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Mia In Pulp

Mia n'est pas une fauteuse de troubles !

La famille Miller avait dans ses rangs une fauteuse de troubles. Son nom était Amelia Miller. Sa mère était morte en couches lorsqu'elle est née. Sa belle-mère est tombée d'un escalier alors qu'elle était enceinte et est morte. Le père d'Amelia la punissait en la faisant mettre face au mur dans le grenier. Le grenier était sombre et humide, sans la moindre lumière du soleil. Personne ne lui apportait à manger, et Amelia pensait qu'elle pourrait bien y mourir. Peu avant sa mort, elle composa un numéro que sa mère lui avait donné avant de passer. Après avoir raccroché, des bruits de grondement résonnèrent autour d'elle. La résidence de la famille Miller était encerclée par un groupe de gardes du corps habillés en noir. Huit hommes sortirent de leurs voitures, chacun dégageant une aura différente. Ils se dirigèrent directement vers le grenier. L'homme qui les menait mit un genou à terre et tint Amelia, inconsciente, dans ses bras. Il avait une expression solennelle sur le visage. « La famille Miller doit faire faillite. » Après avoir dormi toute la nuit, Amelia se réveilla pour découvrir que son père avait fait faillite. Les membres de sa famille étaient tous sans-abri. Pendant ce temps, elle... Elle avait huit oncles et un grand-père aimant qui l'adoraient profondément. Le père d'Amelia regrettait ce qu'il avait fait, et il refusait d'accepter son destin. Et alors si Amelia menait maintenant une bonne vie ? Elle restait la fauteuse de troubles qui avait causé la mort de sa mère et la faillite de son père ! Il ignorait qu'après le retour d'Amelia chez son oncle, leur chance ne semblait que s'améliorer. Même sa grand-mère clouée au lit pouvait désormais sortir de son lit et danser sur la place ! Enfin, un homme à l'allure divine prétendit être son père. Il la dorlotait au point que le monde entier l'enviait.
Nunu · 41.4K Views

Born in apocalypse

[Alternate Title: Born In Apocalypse With True Fusion] [Alternate Title: Endless Evolution In The Apocalypse] ********** The life where Dhruv had it all – a caring family, loyal friends, and a fulfilling job. Suddenly his life took an unexpected turn for the worse, and he lost everything in his life. His family was raped and then murdered, his friends left him, and he found himself in prison for crimes he wouldn’t have even dreamed of committing. He was falsely accused of stealing from his company and then in the heat of the moment killed all his family members. He couldn’t even die in peace and was constantly getting bullied and tortured… But like everything else even his situation evolved as the ‘COSMIC EVOLUTION’ arrived on his solar system. With COSMIC EVOLUTION comes the power to evolve any and everything. Swords and Magic lays in everyone's hands as they try to clear the quest. But in this contest not everyone was equal... In this new era of evolution, Dhruv became the Chosen One. With his immense magical power, he began his journey to conquer everything there is to conquer… Ahhh! And Yes, how can he forget about getting revenge…. ********** The novel is filled with evolution, and fusion while its worlds are filled with monsters, quests dungeons, and whatnot. Whatever you need to satisfy your addiction is all here.. so be sure to enjoy it. If you are still reading then be sure to check out... the first few chapters might appear as rough but I guarantee you it will only get better and better.
COSMIC04 · 1.2M Views

Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

The Miller family had a troublemaker in the family. Her name was Amelia Miller. Her mother died in childbirth when she was born. Her stepmother fell off a flight of stairs while pregnant and died. Amelia's father punished her by making her face the wall in the attic. The attic was dark and humid, and there was no sunlight at all. Nobody brought her food, and Amelia thought she might very well die there. Moments before her death, she dialed a number that her mother had told her before she passed away. After she hung up, there were rumbling sounds all around her. The Miller family's residence was surrounded by a group of bodyguards dressed in black. Eight men got out of their cars, each with a different aura. They went directly to the attic. The man who led them went down on one knee and held Amelia, unconscious, in his arms. He had a solemn expression on his face. "The Miller family needs to go bankrupt." After sleeping the entire night, Amelia woke up to find that her father was bankrupt. Her family members were all homeless. Meanwhile, she... She had eight uncles and a kind grandfather who loved her dearly. Amelia's father regretted what he did, and he was unwilling to accept his fate. So what if Amelia was living a good life now? She was still the troublemaker who got her mother killed and her father bankrupt! Little did he know, after Amelia returned to her uncle's house, their luck only seemed to improve. Even her bedridden grandmother could now get out of bed and dance in the square! Finally, a god-like man claimed to be her father. He pampered her to the point where the entire world became envious of her.
Nunu · 2.3M Views


In the year 2150, humanity has spread across the stars, colonizing distant planets and establishing a network of space stations. Among these interstellar pioneers is Captain Aria Valen, a decorated pilot and commander of the starship Elysian. Dedicated to her mission and crew, Aria has little time for romance, having locked away her heart after a past betrayal. On a routine mission to deliver supplies to the remote colony of Zephyr-9, Aria's ship encounters a mysterious distress signal emanating from an uncharted planet. Reluctantly, she diverts course to investigate, discovering a small, crashed vessel and a lone survivor: Dr. Ethan Cross, a brilliant and enigmatic astrophysicist. Ethan, working on a top-secret project, claims to have unlocked secrets about a rare cosmic phenomenon that could revolutionize space travel. Despite his guarded demeanor, Aria is drawn to his intellect and quiet strength. As they work together to repair Ethan's ship and uncover the truth behind his research, their mutual respect blossoms into something deeper. However, their growing connection is tested by external threats. A ruthless space pirate, Captain Lyra Nox, seeks the same knowledge Ethan possesses and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Aria and Ethan must navigate treacherous space battles, decipher hidden codes, and outmaneuver Lyra's relentless pursuit. As danger looms, Aria and Ethan realize that their bond is not just a fleeting romance but a powerful alliance that could alter the fate of humanity. Together, they must make a choice: protect their newfound love or sacrifice it to save countless lives. "WE FELL IN LOVE IN SPACE" is a tale of adventure, trust, and the unbreakable bonds forged among the stars. It's a journey that explores the limits of human courage and the infinite possibilities of love.
Rudra_Pratap_0706 · 8.3K Views
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