In the tumultuous tides of time, a seemingly ordinary man is hurled into an extraordinary reality. Unbeknownst to him, he harbors a secret legacy pulsing through his veins, a dormant royal bloodline that threatens the machinations of a nefarious government and their deadly band of time-traveling agents. Forced to confront the shocking truth of his existence and powers he never knew he possessed, he must navigate this dangerous new world under the reluctant guidance of EBT, a telekinetic stranger with secrets of his own. Together, they must unravel the twisted threads of time, secrets, and power, as they race against the clock to escape their relentless pursuers and discover the man's true potential. This high-stakes, riveting tale is a profound exploration of identity, destiny, and the lengths to which one man will go to uncover his true self. "Tracers" promises to leave you questioning the fabric of time and the very nature of existence itself. Dive into a thrilling escapade where every page promises a new revelation.