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Calne Ca Nurse

The Mafia's Secret Love

Ivara Ashbourn never imagined her quiet, ordinary life would turn into a whirlwind of danger and passion. It all started on a stormy night — the night she found a mysterious man, wounded and barely conscious. Despite his cold demeanor and the danger radiating from him, Ivara couldn’t leave him behind. She took him in and nursed him back to health, unaware that she had just invited the most dangerous man in London into her life. That man was Draziel Everdeen — the powerful and feared leader of an underground mafia empire. Ruthless and calculated, Draziel had long abandoned the idea of love and trust. But there was something about Ivara’s kindness and unwavering sincerity that slowly cracked his icy walls. Yet love doesn’t come without a price. As their worlds collide, Draziel’s enemies close in. Erven Zevalier, his lifelong rival, sees Ivara as the perfect leverage to bring Draziel to his knees. And Aurielle Valliere, a woman obsessed with having Draziel for herself, will stop at nothing to get rid of Ivara. With danger lurking in every shadow and betrayal around every corner, Ivara must decide if her love for Draziel is worth the risk — even if it costs her life. Meanwhile, Draziel faces his own battle: can he protect the woman he loves without destroying her in the process? Or will his love become his greatest weakness? In a world of power, desire, and bloodshed… will their love survive? Or is it doomed from the start?
JustName0173 · 1.2K Views

