention de l'Alliance d'asservir le démon abyssal, le Seigneur Démon décide de lancer un sortilège interdit qui lui coûtera la vie. Alors que les forces de l'Alliance prennent d'assaut le palais, elles hésitent en ressentant l'énergie du sortilège. Le Seigneur Démon jure de résister et de renaître pour sauver son peuple. Pendant ce temps, la déesse réfléchit au traitement passé du seigneur démon envers elle et reconnaît son respect et son dévouement envers son peuple. Tandis que le seigneur démon se prépare à lancer le sort, la déesse lui demande si elle peut abandonner son plan et vivre librement. Cependant, les seigneurs démons ont le devoir de restaurer la gloire de la race démoniaque et de protéger leur peuple. Comprenant la détermination du seigneur démon, la déesse prépare son épée, dans l'intention de se confronter au sortilège interdit du seigneur démo. L'explosion qui en résulte crée un nuage en forme de champignon, marquant la fin du conflit et le début d'une nouvelle ère. Le Seigneur Démon et la Déesse deviennent des figures historiques, dont les histoires sont occasionnellement racontées.
Hail_The_loli · 10.5K Views

La Fiancée du Diable

Un amour condamné dès le début, une cause perdue, une bataille vaine — et pourtant, aucun des deux cœurs n'est prêt à lâcher prise jusqu'à la toute fin. ----- Arlan Cromwell, l'incarnation même du Prince Héritier parfait. Tout ce qu'il désire, c'est vivre une vie normale d'humain, mais la vie d'un dragon est tout sauf normale. Il n'a qu'un seul but — retrouver sa fiancée en fuite et la décapiter. Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'il découvre que la femme qui a conquis son cœur est celle qu'il a juré de tuer ? Oriane, une Sorcière Noire, déguisée en homme, a passé toute sa vie à fuir sans savoir ce qu'elle fuit. Lorsque les mystères de son passé commencent petit à petit à la rattraper, elle n'a personne vers qui se tourner… sauf Arlan. Mais quand elle apprend que l'homme à qui elle a donné son cœur est le même homme qui veut la tuer, comment peut-elle accepter la cruelle carte que la vie lui a distribuée ? Deux personnes avec des secrets à garder, des identités à cacher et des réponses à chercher. Lorsque l'obscurité menace d'emporter Oriane, le Dragon pourra-t-il protéger sa compagne ? ----- Extrait - « Si j'avais su que tu étais ma fiancée, je t'aurais tuée dès le premier moment où nous nous sommes rencontrés. » Le regard d'Arlan se teinta de haine. « Si j'avais su que j'étais fiancée à toi, je me serais tuée avant même que tu ne le fasses ! » Oriane reflétait les mêmes émotions que lui. Il sortit un poignard et le lui offrit. « Il n'est pas trop tard. Tranche-toi simplement la gorge avec ça et tu saigneras sans douleur. » Elle accepta le couteau, ses doigts serrant fermement sa poignée. L'instant suivant, il était plaqué contre le mur et le couteau était sur le côté droit de son cou. « Que dirais-tu si je l'essayais sur toi en premier, mon fiancé ? » « Essaie si tu veux. Mais quand tu échoueras, ce couteau goûtera d'abord au sang de ton grand-père, puis au tien. » La colère monta dans ses yeux, et l'instant d'après, du sang coulait sur le côté droit de son cou. Elle avait coupé assez profondément pour trancher un vaisseau sanguin important. « Tu n'aurais pas dû me provoquer, » ricana-t-elle en reculant, attendant qu'il s'effondre. Il se contenta de sourire en coin et passa son doigt le long de la blessure profonde sur son cou. « On dirait que tu as échoué. » Elle regarda la blessure de son cou se cicatriser toute seule et resta choquée jusqu'au plus profond d'elle-même. « Toi... qu'est-ce que tu es ? » « Devine ? » ----- Instagram- mynovel.20 Facebook- Auteur mynoveltwenty
Mynovel20 · 61.2K Views


