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L'Héritière contre-attaque

Sharon était une personne ordinaire, alors que son mari, Wallace Harris, était un homme prometteur et séduisant. Sa famille était l'une des familles les plus prestigieuses et les plus riches de New York. Épouser Wallace était un accident. Pendant leurs trois années de mariage, Wallace n'avait jamais couché avec Sharon. Sa famille l'avait également constamment persuadé de divorcer de Sharon. C'était la fête d'anniversaire de la vieille matriarche de la famille Harris, et tous les jeunes de la famille Harris avaient offert les cadeaux les plus chers possibles pour rendre la vieille dame heureuse—tous sauf Sharon. Elle avait demandé à emprunter de l'argent à Madame Harris pour l'ancien majordome, Oncle Smith, car il n'avait pas d'argent pour payer son traitement médical. Mais comme prévu, la famille Harris l'humilia lorsqu'elle fit sa demande. "La famille Harris n'a jamais eu de parent pauvre comme toi. Ne te présente plus jamais devant moi ! Wallace aurait dû épouser Crystal. C'est certainement une jeune femme qui est digne de se marier dans notre famille !" dit Madame Harris. "Connais ta place et sors d'ici. Ne reste plus dans notre maison. Comment le grand-père de Wallace a-t-il pu être si idiot pour marier une femme pauvre et inutile comme toi à mon fils ?!" dit June, la mère de Wallace. "Ce n'est que quelques millions de dollars, et pourtant tu es si pauvre que tu dois emprunter à notre famille. Comment une femme comme toi mérite-t-elle d'être avec Wallace ? Si c'était Crystal, elle ne nous aurait certainement pas autant embarrassés !" Cette nuit-là, Wallace tendit à Sharon une carte bancaire, qui contenait des millions de dollars. "L'entreprise se développe, donc je n'ai pas beaucoup de liquide. Tu peux utiliser ceci pour aider Oncle Smith." Face à l'hostilité de la famille Harris, Wallace déclara, "Puisque je l'ai épousée, elle est ma responsabilité. Qu'elle soit riche ou pauvre, Sharon est ma femme." Ce n'est que lorsqu'un étranger s'est approché de Sharon un jour que celle-ci apprit qu'elle était la fille d'une famille très prestigieuse, éligible pour recevoir des biens d'une valeur d'au moins dix milliards. Elle possédait soudainement la plus grande entreprise de New York et une carte bancaire contenant des centaines de millions de 'monnaie de poche'. En un clin d'œil, son identité avait changé. Elle n'était plus la belle-fille pauvre que la famille Harris n'appréciait pas. Au contraire, elle était devenue la personne la plus prestigieuse de New York !
Mountain Springs · 122.5K Views

Après sa transmigration, l'épouse en surpoids a fait son grand retour !

``` Qiao Mei s'est retrouvée dans un roman en tant que personnage secondaire portant le même nom qu'elle, mais qui manquait de présence. Ce personnage secondaire était une péquenaude qui ne pouvait pas se marier à cause de son obésité. Selon le scénario original, cette campagnarde Qiao Mei était une grosse fille gâtée par son grand-père. Toutefois, leurs parents étaient tous des personnes vicieuses et cruelles. Son grand-père ayant une santé fragile, une fois décédé, les parents se diviseraient pour s'accaparer ses biens. Par conséquent, le plus grand souhait de son grand-père était de marier Qiao Mei. Pour cela, il a même sacrifié et trahi le petit-fils de son ami, Xia Zhe. Le grand-père a enivré Xia Zhe et a fait en sorte que Qiao Mei prenne de force le bel et fort Xia Zhe avec son corps pesant plus de deux cents livres. Ensuite, le grand-père les surprendrait le lendemain et forcerait Xia Zhe à épouser Qiao Mei. Cependant, cela a finalement causé le début de la vie malheureuse de Qiao Mei. Aussi, dans