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Stop it, Taoist, Your Fight almost Ruins the DAO!

【Exhilarating】【New Ultimate Path Plus Points】【Dry Humor】 The world plummets; who shall uphold the heavens? Demons spawn from earth and sky, the Taoist stands valiant and resolute. I am Yi Chen, 'Chen' as in dust, styled Yi Chengzi, eighteen years old, fearful of violent evil spirits, fond of making money. With a cold heart and ruthless hands, he transmigrated to a bizarre world where goblins and malevolent spirits dwell, becoming the eldest senior brother of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion, and as his master lay dying, he entrusted Yi Chengzi with the duty to uphold the path of benevolence and righteousness, to take good care of his younger Taoist brothers; he promised he would. However, his understanding of the path of benevolence and righteousness differed slightly from that of his master. What is benevolence? Slicing evil men and ghosts in half is benevolence. What is righteousness? Smashing the heads of evil men and ghosts into their chests completes righteousness. After his master's death, unable to awaken 'spiritual essence' for cultivation, he set upon an unorthodox path of cultivation with the help of the Golden Finger. Facing the wolves eager for a fight after his master's demise, he struck with heavy fists, understanding the true essence of righteousness. Confronting the malevolent spirits that stood in his way, he naturally reformed them with the iron fists of love. He slew demons, exorcised evil, and tested his sword against various spiritual cultivators, enjoying the landscapes of the world. When he reached the summit and looked around, he was shocked to find that demons were but minor afflictions and that this land and sky were falling... A millennium-long scheme, an eternal enigma, slowly unveiled itself. Strange, it has arrived, and it does not die or perish. Witnessing this scene, Yi Chen laughed. Even the malevolent dogs passing by his Taoist abode had to endure a couple of slaps; how dare someone be so disrespectful to him? Yi Taoist stomped one foot and soared into the heavens! The onlookers exclaimed in shock, "Taoist, stop fighting, the great 'Dao' is nearly worn away!"
Flame Easy to Ignite · 588.8K Views

Ex wife Getting her life back is isn’t easy

Helen settled in the living room, the silence heavy like an unwelcome weight. The only sound in the room, the soft ticking of the wall clock, reminded her that time was going—time she no longer wanted to count. Her mind a mist of thoughts, she subconsciously followed the edge of her coffee mug, her fingers fluttered slightly. None of the questions gnawed at her throughout the long, sleepless night could be answered. \n \n She had only arrived from the hospital early that morning. The doctor's words pulsed in her mind like an unusual symphony: *You're pregnant, Helen. Your baby is now. The child was not anybody's kid. This offspring was Jack's. She ought to have felt something, should have been elated, but she did not. No happiness came from the news. Not today at all. Not after everything that had turned out. For months now, Jack had withdrawn. At first there were minor indicators—forgotten anniversaries, the sudden late work hours, the missed phone calls. But everything changed when she discovered the lipstick on his shirt collar, the one that was not hers, the one she was sure didn belonged to anyone he worked with. He didn't even attempt to hide it. Though he was not one to be totally truthful either, Jack was not one to fib. \n \n The door banging wide open disrupted her thinking. \n \n Jack's fists clenched at his sides in the doorway, his face red with fury. Once warm and love for her, his eyes were now cold and free of any compassion. "Helen," he howled, his voice cutting, "I want a divorce." The words stung her as a slap to the face. The way she felt she knew everything came undone was as if the planet moved below her. Her stomach turned and her heart pained. Things were not meant to be like this. Her trust, her love, her dedication she had provided him. And still, here he was saying she is over. Jack waited not for an answer. His eyes on hers, he tore into the room. He appeared more furious than she had ever seen him. "I'm seeing Jane," he snapped out, as though he had just revealed a new line of sneakers. Your worst enemy. the one who really knows how to make me happy. Helen is better than you. She is more sensitive, finer, and more affectionate. She truly pays attention when I speak; not like you." \n \n Helen's throat clenched as she fought to consume the lump of bitterness rising inside her. Jane? The idea of it made her stomach turn with a combination of shock and treachery; this very same Jane with whom she had been loved for years? How might Jack accomplish this? How could he betray her with the one person she trusted most? Jane wasnuggested completed. "You at most can't give me a child," he went on venomously. "I maybe do not even know why I am still here. For years you have been infertile. I must not continue living like this. I need someone who can provide me the future—someone who can fulfill me. Helen blinked, his words piercing her heart like stings. She opened her mouth to talk, to justify herself, to describe how she had exhausted every means to conceive, but the words caught in her throat. It was pointless. Jack had his mind fixed. Already left, he would not change no matter what she said. \n \n Her lips released a cold, derisive laugh, a hushed sound that sounded like it echoed all over the otherwise quiet room. "You believe it is that simple?" she said, her voice full of feeling trembling. "You believe you can simply discard everything we have developed because you found someone else? Simply younger, simply prettier, simply someone who can give you children?" Jack's eyes stiffened, his jaw set, and he walked a step toward her. Absolutely. Whenever first person pronouns are used in sentences, I respond. I have had it with you, Helen. There is no need for me to justify myself. Simply sign the documents. It has come to an end.
Osagie_Aromose · 2.3K Views

