Legacy of the Lupine
Set against the luxurious backdrop of Beverly Hills, USA, this captivating story follows Raye as she unravels deep family secrets while grappling with her identity. The Infinite Dexter Pack, a werewolf community living in constant fear under the oppressive reign of Alster, the Alpha's entitled nephew, casts a shadow over her life.
Seeking answers, Raye travels to Edinburgh to investigate her mysterious Aunt Betty. There, she meets Damien, a charming and enigmatic ally who becomes her first love. Their connection grows, and Damien agrees to accompany Raye back to Beverly Hills to uncover the sinister truths haunting her pack and family.
The story takes an unexpected turn when Raye discovers her true nature as a werewolf and learns the shocking truth about her late mother, Bea. Contrary to her initial beliefs, May was not responsible for Bea’s death. Instead, May’s marriage to Edwards was a sacrifice to stay close to Raye and protect her from the dangers lurking in the shadows.
This novel, blending elements of paranormal romance, mystery, and drama, explores themes of love, betrayal, and the resilience of the human (and werewolf) spirit.