l'histoire originale, Qiao Mei s'appropriait le mystérieux jade de Xia Zhe. Mais à cause de la stupidité de Qiao Mei, la sœur de son cousin l'avait trompée et lui avait fait donner le jade, ce qui résultait en la richesse de la famille de son cousin. Quand Qiao Mei a transmigré ici, c'était pendant l'instant gênant où elle faisait l'amour à l'homme après l'avoir enivré. Elle s'est réveillée avec confusion le lendemain et l'équipe du grand-père était déjà à la porte. Qiao Mei avait peur. Elle ne voulait pas suivre le chemin initial et épouser un homme qui ne l'aimait pas. Et donc, elle a menti et a chassé grand-père. Elle a également poussé l'homme dehors avant de se forcer à regarder son reflet bronzé et potelé dans le miroir! Hélas, elle pleurait face à son apparence laide... Comme un sumotori en sous-vêtement de grande taille, même les magasins de vêtements grandes tailles n'avaient pas de vêtements à sa taille. Et son visage était de la taille d'une pizza, une pizza brûlée! Qiao Mei a décidé de réformer sa vie! La première étape, perdre du poids! La deuxième étape, ranger sa chambre! Elle qui tenait à la propreté, bien que sa maison actuelle eût une grande cour, elle ne pouvait la décrire que comme désordonnée! La troisième étape était de tenir fermement le jade pour que sa cousine avide n'en ait aucune chance! Seulement, le grand et beau Xia Zhe ne devait-il pas la détester selon l'histoire originale? Pourquoi était-il de plus en plus gentil avec elle? ```
Mountain Springs · 48.9K Views

Tuan, Bagaimana Dengan Pernikahan?

Pada puncak karirnya, aktris A-list Song Ning mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya dari industri hiburan demi cinta, menggemparkan seluruh negara. Semua orang berpikir bahwa dia pasti telah menemukan rumah idamannya. Itulah mengapa dia begitu bertekad. Semula, Song Ning juga berpikir demikian. Untuk sisa hidupnya, dia tidak akan menjadi seorang selebriti. Dia hanya akan menjadi wanita yang baik dan berbudi luhur yang akan merawat suami dan anak-anak di rumah. Namun, pada malam sebelum pernikahannya, dia mengetahui bahwa tunangannya berselingkuh dengan sahabatnya. Dalam amarah, Song Ning menemukan seorang pria secara acak untuk mendaftar pernikahan mereka di pintu masuk Biro Urusan Sipil. Dia awalnya ingin membalas dendam pada tunangan bajingannya itu, tetapi dia tidak menyangka bahwa pria yang mendaftarkan pernikahannya dengan dia adalah pewaris grup keuangan terbesar di negara itu, Mu Chen. Setelah mereka menikah, Mu Chen sangat menyayangi Song Ning dan melindunginya dengan segala cara yang mungkin. Dia tidak mengizinkan siapa pun untuk mengganggunya. Song Ning selalu berpikir bahwa dia akan bahagia seumur hidupnya dan menjalani kehidupan terbaik yang dia inginkan. Benar, dia mendapatkannya. Hanya saja sedikit berbeda dari apa yang dia bayangkan semula. Orang yang memberikan segalanya kepadanya adalah orang lain. Bertahun-tahun kemudian… Song Ning menatap Mu Chen dengan penuh kasih sayang. "Aku benar-benar beruntung. Terima kasih Tuhan aku bertemu denganmu dan menyelamatkanku dari neraka." Mu Chen tersenyum lembut. “Ya, bersyukur kepada Tuhan.” Namun, Song Ning tidak akan pernah tahu. Mu Chen tidak berbicara tentang berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena membiarkan dia bertemu Song Ning. Dia berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena membiarkan tunangan Song Ning berselingkuh sehingga dia memiliki kesempatan. Tidak ada yang namanya pertemuan yang tidak disengaja. Itu hanyalah sebuah pengejaran yang direncanakan sebelumnya. Hari itu, dia menunggu Song Ning di luar Biro Urusan Sipil selama sepuluh jam…
Mountain Springs · 31.4K Views

Senhor, Que Tal um Casamento?

