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French Long

What She Always Longed For.

All Zee ever imagined was living a thrilling, dangerous love story—a gangster husband, dodging bullets like in her wildest night dreams. But when that fantasy became her reality, it unearthed the dark secrets of her childhood, unraveling her world and leaving her hopeless. Just when she thought she was lost, the mysterious man from her dreams revealed himself, bringing light back into her life. ~~~ His tongue wasn’t just inside me—it was teasing, rubbing against my clit, moving in and out with deliberate precision. I couldn’t control my moans anymore, my body trembling under his touch. I grasped his head, desperate for more, but he only teased me further, keeping me on edge. “You know the rules, babe. Not until I say so,” he murmured, his voice muffled as he buried himself between my thighs. “Lloyd,” I gasped, my voice barely above a whisper. “Tell me you can hold it for daddy.” “I can’t, baby,” I panted, my moans breaking through uncontrollably. “Then tell me you love this,” he demanded, his voice thick with lust—deep, commanding, and utterly intoxicating. “You know it’s amazing, love,” I breathed, my own voice unrecognizable, heavy with pleasure. He rewarded my confession with a long, deep thrust of his tongue that sent a cry ripping from my throat. Every muscle in my body tensed, anticipation coiling inside me like a tight spring. He smirked against my skin, his voice a husky whisper. “I love it when you cum on my tongue. I just can’t get enough of your taste.” Reaching for the pillow beside my head, he slid it beneath my pelvis, lifting me into the perfect arch. He took his time, savoring me, his tongue circling my clit with agonizing slowness. Then, he slid a finger inside me, moving it with expert precision, teasing, building the pressure. Shifting, he moved up my body, his hands parting my legs further as we adjusted to our sides, limbs tangled in a slow, sensual rhythm. His hard length rubbed against me, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through my core. I had always believed pleasure should come with a little pain, but this… this was something else entirely. Warning: This book contains explicit sexual and violent content. Reader discretion is advised.
Steadyskatie · 44.9K Views

Imperium Maghrebium, the tale of the creation of a Great Empire:French

#KINGDOMBUILDING #MILITARY #SLICEOFLIFE ***THIS NOVEL HAVE BEEN ABANDONED/DROPPED*** Un groupe d'amis en la noirceur de la nuit se font dévorer par un phénomène pour qui le mot d'étrange n'est point suffisant a le décrire . Années 1200 les Almohade/Al Muwahhidun une entité surpuissante règne en maître sur l'Afrique du nord et la péninsule Ibérique , rien et personne n'aurait pus prédire que cette même superpuissance vivait ses dernières heures de gloire et qu'une sombre ère qui allait durer la moitié d'un siècle pointait son nez sur le cœur de cet empire du Maghreb . Nos protagonistes se retrouvent en plein dans la tourmente de cette période trouble où Sultans/Califes de l'empire se succèdent a un rythme alarmant rappelant la période l'Empire Romain d'Occident , la criminalité connais une hausse , l'empire recule de face aux chrétiens Ibériques et les dynasties vassales à l'empire , pour la première fois depuis 2 siècles les routes commerciales transSaharienne , d'Al Andalus et du Maghreb son sujettes à des raids constants des bandits et criminels en tous genres , le commerce ralentit , l'instabilité se repend , les vivres et marchandises ne circulent plus , les famines accompagnées d'épidémies se déclarent dans tous l'empire , les officiers et bureaucrates de l'empire meurts de façon étrange et misterieuse , ceux qui leur succèdent ne font chaque années que renforcer leur image d'incompétence et de corruption , tous dans l'empire espèrent un messie qui les sauveras eux et cet dernier rempart de l'Occident islamique des loups affamés d'Europe . que fera nos protagonistes pour survivre et vivre en cette période trouble et confuse ? parviendront ils a survivre face aux imprévus de la vie en cet empire qui n'est qu'une simulations titanesques du concept de décadence. English version A group of friends in the dark of night are devoured by a phenomenon for which the word "strange" is not enough to describe it. In the year 1200, the Almohads/Al Muwahhidun, an overpowering entity, reigned supreme over North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. Nothing and no-one could have predicted that this same superpower was living out its final hours of glory and that a dark era that would last half a century was about to dawn on the heart of this Maghreb empire. Our protagonists find themselves in the midst of the turmoil of this troubled period, when the empire's sultans and caliphs succeed one another at an alarming rate, reminiscent of the period of the Western Roman Empire, crime is on the rise, the empire is retreating in the face of the Iberian Christians and the dynasties vassal to the empire, for the first time in 2 centuries the trans-Saharan trade routes of Al Andalus and the Maghreb are subject to constant raids by bandits and criminals of all kinds, Trade was slowing down, instability was spreading, food and goods were no longer circulating, famines accompanied by epidemics were breaking out throughout the empire, the empire's officers and bureaucrats were dying in strange and misterious ways, and those who succeeded them every year only reinforced their image of incompetence and corruption, everyone in the empire was hoping for a messiah who would save them and this last bulwark of the Islamic West from the the hungry wolves of Europe. What will our protagonists do to survive and live in these troubled and confused times? Will they manage to survive in the face of the unforeseen events of life in this empire, which is nothing more than a titanic simulation of the concept of decadence?
KaiserRayane · 15.2K Views

