Heavenly Martial Arts
In a world where legends collide and powers unimaginable rise, a dark, mysterious relic known as the Chronicle of All Realms is the key to boundless power. From legendary tales of dragons and spirits, shattered voids, and cloud-conquering storms, to forbidden mountain secrets, godlike weapons, celestial swords, and even realms beyond the stars—everything begins with this enigmatic tome.
In his past life, he was but a mortal, frail and close to death. But in this life, he is determined to defy fate and seize the summit of power, to attain immortality and beyond. He roams the realms, crossing through infinite worlds, challenging the heavens, and seeking that elusive, eternal path. With his ruthless ambition and disregard for the rules, he vows to crush everyone in his way.
Can anything in existence truly be eternal? Or will his unrelenting journey devour all that he has gained? Enter a saga where the line between villain and hero is obliterated, and see what price the pursuit of eternity truly demands.
this is a translation of a Chinese novel
The MC is evil, cold, ruthless, and pragmatic so be aware
and to all evil mc lovers, welcome to heaven