No auge de sua carreira, a atriz de lista A Song Ning anunciou sua retirada da indústria do entretenimento por amor, chocando a nação. Todo mundo pensou que ela deve ter encontrado o lar ideal. Foi por isso que ela estava tão determinada. No início, Song Ning também pensava assim. Pelo resto de sua vida, ela não seria mais uma celebridade. Ela seria apenas uma mulher virtuosa cuidando de seu marido e filhos em casa. Porém, na noite anterior ao seu casamento, ela descobriu que seu noivo estava tendo um caso com sua melhor amiga. Furiosa, Song Ning encontrou um homem qualquer para registrar seu casamento na entrada do Cartório de Registro Civil. Ela originalmente queria se vingar de seu noivo canalha, mas não esperava que o homem com quem registrara seu casamento fosse o herdeiro do maior grupo financeiro do país, Mu Chen. Depois de se casarem, Mu Chen mimou Song Ning e a protegeu de todas as formas possíveis. Ele não deixava ninguém intimidá-la. Song Ning sempre pensou que seria feliz pelo resto de sua vida e viveria a melhor vida que desejasse. Isso mesmo, ela conseguiu. Apenas foi um pouco diferente do que ela havia imaginado originalmente. A pessoa que lhe deu tudo era alguém diferente. Muitos anos depois... Song Ning olhava para Mu Chen com afeto. "Eu sou realmente sortuda. Agradeço a Deus por ter te encontrado e me salvado do inferno." Mu Chen sorriu levemente. “Sim, agradeça a Deus.” No entanto, Song Ning nunca saberia. Mu Chen não estava falando sobre agradecer a Deus por ele ter conhecido Song Ning. Ele estava agradecendo a Deus por o noivo de Song Ning tê-la traído, para que ele tivesse uma chance. Não existia algo como um encontro acidental. Era apenas uma perseguição premeditada. Naquele dia, ele esperou por Song Ning do lado de fora do Cartório de Registro Civil por dez horas...
Mountain Springs · 53.9K Views

Recuperé mis recuerdos y me hice rico después de divorciarme

—Gu Dai, solo me casé contigo para hacer feliz al Abuelo. Si alguien más hubiera salvado al Abuelo, ¡me habría casado con ella de igual modo! No te creas tan importante. —A lo largo de los tres años de matrimonio, el esposo de Gu Dai la insultó en muchas ocasiones. Ella no habría creído que alguna vez fue mimada y rica si no hubiera recuperado repentinamente su memoria. —¿Por qué había servido voluntariamente a este hombre durante tres años? ¡Este hombre incluso tenía la desfachatez de enamorarse de otra mujer! —¡Lo primero que hizo Gu Dai después de recuperar su memoria fue obtener un divorcio! —Los rumores se extendieron por toda la capital de que la chica de los barrios bajos estaba obteniendo un divorcio del Señor Song! —¿En serio? ¿No es ella una cazafortunas? —preguntaba todo el mundo. —Ella solo está jugando a ser la difícil. ¿Crees que realmente puede seguir adelante? —preguntó el Señor Song. Inmediatamente después de eso, todo el mundo descubrió que Gu Dai había vuelto a la familia Gu en la capital. Ahora era la joven dama de la familia más rica de la ciudad. ¡Resultó que ella era la joven dama de la familia Gu que había desaparecido después de un accidente de crucero ocurrido hace tres años! —Señor Song, la señorita Gu está fuera de su alcance —decía todo el mundo. —¿Y qué? Ella no sabe planificar el futuro. Aparte de dinero, no tiene nada más —dijo el Señor Song. No mucho después, la gente comenzó a descubrir las múltiples identidades de Gu Dai. Era una hacker de alto nivel, una doctora milagrosa, la mejor diseñadora del país... Era todo lo que Song Ling había estado buscando. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, él la agarró y le suplicó con lágrimas en los ojos: —Dai, no me importará si tienes sentimientos por otros. ¿Podrías dejarme quedarme a tu lado de todos modos?
Mountain Springs · 91.9K Views

Sir, wie wäre es mit einer Heirat?

Auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere verkündete die A-Schauspielerin Song Ning ihren Rückzug aus der Unterhaltungsbranche aus Liebe und schockierte damit die Nation. Alle dachten, dass sie ihr ideales Zuhause gefunden haben musste. Deshalb war sie auch so entschlossen. Das dachte Song Ning anfangs auch. Für den Rest ihres Lebens würde sie keine Berühmtheit mehr sein. Sie würde nur eine tugendhafte und tugendhafte Frau sein, die sich zu Hause um ihren Mann und ihre Kinder kümmern würde. Doch in der Nacht vor ihrer Hochzeit fand sie heraus, dass ihr Verlobter eine Affäre mit ihrer besten Freundin hatte. Wütend suchte Song Ning einen beliebigen Mann auf, um ihre Ehe am Eingang des Amtes für zivile Angelegenheiten zu registrieren. Ursprünglich wollte sie sich an ihrem dreckigen Verlobten rächen, aber sie hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass der Mann, der seine Ehe mit ihr registrierte, der Erbe des größten Finanzkonzerns des Landes, Mu Chen, war. Nachdem sie geheiratet hatten, kümmerte sich Mu Chen rührend um Song Ning und beschützte sie auf jede erdenkliche Weise. Er erlaubte niemandem, sie zu schikanieren. Song Ning dachte immer, dass sie für den Rest ihres Lebens glücklich sein und das beste Leben führen würde, das sie wollte. Das ist richtig, sie hat es bekommen. Es war nur ein wenig anders, als sie es sich ursprünglich vorgestellt hatte. Die Person, die ihr alles gab, war jemand anderes. Viele Jahre später... Song Ning sah Mu Chen liebevoll an. "Ich habe wirklich Glück. Gott sei Dank bin ich dir begegnet und du hast mich aus der Hölle gerettet." Mu Chen lächelte schwach. "Ja, Gott sei Dank." Doch Song Ning würde es nie erfahren. Mu Chen sprach nicht davon, Gott dafür zu danken, dass er Song Ning treffen durfte. Er dankte Gott, dass er zuließ, dass Song Nings Verlobter sie betrog, damit er eine Chance bekam. So etwas wie eine zufällige Begegnung gab es nicht. Es war einfach eine vorsätzliche Verfolgung. An diesem Tag wartete er zehn Stunden lang vor dem Büro für zivile Angelegenheiten auf Song Ning...
Mountain Springs · 41.5K Views

Après avoir quitté le PDG, elle a stupéfié le monde

Mo Rao est née dans une famille de médecins militaires. Ses parents avaient risqué leur vie pour sauver la grand-mère de Fu Ying, alors cette dernière avait forcé Fu Ying à prendre Mo Rao pour épouse. Mo Rao savait toujours que Fu Ying avait une amoureuse de rêve nommée Qu Ru. Cette fille n'avait pas réussi à épouser Fu Ying comme elle le désirait parce que la grand-mère de Fu Ying les en avait empêchés. Après leur mariage, Fu Ying était très prévenant envers Mo Rao. Ils avaient même une grande compatibilité, en particulier au lit. Fu Ying se retrouvait toujours profondément plongé dans la tendresse de Mo Rao. Jusqu'au jour où, Fu Ying dit, « Qu Ru est revenue. Divorçons. Je transférerai la propriété que je t'ai promise à ton nom. » Mo Rao dit, « Ne pourrions-nous pas divorcer ? Et si... je suis enceinte... ? » Fu Ying répondit sans cœur, « Avorte-le ! Je ne veux plus d'obstacles entre Qu Ru et moi. De plus, Qu Ru a la leucémie, et ton moelle osseuse est compatible avec la sienne. Si tu es disposée à faire un don, je peux te promettre n'importe quoi. » Mo Rao dit, « Et si ma condition est que nous ne divorcions pas ? » Les yeux de Fu Ying se durcirent. « Mo Rao, ne sois pas trop gourmande. Même si je te promets quelque chose pour Qu Ru, tu sais très bien que je ne t'aime pas. » Les mots « je ne t'aime pas » poignardèrent le cœur de Mo Rao comme un couteau. Son sourire devint soudainement tordu et elle n'était plus la femme docile qu'elle avait été. « Fu Ying, c'est la première fois que tu me répulses autant. Tu me traites de cupide, mais n'es-tu pas pareil ? Tu veux que je divorce pour que tu puisses être avec Qu Ru ? D'accord, j'accepte. Mais tu rêves même que je la sauve ? N'oublie pas, on ne peut pas tout avoir dans la vie, comme toi et moi. » Puis Mo Rao s'en alla. Fu Ying se sentit réellement suffoquer, et ce sentiment le rendit fou. Lorsque Mo Rao réapparut, elle était devenue une étoile éblouissante. Quand elle se présenta devant Fu Ying, tenant la main de son nouveau beau, Fu Ying se moqua éperdument et dit, « Chérie, n'avais-tu pas dit que tu m'aimerais seulement ? » Mo Rao sourit légèrement. « Désolée, ex-mari. Je m'étais trompée à l'époque. Tu n'étais qu'un remplaçant. En fait, j'aime quelqu'un d'autre. »
