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Wuxia Xianxia

Cosplay Cultivator

Tang Ze has always been passionate about cosplaying, even crafting his own costumes from scratch. So, when he suddenly finds himself transported to a Xianxia world, he’s in for a surprise: his favorite hobby is now his greatest strength. By cosplaying characters, he can temporarily harness their powers! The better the costume, the more abilities he can draw upon—and with enough time, he can even permanently absorb their powers. Unfortunately, Tang Ze isn't exactly skilled in the complex cultivation system of this new world. But that’s no problem! As long as he has a costume, he’s determined to find his way forward. And if there's no costume? He’ll make one! Join Tang Ze and his friends as they navigate wild adventures, hilariously sticky situations, and unexpected challenges in this action-packed, cosplay-powered journey! Disclaimer: This story contains detailed depictions of suicide and sensitive themes related to mental health in certain scenes [the chapters which involve these scenes will also have disclaimers before them in case you wish to skip them]. These topics may be distressing or triggering for some. Reader discretion is advised, particularly for those who may have struggled with such issues in the past. What To Expect: - MC has a unique talent related to cosplaying - No system - No harem This story is mainly uploaded on RoyalRoad, I'm uploading it here for possible extra exposure. You can join my Patreon to get two week's worth of chapters (10 chapters, about 18-20k words) in advance:
Drechenaux · 789 Views

Steadily becoming a saint, the immortal officials hired me to tend the horses

The latest novel by the author of 'I Became An Immortal On Mortal Realm', Let me laugh, the author you will never be disappointed with, enjoy to your heart's content!!! ------------- Author's message to webnovel readers: It has come as an unexpected delight that Xianxia novels, a genre unique to China, have been warmly received by an international audience. I sincerely thank everyone for their support. I am committed to considering all the valuable suggestions put forth by readers, and to maintaining the style you have all come to love, all the while striving to continue delivering my best work. The book "Steadily Becoming a Saint, The Immortal Officials Hired Me to Tend the Horses" retains the familiar style of my previous works but ventures into entirely new territory with its plot and world-building. This story will reflect mortal aspirations for eternal life and ascension to immortality, as well as portray the epic tale of celestial beings witnessing the evolution of the universe through the ages. I hope you will all enjoy it. Best regards. by Let me laugh ------------- As a house servant, Gu An accidentally shattered a jar of Spirit Flowers in his youth, and in his panic, he discovered that he had seized twelve years of life span! A path to immortality thus unfolded before Gu An's eyes! In order to cultivate in peace, Gu An chose to become a Servant Disciple of the Supreme Sect, planting medicinal herbs daily to cultivate by seizing the life span of these herbs. Through the evolution of life span, his Basic Skill constantly evolved, deducing from Basic Sorcery to reach Divine Skills that connected to heaven! Eras changed, constellations shifted, and the Mortal World transformed vastly. Gradually, legends of immortals emerged in the Mortal World. The immortal known as Gu An expended half of his life span, helping his Cultivation Level break through the limits of the Immortal Path and achieving the realm of a Saint, soaring above the heavenly laws. However, one day, a white-robed old man with a saintly presence came to visit Gu An. "I am Xuan Qing from the Heavenly Stars above, appointed by the Heavenly Emperor Tai Hao. Hearing of Daoist Friend's numerous benevolent deeds in the Mortal World and your countless rescues of the living beings here, the merits are immeasurable. Thus, I have been dispatched from the Lower Realm to invite Daoist Friend to join the ranks of the immortals, to take up an immortal office, the Divine Steed Celestial Official." "May I ask what the duties of the Divine Steed Celestial Official are?" "In the Heavenly Court, there are divine steeds that can traverse earth and heaven and penetrate Yin Yang. The Divine Steed Celestial Official is responsible for looking after and feeding these divine steeds." Huh? Taking care of horses? Groom?!