/ Disclaimer: This novel is a fiction and not a promotion to any mythical tales or preach of godhood / In the epoch when the Multiverse is sundered by a Sinful Longing, driven by a heart's anguish, the Gloom of Noir shall descend. Behold and beware, for the Somber Might shall arise to Devour the Brightest Sun of Ars. The Wheel is turned. The Deviations are bound. Only the Aftermath awaits inscription. Beware, O Primordials, for thou mayest encounter thy progenitor. The Tower of Ascendance has been a beacon to many, to those who have lost hope, to those who have dreams, to those who wish for greatness, For billions of years, there had been an order established in this realm that binds the multiverse. But this new prophecy has set the realms in Turmoil. In the midst of all this chaos and uncertainties, Hestia Olverian, A champion ranked 41st in the Tower encounters a 23 year old unemployed who had given up on life which would forever change the fate of them Nathan Owens has been deemed unredeemable by all, betrayed his family's trust, his girlfriend left him, his friends used him. Filled with guilt, regret and despair he turns to end his life. But fate had other plans for him. He finds out that the universe isn't as simple as it looks when he accepted the red - invitation card and arrived at the Tower of Ascendance. This story is filled with ordeals and deaths, bonds and betrayals, rewards and punishments alike. ---- The Tale is about a man who has nothing lose, nothing to gain and nothing to rewrite his past. Watch his Saga as he walks a new path in life in an untold reality to his world. ---- No Yuri, No NTR, No Rape, No excessive Harem that destroys romance. Only little bit Dark and nothing more. Hello Dear Readers, Enjoy the twists, Action, comedy and Romance this Book brings to you And please support to the best of your abilities for this rising author. I respect the authority and powers you all have over me. So go Easy on me Plzz
Deenu_Shaik · 7 Views

The wealthy daughter breaks through the situation with wisdom

Standing in the Aristocratic Circle New to the Aristocratic Circle and Subjected to Bullying After crossing over, Dai Shi Ya found herself in a hostile aristocratic family. The housekeeper, Liu, treated her poorly, arranging for her to stay in the servants' quarters and providing her with servant uniforms as "daily clothes." The other servants also held prejudices against her due to her status, making life difficult for her at every turn. Faced with these difficulties, Dai Shi Ya did not choose to confront immediately but decided to take the initiative to try to integrate into the family. She began to help in the kitchen, learning various domestic skills. Although her efforts did not immediately win the recognition of everyone, she gradually won the respect of some of the servants. Shining at the Family Dinner In order to establish herself in the family, Dai Shi Ya decided to take advantage of the family dinner. She meticulously prepared for various aspects of the dinner, including venue layout and menu design. At the dinner, she encountered multiple difficulties from her cousin Dai Yue. Dai Yue first tried to prevent her from attending the dinner by soiling her dress, and then attempted to embarrass her by making her perform piano in front of everyone. However, Dai Shi Ya used her intelligence and skills to defuse the crisis and showcased her embroidery talent and "mind-reading" skills at the dinner, winning everyone's admiration and changing the attitudes of the family elders towards her. Resolving Crises and Consolidating Her Position At the birthday party of the Dai family patriarch, Dai Shi Ya once again became the focus of attention. She not only put in a lot of effort in the preparation process but also skillfully handled various unexpected situations at the party. She exposed Dai Yue's malicious acts of spreading rumors behind the scenes, causing Dai Yue to be embarrassed in front of everyone, while also gaining the recognition and support of the family elders, further consolidating her position in the Dai family. Handling Family Affairs Dai Shi Ya gained the trust of the Dai family patriarch and was asked to handle some family affairs. She took over a land project that had been abandoned for many years and, through her own efforts, resolved a series of issues in the land development process, including the breakage of the capital chain and the resettlement of residents. In the process of handling the land project, she also discovered some clues about the late wife of the Dai family patriarch, which brought her closer to the patriarch and also aroused Dai Yue's jealousy and resentment. Business Competition and the Test of Friendship Business Conspiracy and Counterattack Dai Shi Ya's rise within the family aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people, making her a target of business competition. The collateral branch of the Dai family, including Dai Qiang, spread rumors behind the scenes, trying to tarnish her reputation and undermine her position in the family. Dai Shi Ya was not knocked down by these rumors. She exposed the conspiracy of Dai Qiang and others through her intelligence and investigative skills, and successfully counterattacked them at the family meeting, maintaining her reputation and position. Friendship Crisis and Resolution Dai Shi Ya's good friend Wei Qing was implicated in her business competition. Wei Qing was threatened by Zhao Lei, forced to distance himself from Dai Shi Ya, and betrayed her in some business affairs. Dai Shi Ya did not give up on Wei Qing. She investigated the truth through her own efforts, exposed Zhao Lei's malicious acts, successfully resolved the friendship crisis with Wei Qing, and also freed Wei Qing from Zhao Lei's threat.
DaoistHTXTfk · 13.2K Views