Mountain Springs · 73.8K Views

Celestial Academy of Mystics

What if you wake up on the morning of your fifteenth birthday to discover a system screen floating over your head? It means you are a Mystic, one of the hundred people born each year who have access to the Celestial system and powers of the universe. What if when you go to get registered as a Mystic at their Academy you discover that all the slots are taken? There are already a hundred mystics in the system. You are a strange anomaly that has never happened in a billion years. Well, you must be none other than Xavier Xerxes. The weird teenager who was bullied for his strange white skin, long snowy hair and pink eyes is now also a Mystic who shouldn't exist. It couldn't have gotten any worse for him. Now he has to attend Celestial Academy to get basic training in leveling up and growing into the full potentials of his powers so he can slay demons and battle monsters from real to realm. He has the opportunity to grow from a human to an Immortal, saving the world along the way. Cool, right? But there's one little problem. Xavier doesn't do anything that could pass off as stressful. No, he prefers to read books in the library. He loves to write stories and poems. He cries through romantic movies. He has never walked farther than a meter in his life. No sporting activity whatsoever. He hates violence. Now they expect him to carry a sword. He is supposed to turn his body into a weapon of destruction, and his mind into a fortress of power. What the hell? How is he expected to survive a day at Celestial Academy when he has been home schooled since he was a child? How is he supposed to kill a bloodthirsty troll when he is scared of spiders? Exercise drills, push ups, war games...meditating? Never before in his life! Right. We all have to wait and see. Hopefully he'll find a way not to die on the first day.
Percy_Seacrest · 202.1K Views

Rebirth: I Made a Comeback in Showbiz

Yu Su is making a comeback with her system! Yu Su didn't grow up with her family. At age four, her older brother lost her while they were out and about. Her family adopted a girl close to her age and even gave her Yu Su's name. Many years later, Yu Su's family found her. However, nobody in the family treated her better because they felt guilty. On the contrary, they pampered the adopted child even more. If Yu Su and her adopted sister ever set their sights on something at the same time, their family would let her sister have it. Yu Su relied on her own hard work to succeed in showbiz. Not only did her family not show her any support, they even tried to interfere with his career. They claimed to want to look after her, but they gave all their resources to her adopted sister. In her previous life, Yu Su craved familial love and tolerated endless bullying from her family. However, in the end, when she and her adopted sister were kidnapped, everyone, including her family and the boyfriend she grew up with, chose to rescue her adopted sister first. In the end, Yu Su was killed by her kidnappers. After reincarnating, Yu Su decided to cut off all ties with her family. To survive, she ventured into showbiz! Later... Was her eldest brother a dominant CEO in showbiz? In the blink of an eye, Yu Su's studio became the top-performing company in the industry! Was her second brother a successful manager? Yu Su became the ace of all managers in showbiz! Was her third brother a famous and talented singer? Yu Su went viral with a single song! Was her fourth brother a genius director? Yu Su's film sold so well that even he became envious! After seeing Yu Su's success, her biological parents and brothers regretted their actions. They begged her for forgiveness. "I refuse!" Yu Su exclaimed.