The Long Shot

Since he was six years old, Adrian Nero has always had a dream. Thanks to his father's influence, he developed a great interest in football at a very young age. He loved the way the game was played, the way a team of eleven players worked together to score as many goals as possible against their opponents while conceding as little as possible, he loved the tactical aspect of the game with teams trying to play to their strengths and their opponent's weaknesses. But more than those, he loved watching the players lift trophies after winning a tournament. That's right, the thing Adrian liked the most about football was lifting trophies. Immersing himself in any game, his favourite teams played, he always felt like he was there celebrating and smiling with them. He loved that feeling. 'I'll really be there one day.' He always thought to himself. Despite his father's love for the game, his parents did not exactly support his dream to become a footballer and preferred him to go to a normal school to study and get a normal job. However, all hope was not lost as his high school was one of the schools that strongly supported having sports activities in their curriculum and it wasn't just for formality's sake. Adrian fought his way through, becoming the captain of the football team as early as the first year of senior high. With his help the team grew to become quite a formidable one and was named as one of the favourites going into the qualifications for the intercontinental highschool tournament, a competition taking place in his last year of highschool and his chance to lift his first trophy. That was when disaster struck. Due to work reasons, Adrian was forced to move back to his home country with his family leaving behind the team he had worked hard to put together. However, he was fortunate enough to find himself in a school eligible to take part in the qualifications for the tournament. Finding out about that, he felt that all hope wasn't lost, a feeling that was soon carried away by the wind. Sino Academy, although possessing a very good and well-maintained pitch alongside the basic equipment, was one that never took sports seriously. In all the times they had participated in the tournament, they had only been able to get through the qualifications once but miserably failed to get through the group stage. This was an event of fifteen years ago. Facing a school with a non-existent team and players that lacked teamwork, coordination and motivation, Adrian couldn't help but feel that his dream was far beyond his reach.
Mel_Lerion · 649 Views


