Stella & Khaos : The tale of duality.
"In the depths of eternity, where darkness and light entwined, the universe was born from the dreams of the gods. From the celestial harmonies of creation to the discordant melodies of destruction, the cosmic symphony echoed across the expanse.
Within this grand tapestry, a world emerged, forged from the essence of duality. Earth, a terrestrial haven, became the stage for an epic drama, as forces of creation and destruction converged. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, as two goddesses, Stella and Khaos, wove a narrative of light and darkness, life and death.
Their story, a testament to the eternal dance between opposites, would give rise to a new era, one where humanity would inherit the earth, and the delicate balance of the cosmos. Join us on a journey through the ages, as we explore the celestial ballet, the birth of life, and the eternal struggle between creation and destruction."