Black, Red And White
A catastrophic incident takes place in the year of 2024, when the globe is facing unheard-of difficulties. Massive tree sprouts from the ground in the middle of an typical neighborhood, growing quickly and with menacing growth. The Earth is gripped by terror and confusion as the tree flies into the sky. With their knowledge of this unusual occurrence rendered worthless, governments, scientists, and the armed forces are completely perplexed.
As the tree's shadow grows and casts a pall over humanity, the entire globe watches in terror. The familiar atmosphere grows denser, pressing down on all living things with a physical pressure. The tree attracts a diverse range of people within its area of influence as each day goes by.
Certain people mutter the term "Yggdrasil," connecting the enormous tree to legendary stories, having knowledge of old predictions and tales. Others are just entangled in the net of this worldwide abnormality, oblivious to such information. As life intersects and their destiny become entwined with the mysterious tree, love, loss, and desperation merge. When chaos and uncertainty take over the globe.