This is no joke! I can still remember the sinking sensation that occurred when a little careless error flipped my financial fate upside down. I was changing phones and accidentally deleted my Bitcoin wallet app. Immediately, I was locked out of my account, and adding insult to injury was the fact that I promptly realized that my backup files were corrupted and useless. I had labored for years to amass an $80,000 investment, money that represented not just cash but hope, security, and the promise of better things to come. The thought that I might lose it all was crippling. Website: https: // rapiddigitalrecovery. org In those agonizing moments, desperation set in as I searched frantically for any means to reclaim what I had labored for. My mind reeled with worry and uncertainty, each ticking second an eternity. That's when I discovered Rapid Digital Recovery. Their track record of excellence and integrity was outstanding, and with nothing to lose, I reached out to them. Whatsapp: +1 4.14 8.0 71.4 8.5 Right from the initial contact, not only did the Rapid Digital Recovery team exhibit technical expertise, but also a thorough understanding of my case. They paid close attention to the specifics of my case and clarified the recovery process in straightforward and detailed language. Their approach of explanation, along with regular progress updates, started to dissipate the extreme anxiety that I was experiencing. Every time it was updated was a glimmer of hope, gradually restoring my faith in the possibility of recovery. I sat in amazement over the course of the next several days as their technicians labored to retrieve my wallet. Their professionalism and knowledge of the technology were apparent in each communication. They appeared to have a script for every snag that could arise, and they proceeded with the recovery with a confidence that was reassuring and encouraging. Email: rapiddigitalrecovery (@) execs. com In a matter of seconds, my wallet was returned and I had access to my $80,000 investment. The sense of relief was indescribable—a mix of thanks, shock, and renewed optimism. Rapid Digital Recovery not only saved me from what would have been a complete financial disaster but also taught me that even at the darkest hour there are professionals who will rush to your rescue. I am unable to express how much I thank them for their unwavering support and technical expertise.
Long_William · 472 Views

Heir of the Lost Wish (FRENCH.ver)

Il était une fois, avant même que le temps ne prenne forme, un Vide infini, un néant total et absolu. Le Vide, bien que dépourvu de tout mouvement, n'était pas sans désir. Dans une pulsion de création, une aspiration secrète, il concentra son essence en un point unique. Et de ce point surgit le Puits des Souhaits, un abîme sans fin où reposait la possibilité pure, un lieu où se croisaient la potentialité de ce qui était et de ce qui pourrait être. Au commencement, le Vide n'avait ni forme ni conscience. Il n'était qu'un espace silencieux, un abîme d'inertie où le souffle du néant ne murmurait qu'une chose : un vœu primordial. Ce vœu, né des profondeurs du Vide, était à la fois un espoir et une erreur, une prière envoyée dans l'obscurité, demandant la naissance d'un équilibre. Mais ce vœu, bien que silencieux, ne pouvait échapper à son destin : celui de devenir le Puits des Souhaits, capable de donner vie. De ce puits jaillirent deux entités opposées : L'Être de Lumière, figure parfaite d'ordre et de pureté, qui cherchait à créer, à structurer, à apporter la paix et la clarté. L'Être d'Ombre, reflet chaotique du néant, dont la volonté se tournait vers la destruction, vers l'instinct, vers l'invisible qui s'échappait des formes et des lois. Ces deux êtres opposés mais intrinsequement liés engendrèrent des créatures, divisées selon leurs natures. L'Être de Lumière fit naître des êtres purs, des âmes éclairées, des créatures lumineuses qui suivraient l'ordre. Une page fut tournée, dans un léger bruissement de papier *Les êtres humains ?* murmura une voix curieuse. Tandis que l'Être d'Ombre donna naissance aux monstres des ténèbres, des êtres sauvages et dévastateurs, incarnant l'instinct et le chaos. *On ne devrait pas plutôt les appeler les êtres de l'ombre ?* murmura-t-il, pensif.* Mais en eux, une tragédie sommeillait. Chaque lumière cachait une ombre, chaque ordre un grain de destruction. Le Puits des Souhaits avait donné naissance à des êtres opposés, mais à travers cette dualité, une question se posait : l'équilibre pourrait-il vraiment durer ? Ainsi se déroulait le début de tout. Un rêve, une prière, un vœu perdu dans le silence du Vide. Un vœu oublié. Un équilibre brisé. Écrit par : Elion Kline Un soupir s'échappa et le livre se ferma, laissant apparaître son intitulé : Le Premier Vœu
HILLIAS · 1K Views
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