Blood and Oil
There will be a point in one's life when an individual reaches rock bottom; where every path leads to nowhere, every dim light fades into nothingness; an overwhelming loneliness.
It may arrive early; it may come late. The line of fate reaches all physical and non-physical beings. Everything is affected.
There will come a time when one's too far deep into the mantle. The pressure crushing; shattering. Hot; the magma burning, seething.
Then there's the core. The singular point of utter failure. A white magma of negativity; degradation; mental strain. A swirling heat of pain, loss. Self-destruction, end.
It's pointless.
At that point, that individual has nothing to lose.
It will now solely depend on the individual and how they will respond to the situation they reside in.
Will they attain glory from the fall, or die from the fall?
It's an imminent doom every being created must face. An inevitable event that must take place.