Let me laugh · 2.4M Views

Leyenda olvidada de la Flor Ensangrentada

``` —Vive la vida que deseas esta vez. Una asesina sin igual, nombre en código: Hua, ya había comenzado su carrera desde que era niña. Su historial de misiones era perfecto y aquellos que se consideraban sus enemigos acababan muertos sin saber por qué. Cuando la guerra terminó, fue enviada a una institución donde era vigilada estrechamente. El médico a cargo le dio una novela wuxia ordinaria para leer. Una avalancha ocurrió después de que terminó de leer. Cuando despertó, se había convertido en Nan Hua, la joven señorita de una poderosa familia militar en la novela que leyó. La chica también era la ex prometida del personaje principal, quien moriría por obstruir el amor del personaje principal. Ahora que ella había tomado el control, ¿quién se atrevería a actuar tan presuntuosamente a su alrededor? ¡Nunca sabrían cómo terminaron de manera tan miserable! Pero... personaje principal, ¿qué estás haciendo merodeando a su alrededor? ¿No deberías concentrarte en la guerra inminente y salvar a tu protagonista femenina? ¿Por qué estás intentando de todas las maneras ganarte su favor en cambio, eh? ... Historia situada en un mundo ficticio con cultura similar a la antigua China. Únete al discord para conversar con la autora y otros lectores: Agradecimiento especial para Jiyen (usuario de webnovel Cookiejiyen) que ha creado una hermosa portada *enviando corazones* ... PD: Esta historia también está publicada en Amazon, si la lees allí, por favor deja un comentario. Gracias ^^ ... Secuela: Flor Astral [en curso] ... Otras novelas: - Flores florecen del campo de batalla [completa] - Bajo el velo de la noche [completa] - 7 Caminos de los Lirios [en pausa larga] - 1 Año de Comienzo [completa] - Dama Villana [completa] - Ciencia y Fantasía [completa] - 2 Años de Reinicio [completa] - La Emperatriz Silenciosa [en curso] - La Pequeña Gata del Villano [en curso] ... Sígueme en IG: @sora100518 ```
Sorahana · 192.9K Views

Não é Fácil Ser um Homem Depois de Viajar para o Futuro

Após morrer de uma estranha doença terminal, Ling Lan renasceu em um mundo 10000 anos no futuro. Embora ela desejasse ardentemente poder apenas viver uma vida pacífica e sem eventos em seu novo corpo saudável, o destino tinha outros planos... Obrigada a se disfarçar de menino apenas para poder herdar os benefícios militares premium de seu falecido pai, a jornada de Ling Lan até a idade adulta foi cheia de desafios. Após muita dificuldade, ela finalmente chegou aos dezesseis anos, quando poderia abandonar a farsa. Mas antes que pudesse aproveitar sua recém-descoberta liberdade para se casar e iniciar sua própria família, uma reviravolta do destino a lança na principal escola militar para garotos da Federação. Com essas reviravoltas do destino, Ling Lan teve pouca escolha a não ser caminhar cada vez mais por um caminho sem volta, um de domínio frio e distante... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ryuxenji, o tradutor aqui. :3 Aqui estão algumas outras coisas que vocês devem saber: 1) Esta história NÃO é primariamente um romance. O sistema da QI atualmente categoriza todos os romances provenientes do site chinês de novelas para mulheres (起点女生网) como 'romance' sem falhas, independentemente de serem verdadeiramente romances ou não. Então, se você está aqui apenas pelo romance, talvez queira encontrar um romance diferente. Haverá algum romance eventualmente, mas a maior parte deste romance é de ficção científica/Xianxia com muita construção de mundo e desenvolvimento de personagem. 2) Eu uso ortografia britânica. Então, por favor, certifique-se de que erros ortográficos são realmente erros antes de reportá-los. 3) Não importa o que a taxa de lançamento no topo diga, a taxa de lançamento garantida no momento é de 1 cap/dia (também conhecido como 7 cap/semana). O resto é extra à minha discrição. (Eu tentarei fazer o meu melhor, mas responsabilidades da vida real vêm primeiro.)