Mountain Springs · 2.6M Views

The Reincarnated Doctor Wants a Divorce

After witnessing her husband having an affair, Wen Xi was killed in a car accident but reincarnated as a medical intern who married Shen Ze, a professor in medical science. Shen Ze's family was a dynasty of doctors, whereas Wen Xi was just a daughter from an average family. Everyone at the hospital insisted that Shen Ze was too good for her—why would a youth as popular as him marry a plain Jane like her? In her past life, Wen Xi would relentlessly follow Shen Ze around, giving everything from flowers to chocolate for three years... but he never accepted her affection. In fact, they married because he got drunk one time, and they had a fumble. His family just happened to be urging her to get married, so he decided to marry her because she had a good personality and was understanding. However, a little over a year later, Wen Xi saw the divorce agreement he left for her, and when she went looking for him to demand a reason, she found him with another woman in his car. When she saw how affectionate Shen Ze was with her, Wen Xi realized that he always had someone he loved... and she happened to die as she tried to cross the road, and her baby died with her! Fortunately, the gods gave her a second chance, reincarnating her ten months after they had just married. Originally, she would discover that she was pregnant two months later, but Wen Xi did not want to fall back on the same timeline. She would concede her position to the object of his affections. She refused to be cannon fodder again.
Mountain Springs · 730.2K Views

Female Supporting Character Transmigrates into a Book: Sir, Let's Get Married

"Are you even a man? I already came to you with arms wide open. Are you impotent?" Lin Yi, who was drunk, pressed her hands against the man's chest. She thought the man under her was a male prostitute her best friend hired, and that's why she behaved wildly all night long. However, the moment she opened her eyes, she realized she had transmigrated into a novel she had read in the past. She even turned into the cannon-fodder female supporting character who would die early in the story. Meanwhile, the man she thought was a prostitute was actually the devoted male supporting character who was infatuated with the female lead! In the novel, the female supporting character was from a decent family. She was also pretty and attractive. However, she had poor taste and fell in love with the male lead. In fact, she married the male supporting character, Wei Luan, out of spite! Last night happened to be the night they got married! Wei Luan was the poorest man in the village. However, Lin Yi knew how the entire story would unfold and was well aware that he would end up as a rich man. The only problem was that he loved the female lead. However, they were married to each other now. so Lin Yi decided to spend the rest of her life with him. If Wei Luan insisted on being with the female lead, she would let him go. To her surprise, she found out she was pregnant before her anticipation of Wei Luan wanting a divorce came to pass. She was going to have twins! Lin Yi, who wanted to have the children on her own, decided to get a divorce before Wei Luan found out. However, Wei Luan actually teared up and started pleading with her. "Honey, please don't leave me!" Even more surprisingly, the female lead in the novel reincarnated! She patiently waited for Lin Yi and Wei Luan to get a divorce so she could marry Wei Luan instead. The female lead, who knew the story very well from her past life, had no idea that Lin Yi's body had been possessed by someone else. While waiting for Lin Yi and Wei Luan to get a divorce, the female lead had already turned into an old woman.
Mountain Springs · 1M Views

Military Marriage and Pampering: After Rebirth, I'm Lazy and Chubby!

After twenty years of hard work, Lin Fan suddenly transmigrated just when the company was about to go public! The original owner was a selfish, lazy woman from the 80s with a handsome husband who became a young captain. However, she was not satisfied and fell for a gold-digging man. She often spent her husband's hard-earned money on him. In a particularly extreme case, she even threatened her husband that she would jump into the river if he didn't let her keep giving things to the gold-digger. One day, the original owner slipped and fell into the river. When she was pulled out, she was already Lin Fan, who shared the same name. Accepting her new reality, Lin Fan quickly adjusted and began planning her future life. The gold-digging man cheated her money while looking down on her? Lin Fan wouldn't tolerate it. She first gave him a beating and then took back everything she had given him. Facing a business threatened by robbers? Lin Fan remained calm and even managed to apprehend the robbers herself, earning a reward in the process. Encountering human traffickers on a train? Lin Fan used her wits and sold the traffickers back to the other traffickers and made a profit. From a lazy and overweight ""Lin Fan,"" she transformed into the CEO of multiple factories in the 80s. She owned clothing, food, and medical equipment companies. Not only did she possess numerous factories, but she also had an extensive network in various industries. Her military husband: "Darling, I have an eight-pack abs. Can I be your sugar baby?"
