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온라인홀덤 l 365포커 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 2025년 365포커가 온다! 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2025년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. 홈페이지 : 파트너문의 : 가입코드 : 1 2 3 4 안전성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게 임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 5+5 더블업, 매번 주어지는 추가 10%, 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트, 홀덤 토너먼트, 사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션, 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원.365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 365포커 다운로드 PC,모바일(Android, IOS) 다운로드방법 : Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게 임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. #365포커 #365홀덤 #홀덤365 #포커365 #온라인홀덤 #비트코인 #알트코인 #니어프로토콜 #인터넷컴퓨터 #셀레스티아 #세이 #옵티미즘 #아비트럼 #인젝티브 #토르체인 #디와이디엑스 #이뮤터블 #빔 #갈라 #스택스 #오디 #렌더 #페치 #싱귤래리티넷 #아카시 #데소 #파일코인 #알위브 #롤비트 #도지코인 #페페코인 #페페 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트론 #네오 #퀀텀 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 #인싸포커 #h홀덤 #포커클럽 #온라인홀덤사이트추천 #온라인홀덤사이트 #바이브게임 #인디오게임 #레볼루션홀덤 #포커에이스 #홀덤사이트 #홀덤온라인 #온라인포커 #모바일홀덤 #라이브홀덤 #무설치홀덤 #와우포커 #윈조이홀덤 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #모바일홀덤추천 #해외온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤순위 #온라인홀덤캐쉬게임 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤환전 #365poker #포커에이스 365포커,365홀덤,홀덤365,포커365,온라인홀덤,비트코인,알트코인,니어프로토콜,인터넷컴퓨터,셀레스티아,세이,옵티미즘,아비트럼,인젝티브,토르체인,디와이디엑스,이뮤터블,빔,갈라,스택스,오디,렌더,페치,싱귤래리티넷,아카시,데소,파일코인,알위브,롤비트,도지코인,페페코인,페페,리플,이더리움,에이다,솔라나,체인링크,아발란체,코스모스,스텔라,알트코인,중국코인,미국코인,한국코인,김프,폴카닷,코스모스,파일코인,알고랜드,트론,네오,퀀텀,트럼프,계엄령,탄핵,인싸포커,h홀덤,포커클럽,온라인홀덤사이트추천,온라인홀덤사이트,바이브게임,인디오게임,레볼루션홀덤,포커에이스,홀덤사이트,홀덤온라인,온라인포커,모바일홀덤,라이브홀덤,무설치홀덤,와우포커,윈조이홀덤,텍사스홀덤,온라인홀덤추천,모바일홀덤추천,해외온라인홀덤,온라인홀덤순위,온라인홀덤캐쉬게임,온라인홀덤토너먼트,온라인홀덤환전,365poker,포커에이스
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365포커 l 온라인홀덤 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 온라인모바일홀덤 최저수수료 다운로드 365pkr.컴 가입코드 1234 텔 레 그 램 pok365 본사직속 총판문의 연락주세요! 최고요율!! 365포커 기능소개 1.최대4멀티 플레이 2.각플레이어 메모 태그기능 3.플레이어 HUD stats 통계 기능 4.12월 매충 이벤트 3+3, 5+5 5.매회10% 추가충전 6.개개인 취향에 따른 커스터마이징 7.Win,Android,ios 안정적인 지원 안정성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 그리고 365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 손끝에서 펼쳐지는 짜릿한 승부의 순간! 언제 어디서나 다양한 환경에서 즐길수 있는 실시간 게임 누구나 쉽게 즐길수 있는 직관적인 게임환경 최대 4개까지 이용가능한 지루할틈이 없는 멀티게임 각 플레이어들의 습관, 성향을 기록할수 있는 태그 기능 상대방의 패턴을 분석하여 플레이 할수 있는 HUD stats 통계 365포커에서 승부하라! 실시간으로 즐기는 정통 포커의 묘미 검증된 시스템으로 사용자는 항상 공정하고 안정적인 포커 게임을 즐길수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 15+15 더블업 매번 주어지는 추가 10% 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트를 상시 준비하여 사용자에게 특별한 보상의 기회를 제공합니다.  사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원합니다. 다양한 기기에 최적화 되어있는 안전하고 공정한 포커 경험 다양한 게임 및 토너먼트 제공 텍사스 홀덤, 토너먼트 등 세계적으로 인기 있는 다양한 포커 게임을 제공합니다. 초보자부터 프로까지 모두를 위한 게임 모드와 토너먼트를 통해 실력을 겨루고 높은 보상을 획득할 수 있습니다. 또한 언제 어디서나 참여할 수 있는 수준 높은 토너먼트를 기획하고 있습니다. 믿을 수 있는 보안 시스템 사용자의 계정과 자금을 철저히 보호하며, 안전하고 간편한 입출금 절차를 갖추고 있습니다. 또한, 24시간 지원팀이 있어 언제든 문의 사항에 빠르게 응답하여 편리한 게임 환경을 제공합니다. 고객센터 혹은 TELE그램을 통해 연락하시면 필요한 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. 다양한 기기에서 최적화된 플랫폼 Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2024년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. #365포커 #365홀덤 #온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #홀덤 #홀덤사이트 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인텍사스홀덤 #포커 #포커사이트 #홀덤온라인 #포커365 #포커365홀덤 #포커365사전예약 #포커365사이트 #포커365총판 #365홀덤 #포커스타즈 #w홀덤 #모바일홀덤 #모바일홀덤사이트 #PC홀덤 #아이폰홀덤 #아이폰홀덤게임 #온라인포커추천 #현금포커사이트 #홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #365포커온라인 #홀덤총판 #온라인홀덤총판 #포커클럽 #비트코인 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 365포커, 365홀덤, 온라인홀덤, 온라인홀덤추천, 홀덤, 홀덤사이트, 텍사스홀덤, 온라인텍사스홀덤, 포커, 포커사이트, 홀덤온라인, 포커365, 포커365홀덤, 포커365사전예약, 포커365사이트, 포커365총판, 365홀덤,포커스타즈, w홀덤, 모바일홀덤, 모바일홀덤사이트, PC홀덤, 아이폰홀덤, 아이폰홀덤게임, 온라인포커추천, 현금포커사이트, 홀덤토너먼트, 온라인홀덤토너먼트, 365포커온라인, 홀덤총판, 온라인홀덤총판, 포커클럽, 비트코인, 리플, 이더리움, 에이다, 솔라나, 체인링크, 아발란체, 코스모스, 스텔라, 알트코인, 중국코인, 미국코인, 한국코인, 김프, 폴카닷, 코스모스, 파일코인, 알고랜드, 트럼프, 계엄령, 탄핵
pok365 · 225 Views