Madam Ru · 81.8K Views

Mundo Etéreo: El Camino de la Inmortalidad del Carne de Cañón Despiadado

Bei YueYue era una persona desinteresada y amable. Posteriormente, transmigra y se convierte en Huang Ying Yue, un personaje femenino secundario conocido por su maldad, inmisericordia, lujuria, inhumanidad y personalidad ninfómana en la novela inmortal que acababa de leer. En la novela, la Huang Ying Yue original había cometido incontables actos malvados que ofendieron a muchos de los personajes poderosos que aparecen en ella. No solo la heroína de la novela, sino todos los hombres de su harén fueron acosados y abusados física y mentalmente por ella de diferentes maneras. El camino hacia la inmortalidad está lleno de espinas, peligros y amenazas imprevisibles. Cultivadores malvados, monstruos y demonios están haciendo estragos por todas partes. Mientras persiguen el camino de la inmortalidad, todos los cultivadores deben unir fuerzas para eliminar a esos seres malévolos. Mientras intenta alcanzar su meta, YueYue debe enfrentarse a innumerables enemigos poderosos a quienes Huang Ying Yue ofendió en el pasado, así como a las deudas que Huang Ying Yue contrajo. Simultáneamente, tiene que enfrentarse a la belleza fría y heroína de la historia, Huang Bai Xing, que está rodeada de incontables hombres hermosos y fortunas desafiantes del cielo. Con el favor del cielo y el dedo de oro, Huang Bai Xing recibió dedos de oro. Con estos dedos de oro, Huang Bai Xing se fortaleció día tras día y esperó la mejor oportunidad para matar a Huang Ying Yue. Gente poderosa, los hombres de Huang Bai Xing, uno tras otro, sacan sus armas, con la intención de matar y enseñarle una lección terrible porque ella hirió a su amada. Afortunadamente, con el desafiante Pequeño Mundo Etéreo que recibió, ella podía plantar las plantas espirituales, cosechar las frutas espirituales, cultivar con el abundante poder espiritual y engañar al tiempo, bañándose con la cascada espiritual dentro del espacio, mientras mantenía su vida ‘pacífica’ persiguiendo el camino de la inmortalidad. Con su leal ejército de bestias, se lanzó al camino de la cultivación para conocer nuevas personas, amor, amistad, dificultades, emociones y un pasado misterioso, mientras cambiaba su destino y el de todos a su alrededor hacia un futuro mejor. Subconscientemente, ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que debido a su personalidad, atraía incontables flores de durazno que cambiaron su monótona vida eternamente. Advertencia: Final 1VN, una mujer termina con muchos hombres. Hay amores tabú (pero no sin cerebro) Por favor lea las etiquetas antes de sumergirse en mi mundo. Portada de: Pinterest, los créditos van al legítimo propietario. Mi cuenta de Instagram: Littlecarrot006_ Mi nombre de usuario de DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Mi segundo libro: Mito del Milagro: Renacida para Desafiar mi Destino Ese libro es para participar en el WSA 2024 (En proceso) #EspacioPortal #HarénInverso #Tabú #RomanceOscuro #ProtagonistaFemeninaXianxia #Xianxia #Sinparejas #Cultivación #Aventura #Inmortalidad #Poligamia #Muchoshombreshermosos #Transmigrada #CarneDeCañón #Romance #Lucha #Bestias #Multicontinentes #PasadoMisterioso #FLamableygentilperonodébil #Perdonarperonoolvidar #FLinteligente
Littlecarrot · 123.2K Views

Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

“Live the life you want this time.” A peerless assassin, codename: Hua, has already started her career ever since she was a child. Her mission’s record was perfect and whoever deemed to be her enemies would end up dead without knowing why. When war ended, she was sent to an institution where she was watched heavily. The doctor in charge gave her an ordinary wuxia novel to read. An avalanche struck after she had finished reading. When she woke up, she had turned into Nan Hua, the young miss of a powerful military family in the novel she read. The girl was also the former main character’s fiancée, who would die because of obstructing the main character’s love. Now that she had taken over, who would dare to act so presumptuously around her? They would never know how they ended up so miserably! But… main character, what are you doing loitering around her? Shouldn’t you focus on the impeding war and saving your female lead? Why are you trying all ways to win her instead, ah? ... Story set in fictional world with similar culture to Ancient China. Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers: ... P.S: This story is published in Amazon too, if you do read there, kindly leave a review please. Thank you ^^ ... Sequel: Astral Flower [on going] ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - The Quiet Empress [on going] - The Villain's Little Cat [on going] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518
Sorahana · 9.1M Views

All the Elders in My Sect Are My Avatars!

