Bound By Love And Magic
In the mystical realm of Eldrador, a young queen named Kaida finds herself at the centre of a polyamorous relationship with six powerful kings. Each king possesses unique abilities and strengths, and together they form a united front against the dark forces that threaten their kingdom.
As Kaida navigates her relationships with each of the kings, she discovers that she is the key to unlocking an ancient prophecy that will determine the fate of Eldrador. With the help of her lovers, Kaida must confront the darkness with herself and face the evil sorcerer Malakar, who seeks to destroy their kingdom.
Throughout the novel, Kaida and her kings face numerous challenges and obstacles, including battles with dark creatures, political intrigue and personal struggles. However, through their love and devotion to one another, they are able to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger and more united than ever.