The Marriage Pact: Mr and Mrs Hall

Ava Hamilton and Ethan Hall's lives are bound together by a shared secret: their contract marriage. Ava, driven by a burning desire for revenge against those responsible for her parents' tragic fate, seeks to exploit the vast resources of Ethan's powerful family. She hopes to uncover the truth behind her parents' murder and bring the perpetrators to justice, no matter the cost. Meanwhile, Ethan needs a wife to secure his position in the family business and appease his grandmother, the ruthless and cunning matriarch of the family empire. He believes Ava's beauty, intelligence, and determination make her the perfect candidate for the role. As they navigate their complicated alliance, they must confront their own dark pasts. But amidst the danger and deception, they begin to realize that their feelings for each other go far beyond mere convenience. They start to experience the thrill of forbidden love, a romance that could jeopardize their entire plan. As tensions escalate, Ava and Ethan must decide whether their growing passion is worth risking everything. Will they continue to prioritize their original goals, or will they succumb to the allure of a love that could change their lives forever? Against the backdrop of luxury and deceit, Ava and Ethan must navigate a complex web of power struggles, family dynamics, and hidden agendas. Will they emerge victorious, or will their marriage become a casualty of their families' endless quest for power? And will their love survive the secrets and lies that surround them? Excerpt: Ethan's eyes gleamed with amusement as he whispered in Ava's ear, "You know, wife, you're adorable when you're trying to be stern." He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart race. Ava's eyes flashed with irritation, her cheeks flushing. "Ethan, stop teasing me. We need to focus on our plan." She tried to sound firm, but her voice trembled slightly, betraying her frustration. Ethan's grin only grew wider. "Oh, come on, Ava. You know I'm just trying to lighten the mood. You're so serious all the time." He pushed off the wall, his movements fluid and graceful, and took a step closer to her. Ava's hands clenched into fists, her voice firm. "This isn't a game, Ethan. Our lives are at stake. We can't afford to make mistakes." She tried to sound convincing, but her eyes kept drifting to his, and she couldn't help but notice the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Ethan's expression turned innocent, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Who says I'm not taking it seriously? Maybe I'm just trying to distract you from the tension between us." He raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed on hers, and Ava felt her heart skip a beat. "There's no tension, Ethan. We're just allies in this marriage pact," she lied, trying to sound convincing. But her voice was barely above a whisper, and Ethan's knowing gaze made her feel like he could see right through her. Ethan's chuckle was low and husky. "Keep telling yourself that, Ava. But I see the way you look at me sometimes... like you're trying to resist a temptation." He took another step closer, his eyes locked onto hers, and Ava felt her pulse race. "I don't know what you're talking about," she lied again, trying to sound convincing. But her eyes darted away, betraying her. Ethan's whisper was soft, his breath caressing her ear. "Oh, but I think you do, Ava. And soon, you'll have to admit it." His words sent shivers down her spine, and Ava knew she was in danger of falling for her husband's charms, even though she refused to admit it. The air was charged with tension, their banter a delicate dance of denial and attraction. And in that moment, Ava knew she was walking a thin line between resistance and surrender. THE COVER PICTURE DOESN'T BELONG TO ME. CREDIT TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER
Purplenim · 2.9K Views