Common Summary: A common modern man finds himself in an immortal cultivation world right after his death. Armed with a sect system to assist him on this difficult journey, he is shocked to discover that the elders summoned by the system are, in fact, avatars of himself. Determined to take things one step at a time and enjoy his new life, he makes a decision: "I’ll leave the problems to my avatars, and I’ll cultivate in peace." ---------------------------------- Xianxia Summary: Are your cultivation techniques of high quality? Then check out the almost-perfect techniques my avatar created! The best quality golden core is the extreme first-grade core? Then look at my extreme first-grade core! The usual tribulation for geniuses has 9 lightning bolts? Mine does too! I don’t have a perfect foundation, so if the heavens send more lightning, I’ll sue them! Common protagonists take an elixir that should make them rise 9 levels, but they only rise 1 because of their perfect foundation? Then I’ll take it and rise 10 realms, because my foundation is almost-perfect, not perfect. While other protagonists struggle in one realm to reach perfection and fight a level higher, I’m already 4 realms ahead. ---------------------------------- PS: There is no other protagonist besides the MC. In this summary, the protagonists mentioned are only from the works he read in the modern world. PS2: I try to include explanations and descriptions of each realm and other aspects of the world, but they will only appear when the MC interacts with them or reaches that realm. PS3: The avatars don’t have much focus in the beginning, but in later chapters, they will get more and more screen time. PS4: Almost reaching the last console. PS5: I made it! ---------------------------------- The story will also be available on RR, under the same title and author pseudonym.
Tigr4 · 52.5K Views

Reincarnated as a Scholar: But I only write Erotica

**CAUTION: CONTAINS ELEMENT OF TABOO, I Dreamed of Cultivation... and Got Homework Instead! “Ah, reincarnation into a xianxia world! Time to wield swords, shoot qi bullets, and become the overlord of the heavens!” At least, that’s what Lin Mao thought would happen. Instead, he woke up in a scholar’s robe, surrounded by ink-stained fingers and people debating... philosophy. “This isn’t the path to immortality! This is the path to finals!” Now Lin Mao has to navigate his life in the prestigious Sky Moon Sect, where flying on swords is nothing but a dream. The only thing flying is debates and enlightenment that comes from philosophy, not martial arts. Instead of fighting demonic beasts, he's fighting grumpy senior brothers, mysterious sect elders, and his master that has a.......long beard. “Who needs qi cultivation when you have the ‘Path of Society’? What does that even mean?! And why does everyone here hate jokes?!” Filled with nothing but Earth’s most degenerate novels, his unhinged personality, and his special ability to accidentally piss people off, Lin Mao is determined to shake up the scholar world. He might not be a cultivator, but who says he can’t make being a scholar legendary? “This isn’t the dream I signed up for, but whatever. If they are going to make me study, I’ll do it my way!” **** This novel will be story-focused, blending humor, character development, and world-building. However, it will also include R18 elements with detailed smut for those who enjoy a little spice in their story. You’ve been warned! *** [ Tags ] R-18 | Mature | Adult | Smut | Harem | Ecchi | Hentai | NSFW | Netori | Blowjob | Anal | Sex | Threesome | Foursome | Hardcore | Feet | Thick | Thicc | Loli | Milf | Gilf | Young & Mature | Choking | Out doors | Humiliation | Bdsm | Fetish | Action | Handsome MC | Weak to Strong MC | Comedy | Wise
Philosopher_Immort · 22.7K Views

The Black Cloud Sword Chronicles: The Rise of Do-Hyun