Guia para Dominar Meus Maridos Magnatas

``` Luo Huian era a mais bela, forte e narcisista —— Corte! Corte! Corte! Tome dois, e faça de novo. Luo Huian era a imortal mais bela, forte e sábia no reino da paz e harmonia. Seus dois pais a mimavam, e ela tinha um generoso suprimento de recursos e pílulas. Sua vida era perfeita. No entanto, sua vida perfeita chegou ao fim abrupto quando Luo Huian, uma imortal cuja responsabilidade era trazer paz àqueles que tinham alcançado seus fins e perdido a fé—— Assistiu a um homem saltando de um prédio. Por conta de suas crenças inflexíveis e senso de justiça, ela não salvou o valentão. Infelizmente, aquele homem era o filho dos céus. A perda de sua vida trouxe problemas infinitos na vida de Luo Huian e ela foi punida pelos céus. Ela foi enviada ao mundo dos humanos onde tinha que resgatar pelo menos quinhentas pessoas salvando suas vidas quando estivessem no limite da razão. Para um imortal isso seria um trabalho fácil, certo? Errado. Sua avó enviou Luo Huian para um mundo onde as Pedras da Penumbra haviam causado caos. Bestas e monstros nasciam das Pedras da Penumbra que sugavam cada gota de felicidade dos humanos. Este mundo era dominado por caçadores que podiam matar as bestas com os poderes que haviam despertado. E neste mundo cruel, Luo Huian tirou a sorte grande. Ela acordou no corpo de um caçador classe F! Caramba. Se isso já não fosse ruim o suficiente, a antiga dona havia se confessado ao primo por afinidade e foi expulsa da família. Duplo sapo na panela quente. Sem um único centavo no bolso, Luo Huian sai para completar sua missão. Mas o que aconteceria quando Luo Huian, que era uma caçadora classe F, aniquilasse os Devastadores e Hollows da classe Z que nem mesmo os caçadores de classe S conseguiam? Assista-a defender-se dos perigos e ao mesmo tempo salvar a vida das pessoas. Mas nesta pequena missão, há um pequeno obstáculo —— As três tentações sedutoras. *********** Resistindo à tentação, toma 1: “MMMPH,” Luo Huian empurrava o mer que a havia derrubado na cama enquanto estava sentado em sua cintura. “Sai de cima.” “Não posso,” respondeu Qi Yongrui enquanto tirava sua camisa. “Papai Shun disse que está com inveja do Tio Wang. Ele também quer segurar um neto. Então, esposa, vamos nos esforçar muito hoje à noite, certo?” Luo Huian: Queridos Céus, salvem-me, sou uma mulher sem desejos! **** Resistindo à tentação, toma 2: “Você acha que ele é bonito?” Fan Meilin questionou a mulher que estava ao seu lado. Embora ele fosse quem ganhou a corrida e o troféu, sua esposa estava olhando para o outro mer. “Bem sim,” Luo Huian, que era uma apreciadora da beleza, concordou imediatamente. “Mas por que você está perguntando?” Os olhos de Fan Meilin brilharam enquanto sorria para ela e se inclinava mais perto de seu corpo, sussurrando em seu ouvido, “Ele pode ser bonito, mas eu sou um motorista melhor. Não só na pista, mas também na cama, quer tentar, querida?” Luo Huian: Resistam à tentação! A qualquer custo! Eu sou uma mulher de coração de ferro. ***** Resistindo à tentação, toma 3: “Isso é necessário?” Luo Huian questionou enquanto estava sentada no sofá, observando o mer traçar seus dedos em suas curvas enquanto ela estava apenas de trajes de banho modernos. O mer assentiu enquanto escrevia em seu pequeno bloco de notas, “Preciso traçar cada centímetro da sua pele para criar minha obra-prima, então não se mexa.” Após terminar de escrever, ele entregou o bloco de notas para Luo Huian, seus dedos roçando a curva do seu seio, cintura e ——— Luo Huian: Minha virtude está em extremo risco! ** Fl tentando fazer de tudo para salvar sua virtude de ser tomada, pois isso atrasaria sua cultivação X Mls tentando de tudo para arrancá-la dela. *********** Aviso de gatilho: embora o livro seja ambientado em um cenário cômico, podem haver alguns tópicos sensíveis como depressão e solidão. *********** ```
fairytail72 · 37.2K Views

Ein letzter Ritter. Eine Reihe von Kurzgeschichten.

Eine epische und ständig wachsende Anthologie! Eine Sammlung wilder, seltsamer und wundersamer Geschichten, die sich mit der Zeit miteinander verflechten werden! Die Welt von Enverdolmal steht am Rande eines Krieges, als dunkle und bedrohliche Mächte beginnen, aus den Schatten hervorzutreten und das Gleichgewicht des Äthers – der magischen Energie, die alles Existierende antreibt – langsam zu ihren Gunsten zu verschieben. Dämonen testen ihre Gefängnissiegel ... Hexen versammeln sich auf der Suche nach Chaos und Anarchie ... Monster sind unter seltsamen und unbekannten Bannern auf dem Vormarsch ... Die lange verschollenen Elementardrachen werden zurückkehren ... Unsere Geschichte wird aus der Sicht von ca. 20 Charakteren erzählt, beginnend mit einem Ritter namens Bastion Ridder, der sich mittendrin wiederfindet. Garth Verlore – die berühmte und weitläufige Schule, an der er unterrichten sollte – wird von Mächten belagert, die niemand kommen sah, und er muss alles tun, was er kann (während er Seite an Seite mit Personal und Schülern kämpft), um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht der letzte Ritter wird … Mit Kursen wie „Drachentöten 101“ und „Kampftaktiken für Kobolde“ wusste Bastion, dass dies keine leichte Aufgabe sein würde … Alles begann so gut, aber irgendwann verliebt sich jeder … Sei es in der Liebe oder im Krieg. Oder sogar im Klassenzimmer! Ritter & Magier. Drachen & Kobolde. Geister & Dämonen & Hexen Und so viel mehr erwartet Sie in dieser Geschichte von Triumph, Chaos, Liebe, Krieg, Verrat und Verlust. Sind Sie bereit, eine letzte Seite umzublättern? Eine letzte Geschichte zu lesen? einen letzten Ritter zu verlieren?
BlackGuyInnaBowtie · 13.3K Views

The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!
SCarew · 745.7K Views
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