The Evolution of Primordial Beasts and Gods

[Ding! You have killed the Great Outer God, Azathoth.] [Ding! Do you want to resurrect the dead Outer God and turn him into your puppet?] … After being killed by a ‘stray’ bullet, James wakes up only to find himself reincarnated as a young man with incomplete memories, ‘abandoned’ in a cave with his little sister, Minji. He soon discovers he’s in a world that combines the elements of Beast Master, Eastern Fantasy, and Magical Realism. In this new fantasy realm where the strong are respected and the weak are trampled, James awakens an OP system that can upgrade his rank as long as he has money. Thus, James is determined to become a successful businessman once more, since he also recognizes the potential of leveraging the system’s functions to amass wealth. [Ding! Do you want to refine your pet’s Evolution Pill?] [Ding! Do you want to refine the breakthrough Martial God pill?] [Ding! Do you want to refine the Heavenly Dragon Sword?] …. Later, James also discovers that the ‘earth’ has evolved after dungeons started to appear and towers that rose from the ground, where these connect the earth and the world where James is currently in through space teleportation. Upon returning to ‘earth’ to check the situation there, he finds out that his death wasn’t caused by a ‘stray’ bullet but rather was orchestrated by someone James trusts the most. Follow James on his journey, where he takes revenge on his killer in his first life, and uncovers the mystery of ‘why was he reincarnated into this world and why his family in this life abandoned him and Minji’ while pursuing his new goal of becoming the strongest. ----------------------------------------------------- [WPC August Entry] ALL SUPPORT is appreciated. Don’t hesitate to add it to your library and give Power Stone!!
Ash_Noir · 219.5K Views

The Monster's Love

Will you love me if I'm a monster? First female lead A domineering CEO who is 25 years old young beautiful lady, who is smart and perfect, all guys fell for her just by her one glance a pretty lady with long red hair with a pair of black twinkling colour eyes everyone admires her and call her beauty goddess but no one knows her darkest secret who is cursed by a witch in bright daylight whose beauty shines but at night she turns into an ugly monster. ————————————————————— First male lead Qing yuan a 20-year-old handsome college going guy who is excellent in everything let it be studies, sports or arts, all-girls admire him a lot, but he hates women a lot. But no one knows his innocent personality is hiding a big secret he owns world's biggest mafian gang and currently he is on mission he is searching for a girl who have long black hairs reaching till her knees and red bloody eyes. How both of their life is interconnect with each other, how will fate decide to make them together? A love between a CEO monster and Gangster! ————————————————————— Excerpt: Li rong said while sitting on her comfortable sofa "darling love me and I will give you my all wealth" "Wealth? Huh? " Qing yuan laughed maniacally and replied sarcastically "have you ever saw a normal human being falling in love with a monster? " Li rong gave him a devilish smile and came closer to him and said "don't wanna love me? Then spend your whole life in these four walls of a room and die" Qing yuan said while struggling to open his tied hands with rope "even if I have to die I'm willing to die but I will never gonna love you " Li rong came closer to him and licked his lips "ummm salty... Tomorrow I'm gonna feed you chocolate cake so that you can talk sweetly" While giving a faint smile li rong left the room while slamming the door ————————————————————— Second female lead Lu jia a 30 years old beautiful and awesome lady and where people call li rong beauty goddess but when it comes to lu jia people call her demon Goddess where Li rong is cold domineering then Lu jia is colder and baddie where people admire her beauty but behind her back they are scared of lu jia.But there is one problem she cant fell in love.Why? Cause she doesn't feel any kind of emotions towards anyone. ————————————————————— Second male lead Han qilu a 20 years old good and a sincere baby boy who is adored by all girls in his college girls loves to look at his cute face, his personality is different he is like a small baby who always gets in trouble and goes to his guardian while whining.But he is secretly in love with his guardian. How he will gonna seduce his guardian? Let's see ;) ————————————————————— Excerpt: "baby boy you are my food don't think too highly of yourself," jia said "so what I can be your husband and food both can't I?" qilu answered "husband? hahaha"jia laughed maniacally" you are not even my boyfriend and you are wondering about becoming my husband? You sure have guts" "I know right I have learned this from you," qilu said and gave a quick kiss to jia "now I have to go to my college, see you later my master, oops I forgot from today onwards I will call you baddie baby" qilu winked at her and left jia was still shocked and thought"I guess someone is brainwashing my sincere baby boy otherwise he would never kiss me" ————————————————————— Trigger warning: Novel contains some 18+ scene , cussing, religion, culture discrimination, domestic violence, bullying (R-18+ **No rape ) Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. This is my first novel hope you guys will like it The cover is not mine!!! The credit of cover goes to its respective owner Instagram : oykucara Pinterest : oykucara
oykucara · 67.5K Views