“Kangho refers to the world of martial artists, akin to the ‘jianghu’ in Chinese wuxia literature.” “The Martial World doesn’t belong to the strong—it belongs to those who endure until the end.” Lee Do-Hyun, an ordinary office worker. Trapped in a monotonous routine, he stumbles upon a mysterious book that changes his life forever. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a new world—the Martial World (Kangho)—reborn as the weakest of the weak. With no power to rely on, Do-Hyun is saved by Chun-Hyang at the Pungwolru, a house of pleasure that’s much more than it seems. There, he learns the ways of survival from women who have mastered the art of turning weakness into strength. Quick footwork, exploiting openings, and the psychology of battle—skills not meant for the strong, but for those determined to survive. Then, fate intervenes. Do-Hyun discovers a legendary blade—the Ego’s Sword—a weapon that chooses its own master. The blade whispers, “I will test your will.” With this cursed gift, Do-Hyun rises from obscurity, becoming a beacon of hope for the oppressed. His name spreads through the Martial World, and the once-mocked women of Pungwolru stand proud alongside him. But the Martial World doesn’t change so easily. • Rising prodigies who believe in the supremacy of raw strength • A corrupt leadership within the so-called “just” Beggar’s Sect • And secret powers scheming to revive the legacy of fallen gods… At the heart of these battles, Do-Hyun makes his stand: “I’ll shatter the rules of Kangho. I’ll show them the true meaning of strength.” Will he become the master of the sword—or will the sword master him? The story of a man who became the hope of the weak begins now. #MartialArts #Isekai #Swordmaster #UnderdogRising #ReformingTheMartialWorld
haebark · 10.2K Views

The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the pinnacle of a Xianxia Cultivation Story appears in the middle of a post-apocalyptic system and tower climbing setting, without having lost her powers, unrestrained, and invincible? Bing Xue spent eleven thousand years in the world of Murim, ascending to become the pinnacle after countless hardships, blood, and tears, and sacrificing her own humanity in the process. However, she was incapable of ascending into the Immemorial Primordial Void Realm; incapable of escaping the Heavenly Will's influence, she gambled it all on a single decision, escaping into the Outer Cosmos with her last remaining energies. Despite thinking her long journey was coming to an end, a black hole teleports her back to Earth out of nowhere! However, things on her home planet are much different than before. The Tower now exists, connecting Earth with countless other worlds. Monsters come out of Dimensional Gates, threatening humanity, and awakened people named Players climb the Tower in hopes of saving humanity from destruction. After learning that her mother and her sister are still alive, Bing Xue will use the overwhelming and supreme might she has cultivated for eleven thousand years to destroy the tower, slay the gods that govern it, and save Earth from its untimely demise. The System? She will fold it and make a fashionable scarf with it! The Administrators? They might become her new pets. The Monsters? Nothing but ants that die immediately by merely touching her Immortal Aura. The Hunters? If they behave, she might make them her disciples and teach them to cultivate the Heavenly Dao, so they don’t rely too much on the System. The Hostile Players? Just flies she’ll slap to death with a gentle wave of her hands. And the Gods? Merely aperitives for her ever-growing Divinity! During its serialization, this novel will be available for free forever, no premium. However, you can read advanced chapters here: Copyright 2023 PancakesWitch. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a review. This novel is also being posted on Scribblehub and Royal Road. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Thank you.
