DEORUM: A Place Beyond Stara
The simple technical flaw in the Melres space aircraft had ended up taking the young African-American scientist on a journey right there in the dark infinity, in the discovery of creatures that shaped the Y sphere, the Tassúh sphere, belonging to the earth orb, revealing its true origins, from manipulations and scientific experiments made by celestial creatures to earthlings. In the narratives and passages of the present science fiction, the reader will experience a revealing reality between the true origin of creation, of the created, and the creator, answering the other classic questions about the existence of celestial entities (deors) far beyond and with its extraordinarily advanced technologies, how they influenced humanity and planet earth. Are they still watching us or influencing every step of our lives? And with the constant alert of religious about the end of the world (s) / times, what is the true meaning of this statement? Is there really a collective ending? Will these entities ever return to make the final judgment? How will it be? Who are they? Find it out!