Imperium Maghrebium, the tale of the creation of a Great Empire:French

#KINGDOMBUILDING #MILITARY #SLICEOFLIFE ***THIS NOVEL HAVE BEEN ABANDONED/DROPPED*** Un groupe d'amis en la noirceur de la nuit se font dévorer par un phénomène pour qui le mot d'étrange n'est point suffisant a le décrire . Années 1200 les Almohade/Al Muwahhidun une entité surpuissante règne en maître sur l'Afrique du nord et la péninsule Ibérique , rien et personne n'aurait pus prédire que cette même superpuissance vivait ses dernières heures de gloire et qu'une sombre ère qui allait durer la moitié d'un siècle pointait son nez sur le cœur de cet empire du Maghreb . Nos protagonistes se retrouvent en plein dans la tourmente de cette période trouble où Sultans/Califes de l'empire se succèdent a un rythme alarmant rappelant la période l'Empire Romain d'Occident , la criminalité connais une hausse , l'empire recule de face aux chrétiens Ibériques et les dynasties vassales à l'empire , pour la première fois depuis 2 siècles les routes commerciales transSaharienne , d'Al Andalus et du Maghreb son sujettes à des raids constants des bandits et criminels en tous genres , le commerce ralentit , l'instabilité se repend , les vivres et marchandises ne circulent plus , les famines accompagnées d'épidémies se déclarent dans tous l'empire , les officiers et bureaucrates de l'empire meurts de façon étrange et misterieuse , ceux qui leur succèdent ne font chaque années que renforcer leur image d'incompétence et de corruption , tous dans l'empire espèrent un messie qui les sauveras eux et cet dernier rempart de l'Occident islamique des loups affamés d'Europe . que fera nos protagonistes pour survivre et vivre en cette période trouble et confuse ? parviendront ils a survivre face aux imprévus de la vie en cet empire qui n'est qu'une simulations titanesques du concept de décadence. English version A group of friends in the dark of night are devoured by a phenomenon for which the word "strange" is not enough to describe it. In the year 1200, the Almohads/Al Muwahhidun, an overpowering entity, reigned supreme over North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Nothing and no-one could have predicted that this same superpower was living out its final hours of glory and that a dark era that would last half a century was about to dawn on the heart of this Maghreb empire. Our protagonists find themselves in the midst of the turmoil of this troubled period, when the empire's sultans and caliphs succeed one another at an alarming rate, reminiscent of the period of the Western Roman Empire, crime is on the rise, the empire is retreating in the face of the Iberian Christians and the dynasties vassal to the empire, for the first time in 2 centuries the trans-Saharan trade routes of Al Andalus and the Maghreb are subject to constant raids by bandits and criminals of all kinds, Trade was slowing down, instability was spreading, food and goods were no longer circulating, famines accompanied by epidemics were breaking out throughout the empire, the empire's officers and bureaucrats were dying in strange and misterious ways, and those who succeeded them every year only reinforced their image of incompetence and corruption, everyone in the empire was hoping for a messiah who would save them and this last bulwark of the Islamic West from the the hungry wolves of Europe. What will our protagonists do to survive and live in these troubled and confused times? Will they manage to survive in the face of the unforeseen events of life in this empire, which is nothing more than a titanic simulation of the concept of decadence?
KaiserRayane · 15.2K Views

Heir of the Lost Wish (FRENCH.ver)

Il était une fois, avant même que le temps ne prenne forme, un Vide infini, un néant total et absolu. Le Vide, bien que dépourvu de tout mouvement, n'était pas sans désir. Dans une pulsion de création, une aspiration secrète, il concentra son essence en un point unique. Et de ce point surgit le Puits des Souhaits, un abîme sans fin où reposait la possibilité pure, un lieu où se croisaient la potentialité de ce qui était et de ce qui pourrait être. Au commencement, le Vide n'avait ni forme ni conscience. Il n'était qu'un espace silencieux, un abîme d'inertie où le souffle du néant ne murmurait qu'une chose : un vœu primordial. Ce vœu, né des profondeurs du Vide, était à la fois un espoir et une erreur, une prière envoyée dans l'obscurité, demandant la naissance d'un équilibre. Mais ce vœu, bien que silencieux, ne pouvait échapper à son destin : celui de devenir le Puits des Souhaits, capable de donner vie. De ce puits jaillirent deux entités opposées : L'Être de Lumière, figure parfaite d'ordre et de pureté, qui cherchait à créer, à structurer, à apporter la paix et la clarté. L'Être d'Ombre, reflet chaotique du néant, dont la volonté se tournait vers la destruction, vers l'instinct, vers l'invisible qui s'échappait des formes et des lois. Ces deux êtres opposés mais intrinsequement liés engendrèrent des créatures, divisées selon leurs natures. L'Être de Lumière fit naître des êtres purs, des âmes éclairées, des créatures lumineuses qui suivraient l'ordre. Une page fut tournée, dans un léger bruissement de papier *Les êtres humains ?* murmura une voix curieuse. Tandis que l'Être d'Ombre donna naissance aux monstres des ténèbres, des êtres sauvages et dévastateurs, incarnant l'instinct et le chaos. *On ne devrait pas plutôt les appeler les êtres de l'ombre ?* murmura-t-il, pensif.* Mais en eux, une tragédie sommeillait. Chaque lumière cachait une ombre, chaque ordre un grain de destruction. Le Puits des Souhaits avait donné naissance à des êtres opposés, mais à travers cette dualité, une question se posait : l'équilibre pourrait-il vraiment durer ? Ainsi se déroulait le début de tout. Un rêve, une prière, un vœu perdu dans le silence du Vide. Un vœu oublié. Un équilibre brisé. Écrit par : Elion Kline Un soupir s'échappa et le livre se ferma, laissant apparaître son intitulé : Le Premier Vœu
HILLIAS · 1K Views
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