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

"Speaking of knowing things…" Kyle said slowly, "You still haven't given me a chance to tell my story." "I know," said Andrea. "I was having too much fun speculating. Finding you like this is a gift, and I don't want to tear the wrapping off all at once. ‘Building up the anticipation makes it better.’" Kyle blinked again, then gave a quiet snort of recognition at his own words being thrown back at him. "So what is your speculation?" Kyle asked. "Oh I don't know, probably something utterly disappointing. Did they pick you up for speeding on the way to the farmers market? I guess that wouldn't explain the uh…" she gestured at his injury again. "It wouldn't explain that now, would it. Oh, I know! You got into a fight over the last piece of bluefin!" Kyle just shook his head slightly. "No? I guess it's too much to hope you did something really exciting like rob a bank—You're not secretly a cat burglar are you, Kyle? Lose your balance breaking into an art gallery? No…?" Kyle looked unamused. "Very funny, Chuckles, would you mind taking this a little more seriously?" "Of course," said Andrea. "Very serious for a lawyer to have been arrested. You could be disciplined. Disbarred! Why, we might not see each other in court anymore. Wouldn't that be a shame." "Wouldn't it though," replied Kyle. "So that's the kind of guy you think I am? Stealing fine art and fighting in fish markets?” Andrea pondered some more. "I know!" she exclaimed. "Did you get into a fight with someone's boyfriend? Did it turn out that you were your young lady's bit on the side, and you ended up having a domestic dispute?" Kyle winced. "Is that it?!" Andrea had been teasing, but it seems like she had touched a nerve. To whatever degree Kyle had seemed like he'd been playing along, even as worn down as he was, that last remark had left him deflated. Kyle hung his head. "It wasn't like that…" "Oh sure, like you haven't been collecting notches on your bedposts." "I'M not like that." "You're not? That's not what your reputation says, out there collecting numbers and breaking hearts. I heard that you were a real ladykil–" "Andrea! I'm not–" Kyle shouted, grabbing her hands. His hands were strong, and his grip so tight it almost hurt. His expression so intense, frustrated and hurt and… scared? Andrea knew she had been twisting the knife a little into something that bothered him, but what had caused this reaction? It was only for a moment, then Kyle seemed to catch himself and let go. He slumped back in his chair and slid his shackled hands back below the table. Andrea leaned back as well, adding to the distance, and folded her arms, no longer smiling. She glanced at the duress button out of the corner of her eye. If Kyle had kept holding her as tightly as he had been, she wouldn't have even been able to reach it. "I think we're ready for storytime now," she said seriously. “I think you had better start at the punchline. What have you been charged with, Mr Wynn?" Kyle took a deep breath before he raised his head once more. "Murder, Ms Mason. First Degree Murder." *** Andrea Mason, a defense attorney who cares more about justice and protecting her clients than just winning cases. But the one man she hates to lose to is her rival, the arrogant prosecutor, Kyle Wynn. Kyle represents everything Andi hates about unscrupulous win-at-all-costs lawyers, and for years they have traded arguments in the courtroom and barbs in the hallways. Their paths cross again when they find themselves on a high-profile murder trial. As much as Andrea might despise Kyle, she can’t believe it when HE is charged with the horrific murder. But she is even more shocked when he asks for her to represent him at trial… *** #SLOWBURN #STRONGFL #CRIME #MURDER #FLIRTY #ROMANCE If you want to know what to expect, check the reviews! ฅ^-ﻌ•^ฅ Burrito says to join here:
slowestcook · 690.5K Views

My Cat Goddess From The Fluffy Galaxy

!!! BREAKING NEWS !!! A GIANT ALIEN SPACESHIP IS THREATENING THE EARTH !! What would you do if you saw this on TV in real life? Would the alien spaceship even be your main concern if, the same day, you learned that your domestic cat is in fact the reincarnation of a goddess from a distant galaxy, who came to protect the Earth ? That's what Marvin and Angie, a young couple, are experiencing. But that's not even the most astonishing discovery for them! The most unstettlling news is that their yet to be born son has been chosen by the goddess to become her champion, to lead her army against her enemies. Read this if you want to hear the story of the baby boy who traveled across the universe to the galaxy of the divine cats, the Fluffy galaxy! This is full of thrilling adventures, fun, endearing characters, encounters with strange creatures from space, mind-boggling travels through unexplored places of the universe. For sure, this is the fluffiest story around! ******************************************************************** What NOT to expect from this book: - No romance - No R18 - No system What to expect from this book: - Great adventures on Earth and in space, - Fast-paced action - Comedy - Mythology - Some real hard science (you will learn real things about the solar system, the stars, the universe...) - Sad moments/ happy moments - Cats, of course... So, if you're ready, come and join us in our adventures. You don't want to miss on that unique experience. Be ready for the departure! ********************************************************************
Galactic_Fluff · 29.2K Views

