In the heartwarming tale of Soojin and Minho, childhood friends turned high school sweethearts find themselves on separate paths, only to reunite under unexpected circumstances. Soojin, now a renowned singer celebrated for her ethereal voice and beauty, faces a life-altering challenge when news of a brain swelling rocks her world. Seeking solace, she returns to her hometown to be with her grandmother, where fate brings her face-to-face with Minho, now a successful photographer. As Soojin navigates the turmoil of her health crisis, Minho emerges as a pillar of strength and support, reigniting a bond that time and distance could not diminish. Amidst the backdrop of fame, love, and resilience, their intertwined journey unfolds, weaving a tale of love, friendship, and the unwavering power of connection in the face of adversity.