Mountain Springs · 243.1K Views

Miracle Doctor Changes Her Life After Being Killed by Her Adopted Sister

Meng Jiao reincarnated after dying in a car accident! She was the third daughter of the Meng family, but she grew up in her nanny's family. She stayed in the attic and never had enough to eat. As a result, she was extremely skinny. This happened because the nanny secretly swapped her daughter with her years ago. When Meng Jiao was twelve, her biological parents discovered the truth and brought her home. From their perspective, this was all the nanny's fault. Their adopted daughter was innocent. As a result, Meng Jiao could only become the fourth daughter in the family after she returned. Meng Jiao was the only one who knew that her adopted sister wasn't innocent. If the latter hadn't given the order, Meng Jiao wouldn't have been knocked off a cliff in her previous life. Meng Jiao found out that her adopted sister wanted to kill her, but she didn't dare tell her parents because she had no proof. Meanwhile, Meng Jiao's parents also disliked her because of her adopted sister's influence. Emboldened by this, Meng Jiao's adopted sister bullied her even more. In fact, she even got Meng Jiao's master killed! Since God allowed Meng Jiao to reincarnate as her twelve-year-old self, she decided to protect the people she cared about this time! To her surprise, the man who used to have nothing to do with her suddenly appeared. "I heard that you have excellent medical skills. You're the only one who can cure my illness." Meng Jiao looked at the head of the Gong family, who was rumored to be a ruthless and cold-blooded killer, before taking a step back. "Mr. Gong, please use words and not your hands. Men and women need to keep their distance from each other."
Mountain Springs · 471.2K Views

Oasis of Blood

Prince Samir looked at her disdainfully. “You’re not human.” “Aren’t I?” Nazmi asked boredly. “You aren’t.” She rolled her eyes. “Then what am I, your highness?” “A nymph. I can tell.” Prince Samir’s golden orange eyes threatened her. That if she lied again, she would surely lose her life. Nazmi started to panic. She hadn’t felt such genuine fear in a very long time. Time was running out, she needed to try and execute her plan before it was too late – but she swallowed the fear inside her to avoid blowing her cover. “How can you be so sure?” Nazmi laughed. Unfortunately for him, aside from having a lot to hide, playing with fire was her favorite activity. “Is it because you can’t bite me?” His dark skin and glowing eyes looked beautiful in the dim lighting; such an ethereal and lovely appearance wasn’t befitting of a vile monster like a vampire, Nazmi thought to herself. How unfortunate. The vampire hummed in agreement. “I would have ripped your skin and devoured your ichor the moment I saw you if it weren’t stopping me.” “You could always just kill me and drink my blood that way,” she said with a sarcastic smile. “Barbaric, yes, but it seems you and your kind prefer it that way. I’d say you’re animals, but that would be too cruel a comparison. Animals could never be as disgusting as you.” — War between the humans and vampires has gone on for centuries. Bloodshed and domination are all the two races seem to know, and neither side ever show intention for peace. The death toll between them is massive, both mortals and vampires alike. But what about everyone caught in between? Nazmiseia is one of the few remaining nymphs left. Since nymphs are spirits borne from nature, the constant shedding of blood and war has destroyed countless of their homes. Many of the wars took place on nymph land.As a girl, she lost her friends and family all save for her father. He took her to live amongst the humans and blend in, so that they could live a peaceful life. She took up the human-friendly nickname of Nazmi. Her father didn't know that his sweet girl would grow up wanting nothing but revenge on both humans and vampires alike. She is now the age of 20, finally old enough to begin learning how to use her nymph powers. While developing connections with strong people and training to fight, she ends up thrown in the middle of a human-vampire skirmish at the border. Nazmi not only finds herself injured, but captured by one of the most fearsome vampire generals. In the hands of the notoriously handsome and tyrannical vampire Prince Samir, her plans for revenge have to take a backseat to something more urgent - escape! — There will be lots of R18 detailed smut throughout the story. Please be aware! Blood and gore, vivid descriptions of death. Enemies to lovers, of course.~
carmyko · 192.8K Views
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