PancakesWitch · 1.1M Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was known for her selflessness and kind nature. Eventually, she found herself in a new life as 'Huang Ying Yue', a notorious female antagonist infamous for her cruelty, ruthlessness, debauchery, and nymphomaniacal tendencies in the very immortal novel she had just read. In the storyline, the original 'Huang Ying Yue' committed numerous atrocious acts that alienated many formidable characters. Not only the protagonist of the novel but also all her suitors suffered harassment and maltreatment at the hands of 'her' in various disturbing ways. The path to immortality was fraught with peril, brimming with dangers and unpredictable threats. Evil cultivators and monstrous entities wreaked havoc, compelling all cultivators to unite against these malevolent forces. As Yueyue sought to fulfill her aspirations, she faced an array of powerful adversaries previously wronged by 'Huang Ying Yue', as well as confront the consequences of her predecessor's misdeeds. In addition, she had to contend with the icy beauty of Huang Bai Xing, the heroine surrounded by numerous charming men and extraordinary fortunes. Gifted with extraordinary abilities from the heavens, Huang Bai Xing, through her golden finger, continuously grew in strength, patiently waiting for her chance to take revenge on 'Huang Ying Yue'. Those in positions of power, along with Huang Bai Xing's allies, brandished their weapons, determined to deliver a severe punishment for the pain 'she' caused to their beloved. Fortunately, with the aid of a miraculous Ethereal small world bestowed upon her, Yueyue could cultivate spiritual plants, reap spiritual fruits, harness abundant spiritual energy, leaning countless spells, and enjoy the cleansing waters of the spiritual waterfall, all while maintaining a semblance of tranquility on her journey to immortality. Accompanied by her loyal beast army, she ventured down the cultivation path, encountering new friendships, love, challenges, thrills, and a mysterious past, all while transforming her fate and those around her into a brighter future. Unbeknownst to her, her innate charm and warm-heartedness attracted an unending stream of romantic interests, forever altering her once mundane existence. Just when she believed she could finally escape the life of a mere cannon fodder, she stumbled into even greater mess! Why are there so many protagonists in this narrative? What are they staring at her for with those strange and enigmatic looks? Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please kindly read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 2.5M Views

Item_Duplication Bug-0032. [Trash Novel]

The Name says it all. - Its Wuxia/Western mix world. It's a Trash Novel - Read at your own risk. However, I will update it daily because this novel is my trashbin where I dump my trash ideas and other things. Nothing will make sense in this novel so don't care about reviewing or power coins. #Fantasy #Action #Adventure #DarkFantasy #AntiheroFantasy #CunningMC #SchemingProtagonist #WittyMC #TricksterLead #MorallyAmbiguousMC #MysterySkill #ItemSummoning #HiddenPower #NoCultivation #StreetSmartMC #GrimWorld #BlackMarketDeals #SlaveTrade #WarChaos #ImperialConflict #DebtRepayment #OutsmartingFoes #SurvivalGame #BetrayalRisk #ConmanLife #FamilyLegacy #RevengeDebt #QuickWit #SuccubusTears #SpatialRingDrop #BeastHybrids #ArmyPressure #RareArtifacts #GrittyTale #FastPacedAction #DarkHumor #DialogueHeavy #CynicalEdge #TrashToTreasure #TrashMaster #TrashLegacy #TrashSurvivor #TrashKing #Cheater #Scammer #Liar #Cunning #Manipulator #Schemer #SilverTongue #StreetSmart #Deceptive #Shameless #Ruthless #SoftHearted #Antihero #Survivalist #CowardlyClever #Opportunist #MorallyGray #SelfServing #WorldlyWise #BackupPlanner #ConArtist #FakeWeak #Trickster #RopePuller #Fearless #Unpredictable #TrashMC #Scorned #Outcast #HiddenStrength #EscapeMaster #QuickThinker #FakeNice #DualFaced #FriendlySchemer #BluffMaster #EmotionManipulator #Persuasive #TalkNoJutsu #CultivationWorld #WestChinese #LowKey #RogueLike #Streetwise #DesertSeller #ConvincingActor #HiddenAmbition #TrickMaster #FastTalker #MindGamer #Fantasy #CunningMC #BlackMarketDeals #DebtRepayment #TrashLegacy #GrittyTale #Action #DarkFantasy #TricksterLead #SurvivalGame #SuccubusTears #WarChaos #FastPacedAction #AntiheroFantasy #SchemingProtagonist #OutsmartingFoes #TrashSurvivor #RareArtifacts #DarkHumor
WoodenPaw · 1.9K Views
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