Hello, Mr Li

"You're crazy. But I love you" He said to her. ** She swore to never have anything to do with Socialites again. They were all backstabbing bastards and womanizers. She also found it difficult to believe that anyone was actually going to love her for who she truly was... Well, until Muchen came into the picture. He got attracted to her the very first time he saw her two years ago. It was the first time he saw a girl looking like a gangster. She had even beat up his cousin's bodyguards in front of him. And for the first time also, he allowed someone bully his dear cousin. After cunningly have her work for him two years later, she pretended like it was their first meeting since she didn't want her employer to see her as troublesome. 'This is going to be fun' He thought. The more he knew her, the more he got curious about her. But Sara didn't want anyone to ever find out about her past. Especially Mr Li. ** "Mr Li. I think...I know you like me and I'm kind of flattered that you do. But I... I don't like you that way" Sara tried to convince Li Muchen and herself. She had to put a boundary between them now before things become more complicated. He looked at her with an unreadable expression and took a step closer to her. "Its either you don't know it yet, or you know it but you're pretending. You do like me that way" He said in a low voice. "Mister... Mister Li. You are my employer" She tried to focus as she couldn't stand his gaze. "So should I fire you?" He asked. "I didn't say that." She panicked. "What I am saying is.. is.." She stuttered "Heya is like a sister to me. Which makes you like a brother to me" Muchen moved even closer to her and smiled. "You are getting something wrong Sara Wang. I..only sister" And with that said, he covered the remaining distance between them and locked his lips with hers. It was soft, it was gentle. Sara's breath stopped. So did Muchen's. He had not actually intended to do that. Sara's stomach tightened. Her heart raced. She really couldn't process what was going on right now. He pulled away slightly to gauge her reaction. Her eyes were wide open but her focus was on his face. He smiled at her and was gradually lifting his head when he felt her soft hands which had been by her side, around his neck. He was startled when he felt her pull him back towards her. This time, She initiated the kiss. Me: Probably a sisterly Sara Wang is never going to be Li Muchen's sister. *** NOTE: This is a light drama. No rape or too many unclear misunderstanding. It is simple and straight to the point EXTRA NOTE: THE NOVEL IS NOW COMPLETED AND WOULD BE RE-EDITED. PLEASE BEAR WITH THE MISTAKES YOU'LL FIND! The sequel is currently ongoing so add it to your library! Hello, Mr Li: The Christmas trip. THANKS :-) DISCLAIMER: Cover photo isn't mine. I am willing to take it down if the owner wants me to. ♡♡
ThatAmazingGirl · 5.5M Views

Marrying Mr. PRESIDENT

***She is the Chess piece*** Note; Rebirth happens after a fatal accident. "Feng Ying Xie, you killed him! You took his life because of your possessiveness, how could you be that cold?" Up until now, she couldn't believe he had done it. "I never killed him, he requested me to do it, he couldn't suffer any longer, no matter how high or low we navigated, we couldn't get the cure... Do you think I wanted to see him suffer? I was his father for God's sake, but you never believed my words, Su You Qing you went berserk for him... How could I watch the woman I love be entangled with my son? Su You Qing... If it were you, what would you have done?" Every time he recalls his son, tears would roll down his cheeks. "Live well...." She softly mumbled while withdrawing her hands and they fell onto the sides. "Su You Qing..." He called her name but didn't get any response, he crawled over to her side and dragged her into his arms. "Su You Qing, talk to me..." He nervously mumbled shaking her but the person had already fallen unconscious. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Reborn; A second chance to live again but knowing she is the calamity, is it worth it?" Su You Qing who had traveled back to her birth country on an important mission, gets involved in an accident and realizes, she has gone through rebirth. Lying on the hospital bed crippled, wonders if she had any right to be reborn... Knowing how her past life had ended tragically, she is afraid of having the same end knowing all along, she was only a chess piece.
Kim_Li_0078 · 669.6K Views
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