Rebirth Of Fusion Queen

[So tell me, what do you want? Beauty System, who will make you one of the world's most drop-dead gorgeous women at the end...or Scholar System, who will make you one of the world's smartest people.] "I choose Scholar System!" Before Layla Ainsworth can answer, an excited voice interrupts the system. Layla Ainsworth glanced at her sister Greta Ainsworth with a deep look in her eyes. Her sister changed her choice this time around. But the question was...can it change her fate? .............................................. Layla Ainsworth and Greta Ainsworth were daughters of the poor Ainsworth Family.  At the age of 15, however, both of them mysteriously heard a mechanical voice in their mind. [Congratulations Miss Ainsworth, you have received a chance to change your fate. Our package has a Beauty System and a Scholar System. Which one would you like? ] "I will choose Beauty System!" Greta Ainsworth shouted before turning to her sister with a coy look, "Sister you won't mind, right?" Layla being the eldest sister, nodded and sacrificed her happiness for her younger sister. But when her own sister smeared her name, kicked her out of the house, and tried to ruin her reputation, Layla stopped being generous. She worked hard, completed her graduation by doing a part-time job, and with the help of the Scholar System, built her own company. Her hard work paid off. Her company ranked 1st domestically and ranked 3rd internationally. Her success story was used as a motivation by many.  Greta Ainsworth on the other hand failed miserably. Driven by desperation and jealousy, she killed herself and Layla. Who would have thought the wheels of fate would turn and they both would be back to the day they were given a choice? This time Greta didn't hesitate to choose Scholar System while casting a vicious glance at Layla. "Sister you won't mind, right?" She repeated the same dialogue. Layla smirked and answered, "Sure." With the knowledge of her previous life and the Beauty system in this life, she will prove to Greta that she wasn't successful because of her system, but the efforts she made. Along the way, she decided to find her gentle boyfriend who had a difficult life in the early stages. This time she will ensure, he doesn't have to suffer. She also vowed to save all those whom she lost in her last life. After all, wealth wasn't alluring, if there was no one to spend it with. ............................... "Why are you so hellbent on saving me? I am just some rat from the hellhole unlike you, the rising star of the entertainment industry while owning a company!" A certain handsome tanned man with a chiseled jaw and passionate eyes stared straight into Layla's eyes. "Because I like you," Layla muttered, her hands slowly caressing the cheeks of the man who not only lost his sight but also his life to protect her. "Do you wanna kiss me?" She tempted. "You..." "Yes or no?" Layla blinked her eyes innocently, while her system cursed her in a childish voice. [Host you are truly devious.] The certain handsome man blushed, yet his actions were much more honest and he leaned toward Layla's lips.
AlluringNight · 1.8K Views

My New Life is a Nightmare

At just 15 years old, Kikomori stands at the entrance of his new high school, the weight of his past anchoring him in place. Beneath his quiet exterior lies a dark history that has haunted him since he was six, when a horrific tragedy shattered his innocence. His once joyful world, centered around his loving mother, crumbled the day his father, Hector, killed her in a fit of drunken rage. The aftermath left Kikomori trapped in silence, paralyzed by his father’s threats to burn his mother’s body if he ever spoke the truth. At school, Kikomori’s teachers notice his bruises and emotional withdrawal, but his fear of his father keeps him from confessing. One concerned teacher, sensing something is deeply wrong, tries to reach out, offering comfort and a promise of help. But the moment she calls his father to the school, Kikomori is forced to face the man who has controlled his life through violence and manipulation. Hector, appearing well-dressed and respectable, exudes a chilling charm that hides his true nature. He quickly manipulates the situation, making it seem like Kikomori's claims are mere figments of an overactive imagination. The teacher, however, senses the tension and fear in Kikomori's eyes. She confronts Hector, determined to protect the boy, but Kikomori, terrified by his father’s veiled threats, breaks down and runs to him, choosing the safety of silence over the danger of speaking out. The story unfolds as a psychological thriller, exploring Kikomori's internal struggle between fear and the desire for freedom, and the sinister hold Hector maintains over his son. It delves into the trauma of domestic abuse, the manipulation of appearances, and the battle between silence and truth. As Kikomori tries to navigate his new school and escape his father’s control, he must decide whether he has the strength to confront his past, or whether Hector's shadow will forever silence him.
humble_soul7778 · 7.2K Views
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